Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

No known precedent. I repeat - no known precedent.

The 47 Republicans who signed the Cotton letter may end up ruing the day. They should have asked Mitt Romney. He could have told them that 47 is just not the Republicans' lucky number.

GOP Senate Letter Undercutting Nuclear Negotiations Has No Known Precedent in American History - Robert Creamer

Yes, there is no precedent for the letter, because the US has never had such a completely incompetent, amateurish and outright awful administration. Putin, khameini, nasrallah, assad, castro and Xi could not be happier with this idiot in chief, he is utterly useless.

If the country had a real president, then the GOP would not have needed to write a letter.
Wow. This is one hell of a new benchmark these assholes are setting. To deliberately be working to undermine ongoing negotiations is about as vile and treacherous as it gets.

You have to go damn near back to the Jay Treaty to see this kind of shit.

TEN fucking years of negotiations? How many more are needed, until the sun exhausts its hydrogen? Or until iran has conquered the parts of the mideast it does not control now?
Getting to know Tehran Tom Cotton...un Big Nut bag

For Tom Cotton letter to Iran is anything but a fiasco - The Washington Post

While in the House in 2013, Cotton introduced an amendment to prosecute the relatives of those who violated sanctions on Iran, saying that his proposed penalties of up to 20 years in prison would “include a spouse and any relative to the third degree,” including “parents, children, aunts, uncles, nephews, nieces, grandparents, great grandparents, grandkids, great grandkids.” Forget about the fact that the Constitution expressly prohibits “corruption of blood” penalties — just consider that Cotton wanted to take someone who had violated sanctions and imprison their grandchildren. Needless to say, this deranged piece of legislation was too much even for Republicans to stomach, and it went nowhere.
Really Who’s closer to having committed treason, a guy who puts out a press release stating basic constitutional divisions of power
or a guy who’s determined to give a terrorist state known for proclaiming “death to America” a 10-year path to uranium enrichment?
The letter to Iran should have headed thusly:

We republican right wingers, hereby forsaking the possibility of EVER being elected to the WH, do NOT like Obama and want to point out to you that you shouldn't like him either.....and we have sworn our allegiance to Bibi and to our armaments' donors......and, besides it all, we don't like your pistachios......
The radical left hanging their political hopes on sufficiently kissing the asses of the Iranian Mullahs
it is probably not a good sell to the American people

but good luck with that
Really Who’s closer to having committed treason, a guy who puts out a press release stating basic constitutional divisions of power or a guy who’s determined to give a terrorist state known for proclaiming “death to America” a 10-year path to uranium enrichment?

...let alone injured or killed thousands of american troops in iraq. iran has murdered more americans than any country the US was not at war with, and obama will not tolerate anyone in the government weighing in on these lunatic negotiations, nor will he speak about their details in public. Iran has conceded absolutely NOTHING in all the years of them, and the situation has shifted from iran cannot enrich at all to they can maintain thousands of centrifuges.

Who in their right mind would support this asshole?
WASHINGTON Senate GOP s Iran letter draws unfavorable editorials Washington Watch McClatchy DC

WASHINGTON — Newspaper editorial pages around the country have not been kind to Senate Republicans this week.

A collective “Seriously?” has emerged in reaction to the open letter that 47 Republican senators penned to the Iranian leadership, which seemed designed to undercut its nuclear talks with the Obama administration.

From New England to the Great Plains, from the Gulf Coast to the West Coast, editorial boards thundered and chided.

“A blot on the 114th U.S. Senate,” opined the Detroit Free Press.

“The senators who signed the letter should be ashamed,” said the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

Some sounded embarrassed.

“Cringe-worthy buffoonery on the global stage,” sighed The Salt Lake Tribune.

Others just seemed weary of Capitol Hill’s continuing dysfunction.

“Has Congress gone crazy?” wondered The Courier-Journal in Louisville.

Read more here: WASHINGTON Senate GOP s Iran letter draws unfavorable editorials Washington Watch McClatchy DC
Really Who’s closer to having committed treason, a guy who puts out a press release stating basic constitutional divisions of power
or a guy who’s determined to give a terrorist state known for proclaiming “death to America” a 10-year path to uranium enrichment?

If you're not a complete idiot (you be the judge) how would you compare the chants "death to America" ..."bomb, bomb, bomb, Iran...." ???

Just asking........
Really Who’s closer to having committed treason, a guy who puts out a press release stating basic constitutional divisions of power
or a guy who’s determined to give a terrorist state known for proclaiming “death to America” a 10-year path to uranium enrichment?

If you're not a complete idiot (you be the judge) how would you compare the chants "death to America" ..."bomb, bomb, bomb, Iran...." ???

Just asking........

the same

as how A couple of weeks ago, it was beyond the pale of decency to ask if Obama loves America,
but today it's fine to call 47 Republican senators traitors.
If you're not a complete idiot (you be the judge) how would you compare the chants "death to America" ..."bomb, bomb, bomb, Iran...." ???

Just asking........

Uh, first off, it was iran who was declaring death to america for decades, not the other way around. It was iran murdering 241 US marines and 85 diplomats in beirut in 1983, not the other way around. It was iran who has conquered lebanon, iraq, syria, yemen, bahrain, gaza and is trying to do the same in morocco, not the US. It is iran's cancerous regime of terrorist filth that has created ISIS, and has helped assad slaughter 250K people there, not the US.

McCain's intent is to wipe that diseased regime off the map, not murder every iranian - that is not the case with iran's scumbag government.
Really, when has the MSM been easy on Republicans.
Oh poor baby ...

WASHINGTON Senate GOP s Iran letter draws unfavorable editorials Washington Watch McClatchy DC

WASHINGTON — Newspaper editorial pages around the country have not been kind to Senate Republicans this week.

A collective “Seriously?” has emerged in reaction to the open letter that 47 Republican senators penned to the Iranian leadership, which seemed designed to undercut its nuclear talks with the Obama administration.

From New England to the Great Plains, from the Gulf Coast to the West Coast, editorial boards thundered and chided.

“A blot on the 114th U.S. Senate,” opined the Detroit Free Press.

“The senators who signed the letter should be ashamed,” said the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

Some sounded embarrassed.

“Cringe-worthy buffoonery on the global stage,” sighed The Salt Lake Tribune.

Others just seemed weary of Capitol Hill’s continuing dysfunction.

“Has Congress gone crazy?” wondered The Courier-Journal in Louisville.

Read more here: WASHINGTON Senate GOP s Iran letter draws unfavorable editorials Washington Watch McClatchy DC

Well, my friend, right wingers will shrug the above to that "darn liberal media"......You should see what the foreign press is stating....most think that these 47 dingbats just handed over the WH to dems in 2016.

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