Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

Well, my friend, right wingers will shrug the above to that "darn liberal media"......You should see what the foreign press is stating....most think that these 47 dingbats just handed over the WH to dems in 2016.

The same foreign leftist press that rooted for obama in 2008, but can't understand why obama the awful sits on his hands while the world burns in Ukraine and syria, and the worst scum of the earth (iran) rolls across the mideast? Are we actually supposed to give a flying fuck what that press has to say?
Uh, first off, it was iran who was declaring death to america for decades, not the other way around. It was iran murdering 241 US marines and 85 diplomats in beirut in 1983, not the other way around. It was iran who has conquered lebanon, iraq, syria, yemen, bahrain, gaza and is trying to do the same in morocco, not the US. It is iran's cancerous regime of terrorist filth that has created ISIS, and has helped assad slaughter 250K people there, not the US.

McCain's intent is to wipe that diseased regime off the map, not murder every iranian - that is not the case with iran's scumbag government.[/QUOTE]

Even though you're spewing whatever FOX told you to spew (not think),let's say for argument sake that you're "correct:........Why then did Bush and your ilk spend a trillion in Iraq?....
Even though you're spewing whatever FOX told you to spew (not think),let's say for argument sake that you're "correct:........Why then did Bush and your ilk spend a trillion in Iraq?....

The typical far left low IQ moron attacking with the "Fox news" juvenile insult. Moron, I do not watch Fox news, since i do not own a TV. Nice try, idiot.

Second, who said i supported Bush or the iraq war? And where is it written that because iraq was a mistake, the US can NEVER ever engage in a military action again?

Funny how the low IQ idiots whine about how wrong the intelligence community was on iraq, then turn around and extol its accounts regarding iran. How do these people have the brain power to walk upright?
The same foreign leftist press that rooted for obama in 2008, but can't understand why obama the awful sits on his hands while the world burns in Ukraine and syria, and the worst scum of the earth (iran) rolls across the mideast? Are we actually supposed to give a flying fuck what that press has to say?[/QUOTE]

Do you feel just a wee bit paranoid, there chum???? Yep, the entire world press (and sane people) are stalking you.......check under your bed, quick.
The letter to Iran should have headed thusly:

We republican right wingers, hereby forsaking the possibility of EVER being elected to the WH, do NOT like Obama and want to point out to you that you shouldn't like him either.....and we have sworn our allegiance to Bibi and to our armaments' donors......and, besides it all, we don't like your pistachios......

Hah! And Democrats should have their own slogan:

"Ready for Hillary's emails."
Do you feel just a wee bit paranoid, there chum???? Yep, the entire world press (and sane people) are stalking you.......check under your bed, quick.

You seem rather unintelligent, so I'll help you...go research how many foreign papers' editorials in europe and worldwide were praying for obama to be elected. Facts much?

International media reaction to the United States presidential election 2008 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"The Associated Press reported that "Obama-mania was evident not only across Europe but also in much of the Islamic world."[3]"
Republicans are now pen pals with Iran

Never thought I would see the day
Judging from the NaziCon posts in this thread - I would say they are scared shitless that Congress and the White House have been gift wrapped and handed to Democrats in 2016.
The typical far left low IQ moron attacking with the "Fox news" juvenile insult. Moron, I do not watch Fox news, since i do not own a TV. Nice try, idiot.

Second, who said i supported Bush or the iraq war? And where is it written that because iraq was a mistake, the US can NEVER ever engage in a military action again?

Funny how the low IQ idiots whine about how wrong the intelligence community was on iraq, then turn around and extol its accounts regarding iran. How do these people have the brain power to walk upright?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, yeah, I really believe you were a Gore voter and didn't like Bush-baby.......and, dingbat, it wasn't "bad intelligence" that got us into Iraq, it was the lies of the right wing, neocon idiots you supported
A VERY funny line from my link above:

"Kitabat, a Sunni-leaning newspaper in Iraq, wrote that Obama's election was a "chance to offset Iranian influence.""

If they only knew then this schmuck-in-chief would be handing the keys to the kingdom over to iran...

No doubt disappointed Democrats from seeing the House and Senate go to Republicans
Plus, the mere thought of holding Papa Obama to the Constitution must be very upsetting to the Left....
Poor things, they must be so lost

Well, lets be fair here....congress did not really go to "republicans'...rather to a cadre of tea baggers.....LOL
Judging from the NaziCon posts in this thread - I would say they are scared shitless that Congress and the White House have been gift wrapped and handed to Democrats in 2016.
That kind reality will not set in until it hits them in the face, they still think Republicans have done a good thing on behalf of their president, Benjamin Netanyahu.
Yeah, yeah, I really believe you were a Gore voter and didn't like Bush-baby.......and, dingbat, it wasn't "bad intelligence" that got us into Iraq, it was the lies of the right wing, neocon idiots you supported

The prototype low IQ leftist, loaded with wrong assumptions. I did not vote in 2004, and what lies were those idiot if the intelligence was accurate? Uhhhh, think of something quick, dimwit.

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