Republican Senators: Trump referred to "shithouse", not "shithole" countries in Africa

Ted Frazier

Gold Member
Nov 12, 2016
Republican congressmen Tom Cotton and Perdue want Africa to know that Donald Trump thinks they're shithouses, not shitholes.
Washington Post (1/15/2018): Three White House officials said Perdue and Cotton told the White House that they heard “shithouse” rather than “shithole,” allowing them to deny the president’s comments on television over the weekend. The two men initially said publicly that they could not recall what the president said.

Inside the tense, profane White House meeting on immigration
Either one works the descriptions might be rude, crude and politically incorrect you might even find them insulting but that doesn't mean they aren't accurate.
If they were shithouses, then they cannot claim it was racist. People are not shithouses, are they?

I guess these are yet another in the apparently unending series of White House officials that no one can identify.

Either one works the descriptions might be rude, crude and politically incorrect you might even find them insulting but that doesn't mean they aren't accurate.
And therein lies the problem.

It was a true statement and, quite frankly, people have become to sensitive to face reality these days.
And Anderson Cooper wants you to believe he grew up in a mixed neighborhood.
shit hole not shit house is a better description of these countries ..:finger3:
Either one works the descriptions might be rude, crude and politically incorrect you might even find them insulting but that doesn't mean they aren't accurate.
Who cares if the statement was accurate or not? An army vet with no legs is short but I’m not gonna run around making fun of his height. It shouldn’t have been said by our president. That’s plain and simple
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Republican congressmen Tom Cotton and Perdue want Africa to know that Donald Trump thinks they're shithouses, not shitholes.
Washington Post (1/15/2018): Three White House officials said Perdue and Cotton told the White House that they heard “shithouse” rather than “shithole,” allowing them to deny the president’s comments on television over the weekend. The two men initially said publicly that they could not recall what the president said.

Inside the tense, profane White House meeting on immigration
LOL As if it makes a difference. It makes no difference. Republicans are pathetic.
The shit HOUSE is the would enter to do his business prior to indoor plumbing. The shit HOLE is where the business would go, below the shit HOUSE.

It's a total complement, if you ask me.

Republican congressmen Tom Cotton and Perdue want Africa to know that Donald Trump thinks they're shithouses, not shitholes.

Tom Cotton and Perdue sound like idiots playing with words this way. Imo, that’s part of what has people pissed off. Who has ever used the word “shit house” as an insult. That’s ridiculous.

Sadly, the entire world knows donald trump is a cocksucking asshole. So no one expects him to show any class in the way he conducts himself. And by denying his own words — as he has often done in the past even when his statements are on tape — all he does is keep the stupid story in the news, and he convinces even more people that he is an incompetent fool.

Imo, there are two important things at work here:

1) For once, Americans would like to see their president “act” like a president, not like a brainless fucking child.
2) He should man up and take responsiblity for his incredibly stupid statement. By not doing so he looks even more like a cowardly dumbass than he usually does.

I actually agree with trump: Africa and Haiti are shitholes. But, I’m not the president, so my words don’t much matter. Unfortunately, trump is the president, and his words are heard around the globe. And trump’s words are making America look like a nation of fools. Fools for putting up with this fucking Orange Clown and his asinine behavior.
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Basta! Just stop it! There's no way any intelligent person on this earth could accept this insult by the President of the United States! All you Obama critics who say he lowered America's standing in the world should stop and take account for what Trump has said and done. He does not have the civic comportment to represent us as our leader. He must be stopped. Congressional censure is not enough, not nearly enough.

He has embarrassed our nation. He has caused our national standing Great, if not irreparable harm. He is not my President. There I see no way I can ever say I am proud that Donald Trump is my President. I have lived too long and suffered through too many administrations with which I disagree on policy. But I have never been ashamed of my President. Until now.

Some here will call me a snowflake. Others will believe in their heart of hearts that I am 'butt hurt' over the results of the election in 2016. Neither is true. I would never hope that a President fails as that means the failure of my country. But I truly hope that Trump does not complete his four year term. The harm done by a petulant gameshow host is harm I would never wish imposed on the country I love.
And Anderson Cooper wants you to believe he grew up in a mixed neighborhood.
View attachment 171768
And this is relevant how? What a stupid attempt at comparison. Stupid and desperate.
You had to see the MSM use of weaponizing this irrelevant missrepresented event to understand the relevance of my post. Try to keep up or stop assuming and simply ask. I posted why it's relevant already. Page 39 on this topic:
Dems got the Trump Racism thing all wrong
BUT MOST likely you know already but are troll baiting for top posting reasons.
And Anderson Cooper wants you to believe he grew up in a mixed neighborhood.
View attachment 171768
And this is relevant how? What a stupid attempt at comparison. Stupid and desperate.
You had to see the MSM use of weaponizing this irrelevant missrepresented event to understand the relevance of my post. Try to keep up or stop assuming and simply ask. I posted why it's relevant already. Page 39 on this topic:
Dems got the Trump Racism thing all wrong
BUT MOST likely you know already but are troll baiting for top posting reasons.
Are African countries "troll baiting" too? African nations condemn Trump’s ‘racist’ slur, demand apology - France 24
Republican congressmen Tom Cotton and Perdue want Africa to know that Donald Trump thinks they're shithouses, not shitholes.

Tom Cotton and Perdue sound like idiots playing with words this way. Imo, that’s part of what has people pissed off. Who has ever used the word “shit house” as an insult. That’s ridiculous.

Sadly, the entire world knows donald trump is a cocksucking asshole. So no one expects him to show any class in the way he conducts himself. And by denying his own words — as he has often done in the past even when his statements are on tape — all he does is keep the stupid story in the news, and he convinces even more people that he is an incompetent fool.

Imo, there are two important things at work here:

1) For once, Americans would like to see their president “act” like a president, not like a brainless fucking child.
2) He should man up and take responsiblity for his incredibly stupid statement. By not doing so he looks even more like a cowardly dumbass than he usually does.

I actually agree with trump: Africa and Haiti are shitholes. But, I’m not the president, so my words don’t much matter. Unfortunately, trump is the president, and his words are heard around the globe. And trump’s words are making America look like a nation of fools. Fools for putting up with this fucking Orange Clown and his asinine behavior.


To people who listen the 'Shithole' comment is what you expect from a vulgar guy in a bar not in a business meeting. I don't think someone in Alabama would like to be called a shithole by the Norway Prime Minister or even New York...

My main problem is that Cotton and Perdue met with Trump before the meeting. Trump is a gullible idiot... Even though Lindsey Graham had hammered out a deal he met with the two lads and they fed him up like a Turkey... Trump never actually engaged the brain.
He was told to equate shithole country with shithole people and that is just what he did... No figures or actual thought...

Ireland during the famine was a country going through a terrible time and a lot of them went to America. Under his rules Ireland was a shithole country. Why doesn't Trump come out and tell 55 million people who descent from Irish heritage that there Great Grandad was from a shithole country and he shouldn't have been allowed in.

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