Republican: "Thank God For Obamacare!"

You know.............the day before yesterday, my room mate went to the doctor (who happens to be a Republican) for a check up.

During their conversation, she asked the doctor what he thought about the ACA, and he said that it's been a long time coming and it's about time it happened.

She then asked if he supported it and he said yes.

He also said that he was thinking of dropping his affiliation with the GOP because they've been acting like such asses over the ACA, which he said is not only a benefit for the people, but he supports it because he's going to be able to see more patients.

The ACA is doing great things for her, because now she can afford her medication. Under a previous plan, she could only afford 1 prescription (she needs 4) because they're expensive, but the doctor (looking at all her options), showed her how the ACA could help her pay for all her meds.

1 scrip prior to her finding out about it was over 100 bucks.

Now? She gets all 4 scrips filled for around 40.
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Good for her. And for every one she can afford a bunch of others will not.

Got any proof on that claim?

Interestingly enough, under the new rules of the ACA, I as a U.S. Navy retiree can now get my health care free from the VA (which I'm going to do). I can't sign on dependents under the ACA, but it is now part of my benefits as a veteran.
You know.............the day before yesterday, my room mate went to the doctor (who happens to be a Republican) for a check up.

During their conversation, she asked the doctor what he thought about the ACA, and he said that it's been a long time coming and it's about time it happened.

She then asked if he supported it and he said yes.

He also said that he was thinking of dropping his affiliation with the GOP because they've been acting like such asses over the ACA, which he said is not only a benefit for the people, but he supports it because he's going to be able to see more patients.

The ACA is doing great things for her, because now she can afford her medication. Under a previous plan, she could only afford 1 prescription (she needs 4) because they're expensive, but the doctor (looking at all her options), showed her how the ACA could help her pay for all her meds.

1 scrip prior to her finding out about it was over 100 bucks.

Now? She gets all 4 scrips filled for around 40.

Oh goody for her, someone else is paying for it. You do know that, right? IF THE COST IS REDUCED FOR HER IT IS ONLY BECAUSE SOMEONE ELSE IS PAYING FOR IT. PERIOD. They've screwed it for the 85% who were covered and who were happy with their insurance to 'help' the 15% who weren't, instead of leaving the 85% alone (oh, obama promised we wouldn't be affected, that we could keep our plans and our doctors he is nothing but a lying assed liar) and coming up with a fix for those 15%. And yes, many others are getting screwed over royally on this. Two people right here are feeling the effects in a very personal way. You people are loons if you believe anything else. Wake up.
Obamacare is a good thing. The Republicans are not that bad, but they should really change their stance on healthcare issues.
Obamacare is a good thing. The Republicans are not that bad, but they should really change their stance on healthcare issues.

Good for who?

I'm getting screwed by it.

For the people who cannot afford independent helathcare. At least, that is what I hear in the news in Western Europe. I'm not sure if this is really true, because I do not live in the US.
Why should he go to any site? He HAD insurance, he DID the responsible thing, o-bam-a! said that the (un)aca would not affect anyone who had insurance. HE LIED. The insurance companies are charging more because more services are required by law to be included in his (and everyone elses) policy now. What, you want he should see if he qualifies for a subsidy so some other shlup can fork over money for him? Oh wait, I forgot ... you're a leftist, someone else footing the bill is par for the course for you.

And why should someone have to get a plan that covers babies they will never have?

Yes! The brilliance knows no bounds!

it'll be nice when yours can make it out of a 4x6 padded room...... :thup:
For the people who cannot afford independent helathcare. At least, that is what I hear in the news in Western Europe. I'm not sure if this is really true, because I do not live in the US.

Don't believe the hype.
But can you tell in short how you are screwed by it. I mean , this is something I haven't heard before.

Premiums up 250 a month and a 6300 dollar deductible.

Basically I am still paying for my routine shit out of pocket because the deductible is so high.

I used to always pay for routine shit out of pocket and carried an inexpensive catastrophic policy for emergencies, cancer care etc

Now i have to pay for maternity care, dental and optical for kids I will never have, drug, alcohol and mental health counseling I will never use etc.
Of course he was being over charged for COBRA. And?


"the Richardsons only pay $136 a month for health insurance that covers them both." is cheap cheap, they are being subsidized.

. I do realize that by "subsidize" you probably are referring to the use of government funds to offset losses by the insurance companies. I am not certain if that is true or not. However, If only half of the new enrollees are paying premiums averaging 70 bucks a month each, that's no chump change.

"government funds" wtf, are you on drugs? The government doesn't have any "funds", it is taxpayer money that is footing the bill. Anyone getting anything subsidized means someone else is paying for it; anyone who is paying more is paying for it. Period. It's only going to get worse. There is no "probably" about any of that.

No, I am not on drugs but anyone who hallucinates about “owning their tax dollars” could be. Obviously, you think only “conservatives” pay taxes. Reading your posts, you are obsessed with a distorted belief that government subsidies spent on programs are (your) tax dollars being given to support various government programs you don’t agree with! Most of the workers and white collar types pay taxes, including so-called liberals, progressives and others including so-called conservatives.. How do you even form your mouth to say “your” tax dollars are being spent on this or that/ It is impossible to differentiate between liberal tax monies or conservative tax monies.

That aside, Please copy and post an image of a US coin or currency with your name printed and stamped on it. Unless you share the name of a former deceased president or any former Secretary of the Treasury, it isn’t there. Technically, tax dollars belong to all of us as does other funds regardless of source. We The People ARE the your illusion that the government does not own or have any “funds” is pure fantasy.

Stephanie said:
exactly, some of these people who vote are damn scary they think the Government now has it's own magic money tree they just PLUCK the monies off it
You are trying to be facetious but that “Magic Money Tree” is rooted in the US Mint, the Federal Reserve ( privately owned) and the US Treasury. Indeed, the 1% have been plucking monies off it, even as a river of tax dollars flow in to keep the ship of state afloat.

Zoom-Boing said:
Public school doesn't teach the meaning of the word 'subsidy'.

Public schools? Is that why you think you are so obtuse? I guess picking up a dictionary is considered a weakness in your neighborhood. Here you go chap... I’ll be brave, charitable and do it for you!

dictionary said:
subsidy |ˈsəbsidē|
noun ( pl. -dies)
1 a sum of money granted by the government or a public body to assist an industry or business so that the price of a commodity or service may remain low or competitive : a farm subsidy | they disdain government subsidy.
• a sum of money granted to support an arts organization or other undertaking held to be in the public interest.
• a sum of money paid by one government to another for the preservation of neutrality, the promotion of war, or to repay military aid.
• a grant or contribution of money.
2 historical a parliamentary grant to the sovereign for state needs.
• a tax levied on a particular occasion.
ORIGIN late Middle English : from Anglo-Norman French subsidie, from Latin subsidium ‘assistance.’

given the dictionary verification the following dunce still comes up with this:

Driveby said:
Indeed, whenever a democrat uses that word they use it incorrectly..

HAHAHA! I guess those democrat economic professors have spent years defining the word subsidy incorrectly. One of them probably wrote the definition in your dictionary. I suppose Right wingers have recently coined their own definition of the word while simultaneously abandoning their hallowed traditionilsm in a fit of desperation!
. I do realize that by "subsidize" you probably are referring to the use of government funds to offset losses by the insurance companies. I am not certain if that is true or not. However, If only half of the new enrollees are paying premiums averaging 70 bucks a month each, that's no chump change.

"government funds" wtf, are you on drugs? The government doesn't have any "funds", it is taxpayer money that is footing the bill. Anyone getting anything subsidized means someone else is paying for it; anyone who is paying more is paying for it. Period. It's only going to get worse. There is no "probably" about any of that.

No, I am not on drugs but anyone who hallucinates about “owning their tax dollars” could be. Obviously, you think only “conservatives” pay taxes. Reading your posts, you are obsessed with a distorted belief that government subsidies spent on programs are (your) tax dollars being given to support various government programs you don’t agree with! Most of the workers and white collar types pay taxes, including so-called liberals, progressives and others including so-called conservatives.. How do you even form your mouth to say “your” tax dollars are being spent on this or that/ It is impossible to differentiate between liberal tax monies or conservative tax monies.

That aside, Please copy and post an image of a US coin or currency with your name printed and stamped on it. Unless you share the name of a former deceased president or any former Secretary of the Treasury, it isn’t there. Technically, tax dollars belong to all of us as does other funds regardless of source. We The People ARE the your illusion that the government does not own or have any “funds” is pure fantasy.

You are trying to be facetious but that “Magic Money Tree” is rooted in the US Mint, the Federal Reserve ( privately owned) and the US Treasury. Indeed, the 1% have been plucking monies off it, even as a river of tax dollars flow in to keep the ship of state afloat.

Public schools? Is that why you think you are so obtuse? I guess picking up a dictionary is considered a weakness in your neighborhood. Here you go chap... I’ll be brave, charitable and do it for you!

dictionary said:
subsidy |ˈsəbsidē|
noun ( pl. -dies)
1 a sum of money granted by the government or a public body to assist an industry or business so that the price of a commodity or service may remain low or competitive : a farm subsidy | they disdain government subsidy.
• a sum of money granted to support an arts organization or other undertaking held to be in the public interest.
• a sum of money paid by one government to another for the preservation of neutrality, the promotion of war, or to repay military aid.
• a grant or contribution of money.
2 historical a parliamentary grant to the sovereign for state needs.
• a tax levied on a particular occasion.
ORIGIN late Middle English : from Anglo-Norman French subsidie, from Latin subsidium ‘assistance.’

given the dictionary verification the following dunce still comes up with this:

Driveby said:
Indeed, whenever a democrat uses that word they use it incorrectly..

HAHAHA! I guess those democrat economic professors have spent years defining the word subsidy incorrectly. One of them probably wrote the definition in your dictionary. I suppose Right wingers have recently coined their own definition of the word while simultaneously abandoning their hallowed traditionilsm in a fit of desperation!

Those who are paying higher premiums and larger deductibles would overwhelmingly disagree with your drivel, pubic.

Side note...look at your avatar then look at mine, which avatar do you think the world would most identify obama with? :lol:
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You know.............the day before yesterday, my room mate went to the doctor (who happens to be a Republican) for a check up.

During their conversation, she asked the doctor what he thought about the ACA, and he said that it's been a long time coming and it's about time it happened.

She then asked if he supported it and he said yes.

He also said that he was thinking of dropping his affiliation with the GOP because they've been acting like such asses over the ACA, which he said is not only a benefit for the people, but he supports it because he's going to be able to see more patients.

The ACA is doing great things for her, because now she can afford her medication. Under a previous plan, she could only afford 1 prescription (she needs 4) because they're expensive, but the doctor (looking at all her options), showed her how the ACA could help her pay for all her meds.

1 scrip prior to her finding out about it was over 100 bucks.

Now? She gets all 4 scrips filled for around 40.
You're a bald faced liar... :eusa_hand:
Wow, these right wingers are so damn dumb. They think Americans don't want health care? How could they be so stupid. And that DB Stef, I bet she thinks she paid for that road she walks down.


Well, you can always pick your source:

Herb Richardson wife thank god for obamacare
You do realize that you are the MINORITY that think ovomitcare is GOOD. It has HURT, FAR MORE people than it has it HELPED.

That is because the ONLY people it HELPS are the TAKERS. The SLACKERS, the LAZYS and the WELFARE CASES.... LIKE YOU.

Well sorry there skippy, but that ain't gonna win you any elections. The VAST MAJORITY OF PEOPLE IN AMERICA RIGHT NOW, ARE PISSED OFF at you fucking DEMOCRATS for RAMMING OVOMITCARE down the throats of EVERYONE, and it's hurting people IN SPITE OF the kenyan ILLEGALLY ALTERING THE LAW 30+ TIMES ALREADY!

You fucking liberals are TRASH, you're PARASITES, and you all have a MENTAL ILLNESS.
You are veteran. You don't count.

I asked you to back up the claim that for every scrip my room mate got, someone else had to go without.

Thanks for saying that veterans deserve to have health care provided to them by this country.

I don't have to. For everyone who gets the bennies someone has to pay. There's no free lunch.

Quick question.................

I've got bennies from serving this country for over 20 years (my TIS is around 21), and I've been the recipient of a letter as of this Monday that said I could get free health care if I signed up at the VA office.

I went in and applied today (March 27th, 2014), and was told that not only did I receive free heath care (because of the ACA), but I was also told that my insurance (received from the VA because of the ACA) would only cost me 8 bucks/prescription for every thirty days that I required it.

Sorry................but I really like the ACA. Not only that, but I also found out that everyone who is retired is entitled to receive free health care (if they can prove their service) as well as those who served over 4 years and received an honorable discharge for their service (you've gotta provide a DD214 if you served less than 20).

The premiums are less than what the civilian companies are providing.

If you're a vet, and served over 4 years and were discharged Honorably under your last discharge, I'd advise you to check out what the VA has to offer.

Me? I served over 20 years for the military, and am glad that I can get free health care.

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