Republican: "Thank God For Obamacare!"

Unbelievable. Every nutter here is (or intimately knows) someone who had a shit health insurance plan. Uncanny!

My brother's plan wasn't shit, wasn't "junk", wasn't sub-par, he had it for years, it covered what he needed (and nothing he didn't need), he used the shit out of it including hospitalization.

But that just can't be! zomG! You're lying! Go get me his plan name and all pertinent information! obama!!

The people who have posted about these perfectly good plans being cancelled due to the (un)aca aren't lying.

But please do continue to rant. It's fun to watch.


Yes they are. Lying, that is. And so are you.
Unbelievable. Every nutter here is (or intimately knows) someone who had a shit health insurance plan. Uncanny!

My brother's plan wasn't shit, wasn't "junk", wasn't sub-par, he had it for years, it covered what he needed (and nothing he didn't need), he used the shit out of it including hospitalization.

But that just can't be! zomG! You're lying! Go get me his plan name and all pertinent information! obama!!

The people who have posted about these perfectly good plans being cancelled due to the (un)aca aren't lying.

But please do continue to rant. It's fun to watch.


Yes they are. Lying, that is. And so are you.

Nope, not one bit.

It's all true.

Every word.

On a scale of one to ten your complete denial of people having perfectly good policies cancelled due to the (un)aca is:


Congratulations on remaining blissfully ignorant.

Scott Brown Awkwardly Finds Out That Obamacare Is Also Helping Republicans


Brown found that out on Saturday, when he stopped by the home of Herb Richardson, a Republican state representative. Sitting in Richardson's home, Brown called Obamacare a "monstrosity" that members of Congress didn't even bother to read before they passed. At that point, according to the Coos County Democrat, Richardson chimed in to explain that the law had been a "financial lifesaver" for him and his wife. From the the piece (page 14):


Richardson was injured on the job and was forced to live on his workers' comp payments for an extended period of time, which ultimately cost the couple their house on Williams Street. The couple had to pay $1,100 a month if they wanted to maintain their health insurance coverage under the federal COBRA law.

Richardson said he only received some $2,000 a month in workers' comp. payments, however, leaving little for them to live on.

"Thank God for Obamacare!" his wife exclaimed.

Now, thanks to the subsidy for which they qualify, the Richardsons only pay $136 a month for health insurance that covers them both.

whats these republicans here call them moochers
It was cancelled because the government made up some bullshit minimum coverage mandates.

No, it was cancelled because the corporation decided to cancel it instead of modify it.

It's really simple.

My brother had an individual policy from BC. It was fairly minimal, very affordable, covered what he needed (and nothing he didn't need), he has used is a lot in the past ten years including hospitalization.

In order for him to keep that policy no changes of any significance could be made to it and even at that, he would only enjoy that grandfather status for a short period of time. Since obama waved his magic wand, my brother gets to keep his original policy till June at which time it will change to comply with the law. However, his premium has doubled and his deductible nearly doubled because the insurance companies don't base their rates on the waving of magic wands, they were based months and months ago on the (un)aca ... that obama has continuously changed/delayed.

Saying that the insurance companies are the ones responsible for cancelling his (and millions of other) policy(ies) is nothing short of ridiculous. The companies have no choice but to comply with the law that is the (un)aca, so they complied and by doing so the original policies were effectively cancelled. Again, the insurance companies have to comply with the law so existing policies that do not meet the 'standards' of the (un)aca have no place to go but away. Cancelled. They are no more. They have ceased to be. They are an ex-policy!

Spin it seven ways to Tuesday if you'd like but you are wrong. This isn't on the insurance companies it's on the Ds, obama and the ever pesky (un)aca that you guys love so much. You wanted it, you voted for it, you got it. Suck it up, buttercup.

still whining about your brothers policy every timne somebody shows you how good it is you whine about what your brothers policy use to be ... well tuff ... now he has to buy a new policy ... tell him to put his big boy pants on and deal with it ...
No, it was cancelled because the corporation decided to cancel it instead of modify it.

It's really simple.

My brother had an individual policy from BC. It was fairly minimal, very affordable, covered what he needed (and nothing he didn't need), he has used is a lot in the past ten years including hospitalization.

In order for him to keep that policy no changes of any significance could be made to it and even at that, he would only enjoy that grandfather status for a short period of time. Since obama waved his magic wand, my brother gets to keep his original policy till June at which time it will change to comply with the law. However, his premium has doubled and his deductible nearly doubled because the insurance companies don't base their rates on the waving of magic wands, they were based months and months ago on the (un)aca ... that obama has continuously changed/delayed.

Saying that the insurance companies are the ones responsible for cancelling his (and millions of other) policy(ies) is nothing short of ridiculous. The companies have no choice but to comply with the law that is the (un)aca, so they complied and by doing so the original policies were effectively cancelled. Again, the insurance companies have to comply with the law so existing policies that do not meet the 'standards' of the (un)aca have no place to go but away. Cancelled. They are no more. They have ceased to be. They are an ex-policy!

Spin it seven ways to Tuesday if you'd like but you are wrong. This isn't on the insurance companies it's on the Ds, obama and the ever pesky (un)aca that you guys love so much. You wanted it, you voted for it, you got it. Suck it up, buttercup.

still whining about your brothers policy every timne somebody shows you how good it is you whine about what your brothers policy use to be ... well tuff ... now he has to buy a new policy ... tell him to put his big boy pants on and deal with it ...

So you admit it's true that people are seeing their premiums go up because they are forced to buy policies that covers shit they don't need or want.

Thank you for finally being honest about that.
Of course he was being over charged for COBRA. And?


"the Richardsons only pay $136 a month for health insurance that covers them both." is cheap cheap, they are being subsidized.
You've been properly conditioned.

So it's cheaper and better to subsidize insurance through govt than to
invest resources into cost-effective medical education and services directly? (BR)yes way cheaper for all emily cinciola

That's fine if this is the better solution.
I just want to know if it's only politics preventing agreement on this as the solution,
or if it is more cost-effective to invest directly in education, facilities and services
and remove insurance from the equation except as an optional choice. (BR)republican will never allow that to happen

Hasn't it been shown financially that investing the same money spent on insurance
would produce greater dividends if invested in "other forms of savings" (eg, compare (BR) NO no amount of investing will cover any hospital cost
real estate, where investments pay off greater returns faster than 401K so people retire early. (BR) YOU"RE TALKING apples and oranges ... one health care cost can wipe out your entire retirement account, Yesterday a sombody posted a guy who didn't have health care prior to January 1 of this year had a heart attack December 31 ... it will cost him 407,000 dollars for that one operation and if you know of anybody who has had this kind of operation theres more to come
wouldn't that model work better for paying for health care than govt mandates on insurance?). (BR)the government mandates you should buy insurance ... the government doesn't sell insurance ... the private sector does... and no it wouldn't work better... its has shown many times that your way doesn't work

So if the govt was going to choose a "middle man" system to invest in
to cover medical costs and health care,
wouldn't OTHER venues of investment actually pay off better than insurance?

Has this been discussed at all?
yes this has been discussed many times before... it will not work ... you end up losing everything you own with your investment Idea of health care... the investor end up taking you to the cleaners ... when the investments go south on you, like they always do, hell look at what happen when your 401k went south ... you won't have a dime one to pay for anything concerning health care ... like last time the tax payer ends up paying for it ... this is a terrible idea for health care ...
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My brother had an individual policy from BC. It was fairly minimal, very affordable, covered what he needed (and nothing he didn't need), he has used is a lot in the past ten years including hospitalization.

In order for him to keep that policy no changes of any significance could be made to it and even at that, he would only enjoy that grandfather status for a short period of time. Since obama waved his magic wand, my brother gets to keep his original policy till June at which time it will change to comply with the law. However, his premium has doubled and his deductible nearly doubled because the insurance companies don't base their rates on the waving of magic wands, they were based months and months ago on the (un)aca ... that obama has continuously changed/delayed.

Saying that the insurance companies are the ones responsible for cancelling his (and millions of other) policy(ies) is nothing short of ridiculous. The companies have no choice but to comply with the law that is the (un)aca, so they complied and by doing so the original policies were effectively cancelled. Again, the insurance companies have to comply with the law so existing policies that do not meet the 'standards' of the (un)aca have no place to go but away. Cancelled. They are no more. They have ceased to be. They are an ex-policy!

Spin it seven ways to Tuesday if you'd like but you are wrong. This isn't on the insurance companies it's on the Ds, obama and the ever pesky (un)aca that you guys love so much. You wanted it, you voted for it, you got it. Suck it up, buttercup.

You're actually saying that insurance corporation profits are sacrosanct and cannot be part of the equation.

More coverage costs more money, ALMOST any idiot knows that. Democrats put forth the false notion that it's the insurance companies raising their rates on purpose, to increase profits. Good thing democrats have millions of useful idiots to help foster this notion because people with sense aren't buying it........ :thup:

do you ever stop saying stupid shit???? here's what these insurance companies did ... and this came from their employees ... they said they canceled these peoples policy fully knowing the could rise their rates and make more money ...... the problem Zoom-boing has is her brother has two choices and she whines about them... pay more money to continue on the policy he has, or pay 136 dollars a month and be forced to go to a different doctor ... Zoom-boing will tell you that her brother doesn't like that Idea... so then I say take the more expensive plan keep your doctor, if he doesn't like that Idea of a different doctor ... after all it was the insurance company that canceled his plan ... it was the insurance company who is forcing him to a different doctor, not obama ...
With the millions of plans that were cancelled, i can see how it would be nearly impossible to know anyone that had an individual policy......

On the other hand, i love how all the nutters here think that's impossible and it's great that Obama just wants everyone to have insurance........ :thup:

I guess you just love to say stupid shit
My brother had an individual policy from BC. It was fairly minimal, very affordable, covered what he needed (and nothing he didn't need), he has used is a lot in the past ten years including hospitalization.

In order for him to keep that policy no changes of any significance could be made to it and even at that, he would only enjoy that grandfather status for a short period of time. Since obama waved his magic wand, my brother gets to keep his original policy till June at which time it will change to comply with the law. However, his premium has doubled and his deductible nearly doubled because the insurance companies don't base their rates on the waving of magic wands, they were based months and months ago on the (un)aca ... that obama has continuously changed/delayed.

Saying that the insurance companies are the ones responsible for cancelling his (and millions of other) policy(ies) is nothing short of ridiculous. The companies have no choice but to comply with the law that is the (un)aca, so they complied and by doing so the original policies were effectively cancelled. Again, the insurance companies have to comply with the law so existing policies that do not meet the 'standards' of the (un)aca have no place to go but away. Cancelled. They are no more. They have ceased to be. They are an ex-policy!

Spin it seven ways to Tuesday if you'd like but you are wrong. This isn't on the insurance companies it's on the Ds, obama and the ever pesky (un)aca that you guys love so much. You wanted it, you voted for it, you got it. Suck it up, buttercup.

You're actually saying that insurance corporation profits are sacrosanct and cannot be part of the equation.

I'm saying that due to the (un)aca insurance companies must comply (do you even understand that part??) with the law, must provide certain 'essential benefits' which equates to MORE COVERAGE. MORE COVERAGE costs MORE MONEY. Oh, you think they should just you know, provide more coverage but not charge more? I"m sorry you're having such a difficult time comprehending this. But hey, o-bam-a!, right?


the only one here who is having such a difficult time comprehending this is you ... you never went to the site to see if he could get a better plan ... you just took his currant plan and ran with it ... then told us what the new cost would be ... like it was obama's fault and not the insurance company gouging your brother for more money ... just so you can come here and whine about it and say stupid shit like, "But hey, o-bam-a!, right" ...
Unbelievable. Every nutter here is (or intimately knows) someone who had a shit health insurance plan. Uncanny!

My brother's plan wasn't shit, wasn't "junk", wasn't sub-par, he had it for years, it covered what he needed (and nothing he didn't need), he used the shit out of it including hospitalization.

But that just can't be! zomG! You're lying! Go get me his plan name and all pertinent information! obama!!

The people who have posted about these perfectly good plans being cancelled due to the (un)aca aren't lying.

But please do continue to rant. It's fun to watch.


if they were perfectly good plans then why did they get canceled??? could it be they weren't so perfect as you claim them to be ??? could that be it ??? nooooooooooooooooooooooo you want to blame Obama for everything that you can... isn't that the real reason ... isn't that the real truth
Unbelievable. Every nutter here is (or intimately knows) someone who had a shit health insurance plan. Uncanny!

My brother's plan wasn't shit, wasn't "junk", wasn't sub-par, he had it for years, it covered what he needed (and nothing he didn't need), he used the shit out of it including hospitalization.

But that just can't be! zomG! You're lying! Go get me his plan name and all pertinent information! obama!!

The people who have posted about these perfectly good plans being cancelled due to the (un)aca aren't lying.

But please do continue to rant. It's fun to watch.


if they were perfectly good plans then why did they get canceled??? could it be they weren't so perfect as you claim them to be ??? could that be it ??? nooooooooooooooooooooooo you want to blame Obama for everything that you can... isn't that the real reason ... isn't that the real truth

My plan was perfectly good for me. It is exactly what i wanted and it covered exactly what I need.

Why should I be forced to pay more for a plan that is good for someone else?
Unbelievable. Every nutter here is (or intimately knows) someone who had a shit health insurance plan. Uncanny!

My brother's plan wasn't shit, wasn't "junk", wasn't sub-par, he had it for years, it covered what he needed (and nothing he didn't need), he used the shit out of it including hospitalization.

But that just can't be! zomG! You're lying! Go get me his plan name and all pertinent information! obama!!

The people who have posted about these perfectly good plans being cancelled due to the (un)aca aren't lying.

But please do continue to rant. It's fun to watch.


if they were perfectly good plans then why did they get canceled??? could it be they weren't so perfect as you claim them to be ??? could that be it ??? nooooooooooooooooooooooo you want to blame Obama for everything that you can... isn't that the real reason ... isn't that the real truth

Because his plan wasn't compliant with the (un)aca. My 56 year old single brother didn't have maternity and newborn coverage, didn't have pediatric coverage, didn't have drug coverage. Now that he will have to have that coverage his old plan is non-compliant and, therefore, cancelled. His new plan will be compliant and, therefore, more expensive because it covers more things. Did you think the insurance companies were going to provide more coverage for the same price? Oh, you did didn't you? Derp.

Do you think if your car insurance started covering things like oil changes, inspections, and tire rotations that your premium wouldn't go up?

You're an idiot.
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Unbelievable. Every nutter here is (or intimately knows) someone who had a shit health insurance plan. Uncanny!

My brother's plan wasn't shit, wasn't "junk", wasn't sub-par, he had it for years, it covered what he needed (and nothing he didn't need), he used the shit out of it including hospitalization.

But that just can't be! zomG! You're lying! Go get me his plan name and all pertinent information! obama!!

The people who have posted about these perfectly good plans being cancelled due to the (un)aca aren't lying.

But please do continue to rant. It's fun to watch.


It's also hilarious how every nutter here can just deem these individual plans as "shit" plans. Without anything concrete of course, just because they say so....... :thup:
Unbelievable. Every nutter here is (or intimately knows) someone who had a shit health insurance plan. Uncanny!

My brother's plan wasn't shit, wasn't "junk", wasn't sub-par, he had it for years, it covered what he needed (and nothing he didn't need), he used the shit out of it including hospitalization.

But that just can't be! zomG! You're lying! Go get me his plan name and all pertinent information! obama!!

The people who have posted about these perfectly good plans being cancelled due to the (un)aca aren't lying.

But please do continue to rant. It's fun to watch.


It's also hilarious how every nutter here can just deem these individual plans as "shit" plans. Without anything concrete of course, just because they say so....... :thup:

My brother's plan provided him the necessary insurance coverage he needed, including hospitalization that he used, during a very difficult time. He ended up having mercury poisoning (took them quite while to dx him), which wrecked havoc with his entire body. Not your ordinary 'illness'. He was covered with his individually purchased plan. But the wingdings just scream "it was a junk plan, liar!" because .... obama! :cuckoo:
King Obama has personally decreed a 2-year waiver of the very same "junk" plans left-wing nutjobs insisted they were saving Americans from.

idiots and hypocrites
You're actually saying that insurance corporation profits are sacrosanct and cannot be part of the equation.

I'm saying that due to the (un)aca insurance companies must comply (do you even understand that part??) with the law, must provide certain 'essential benefits' which equates to MORE COVERAGE. MORE COVERAGE costs MORE MONEY. Oh, you think they should just you know, provide more coverage but not charge more? I"m sorry you're having such a difficult time comprehending this. But hey, o-bam-a!, right?


the only one here who is having such a difficult time comprehending this is you ... you never went to the site to see if he could get a better plan ... you just took his currant plan and ran with it ... then told us what the new cost would be ... like it was obama's fault and not the insurance company gouging your brother for more money ... just so you can come here and whine about it and say stupid shit like, "But hey, o-bam-a!, right" ...

Why should he go to any site? He HAD insurance, he DID the responsible thing, o-bam-a! said that the (un)aca would not affect anyone who had insurance. HE LIED. The insurance companies are charging more because more services are required by law to be included in his (and everyone elses) policy now. What, you want he should see if he qualifies for a subsidy so some other shlup can fork over money for him? Oh wait, I forgot ... you're a leftist, someone else footing the bill is par for the course for you.
With the millions of plans that were cancelled, i can see how it would be nearly impossible to know anyone that had an individual policy......

On the other hand, i love how all the nutters here think that's impossible and it's great that Obama just wants everyone to have insurance........ :thup:

I guess you just love to say stupid shit

The cock smoking nutter disagrees, further validating my point......... :thup:
You're actually saying that insurance corporation profits are sacrosanct and cannot be part of the equation.

More coverage costs more money, ALMOST any idiot knows that. Democrats put forth the false notion that it's the insurance companies raising their rates on purpose, to increase profits. Good thing democrats have millions of useful idiots to help foster this notion because people with sense aren't buying it........ :thup:

do you ever stop saying stupid shit???? here's what these insurance companies did ... and this came from their employees ... they said they canceled these peoples policy fully knowing the could rise their rates and make more money ...... the problem Zoom-boing has is her brother has two choices and she whines about them... pay more money to continue on the policy he has, or pay 136 dollars a month and be forced to go to a different doctor ... Zoom-boing will tell you that her brother doesn't like that Idea... so then I say take the more expensive plan keep your doctor, if he doesn't like that Idea of a different doctor ... after all it was the insurance company that canceled his plan ... it was the insurance company who is forcing him to a different doctor, not obama ...

False, false, false.

The unaca mandates that more benefits be included in everyone's policy. More benefits cost more money. But somehow it's the insurance companies being evil and raising their prices. They should just provide more benefits at no additional cost. :cuckoo: The unaca mandated that those policies were null and void because they did not met the criteria for the new law ... but there you go spinning that it was the insurance companies cancelling them on a whim. Waddadopeyouare.

obama said if you like your plan, your doctor you can keep them. He's a fucking liar and you know it. But there you go, just go switch doctors, just go get another plan.

You betcha I'm bitching about his doubled premium and nearly doubled deductible. And no matter how much you spin it, those increases are a direct result of the (un)aca, o-bam-a!care.

You derp, he can't continue on a policy that has been cancelled. Oh wait, o-bam-a! said he could for two more years. But the prices were already set months ago based on the new law ... but o-bam-a! decided to just say 'eh, screw it'. He's a bigger idiot than you and that's saying something.

You want my brother should go to some government website, provide all his personal info and what, get some shlup to pay for his subsidy? You truly do not comprehend people who provide for themselves do you? He HAD a perfectly good policy, he DID the responsible thing and had insurance. The fucking obamacare screwed the pooch for him and millions like him.

barack obama: "If you like your plan you can keep your plan. PERIOD." <--- Fucking ass liar.
I'm saying that due to the (un)aca insurance companies must comply (do you even understand that part??) with the law, must provide certain 'essential benefits' which equates to MORE COVERAGE. MORE COVERAGE costs MORE MONEY. Oh, you think they should just you know, provide more coverage but not charge more? I"m sorry you're having such a difficult time comprehending this. But hey, o-bam-a!, right?


the only one here who is having such a difficult time comprehending this is you ... you never went to the site to see if he could get a better plan ... you just took his currant plan and ran with it ... then told us what the new cost would be ... like it was obama's fault and not the insurance company gouging your brother for more money ... just so you can come here and whine about it and say stupid shit like, "But hey, o-bam-a!, right" ...

Why should he go to any site? He HAD insurance, he DID the responsible thing, o-bam-a! said that the (un)aca would not affect anyone who had insurance. HE LIED. The insurance companies are charging more because more services are required by law to be included in his (and everyone elses) policy now. What, you want he should see if he qualifies for a subsidy so some other shlup can fork over money for him? Oh wait, I forgot ... you're a leftist, someone else footing the bill is par for the course for you.

And why should someone have to get a plan that covers babies they will never have?
the only one here who is having such a difficult time comprehending this is you ... you never went to the site to see if he could get a better plan ... you just took his currant plan and ran with it ... then told us what the new cost would be ... like it was obama's fault and not the insurance company gouging your brother for more money ... just so you can come here and whine about it and say stupid shit like, "But hey, o-bam-a!, right" ...

Why should he go to any site? He HAD insurance, he DID the responsible thing, o-bam-a! said that the (un)aca would not affect anyone who had insurance. HE LIED. The insurance companies are charging more because more services are required by law to be included in his (and everyone elses) policy now. What, you want he should see if he qualifies for a subsidy so some other shlup can fork over money for him? Oh wait, I forgot ... you're a leftist, someone else footing the bill is par for the course for you.

And why should someone have to get a plan that covers babies they will never have?

Yes! The brilliance knows no bounds!

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