Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

"Breaking: Republican Congressman Darrell Issa Currently In Syria For Talks"

The AP reports that Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) met with Syrian President Bashar Assad today in Damascus. And according to the article, Issa criticized the administration while on the visit:

Breaking Republican Congressman Darrell Issa Currently In Syria For Talks ThinkProgress
Obama did what the American people wanted him to do- get our boys out of Iraq.

Then in turn launched the bombing of Libya, invaded Pakistan to kill OBL, launched drone strikes in Yemen, sent troops back to Iraq to combat ISIS, and sent some of our personnel to Sudan and Uganda.

Apparently he's just as bad as his predecessor.
You are full of shit. Your opinions are foolish and like diarrhea - constantly soiling every issue with perfidious falderal.


You know full well that the embrace of Iran by you demagogues is driven by your hatred of Israel and desire to see the tiny nation wiped from the face of the Earth.

The rest of America knows it too. What you are is clear to all.


Once again I refer you to the on line dictionary.

Maybe you think you're clever by equating demagoguery with the Democratic Party, you're not; unless of course you also believe being banal is clever.

I don't hate Israel and I have no loyalty to Iran, in fact I believe organized religions are no different than a political party. Your assertions are laughable, you post opinions with no basis in fact and seem to expect to be credible. That is funny.
So you're not upset that Obama is making the unprecedented claim that he somehow has the right to make a nuclear arms deal without the Senate's consent, and, even worse, that he wants to make such a deal with the fanatical, terrorist-backing, Holocaust-denying murderous regime in Iran.

First of all, he is NOT making a nuclear arms deal. Iran has no nukes. Secondly, he is negotiating with them, along with five other nations of the UN Security Council, to get them to comply with their treaty requirements under the NNPT. He doesn't need permission from Congress or anyone else to negotiate with another country to get them to comply with a treaty 191 countries (including Iran) are already signatories to. And finally, he has authority under the Constitution to negotiate such things, as well as treaties. So even if he was negotiating a treaty with Iran in conjunction with the other members of the Security Council, he has the Constitution authority to do so.

Very well stated, concise ,,,,,and perhaps over the heads of those who will hate Obama regardless of what he does or does not do.

I would just like to add by asking right wingers which country has REFUSED to sign on like the other 190...........
Obama's removal of the troops was in fact the cause of it. So, you don't seem to mind when Obama does this kind of stuff, why is that?[/QUOTE]

ISIS would not exist if Bush hadn't invaded Iraq in the first place. Obama did what the American people wanted him to do- get our boys out of Iraq. And since you were a wee lass back then, obviously you aren't aware that Iraq wanted us out. It is, after all, their country.[/QUOTE]

,.,,and, again, let me just add that not only would ISIS NOT exist were it not for Bush-baby (Cheney, actually) WMDs excuses.......but this whole mess with Iran would also have been taken care of by Saddam.
The "JEWS" will take care of themselves, as Arab nations have learned the hard way. But the Obama Administration seeks an equitable end ...



What you're incapable of understanding is that deviant reasoning is NOT equitable with sound reasoning. Irrational cults are therefore NOT EQUITABLE with rational cultures... Thus there is no potential equity in allowing irrational cults to acquire nuclear weapons.

See how that works?

Well, I think that sums up the Left's understanding of the situation, PERFECTLY!

Good for you gramps! You're all over this... .

(Reader... LOL! Can you imagine the depths of depravity, wherein allowing the same people that flew OCCUPIED JUMBO JETS INTO OCCUPIED SKY SCRAPERS, to acquire NUCLEAR WEAPONS, to be a potential "Path to Peace"? ROFLMNAO

You can NOT make this crap UP! If a WEEK AGO you had accused that same person of BELIEVING THAT... they would have trolled the thread for DAYS denying and 'reported' you to management for having committed libel against 'em.)
So you're not upset that Obama is making the unprecedented claim that he somehow has the right to make a nuclear arms deal without the Senate's consent, and, even worse, that he wants to make such a deal with the fanatical, terrorist-backing, Holocaust-denying murderous regime in Iran.

First of all, he is NOT making a nuclear arms deal. Iran has no nukes. Secondly, he is negotiating with them, along with five other nations of the UN Security Council, to get them to comply with their treaty requirements under the NNPT. He doesn't need permission from Congress or anyone else to negotiate with another country to get them to comply with a treaty 191 countries (including Iran) are already signatories to. And finally, he has authority under the Constitution to negotiate such things, as well as treaties. So even if he was negotiating a treaty with Iran in conjunction with the other members of the Security Council, he has the Constitution authority to do so.

Very well stated, concise ,,,,,and perhaps over the heads of those who will hate Obama regardless of what he does or does not do.

I would just like to add by asking right wingers which country has REFUSED to sign on like the other 190...........

Obama did what the American people wanted him to do- get our boys out of Iraq.

Then in turn launched the bombing of Libya, invaded Pakistan to kill OBL, launched drone strikes in Yemen, sent troops back to Iraq to combat ISIS, and sent some of our personnel to Sudan and Uganda.

Apparently he's just as bad as his predecessor.

Erm, so you think he should have let Osama Bin Laden live - like Bush did?
Obama did what the American people wanted him to do- get our boys out of Iraq.

Then in turn launched the bombing of Libya, invaded Pakistan to kill OBL, launched drone strikes in Yemen, sent troops back to Iraq to combat ISIS, and sent some of our personnel to Sudan and Uganda.

Apparently he's just as bad as his predecessor.

Funny, in an odd way. Reagan bombed Libya, Obama did not - you lied. GWB invaded and occupied Iraq, Obama sent in Navy Seals to bring OBL to justice - you lied; Obama chose to cut of the head of the snake, drones did that; Bush put boots on the ground and many lost the foot they once carried.

Terrorism is a threat to the civilized world, had it been treated as an act by criminals, the civilized world would be one in policing the world; Bush's major fuck up was declaring a crusade and invading an Arab nation which had no involvement in the criminal act of Sept 11, 2001.

Stop trying to rewrite history, it only makes you appear more foolish.
EXCLUSIVE Emergency Committee for Israel Spends Big on Rep. Cotton LobeLog

The people who helped lay the groundwork for the war in Iraq have a favorite candidate for today’s midterm election, and that candidate is Rep. Tom Cotton (R) from Arkansas’ 4th congressional district, who is challenging Sen. Mark Pryor (D-AR) for his Senate seat.

According to newly released FEC filings, Cotton received $960,250 in supportive campaign advertising in the last month from the Emergency Committee for Israel (ECI), a right-wing group headed by the neoconservative pundit, Bill Kristol, who infamously predicted that the Iraq war would last two months. At its inception, the ECI was based out of the same Washington office as the Committee of the Liberation of Iraq, a pressure group that lobbied for the 2003 invasion.
well, well, well, whaddaya know :eusa_think: He is also speaking at a def contractor symposium. How quickly the Repubs get in line to fluff special interests :thup: Uncensored2008

The 47 fluffers to the kneepads!!!
Democratic Reps. Jim McDermott of Washington, David Bonior of Michigan and Mike Thompson of California traveled to Iraq in 2002 to support Saddam Hussein and oppose the President. Later it was uncovered that the Iraqi government paid for the trip (which they deny *wink wink).

US Saddam paid for lawmakers Iraq trip -

democrats are traitors.


You know... people need to stop calling other people traitors. People don't even understand what actual treason involves. Such malinformed usage of the word is sad to see. If you want to see a traitor, look at Benedict Arnold or Bowe Bergdahl.
or Teheran Tom Cotton....

That's better.
Republicans Warn Iran -- and Obama -- That Deal Won t Last - Bloomberg View

A group of 47 Republican senators has written an open letter to Iran's leaders warning them that any nuclear deal they sign with President Barack Obama's administration won’t last after Obama leaves office.
Organized by freshman Senator Tom Cotton and signed by the chamber's entire party leadership as well as potential 2016 presidential contenders Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and Rand Paul, the letter is meant not just to discourage the Iranian regime from signing a deal but also to pressure the White House into giving Congress some authority over the process.

“It has come to our attention while observing your nuclear negotiations with our government that you may not fully understand our constitutional system … Anything not approved by Congress is a mere executive agreement,” the senators wrote. “The next president could revoke such an executive agreement with the stroke of a pen and future Congresses could modify the terms of the agreement at any time.”

Arms-control advocates and supporters of the negotiations argue that the next president and the next Congress will have a hard time changing or canceling any Iran deal -- -- which is reportedly near done -- especially if it is working reasonably well.

Well, this is new, even in the world of the GOP batshit-crazy. This really does one-up it all. It's also kind of funny that there is a constitutional error in what the Senators wrote to the government of Iran. The Senate does NOT ratify treaties. That is even indicated directly on their Senate website. Instead, the Senate takes up a resolution of ratification, by which the Senate formally gives its advice and consent, empowering the president to proceed with ratification” . It's a fine point, almost splitting hairs, but worth noting.

So, Republicans hate this Democratic President so much that they are even willing to pen a letter to someone they consider an enemy of ours.

Back to the Bloomberg link:

It's stunning. And it's a rebuke on an international stage that doesn't really have a precedent. Imagine Democrats micro-managing the START talks in the 80s by sending an open letter to Gorbachev? It just wouldn't have been viewed as an acceptable political move while the talks were still happening.

The only conclusion we can make is that the GOP is not the loyal opposition, it is a severly disloyal opposition and deserves to be treated with disdain and contempt for such unamerican behavior. The GOP simply hates America, it's that simple.

Are you mad because the GOP has balls and don't cower to this shit house crazy administration? Does it really hurt your poor little feelings?

It's not about me, N00b.

Learn to discern and learn to debate.
Character assassination is easy for the right, concern for truth too high a hurdle

That coming from someone from a party who invented the art of identity politics to cover for a lack of a premise.

Racist this
Bigoted that
Misogynist this
Anti Immigrant that

You are such a hypocrite.

You're becoming more and more ridiculous. Each of those four categories are represented daily on this message board, and the fact that each is a conclusion, not the premise you claim them to be, is telling.

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