Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

The Petition won't get anyone arrested but at least now some Liberals will know what the Logan Act actually is.
I'm LOVING all these pissed off Americans talking about Constitutional issues rather than Tom Brady's balls.

You guys should start a dedicated thread for all 47 Senators and document their journey from Elected Official to Death Row Inmate!
You are full of shit. Your opinions are foolish and like diarrhea - constantly soiling every issue with perfidious falderal.


You know full well that the embrace of Iran by you demagogues is driven by your hatred of Israel and desire to see the tiny nation wiped from the face of the Earth.

The rest of America knows it too. What you are is clear to all.


Well, correct me if I'm wrong......As of the last confirmed count:

Iran= zero nukes
Israel=200 nukes
You are full of shit. Your opinions are foolish and like diarrhea - constantly soiling every issue with perfidious falderal.


You know full well that the embrace of Iran by you demagogues is driven by your hatred of Israel and desire to see the tiny nation wiped from the face of the Earth.

The rest of America knows it too. What you are is clear to all.


Well, correct me if I'm wrong......As of the last confirmed count:

Iran= zero nukes
Israel=200 nukes
But but but, Israel is our ally, who spies on us, while cashing our checks.
cuz it was on tv?

An American reporter murdered by Islamic terrorists is a tad more important to those who support America than a numbers runner in Tanzania murdered by a rival gang.

I know that whole idea that America matters is something you of the left just can't get behind, but...

There is not one of your past posts which even suggest you give a damn about Americans. Not one fucking one.
EXCLUSIVE Emergency Committee for Israel Spends Big on Rep. Cotton LobeLog

The people who helped lay the groundwork for the war in Iraq have a favorite candidate for today’s midterm election, and that candidate is Rep. Tom Cotton (R) from Arkansas’ 4th congressional district, who is challenging Sen. Mark Pryor (D-AR) for his Senate seat.

According to newly released FEC filings, Cotton received $960,250 in supportive campaign advertising in the last month from the Emergency Committee for Israel (ECI), a right-wing group headed by the neoconservative pundit, Bill Kristol, who infamously predicted that the Iraq war would last two months. At its inception, the ECI was based out of the same Washington office as the Committee of the Liberation of Iraq, a pressure group that lobbied for the 2003 invasion.
well, well, well, whaddaya know :eusa_think: He is also speaking at a def contractor symposium. How quickly the Repubs get in line to fluff special interests :thup: Uncensored2008
Immediately After Launching Effort to Scuttle Iran Deal Senator Tom Cotton to Meet with Defense Contractors - The Intercept


In an open letter organized by freshman Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., 47 Senate Republicans today warned the leaders of Iran that any nuclear deal reached with President Barack Obama could expire as soon as he leaves office.

Tomorrow, 24 hours later, Cotton will appear at an “Off the Record and strictly Non-Attribution” event with the National Defense Industrial Association, a lobbying and professional group for defense contractors.
Ha, looks like the Dictator wannabe needs Congress after all. This deal is a No-Go unless the Republican Congress approves. The Republicans have the power now. It's time to start wielding it.

For good or ill? A party which is solely interested in power and not governance is tyrannical. Let's not pretend the GOP of 2015 resembles the GOP of IKE, TR or Lincoln.

What did the Democrats do when they got power, they passed the Patient Protection Affordability Act. What will the Republicans do now that they have the power? Pass bills to repeal Obamacare, over and over again and never succeed?

Overreach by the party in power has usually lead to an election loss, it will happen again, but no one every believed the current membership of the H. or Rep. are rational thus they will do what they've always done. We can only hope they will not once again create an economic crisis or a war without end.
Iran is a rogue state.

Only fools negotiate will rogue states.

It is appeasement.

How did that work for England with Germany(twice)?

The only good rogue state is a totally destroyed rogue state.

He who avoids war is stupid.
Immediately After Launching Effort to Scuttle Iran Deal Senator Tom Cotton to Meet with Defense Contractors - The Intercept


In an open letter organized by freshman Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., 47 Senate Republicans today warned the leaders of Iran that any nuclear deal reached with President Barack Obama could expire as soon as he leaves office.

Tomorrow, 24 hours later, Cotton will appear at an “Off the Record and strictly Non-Attribution” event with the National Defense Industrial Association, a lobbying and professional group for defense contractors.

So, the only remaining questions are these: Did Cotton get paid in cash, promises of huge campaign contributions ....or in tea bags?
Ha, looks like the Dictator wannabe needs Congress after all. This deal is a No-Go unless the Republican Congress approves. The Republicans have the power now. It's time to start wielding it.

For good or ill? A party which is solely interested in power and not governance is tyrannical. Let's not pretend the GOP of 2015 resembles the GOP of IKE, TR or Lincoln.

What did the Democrats do when they got power, they passed the Patient Protection Affordability Act. What will the Republicans do now that they have the power? Pass bills to repeal Obamacare, over and over again and never succeed?

Overreach by the party in power has usually lead to an election loss, it will happen again, but no one every believed the current membership of the H. or Rep. are rational thus they will do what they've always done. We can only hope they will not once again create an economic crisis or a war without end.

Nah, the People are sick of the Communist Dictator wannabe. He's often boasted about not needing Congress. That's why the Republicans won in a record landslide. The People want his power checked. And the Republicans can now do that. They have the power to do so.
Iran is a rogue state.

Only fools negotiate will rogue states.

It is appeasement.

How did that work for England with Germany(twice)?

The only good rogue state is a totally destroyed rogue state.

He who avoids war is stupid.

We considered the Soviet Union to be a rogue state. We negotiated with them with (mostly) good results. Again, what was it you were saying?

If you believe that solving a problem without starting a war is appeasement, then you have a problem you should have checked out, because, damn.

He who is hell bent on war is not only stupid, but is surely destined for a grave somewhere. Congratulations.
Iran is a rogue state.

Only fools negotiate will rogue states.

It is appeasement.

How did that work for England with Germany(twice)?

The only good rogue state is a totally destroyed rogue state.

He who avoids war is stupid.

....and he who ENCOURAGES war gets the hatred and messes known as Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan....and 5 thousand body bags of our troops.....
Democratic Reps. Jim McDermott of Washington, David Bonior of Michigan and Mike Thompson of California traveled to Iraq in 2002 to support Saddam Hussein and oppose the President. Later it was uncovered that the Iraqi government paid for the trip (which they deny *wink wink).

US Saddam paid for lawmakers Iraq trip -

democrats are traitors.


You know... people need to stop calling other people traitors. People don't even understand what actual treason involves. Such malinformed usage of the word is sad to see. If you want to see a traitor, look at Benedict Arnold or Bowe Bergdahl.
Democratic Reps. Jim McDermott of Washington, David Bonior of Michigan and Mike Thompson of California traveled to Iraq in 2002 to support Saddam Hussein and oppose the President. Later it was uncovered that the Iraqi government paid for the trip (which they deny *wink wink).

US Saddam paid for lawmakers Iraq trip -

democrats are traitors.


You know... people need to stop calling other people traitors. People don't even understand what actual treason involves. Such malinformed usage of the word is sad to see. If you want to see a traitor, look at Benedict Arnold or Bowe Bergdahl.
or Teheran Tom Cotton....
Character assassination is easy for the right, concern for truth too high a hurdle

That coming from someone from a party who invented the art of identity politics to cover for a lack of a premise.

Racist this
Bigoted that
Misogynist this
Anti Immigrant that

You are such a hypocrite.
You fear monger well, now, how about a rational dialogue on how to reduce tension and work toward a win-win solution - Obama's goal?

Obama's goal? What has his "goals" gotten US thus far? Shall I list them for you? And since when has Democrats calling their fellow Senators traitors ever been "rational dialogue?"

How are Iranian chants of "Death to Israel and America!" rational dialogue? Do you even know what "rational dialogue" means?
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Iran won't be able to build a boosted uranium fission bomb, no matter how many centrifuges they have. The best they could hope for would be a bomb the size of Little Boy or Fat Man, both of which had yields under 20 kilotons. It takes years of testing and experimentation (which would be immediately known by us, Russia and China) to build a simple uranium fission bomb - and years more testing and research to progress to further designs. You can't just build an H-bomb.

Heh, so, you think Iran is limited merely by its own technology? I seriously doubt that. And you forget how long the Iranian nuclear program has been active.

Alright then, so, Iran has enough nuclear fuel at the moment to make 7 implosion style nuclear warheads (that of which you just described)

If they launched just 5 and detonated them 4 miles above the surfaces at Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Haifa, Rishon LeZion, and Ashdod (Israel's 5 largest cities), you would see nearly 300,000 people die at once. It took 9 years for that many to die from the initial explosions, radiation burns and exposure in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Given how small Israel is, the death toll would be magnified.

No, they don't. They don't have any fuel yet - 20% enriched uranium isn't fuel for any bombs.

You're also missing a really big part of the picture. Bombs have to be tested. They don't just spring into being. Implosion triggers have to be designed, and tested. None of those tests will be secret from us, or from Russia, or from China. (Hint: they don't want another member of the club, either).

There is no conceivable scenario in which Iran could surprise Israel with a bomb.

I wonder, N Korea is so unstable, and so irrational, might they give Iran the technology and tools to make a crude nuclear bomb, or other less rational groups such as AQ, ISIS, etc.?


And you worry about me fear mongering.
We considered the Soviet Union to be a rogue state. We negotiated with them with (mostly) good results. Again, what was it you were saying?

Actually, we crushed their economy. They tried so hard to compete with us that they imploded. We needn't have fired a shot.

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