Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

That is correct. I didn't support Bush's war. ISIS is a direct result of it.

Obama's removal of the troops was in fact the cause of it. So, you don't seem to mind when Obama does this kind of stuff, why is that?

ISIS would not exist if Bush hadn't invaded Iraq in the first place. Obama did what the American people wanted him to do- get our boys out of Iraq. And since you were a wee lass back then, obviously you aren't aware that Iraq wanted us out. It is, after all, their country.

This is absolutely correct. Saddam Hussein was a brutal son of a bitch, but he would never have allowed a freak organization like ISIS to grow in Iraq.

Why do I not want the Republicans to start another war?

Why didn't you get mad when Democrats started three of them? Where's your outrage when we invade the airspace of other nations to drone the shit out of someone? Where are you while we bomb ISIS into smithereens?

Big newsflash pal, we're already at war. The moment that first bomb hits home, that's war.

“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”
Sun Tzu, The Art of War

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall take flack from both sides."
Teapublicans don't like diplomatic tact because it requires book larnin' . Much easier to throw some other people's kids into an Asian land war :cuckoo:
That is correct. I didn't support Bush's war. ISIS is a direct result of it.

Obama's removal of the troops was in fact the cause of it. So, you don't seem to mind when Obama does this kind of stuff, why is that?

ISIS would not exist if Bush hadn't invaded Iraq in the first place. Obama did what the American people wanted him to do- get our boys out of Iraq. And since you were a wee lass back then, obviously you aren't aware that Iraq wanted us out. It is, after all, their country.

This is absolutely correct. Saddam Hussein was a brutal son of a bitch, but he would never have allowed a freak organization like ISIS to grow in Iraq.



Yes, yes!

Saddam, a brutal, evil mass-murderin' Islamic son of a bitch, is preferable to ISIS, obama's brutal, evil mass-murderin' Islamic son's of a bitches.

ROFLMNAO! You can NOT make this crap up... .
That is correct. I didn't support Bush's war. ISIS is a direct result of it.

Obama's removal of the troops was in fact the cause of it. So, you don't seem to mind when Obama does this kind of stuff, why is that?

ISIS would not exist if Bush hadn't invaded Iraq in the first place. Obama did what the American people wanted him to do- get our boys out of Iraq. And since you were a wee lass back then, obviously you aren't aware that Iraq wanted us out. It is, after all, their country.

This is absolutely correct. Saddam Hussein was a brutal son of a bitch, but he would never have allowed a freak organization like ISIS to grow in Iraq.



Yes, yes!

Saddam, a brutal, evil mass-murderin' Islamic son of a bitch, is preferable to ISIS, obama's brutal, evil mass-murderin' Islamic son's of a bitches.

ROFLMNAO! You can NOT make this crap up... .

Apparently, the ODS has caused a great deal of brain damage with you.
Why do I not want the Republicans to start another war?

Why didn't you get mad when Democrats started three of them? Where's your outrage when we invade the airspace of other nations to drone the shit out of someone? Where are you while we bomb ISIS into smithereens?

Big newsflash pal, we're already at war. The moment that first bomb hits home, that's war.

“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”
Sun Tzu, The Art of War

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall take flack from both sides."
Teapublicans don't like diplomatic tact ...

(Reader: You should not use standard reference text to discern the meaning of speech advanced by Leftist.

In this instance 'diplomatic tact' is defined as your dictionary defines: Appeasing the enemy of civilization.)
Apparently, the ODS has caused a great deal of brain damage with you.

OH! Deflection?

Cool! Thank you...

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

(Reader: Do you see how easy this is?

Recall the Fundamentals of defeating Leftists in debate:

1- Find a Leftist

2- Get them to speak.)
Obama did what the American people wanted him to do- get our boys out of Iraq.

Then in turn launched the bombing of Libya, invaded Pakistan to kill OBL, launched drone strikes in Yemen, sent troops back to Iraq to combat ISIS, and sent some of our personnel to Sudan and Uganda.

Apparently he's just as bad as his predecessor.

Erm, so you think he should have let Osama Bin Laden live - like Bush did?

He wouldn't have done it had there not been an election to win.
That is correct. I didn't support Bush's war. ISIS is a direct result of it.

Obama's removal of the troops was in fact the cause of it. So, you don't seem to mind when Obama does this kind of stuff, why is that?

Damn, so young, so inexperienced and so arrogant. It's no wonder you don't have a clue.

Interesting, the ad hominem comes out when you are unable to address my argument.

Question to you: are you as mad at Obama for launching airstrikes, droning innocent civilians, invading sovereign territory as you were at Bush for his invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan?
The "JEWS" will take care of themselves, as Arab nations have learned the hard way. But the Obama Administration seeks an equitable end ...



What you're incapable of understanding is that deviant reasoning is NOT equitable with sound reasoning. Irrational cults are therefore NOT EQUITABLE with rational cultures... Thus there is no potential equity in allowing irrational cults to acquire nuclear weapons.

See how that works?

"deviant reasoning" is to justify the invasion of a nation which had nothing to do with the attack on the WTC in 2001, So I do understand, the action taken by the GWB Administration was deviant as well as those who supported it.

"Irrational cuts"? Would it have been rational to remain in Iraq when the elected government there wanted us to leave? When the American people elected the President on his promise to end the occupation of Iraq? When the cost of the occupation in Iraq in blood and treasure was too high?

Nixon campaigned (his slogan in 1968 was "I have a plan") to end the Vietnam War, and in fact he did not; the war and killing went on for six more years.

No one, it seems, wants Iran to have a nuclear weapon, why pretend the Obama Administration does (well, we know, don't we).

Yeah...we know, because he wants them to......
Why do I not want the Republicans to start another war?

Why didn't you get mad when Democrats started three of them? Where's your outrage when we invade the airspace of other nations to drone the shit out of someone? Where are you while we bomb ISIS into smithereens?

Big newsflash pal, we're already at war. The moment that first bomb hits home, that's war.

“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”
Sun Tzu, The Art of War

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall take flack from both sides."

Evil triumphs when good men do nothing - Edmund Burke
The "JEWS" will take care of themselves, as Arab nations have learned the hard way. But the Obama Administration seeks an equitable end ...



What you're incapable of understanding is that deviant reasoning is NOT equitable with sound reasoning. Irrational cults are therefore NOT EQUITABLE with rational cultures... Thus there is no potential equity in allowing irrational cults to acquire nuclear weapons.

See how that works?

"deviant reasoning" is to justify the invasion of a nation which had nothing to do with the attack on the WTC in 2001, So I do understand, the action taken by the GWB Administration was deviant as well as those who supported it.

"Irrational cuts"? Would it have been rational to remain in Iraq when the elected government there wanted us to leave? When the American people elected the President on his promise to end the occupation of Iraq? When the cost of the occupation in Iraq in blood and treasure was too high?

Nixon campaigned (his slogan in 1968 was "I have a plan") to end the Vietnam War, and in fact he did not; the war and killing went on for six more years.

No one, it seems, wants Iran to have a nuclear weapon, why pretend the Obama Administration does (well, we know, don't we).

Yeah...we know, because he wants them to......

focus on that, campaign on that, it's gotta be an election winner !

Why do I not want the Republicans to start another war?

Why didn't you get mad when Democrats started three of them? Where's your outrage when we invade the airspace of other nations to drone the shit out of someone? Where are you while we bomb ISIS into smithereens?

Big newsflash pal, we're already at war. The moment that first bomb hits home, that's war.

“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”
Sun Tzu, The Art of War

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall take flack from both sides."

Evil triumphs when good men do nothing - Edmund Burke

or when they actively try to give Iran nuclear weapons....and brand anyone trying to stop them traitors.......
The "JEWS" will take care of themselves, as Arab nations have learned the hard way. But the Obama Administration seeks an equitable end ...



What you're incapable of understanding is that deviant reasoning is NOT equitable with sound reasoning. Irrational cults are therefore NOT EQUITABLE with rational cultures... Thus there is no potential equity in allowing irrational cults to acquire nuclear weapons.

See how that works?

"deviant reasoning" is to justify the invasion of a nation which had nothing to do with the attack on the WTC in 2001, So I do understand, the action taken by the GWB Administration was deviant as well as those who supported it.

"Irrational cuts"? Would it have been rational to remain in Iraq when the elected government there wanted us to leave? When the American people elected the President on his promise to end the occupation of Iraq? When the cost of the occupation in Iraq in blood and treasure was too high?

Nixon campaigned (his slogan in 1968 was "I have a plan") to end the Vietnam War, and in fact he did not; the war and killing went on for six more years.

No one, it seems, wants Iran to have a nuclear weapon, why pretend the Obama Administration does (well, we know, don't we).

Yeah...we know, because he wants them to......

focus on that, campaign on that, it's gotta be an election winner !


he isn't running again.....but the Borg Collective will run another Borg Drone in his place....
Obama did what the American people wanted him to do- get our boys out of Iraq.

Then in turn launched the bombing of Libya, invaded Pakistan to kill OBL, launched drone strikes in Yemen, sent troops back to Iraq to combat ISIS, and sent some of our personnel to Sudan and Uganda.

Apparently he's just as bad as his predecessor.

Funny, in an odd way. Reagan bombed Libya, Obama did not - you lied. GWB invaded and occupied Iraq, Obama sent in Navy Seals to bring OBL to justice - you lied; Obama chose to cut of the head of the snake, drones did that; Bush put boots on the ground and many lost the foot they once carried.

Terrorism is a threat to the civilized world, had it been treated as an act by criminals, the civilized world would be one in policing the world; Bush's major fuck up was declaring a crusade and invading an Arab nation which had no involvement in the criminal act of Sept 11, 2001.

Stop trying to rewrite history, it only makes you appear more foolish.

Funny how you don't read the news

Libya airstrikes Obama defends Libya mission - latimes
Character assassination is easy for the right, concern for truth too high a hurdle

That coming from someone from a party who invented the art of identity politics to cover for a lack of a premise.

Racist this
Bigoted that
Misogynist this
Anti Immigrant that

You are such a hypocrite.

You're becoming more and more ridiculous. Each of those four categories are represented daily on this message board, and the fact that each is a conclusion, not the premise you claim them to be, is telling.

The fact you are worried about it means you have abandoned your argument.
Obama did what the American people wanted him to do- get our boys out of Iraq.

Then in turn launched the bombing of Libya, invaded Pakistan to kill OBL, launched drone strikes in Yemen, sent troops back to Iraq to combat ISIS, and sent some of our personnel to Sudan and Uganda.

Apparently he's just as bad as his predecessor.

Funny, in an odd way. Reagan bombed Libya, Obama did not - you lied. GWB invaded and occupied Iraq, Obama sent in Navy Seals to bring OBL to justice - you lied; Obama chose to cut of the head of the snake, drones did that; Bush put boots on the ground and many lost the foot they once carried.

Terrorism is a threat to the civilized world, had it been treated as an act by criminals, the civilized world would be one in policing the world; Bush's major fuck up was declaring a crusade and invading an Arab nation which had no involvement in the criminal act of Sept 11, 2001.

Stop trying to rewrite history, it only makes you appear more foolish.

Funny how you don't read the news

Libya airstrikes Obama defends Libya mission - latimes

See, the difference is this.....obama bombs people using drones because he loves them.....they make him sad when he has to kill them.....Bush was just a big meany......
The "JEWS" will take care of themselves, as Arab nations have learned the hard way. But the Obama Administration seeks an equitable end ...



What you're incapable of understanding is that deviant reasoning is NOT equitable with sound reasoning. Irrational cults are therefore NOT EQUITABLE with rational cultures... Thus there is no potential equity in allowing irrational cults to acquire nuclear weapons.

See how that works?

"deviant reasoning" is to justify the invasion of a nation which had nothing to do with the attack on the WTC in 2001, So I do understand, the action taken by the GWB Administration was deviant as well as those who supported it.

"Irrational cuts"? Would it have been rational to remain in Iraq when the elected government there wanted us to leave? When the American people elected the President on his promise to end the occupation of Iraq? When the cost of the occupation in Iraq in blood and treasure was too high?

Nixon campaigned (his slogan in 1968 was "I have a plan") to end the Vietnam War, and in fact he did not; the war and killing went on for six more years.

No one, it seems, wants Iran to have a nuclear weapon, why pretend the Obama Administration does (well, we know, don't we).

Yeah...we know, because he wants them to......

focus on that, campaign on that, it's gotta be an election winner !


he isn't running again.....but the Borg Collective will run another Borg Drone in his place....

pssst .. I'm referring to Republicans. Keep up the GOOD work

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