Republican: "Thank God For Obamacare!"

Not all of us qualify for government hand outs like you do

both my premium and my deductible increased.

If you are claiming that your premiums went up $3000 due to the ACA, then you are full of shit.

The policy that I had got cancelled because of Obamcare so yes my premiums and deductibles both rose because of it. If it wasn't law I would have the same insurance policy I had for the past 10 years and was perfectly happy with.

You had the same policy for 10 years? Very interesting. What was the name of the policy? What is the name of your current policy?
You're asking for false testament... the narrative is not that premiums rise, it's why premiums rise.[/COLOR]

The pre-Obamacare non-system healthcare we've been living under, does virtually nothing to address rising healthcare cost. Obamacare does a little but not enough to address rising healthcare costs. [/COLOR]

My question for Republicans is[/COLOR],what has your party done to cope with rising healthcare costs[/COLOR]?[/COLOR]

Im not a republican so I wouldn't know.

What I do know is my premiums went up 3000 a year because I , a single man with no kids must pay insurance premiums to cover things like maternity care and dental coverage for kids I don't have as well as drug and alcohol counseling which i will never use.

But according to you idiots I must not be telling the truth right?

You are lying.

OMG! He dares to question dear leader, he must be lying! ....... :thup:
If you are claiming that your premiums went up $3000 due to the ACA, then you are full of shit.

The policy that I had got cancelled because of Obamcare so yes my premiums and deductibles both rose because of it. If it wasn't law I would have the same insurance policy I had for the past 10 years and was perfectly happy with.

You had the same policy for 10 years? Very interesting. What was the name of the policy? What is the name of your current policy?

I had policy for catastrophic care that didn't cover dental for kids, maternity, mental health counseling etc.

i paid for routine physicals etc out of pocket.

It worked for me because I'm healthy and can afford to pay for routine care. Now I have to pay a higher premium and still pay for most of my care out of pocket because my deductible is over 6 grand a year.
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The policy that I had got cancelled because of Obamcare so yes my premiums and deductibles both rose because of it. If it wasn't law I would have the same insurance policy I had for the past 10 years and was perfectly happy with.

You had the same policy for 10 years? Very interesting. What was the name of the policy? What is the name of your current policy?

I had policy for catastrophic care that didn't cover dental for kids, maternity, mental health counseling etc.

i paid for routine physicals etc out of pocket.

It worked for me because I'm healthy and can afford to pay for routine care. Now I have to pay a higher premium and still pay for most of my care out of pocket because my deductible is over 6 grand a year.

You're wasting your time explaining, clowns like LL are not interested in the truth. Protecting dear leader comes before all..........
Nice. Good for them.
I'm waiting for a wingnut to try to debunk this as false, the way that every single anti-Obamacare story has been thoroughly debunked. :lol:

It can be beneficial, but people still want to choose to buy insurance, not be forced by govt.

I have seen no proof that the same benefits could not have been set up independent of federal govt, such as by organizing different systems "by party" and rewarding members for investing in the health care of their choice.

In fact, I think we are missing great opportunities to PUSH for govt reforms, especially on a state level, to fund health care provisions DIRECTLY by investing in medical education, hospital facilities and health service programs INSTEAD of focusing on forcing payments to insurance.

People who have been lobbying to replace the death penalty and drug wars with more cost-effective PREVENTATIVE measures could be using the opposition to ACA to push for better ways to save taxpayers dollars in order to use those resources to pay for health care, instead of charging citizens more money under threat of penalty, when we already spend billions of dollars on criminal justice and mental health systems that don't work. Why not take those dollars and invest them in health care directly? Why waste time and money on this plan to force citizens to pay additional cuts out of our paychecks to pay for insurance premiums, deductibles, and other costs, when all that could be covered already if we quit wasting so much money paying for incarcerating prisoners pulled out of the workforce?

So backwards. We could do so much better, if we didn't waste time and focus arguing
over the wrong way to go, when everyone could invest equally in the right way for them.
We could fund multiple solutions and options, instead of just pushing one way and alienating half the nation while resources spent on fighting could fund direct reforms.
You had the same policy for 10 years? Very interesting. What was the name of the policy? What is the name of your current policy?

I had policy for catastrophic care that didn't cover dental for kids, maternity, mental health counseling etc.

i paid for routine physicals etc out of pocket.

It worked for me because I'm healthy and can afford to pay for routine care. Now I have to pay a higher premium and still pay for most of my care out of pocket because my deductible is over 6 grand a year.

You're wasting your time explaining, clowns like LL are not interested in the truth. Protecting dear leader comes before all..........

It's common sense that when you buy insurance with only the coverage you actually need that it will be less than a policy that covers shit you will never need or use but that you have to pay for anyway.
The policy that I had got cancelled because of Obamcare so yes my premiums and deductibles both rose because of it. If it wasn't law I would have the same insurance policy I had for the past 10 years and was perfectly happy with.

You had the same policy for 10 years? Very interesting. What was the name of the policy? What is the name of your current policy?

I had policy for catastrophic care that didn't cover dental for kids, maternity, mental health counseling etc.

i paid for routine physicals etc out of pocket.

It worked for me because I'm healthy and can afford to pay for routine care. Now I have to pay a higher premium and still pay for most of my care out of pocket because my deductible is over 6 grand a year.

I asked for the names of both plans. Can you provide this information, please?
You had the same policy for 10 years? Very interesting. What was the name of the policy? What is the name of your current policy?

I had policy for catastrophic care that didn't cover dental for kids, maternity, mental health counseling etc.

i paid for routine physicals etc out of pocket.

It worked for me because I'm healthy and can afford to pay for routine care. Now I have to pay a higher premium and still pay for most of my care out of pocket because my deductible is over 6 grand a year.

I asked for the names of both plans. Can you provide this information, please?

How about his name and SS number while you're at it.......... :cuckoo:
You had the same policy for 10 years? Very interesting. What was the name of the policy? What is the name of your current policy?

I had policy for catastrophic care that didn't cover dental for kids, maternity, mental health counseling etc.

i paid for routine physicals etc out of pocket.

It worked for me because I'm healthy and can afford to pay for routine care. Now I have to pay a higher premium and still pay for most of my care out of pocket because my deductible is over 6 grand a year.

I asked for the names of both plans. Can you provide this information, please?


I got the current plan off my state exchange through aetna it's a bronze plan with a 6300 dollar deductible

I had the old plan through BCBS. I tossed the old policy so I don't remember the name
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You're asking for false testament... the narrative is not that premiums rise, it's why premiums rise.[/COLOR]

The pre-Obamacare non-system healthcare we've been living under, does virtually nothing to address rising healthcare cost. Obamacare does a little but not enough to address rising healthcare costs. [/COLOR]

My question for Republicans is[/COLOR],what has your party done to cope with rising healthcare costs[/COLOR]?[/COLOR]

Im not a republican so I wouldn't know.

What I do know is my premiums went up 3000 a year because I , a single man with no kids must pay insurance premiums to cover things like maternity care and dental coverage for kids I don't have as well as drug and alcohol counseling which i will never use.

But according to you idiots I must not be telling the truth right?

Your premium went up "3000", since you forgot to specify, I'll presume you mean dollars not 3000X, not 3000%, not... but-----but that's the problem with using personal stories on a M/B, no one can dispute your claims - no matter how much they sound like BS but-----but my guess is (guess is all anyone can do about your personal-alleged experience) you're simply aping Republican BS and-----and according to PoltiFact, your claim that your premium went up "3000", whether true or false, is outside the norm: Americans for Prosperity claims people are getting less at a higher cost under Obamacare

Our ruling
Americans for Prosperity said "millions are paying more and getting less" under Obamacare. We found their explanation of "less" rather dubious. Most people on the individual market are getting more benefits under the law. At worst, they’re paying more to get more, though in many cases they’re actually paying less.

We rate this claim
Maybe he means 3000 pennies.
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Not all of us qualify for government hand outs like you do

both my premium and my deductible increased.

If you are claiming that your premiums went up $3000 due to the ACA, then you are full of shit.

The policy that I had got cancelled because of Obamcare so yes my premiums and deductibles both rose because of it. If it wasn't law I would have the same insurance policy I had for the past 10 years and was perfectly happy with.

Putting aside your bullshit 3000 figure, your policy wasn't cancelled because of Obamacare.

It was cancelled because your insurance company decided to cancel it instead of modifying it.

We all get statements and notices from banks regularly saying that they are changing their conditions. We get emails saying "eBay is changing their site use terms" and such.

So there was no reason why insurance companies couldn't have just informed you that they have amended your policy so that you are now covered for per-existing conditions, etc.
Im not a republican so I wouldn't know.

What I do know is my premiums went up 3000 a year because I , a single man with no kids must pay insurance premiums to cover things like maternity care and dental coverage for kids I don't have as well as drug and alcohol counseling which i will never use.

But according to you idiots I must not be telling the truth right?

You are lying.

OMG! He dares to question dear leader, he must be lying! ....... :thup:
Hey, bud - this thread has been relatively retard-free, so take a hike.
The policy that I had got cancelled because of Obamcare so yes my premiums and deductibles both rose because of it. If it wasn't law I would have the same insurance policy I had for the past 10 years and was perfectly happy with.

You had the same policy for 10 years? Very interesting. What was the name of the policy? What is the name of your current policy?

I had policy for catastrophic care that didn't cover dental for kids, maternity, mental health counseling etc.

i paid for routine physicals etc out of pocket.

It worked for me because I'm healthy and can afford to pay for routine care. Now I have to pay a higher premium and still pay for most of my care out of pocket because my deductible is over 6 grand a year.
You think your old policy was tailored to you, and gave you discounts for being a man who wouldn't get pregnant?

And you also seem to think you will never have need of mental health coverage.

Dental isn't covered by the ACA.
Democrat who helped write Obamacare: "It's a TRAINWRECK"

idiots and hypocrites

I presume you are alluding to Max Baucus?
Before making an accusatory statement like that again, you may want to school yourself on the issue you're commenting on but-----but just to be clear, the kinda-sorta Democrat Max Baucus didn't write Obamacare, uber-conservative Heritage Foundation employee Stuart Butler did and-----and the Butler did it way back in 1989 and-----and did you know that before Obamacare was part of the American vernacular "Even libertarian-conservative icon Milton Friedman, in a 1991 Wall Street Journal article, advocated replacing Medicare and Medicaid 'with a requirement that every U.S. family unit have a major medical insurance policy.'"

If you're still confused about where the elements of Obamacare came from -- " is Butler's original description of how the mandate would be enforced, from page 51 of the 1989 monograph:
The requirement to obtain basic insurance would have to be enforced. The easiest way to monitor compliance might be for households to furnish proof of insurance when they file their tax returns. If a family were to cancel its insurance, the insurer would be required to notify the government. If the family did not enroll in another plan before the first insurance coverage lapsed and did not provide evidence of financial problems, a fine might be imposed.
But-----but don't take my word for it, find it in the WSJ here and-----and be sure to check out the parts that are quoted from Forbes.

Now that you know who wrote Obamacare were you looking in a mirror when you wrote - "idiots and hypocrites"?
If you are claiming that your premiums went up $3000 due to the ACA, then you are full of shit.

The policy that I had got cancelled because of Obamcare so yes my premiums and deductibles both rose because of it. If it wasn't law I would have the same insurance policy I had for the past 10 years and was perfectly happy with.

Putting aside your bullshit 3000 figure, your policy wasn't cancelled because of Obamacare.

It was cancelled because your insurance company decided to cancel it instead of modifying it.

We all get statements and notices from banks regularly saying that they are changing their conditions. We get emails saying "eBay is changing their site use terms" and such.

So there was no reason why insurance companies couldn't have just informed you that they have amended your policy so that you are now covered for per-existing conditions, etc.

It was cancelled because the government made up some bullshit minimum coverage mandates. I do not need maternity coverage or mental health and drug counseling coverage or dental and optical for kids under 12 coverage.

I am paying for stuff I do not need therefore I am paying more than when my insurance covered only what I need. It ain't rocket science.

So now I pay about 250 more a month with a 6300 dollar deductible which means I still pay for my annual care out of pocket.
Scott Brown Awkwardly Finds Out That Obamacare Is Also Helping Republicans


Brown found that out on Saturday, when he stopped by the home of Herb Richardson, a Republican state representative. Sitting in Richardson's home, Brown called Obamacare a "monstrosity" that members of Congress didn't even bother to read before they passed. At that point, according to the Coos County Democrat, Richardson chimed in to explain that the law had been a "financial lifesaver" for him and his wife. From the the piece (page 14):


Richardson was injured on the job and was forced to live on his workers' comp payments for an extended period of time, which ultimately cost the couple their house on Williams Street. The couple had to pay $1,100 a month if they wanted to maintain their health insurance coverage under the federal COBRA law.

Richardson said he only received some $2,000 a month in workers' comp. payments, however, leaving little for them to live on.

"Thank God for Obamacare!" his wife exclaimed.

Now, thanks to the subsidy for which they qualify, the Richardsons only pay $136 a month for health insurance that covers them both.

No one claims that Obamacare doesn't help some people.

That isn't the point.

The point is that it is something the American people, as a whole, did not want, and it was forced on us by way of lies, conniving, mannipulation and a dishonest President and Speaker Pelosi to use our need for affordable Health Care coverage as a way of subjugating us to the Government.

When you control the peoples health care you control the people.

Obamacare has ALWAYS been about gaining control over us.

That is not why our founding fathers fought England for our independence.

All of you who support Obama and ACA are voting for Obama to be our King and you his subjects.

History and human nature say you are mistaken if you believe a Government will stay benign once it has total power.

ACA will give Obama total power.

That "point" only makes sense in that the American People, as a whole, wanted single payer, which you folks call "Socialism".

What they got was the conservative plan for health care reform.

The rest of your post is nonsense, Edgie.
You're asking for false testament... the narrative is not that premiums rise, it's why premiums rise.[/COLOR]

The pre-Obamacare non-system healthcare we've been living under, does virtually nothing to address rising healthcare cost. Obamacare does a little but not enough to address rising healthcare costs. [/COLOR]

My question for Republicans is[/COLOR],what has your party done to cope with rising healthcare costs[/COLOR]?[/COLOR]

Im not a republican so I wouldn't know.

What I do know is my premiums went up 3000 a year because I , a single man with no kids must pay insurance premiums to cover things like maternity care and dental coverage for kids I don't have as well as drug and alcohol counseling which i will never use.

But according to you idiots I must not be telling the truth right?


The premiums of a lot of people i know went up more than that, but feel free to remain is your out of touch cloud of ignorance........
Scott Brown Awkwardly Finds Out That Obamacare Is Also Helping Republicans


Brown found that out on Saturday, when he stopped by the home of Herb Richardson, a Republican state representative. Sitting in Richardson's home, Brown called Obamacare a "monstrosity" that members of Congress didn't even bother to read before they passed. At that point, according to the Coos County Democrat, Richardson chimed in to explain that the law had been a "financial lifesaver" for him and his wife. From the the piece (page 14):


Richardson was injured on the job and was forced to live on his workers' comp payments for an extended period of time, which ultimately cost the couple their house on Williams Street. The couple had to pay $1,100 a month if they wanted to maintain their health insurance coverage under the federal COBRA law.

Richardson said he only received some $2,000 a month in workers' comp. payments, however, leaving little for them to live on.

"Thank God for Obamacare!" his wife exclaimed.

Now, thanks to the subsidy for which they qualify, the Richardsons only pay $136 a month for health insurance that covers them both.

No one claims that Obamacare doesn't help some people.

That isn't the point.

The point is that it is something the American people, as a whole, did not want, and it was forced on us by way of lies, conniving, mannipulation and a dishonest President and Speaker Pelosi to use our need for affordable Health Care coverage as a way of subjugating us to the Government.

When you control the peoples health care you control the people.

Obamacare has ALWAYS been about gaining control over us.

That is not why our founding fathers fought England for our independence.

All of you who support Obama and ACA are voting for Obama to be our King and you his subjects.

History and human nature say you are mistaken if you believe a Government will stay benign once it has total power.

ACA will give Obama total power.

That "point" only makes sense in that the American People, as a whole, wanted single payer, which you folks call "Socialism".

What they got was the conservative plan for health care reform.

The rest of your post is nonsense, Edgie.

The democrats fuck it up, now that they can no longer run from the fact that they fucked it up they scream "it's a conservative plan!". Priceless..........:lol:

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