Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

That is correct. I didn't support Bush's war. ISIS is a direct result of it.

Obama's removal of the troops was in fact the cause of it. So, you don't seem to mind when Obama does this kind of stuff, why is that?

ISIS would not exist if Bush hadn't invaded Iraq in the first place. Obama did what the American people wanted him to do- get our boys out of Iraq. And since you were a wee lass back then, obviously you aren't aware that Iraq wanted us out. It is, after all, their country.

This is absolutely correct. Saddam Hussein was a brutal son of a bitch, but he would never have allowed a freak organization like ISIS to grow in Iraq.
We do not negotiate with terrorists. Iran has been found to fund terrorist activity...making them, in my eyes, a terrorist nation.
"negotiating an agreement" is I support the letter. When we finally have a real it a democrat or a republican.....any treaty will be struck down.

Kerry came out and stated that any deal they make with Iran is not legally binding. So, what is the point? Just more lip service from the administration and no action, as usual.

Some idiots on the left are calling this treason, yet they supported Pelosi making a trip to Syria for talks without permission and they said nothing when Ted Kennedy had talks with Russia.

In those cases, they were attempting to undermine the administration and wanted to push their own policies. In this case, it's a matter of someone actually stepping up and trying to address the matter because Obama has been so wishy washy and doesn't want to deal with it at all. Obama just wants to make a few speeches to announce some lame understanding with Iran that is not legally binding and knowing they will not keep their word. It's all about the appearance of leadership with no actual leadership.

Obama doesn't want any input from congress on anything these days. He thinks he's a one-man show who can do as he wishes with his pen and phone.
Obama did what the American people wanted him to do- get our boys out of Iraq.

Then in turn launched the bombing of Libya, invaded Pakistan to kill OBL, launched drone strikes in Yemen, sent troops back to Iraq to combat ISIS, and sent some of our personnel to Sudan and Uganda.

Apparently he's just as bad as his predecessor.

You are even more batshit crazy than I realized.

Has Pakistan declared war on us for a one time 10-man incursion?

You really want to call an incursion an "invasion"?

Terrorism is a threat to the civilized world, had it been treated as an act by criminals, the civilized world would be one in policing the world; Bush's major fuck up was declaring a crusade and invading an Arab nation which had no involvement in the criminal act of Sept 11, 2001.

Stop trying to rewrite history, it only makes you appear more foolish.

Reader: War is not a crime. It's war... . War is also not about winning hearts and minds, it is about killing everything and everyone with whom one is at war.

Bush's mistake was waging 'an softer, easier war'... .

What Bush SHOULD have done, is declared martial law, rounded up the Ideological Left set them into infinite internment and killing those who refused, on the spot where they refused.

Had he done some, Islam would have long ago been properly checked, the US would not have succumbed to the catastrophic failure of socialist policy, the US would not have elected an Islamic insurgent as President, the US would not now be 18+ TRILLION IN DEBT and the whole of the Middle East would not now be in the control of those who attacked up on 9-11.
We do not negotiate with terrorists. Iran has been found to fund terrorist activity...making them, in my eyes, a terrorist nation.
"negotiating an agreement" is I support the letter. When we finally have a real it a democrat or a republican.....any treaty will be struck down.

Kerry came out and stated that any deal they make with Iran is not legally binding. So, what is the point? Just more lip service from the administration and no action, as usual.

Some idiots on the left are calling this treason, yet they supported Pelosi making a trip to Syria for talks without permission and they said nothing when Ted Kennedy had talks with Russia.

In those cases, they were attempting to undermine the administration and wanted to push their own policies. In this case, it's a matter of someone actually stepping up and trying to address the matter because Obama has been so wishy washy and doesn't want to deal with it at all. Obama just wants to make a few speeches to announce some lame understanding with Iran that is not legally binding and knowing they will not keep their word. It's all about the appearance of leadership with no actual leadership.

Obama doesn't want any input from congress on anything these days. He thinks he's a one-man show who can do as he wishes with his pen and phone.

If Kerry had actually come out and said the agreement would not be legally binding, then that just makes the 47 look all the dumber for sending the letter, doesn't it? Think about it?
Why do I not want the Republicans to start another war?

Why didn't you get mad when Democrats started three of them? Where's your outrage when we invade the airspace of other nations to drone the shit out of someone? Where are you while we bomb ISIS into smithereens?

Big newsflash pal, we're already at war. The moment that first bomb hits home, that's war.

“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”
Sun Tzu, The Art of War

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall take flack from both sides."

Terrorism is a threat to the civilized world, had it been treated as an act by criminals, the civilized world would be one in policing the world; Bush's major fuck up was declaring a crusade and invading an Arab nation which had no involvement in the criminal act of Sept 11, 2001.

Stop trying to rewrite history, it only makes you appear more foolish.

Reader: War is not a crime. It's war... . War is also not about winning hearts and minds, it is about killing everything and everyone with whom one is at war.

Bush's mistake was waging 'an softer, easier war'... .

What Bush SHOULD have done, is declared martial law, rounded up the Ideological Left set them into infinite internment and killing those who refused, on the spot where they refused.

Had he done some, Islam would have long ago been properly checked, the US would not have succumbed to the catastrophic failure of socialist policy, the US would not have elected an Islamic insurgent as President, the US would not now be 18+ TRILLION IN DEBT and the whole of the Middle East would not now be in the control of those who attacked up on 9-11.

I disagree. War happens because of a failure of leadership. Full stop. It is the ultimate crime.

Terrorism is a threat to the civilized world, had it been treated as an act by criminals, the civilized world would be one in policing the world; Bush's major fuck up was declaring a crusade and invading an Arab nation which had no involvement in the criminal act of Sept 11, 2001.

Stop trying to rewrite history, it only makes you appear more foolish.

Reader: War is not a crime. It's war... . War is also not about winning hearts and minds, it is about killing everything and everyone with whom one is at war.

Bush's mistake was waging 'an softer, easier war'... .

What Bush SHOULD have done, is declared martial law, rounded up the Ideological Left set them into infinite internment and killing those who refused, on the spot where they refused.

Had he done some, Islam would have long ago been properly checked, the US would not have succumbed to the catastrophic failure of socialist policy, the US would not have elected an Islamic insurgent as President, the US would not now be 18+ TRILLION IN DEBT and the whole of the Middle East would not now be in the control of those who attacked up on 9-11.

You must be joking. You can't be that mentally ill.

Terrorism is a threat to the civilized world, had it been treated as an act by criminals, the civilized world would be one in policing the world; Bush's major fuck up was declaring a crusade and invading an Arab nation which had no involvement in the criminal act of Sept 11, 2001.

Stop trying to rewrite history, it only makes you appear more foolish.

Reader: War is not a crime. It's war... . War is also not about winning hearts and minds, it is about killing everything and everyone with whom one is at war.

Bush's mistake was waging 'an softer, easier war'... .

What Bush SHOULD have done, is declared martial law, rounded up the Ideological Left set them into infinite internment and killing those who refused, on the spot where they refused.

Had he done some, Islam would have long ago been properly checked, the US would not have succumbed to the catastrophic failure of socialist policy, the US would not have elected an Islamic insurgent as President, the US would not now be 18+ TRILLION IN DEBT and the whole of the Middle East would not now be in the control of those who attacked up on 9-11.

You must be joking. You can't be that mentally ill.

Yeah he can.
That is correct. I didn't support Bush's war. ISIS is a direct result of it.

Obama's removal of the troops was in fact the cause of it. So, you don't seem to mind when Obama does this kind of stuff, why is that?

ISIS would not exist if Bush hadn't invaded Iraq in the first place. Obama did what the American people wanted him to do- get our boys out of Iraq. And since you were a wee lass back then, obviously you aren't aware that Iraq wanted us out. It is, after all, their country.

This is absolutely correct. Saddam Hussein was a brutal son of a bitch, but he would never have allowed a freak organization like ISIS to grow in Iraq.
Obama did:thup:

Terrorism is a threat to the civilized world, had it been treated as an act by criminals, the civilized world would be one in policing the world; Bush's major fuck up was declaring a crusade and invading an Arab nation which had no involvement in the criminal act of Sept 11, 2001.

Stop trying to rewrite history, it only makes you appear more foolish.

Reader: War is not a crime. It's war... . War is also not about winning hearts and minds, it is about killing everything and everyone with whom one is at war.

Bush's mistake was waging 'an softer, easier war'... .

What Bush SHOULD have done, is declared martial law, rounded up the Ideological Left set them into infinite internment and killing those who refused, on the spot where they refused.

Had he done some, Islam would have long ago been properly checked, the US would not have succumbed to the catastrophic failure of socialist policy, the US would not have elected an Islamic insurgent as President, the US would not now be 18+ TRILLION IN DEBT and the whole of the Middle East would not now be in the control of those who attacked up on 9-11.

And we would have become the Soviet Union circa 1938, with show trials and public executions.

Fortunately, people like keys are few, far between and mostly institutionalized.
I disagree. War happens because of a failure of leadership. Full stop. It is the ultimate crime.

War happens, when one people demand that their own subjective needs, wants and demands override their means to reason.

Ya see Karl... War is the means by which one people compel their will upon another.

War is nature's way of solving problems which occur beyond reason. It is a blunt solution, which serves to cull the Relativists from the herd. It's ugly business... exercised outside of law, as a means to restore reason, to restore law.

Terrorism is a threat to the civilized world, had it been treated as an act by criminals, the civilized world would be one in policing the world; Bush's major fuck up was declaring a crusade and invading an Arab nation which had no involvement in the criminal act of Sept 11, 2001.

Stop trying to rewrite history, it only makes you appear more foolish.

Reader: War is not a crime. It's war... . War is also not about winning hearts and minds, it is about killing everything and everyone with whom one is at war.

Bush's mistake was waging 'an softer, easier war'... .

What Bush SHOULD have done, is declared martial law, rounded up the Ideological Left set them into infinite internment and killing those who refused, on the spot where they refused.

Had he done some, Islam would have long ago been properly checked, the US would not have succumbed to the catastrophic failure of socialist policy, the US would not have elected an Islamic insurgent as President, the US would not now be 18+ TRILLION IN DEBT and the whole of the Middle East would not now be in the control of those who attacked up on 9-11.

And we would have become the Soviet Union circa 1938, with show trials and public executions.

Fortunately, people like keys are few, far between and mostly institutionalized.

LOL~ Well the US was governed by the Left in 1938... So, its possible. But that would have been followed by a revolution to crush the Left... once and for all.

It's a shame that it didn't happen.

Not to worry though... its coming and I expect sooner, rather than later. Nature is going to work it all out.

Terrorism is a threat to the civilized world, had it been treated as an act by criminals, the civilized world would be one in policing the world; Bush's major fuck up was declaring a crusade and invading an Arab nation which had no involvement in the criminal act of Sept 11, 2001.

Stop trying to rewrite history, it only makes you appear more foolish.

Reader: War is not a crime. It's war... . War is also not about winning hearts and minds, it is about killing everything and everyone with whom one is at war.

Bush's mistake was waging 'an softer, easier war'... .

What Bush SHOULD have done, is declared martial law, rounded up the Ideological Left set them into infinite internment and killing those who refused, on the spot where they refused.

Had he done some, Islam would have long ago been properly checked, the US would not have succumbed to the catastrophic failure of socialist policy, the US would not have elected an Islamic insurgent as President, the US would not now be 18+ TRILLION IN DEBT and the whole of the Middle East would not now be in the control of those who attacked up on 9-11.

And we would have become the Soviet Union circa 1938, with show trials and public executions.

Fortunately, people like keys are few, far between and mostly institutionalized.

LOL~ Well the US was governed by the Left in 1938... So, its possible. But that would have been followed by a revolution to crush the Left... once and for all.

It's a shame that it didn't happen.

Not to worry though... its coming and I expect sooner, rather than later. Nature is going to work it all out.

I can imagine you getting up in the morning and declaring "boy, don't you love the smell of hate in the morning". Get a life.
The "JEWS" will take care of themselves, as Arab nations have learned the hard way. But the Obama Administration seeks an equitable end ...



What you're incapable of understanding is that deviant reasoning is NOT equitable with sound reasoning. Irrational cults are therefore NOT EQUITABLE with rational cultures... Thus there is no potential equity in allowing irrational cults to acquire nuclear weapons.

See how that works?

"deviant reasoning" is to justify the invasion of a nation which had nothing to do with the attack on the WTC in 2001, So I do understand, the action taken by the GWB Administration was deviant as well as those who supported it.

"Irrational cuts"? Would it have been rational to remain in Iraq when the elected government there wanted us to leave? When the American people elected the President on his promise to end the occupation of Iraq? When the cost of the occupation in Iraq in blood and treasure was too high?

Nixon campaigned (his slogan in 1968 was "I have a plan") to end the Vietnam War, and in fact he did not; the war and killing went on for six more years.

No one, it seems, wants Iran to have a nuclear weapon, why pretend the Obama Administration does (well, we know, don't we).

I disagree. War happens because of a failure of leadership. Full stop. It is the ultimate crime.

War happens, when one people demand that their own subjective needs, wants and demands override their means to reason.

As I said. Failure of leadership.

Do you know what leadership means?

The subjective are LEAD by their OWN DESIRES. The Subjective LEADERSHIP therefore serves to promote a false sense of righteousness that the pursuit of one's desires over the best interests of oneself and the best interests of others.

Such LEADERSHIP, is what is OKA: EVIL.

And it is that, which causes WAR.

You are part and parcel of Evil... you are part of that which is leading the US culture into its first actual Civil War.
The "JEWS" will take care of themselves, as Arab nations have learned the hard way. But the Obama Administration seeks an equitable end ...



What you're incapable of understanding is that deviant reasoning is NOT equitable with sound reasoning. Irrational cults are therefore NOT EQUITABLE with rational cultures... Thus there is no potential equity in allowing irrational cults to acquire nuclear weapons.

See how that works?

"deviant reasoning" is to justify the invasion of a nation which had nothing to do with the attack on the WTC in 2001.

No... Deviant reasoning is rationalizing that because Iraq was invaded in the wake of 9-11 was because it was said to be responsible for 9-11, when in truth, such was never a reason for doing so.

Iraq was a long standing proponent of International Islamic Terrorism, having used Islamic terrorists as proxy warriors in attacking the US, its interests and allies... Iraq was also in long standing material breech of the terms to which it agreed when the US Agreed to cease firing upon Iraq, after Iraq attacked US its neighbor and US Ally Kuwait... and in the wake of 9-11... after an intense 18 months effort to bring Iraq into compliance with its obligations and with Iraq having failed to comply... it was reasonably determined that Iraq could no longer be counted as a reasonable actor... and US Leadership determined to execute that government. And it did so in remarkably short order.

What came after that invasion and execution of the Islamic-Socialist government of Iraq, was the result of appeasing the Left. "Winning the Hearts and Minds...", etc.

See how that works?

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