Republicans always lose lawsuits seeking to overturn elections

The Courts are who you go by.....

Trump lost in the courts and he never conceded to Biden.... He made certain to divide Americans. He's nothing but UnAmerican scum at the bottom of the barrel.

Some day, you will see this.....

First of all, none of the cases were ever heard in any court, much less the USSC.

Oh, and Trump did concede........Despite winning the fraudulent election.

Trump concedes election and denounces attack on Capitol for …

They won the two in Wisconsin, where the courts actually had the courage to look at and adjudicate the evidence.

Why do you leftbats lie so fucking much?
What did they win? Did it change the count of their election and give the win to Trump?


First of all, none of the cases were ever heard in any court, much less the USSC.

Oh, and Trump did concede........Despite winning the fraudulent election.

Trump concedes election and denounces attack on Capitol for …


He never conceded to Biden, (which is who he had to concede to) and he never put an end to his Stop the Steal, Big (fat ass) LIE.

He's still pushing it, over 2 years later

What a crock of poop!
Donald Trump conceded that Joe Biden would become US president this month and condemned the “heinous” mob attack on Congress, putting an end to his unprecedented campaign to overturn the results of November’s election
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Because of the fact that they invent allegations of fraud, Republicans always lose these trials in which they claim fraud without evidence. They waste courts' time and money only because not filling these doomed lawsuits would anger Donald Trump.
The fact they never convince a judge comes to no surprise to anyone.

Kari lake just signed herself up for embarrassment by filling yet another one of these frivolous lawsuits.
It will be fun to keep reviving the thread on that.
They won the two in Wisconsin, where the courts actually had the courage to look at and adjudicate the evidence.

Why do you leftbats lie so fucking much?
Shut up. show me what elections were overturned based on s ruling of fraud. typing stuff on a message board without a link is not evidence.
First of all, none of the cases were ever heard in any court, much less the USSC.

Oh, and Trump did concede........Despite winning the fraudulent election.

Trump concedes election and denounces attack on Capitol for …

you conservatives are all over the place. one of you guys said that the reason you lose lawsuits is because the judges are appointed by Obama and clinton. and you say they have been no court cases at all. lol. That's the Kind of confusion that happens to a group when it makes s*** up.
you conservatives are all over the place. one of you guys said that the reason you lose lawsuits is because the judges are appointed by Obama and clinton. and you say they have been no court cases at all. lol. That's the Kind of confusion that happens to a group when it makes s*** up.

Not at all.

Can you point to a case where any of the evidence was presented in a court.
On the alleged affidavits,

One Michigan judge noted that the evidence wasn’t direct evidence, despite the Trump campaign’s contention that it was:

TRUMP LAWYER: Your Honor, in terms of the hearsay point, this is a firsthand factual statement made by Ms. Connarn, and she has made that statement based on her own firsthand physical evidence and knowledge —
JUDGE: “I heard somebody else say something.” Tell me why that’s not hearsay. Come on, now.
TRUMP LAWYER: Well it’s a firsthand statement of her physical –
JUDGE: It’s an out-of-court statement offered where the truth of the matter is asserted, right?
The judge later dismissed the complaint as “inadmissible hearsay within hearsay.”
Other witnesses signed affidavits that said, “I believe my vote for Donald J. Trump and Michael Pence was not counted.” But when pressed by judges, they admitted they didn’t have any actual evidence to support that.
A similar thing happened in Chatham County, Ga., where the GOP called two witnesses as part of its allegation that 53 ballots received after Election Day were predated to make them appear valid. But under questioning, the witnesses acknowledged they didn’t know whether the ballots were actually received after the deadline, while witnesses for the local elections board testified under oath that they were received on time

And there is this as well....

Another issue is just what the affidavits allege. Many filed by the Trump campaign don’t actually allege wrongdoing, but rather refer to alleged issues in the vote-counting process. And as The Washington Post’s David A. Fahrenthold, Emma Brown and Hannah Knowles reported this week, many of them have been rather thin:
“Shocking allegations of voter irregularities revealed in 234 pages of signed and sworn affidavits,” the Trump campaign wrote on Twitter.
But a closer look at the affidavits showed that many did not allege any wrongdoing with ballots. Instead, they showed poll challengers complaining about other things: a loud public-address system, mean looks from poll workers, and a Democratic poll watcher who said “Go back to the suburbs, Karen.”
Some poll observers had become suspicious simply after seeing many ballots cast for Democrats — in Detroit, a heavily Democratic city where Biden won 94 percent of the vote. “I specifically noticed that every ballot I observed was cast for Joe Biden,” one observer wrote. The Trump campaign filed that as evidence in court.
In another case, the Trump campaign’s affidavit was described by a judge as being “rife with speculation and guesswork about sinister motives.” The judge said the allegations were “not credible” and found that the people behind them were simply unfamiliar with how the ballot-counting process was conducted in Detroit.
“Perhaps if Plaintiffs’ election challenger affiants had attended the October 29, 2020 walk-through of the TCF Center ballot counting location, questions and concerns could have been answered in advance of Election Day,” Judge Timothy M. Kenny wrote. “Regrettably, they did not and, therefore, Plaintiffs’ affiants did not have a full understanding of the TCF absent ballot tabulation process

That result is telling. Many people are involved in the counting of ballots. Plenty of them are dispatched to observe the process on behalf of one party or another. And given Trump’s claims about voter fraud in the months before the election, you can bet those who decided to participate would be on the lookout for anything that might strike them as being problematic.
But many of them didn’t actually say they witnessed or had evidence of wrongdoing. Even the affidavit about alleged over-votes in Michigan merely raises concerns — concerns that appear to be relatively easy to explain, upon a closer examination.

After rigging and stealing elections Dem cheaters have lost all credibility. Their candidates are illegitimate.
After endless challenges in numerous state and federal courts Republican Karens are completely and utterly unable to prove any widespread and systematic "cheating" or election fraud on any scale that would have affected outcomes.
Sore loser, election denying Republican candidates have lost all legitimacy and credibility and continue to make circus acts of their campaigns and themselves and the vast majority of American voters have grown tired of the act.

And this is why Republicans cannot win elections anymore.
The citizens of Florida chose Gore by a few thousand....

But the irregularity... butterfly ballot in palm beach county, gave 2800 votes or more slotted for Al Gore, to Pat Buhcanan.

And No do over election was allowed....

All that and Al Gore still gracefully conceded...

Of course they did.:laughing0301:


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