Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

Why do Republicans hate America?

So you're asking why those who recognize, respect, defend and adhere to the principles that define America, OKA: Americans... hate America?



They just can't understand why Americans do not trust Obama to make the best decisions on Iran

New found friends of the Democrats

Why do Republicans hate America?

So you're asking why those who recognize, respect, defend and adhere to the principles that define America, OKA: Americans... hate America?



They just can't understand why Americans do not trust Obama to make the best decisions on Iran

New found friends of the Democrats

They are a terrible regime. Could you imagine the trouble they will be when and if they ever develop nuclear weapons? Are people really naive enough to think that nuclear power won't lead to their scientists developing nuclear weapons?
Who has to - With the Advice and Consent

Article II, Section 2, Clause 2 of the United States Constitution

[The President] shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur...

The Democrats really never did appreciate the Constitution
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The President should be making the agreements with foreign government, with the consent of the Senate. The frigin crazy House has NOTHING to do with it.

Who Makes United States Foreign Policy

Well somebody needs to step in and stop the madness.

I am sure the Democrats will return the favor, when or if, the GOP ever wins the WH again.

If they try to make "deals" with Iran that allows them to have any type of nuclear power, then I would hope so. This is just . . . pure madness.
The President should be making the agreements with foreign government, with the consent of the Senate. But the President should be making the foreign policy.

Who Makes United States Foreign Policy

Well, that is a solid idea ya have there... but that assumes that 'The President' was not born to a foreign national communist, is not an advocate of Foreign Ideas Hostile to American principle and has for 6 years NOT advanced the interests of the enemies of the United States beyond any means to deny his culpability as an enemy insurgent and embarrass the intellectually less fortunate sycophants who lack the objectivity to recognize the OBVIOUS!

So, since that's reality, the Americans have decided to shut down you and the cult... . And laugh at you for the idiots ya are for having touted the subversive fuck for as long as ya have.
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new friends

My friends are the members of the United States armed forces and I do not want to waste their lives and limbs in another war meant only to enrich the war profiteers and give you warhawks tiny little erections.

Tehran Tom! Palling around with terrorists.
From being all butt hurt someone questions obies love of country to attacking an actual war vet. You people really are some serious turds.

Indeed, the Democrat's measure of patriotism has been lowered to the bar of
how much one supports Papa Obama in his unconstitutional efforts

They have gone from a political party to a cult

Tehran Tom! Palling around with terrorists.
From being all butt hurt someone questions obies love of country to attacking an actual war vet. You people really are some serious turds.

Indeed, the Democrat's measure of patriotism has been lowered to the bar of
how much one supports Papa Obama in his unconstitutional efforts

They have gone from a political party to a cult
Bullshit, there is nothing unconstitutional going on here, just a bunch of assholes who are scared Obama may rob them of justification for another useless war. Why do you want a war so badly?

Tehran Tom! Palling around with terrorists.
From being all butt hurt someone questions obies love of country to attacking an actual war vet. You people really are some serious turds.

Indeed, the Democrat's measure of patriotism has been lowered to the bar of
how much one supports Papa Obama in his unconstitutional efforts

They have gone from a political party to a cult
Bullshit, there is nothing unconstitutional going on here, just a bunch of assholes who are scared Obama may rob them of justification for another useless war. Why do you want a war so badly?
You're so confused you used yesterdays DNC talking point.

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