Republican: "Thank God For Obamacare!"

Meister said:
Those who are paying higher premiums and larger deductibles would overwhelmingly disagree with your drivel, pubic.

Just how many people are we talking about, genius? 5, 10, 15 or 20?

Meister said:
Side note...look at your avatar then look at mine, which avatar do you think the world would most identify obama with?

In the real world, most people would identify Obama with MY avatar. Yours is limited to the small world of frustrated angry white males and the few women who love them!
No, I am not on drugs but anyone who hallucinates about “owning their tax dollars” could be. Obviously, you think only “conservatives” pay taxes. Reading your posts, you are obsessed with a distorted belief that government subsidies spent on programs are (your) tax dollars being given to support various government programs you don’t agree with! Most of the workers and white collar types pay taxes, including so-called liberals, progressives and others including so-called conservatives.. How do you even form your mouth to say “your” tax dollars are being spent on this or that/ It is impossible to differentiate between liberal tax monies or conservative tax monies.

Funny, I never said any of the above bolded. That's just typical leftist projection on your part. Feel free to go get links from me supporting your bullshit.

"Government subsidies" ARE taxpayer monies spent on whatever the government subsidizes. Whether I like what they spend it on or not is irrelevant.

That aside, Please copy and post an image of a US coin or currency with your name printed and stamped on it. Unless you share the name of a former deceased president or any former Secretary of the Treasury, it isn’t there. Technically, tax dollars belong to all of us as does other funds regardless of source. We The People ARE the your illusion that the government does not own or have any “funds” is pure fantasy.

Nope. The government has nothing unless it takes or borrows it from someone else. Sorry you weren't aware of that. And yes, people are fed up with the government using us as a well for their never ending spending. We can't afford it.

You are trying to be facetious but that “Magic Money Tree” is rooted in the US Mint, the Federal Reserve ( privately owned) and the US Treasury. Indeed, the 1% have been plucking monies off it, even as a river of tax dollars flow in to keep the ship of state afloat.

Your omission of the biggest piece of the pie tells me everything I need to know about you.

Public schools? Is that why you think you are so obtuse? I guess picking up a dictionary is considered a weakness in your neighborhood. Here you go chap... I’ll be brave, charitable and do it for you!

Point went over your head. Naturally. :rolleyes:
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Meister said:
Those who are paying higher premiums and larger deductibles would overwhelmingly disagree with your drivel, pubic.

Just how many people are we talking about, genius? 5, 10, 15 or 20?

Meister said:
Side note...look at your avatar then look at mine, which avatar do you think the world would most identify obama with?

In the real world, most people would identify Obama with MY avatar. Yours is limited to the small world of frustrated angry white males and the few women who love them!


this guy/girl diets on Kool-Aid

Wow, these right wingers are so damn dumb. They think Americans don't want health care? How could they be so stupid. And that DB Stef, I bet she thinks she paid for that road she walks down.


Well, you can always pick your source:

Herb Richardson wife thank god for obamacare

I had a perfectly good insurance/ health care plan but the control freaks in government now tell me I have to do what they think is best for me that costs me more and delivers no more value for that extra cost.

That's the thing I have issue with
Well this is just completely unacceptable and goes counter to the Repub meme being bandied about these last 5 or so years. It would mean that GOPTV (Fox) is feeding their viewers lies :eusa_think:
Meister said:
Those who are paying higher premiums and larger deductibles would overwhelmingly disagree with your drivel, pubic.

Just how many people are we talking about, genius? 5, 10, 15 or 20?

Meister said:
Side note...look at your avatar then look at mine, which avatar do you think the world would most identify obama with?

In the real world, most people would identify Obama with MY avatar. Yours is limited to the small world of frustrated angry white males and the few women who love them!


this guy/girl diets on Kool-Aid

View attachment 29764

Don't mind Meister. He's a "frustrated angry white male" w/ a butt hurt avie just like you said.

As to the OP yeah- Repubs are vociferously against stuff until they use it .
Wow, these right wingers are so damn dumb. They think Americans don't want health care? How could they be so stupid. And that DB Stef, I bet she thinks she paid for that road she walks down.


Well, you can always pick your source:

Herb Richardson wife thank god for obamacare

1. paying for insurance is not the same as paying to provide health care services and facilities. I would rather invest directly in medical education and internship programs that train people while providing health services to the public.

Unfortunately that is not an option under Obamacare.

I am penalized if I choose to invest my money directly into more sustainable means of health care, in place of paying insurance companies which don't provide health care.

2. The people forced to sign up for insurance cannot necessarily afford the premiums, the deductibles, or the costs of care not covered by insurance.

3. Nothing was stopping people from setting up their own health care cooperatives and exchanges through their own organizations or even their Party.

Now, thanks to ACA, we'd have to pass legislative reforms to give back this choice of funding health care without going through insurance, since the bill made insurance the only legal way to pay for health care (except if you meet narrow restrictions on exemptions).

Singlepayer advocates also cannot exercise their beliefs under this system, that requires them to pay "insurance companies" instead of investing in creating a national network of health care provisions that could cover more people.

This ACA is like someone holding a gun to our heads. And neither the Police on the right or the People on the left can agree on how to stop this gunman. So they are arguing and blaming each other for not doing anything, instead of anybody doing anything, while the gunman continues to hold everyone hostage, forcing us to pay money to insurance companies because we don't agree on all the options we could be paying for instead.
Do we have to AGREE on all the options? Why not stop the gunman first, and agree to give back the money so everyone can pay for the options they believe in? Who says we need to all agree who to give our money to, in order to stop the gunman from forcing our money to go to insurance companies? Why can't we choose to buy insurance freely as before? Why is paying for insurance the only way to avoid getting shot in the head with fines?
Nice. Good for them.


5,000,000 - Lost their coverage

1 - successful client served.

Hey, they're on a roll

Let me ask you this. WTF happened to the 40,000,000 uninsured who were clamorning for healthcare we had to pass this mess for? Do they all of a sudden not need insurance? or those just more bullshit democratic numbers?
Does the desperate left wing search the Country every day to find a single republican who likes the ironically named "affordable health care act"? Why are lefties on the defensive? They know the 3,000 page law that nobody read is a freaking mess and it will hurt the democrat party badly in the mid term election.
Nice. Good for them.


5,000,000 - Lost their coverage

1 - successful client served.

Hey, they're on a roll

Let me ask you this. WTF happened to the 40,000,000 uninsured who were clamorning for healthcare we had to pass this mess for? Do they all of a sudden not need insurance? or those just more bullshit democratic numbers?

Less than 6 million that have paid and a mandate forcing 300+ million people to buy overpriced insurance is a win for the liberals
No, I am not on drugs but anyone who hallucinates about “owning their tax dollars” could be. Obviously, you think only “conservatives” pay taxes. Reading your posts, you are obsessed with a distorted belief that government subsidies spent on programs are (your) tax dollars being given to support various government programs you don’t agree with! Most of the workers and white collar types pay taxes, including so-called liberals, progressives and others including so-called conservatives.. How do you even form your mouth to say “your” tax dollars are being spent on this or that/ It is impossible to differentiate between liberal tax monies or conservative tax monies.

Funny, I never said any of the above bolded. That's just typical leftist projection on your part. Feel free to go get links from me supporting your bullshit.

Here are the exact words you said:
Zoom Boing in a hissy fit said:
"government funds" wtf, are you on drugs? The government doesn't have any "funds", it is taxpayer money that is footing the bill. Anyone getting anything subsidized means someone else is paying for it; anyone who is paying more is paying for it. Period. It's only going to get worse. There is no "probably" about any of that.”

I think I read you right! You still think taxpayers and the government are two different things whether you actually say so or not. Your entire premise reeks of the piteous belief. When I clarified it, you panicked and overlooked words like “obviously” in the emboldened text... words which should have precluded your knee jerk reaction. You do know that when I used the adverb “ obviously” to describe a behavior or intent on your part it is not referring to an actual quote, don’t you? The other emboldened text was formed as a question extrapolated from your over concern about taxpayer’s money. You never even considered that the majority of voters who put Obama in office twice pay taxes too and that its THEIR tax dollars that foot the bill for progressive causes. Just think of it this way...your “conservative” tax dollars are being spent on DEFENSE or on all the bases we have around the world!

"Government subsidies" ARE taxpayer monies spent on whatever the government subsidizes. Whether I like what they spend it on or not is irrelevant.

When the tax payer mails the check which he has made payable to the IRS, any proprietary interest in the exchange is lost unless he overpays and a refund is due. Your likes or dislikes, indeed, have no bearing on how the government distributes monies from the check you wrote!

JQPublic1 said:
That aside, Please copy and post an image of a US coin or currency with your name printed and stamped on it. Unless you share the name of a former deceased president or any former Secretary of the Treasury, it isn’t there. Technically, tax dollars belong to all of us as does other funds regardless of source. We The People ARE the your illusion that the government does not own or have any “funds” is pure fantasy.

Zoom-boing said:
Nope. The government has nothing unless it takes or borrows it from someone else. Sorry you weren't aware of that. And yes, people are fed up with the government using us as a well for their never ending spending. We can't afford it.

That “someone else” is usually a body of individuals called American citizens. Their role in self governance is spelled out quite clearly in the Preamble to the United States Constitution:
Founding Fathers PREAMBLE said:
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

JQPublic1 said:
You are trying to be facetious but that “Magic Money Tree” is rooted in the US Mint, the Federal Reserve ( privately owned) and the US Treasury. Indeed, the 1% have been plucking monies off it, even as a river of tax dollars flow in to keep the ship of state afloat.

Zoom-boing said:
Your omission of the biggest piece of the pie tells me everything I need to know about you.

And you lack of knowledge of the US Constitution tells me all I want to know about you!

JQpublic1 said:
Public schools? Is that why you think you are so obtuse? I guess picking up a dictionary is considered a weakness in your neighborhood. Here you go chap... I’ll be brave, charitable and do it for you!

Zoom-boing said:
Point went over your head. Naturally. :rolleyes:

No, it didn’t go over my head, I just threw it back in your face!

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