Republicans and democrats opposite party? oh really? tell that to Bush and

ah aint that cute,they dont look like an opposite party to me .quite a lot loving going on there.again,aint that cute?:abgg2q.jpg::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:


Bushwacker gave him a hug since he KNEW Obomination would lie to americans on ending the war in the mideast and make him proud by not only contiuning his policys in the middle east but EXPANDING them as well.

still MORE loving going on below in this ALLEGED two party system. reality check sheep.It is a ONE PARTY SYSTEM designed to look like two so you sheep thiink you have a choice in who gets elected when they are equally as corrupt.

as promised,still MORE loving going on with ex presidents.:abgg2q.jpg:



We are all Americans. Don't make everything about party. The parties aren't doing us any favors.

You should remember what you said here the next time you're about to start calling people racists again

I don't recall that, you seem confused...

You know the site has a search feature, dumb ass

Vote republican: we used to be less racist than democrats.

Actually, you're being a racist pig.

So a trump supporter?

Ah, that must have been after the racist ran over all those people? Looks like I was mocking something, but you don't really include all the context.

Exactly, I show you two quotes you said didn't exist and you just made excuses. You aren't a man
We are all Americans. Don't make everything about party. The parties aren't doing us any favors.

You should remember what you said here the next time you're about to start calling people racists again
I don't recall that, you seem confused...

You know the site has a search feature, dumb ass

Vote republican: we used to be less racist than democrats.

Actually, you're being a racist pig.

So a trump supporter?
Ah, that must have been after the racist ran over all those people? Looks like I was mocking something, but you don't really include all the context.

Exactly, I show you two quotes you said didn't exist and you just made excuses. You aren't a man
I believe the people I was referencing were admitted racists like the guy who ran over all those people at the rally. Is it a problem calling racists what they are?
You should remember what you said here the next time you're about to start calling people racists again
I don't recall that, you seem confused...

You know the site has a search feature, dumb ass

Vote republican: we used to be less racist than democrats.

Actually, you're being a racist pig.

So a trump supporter?
Ah, that must have been after the racist ran over all those people? Looks like I was mocking something, but you don't really include all the context.

Exactly, I show you two quotes you said didn't exist and you just made excuses. You aren't a man
I believe the people I was referencing were admitted racists like the guy who ran over all those people at the rally. Is it a problem calling racists what they are?

Now it's even more wild excuses. Are your balls on someone's mantle in a jar somewhere?
I don't recall that, you seem confused...

You know the site has a search feature, dumb ass

Vote republican: we used to be less racist than democrats.

So a trump supporter?
Ah, that must have been after the racist ran over all those people? Looks like I was mocking something, but you don't really include all the context.

Exactly, I show you two quotes you said didn't exist and you just made excuses. You aren't a man
I believe the people I was referencing were admitted racists like the guy who ran over all those people at the rally. Is it a problem calling racists what they are?

Now it's even more wild excuses. Are your balls on someone's mantle in a jar somewhere?
Excuses for calling racists what they are? Ok. What do you call KKK members? White supremasists?
You know the site has a search feature, dumb ass
Ah, that must have been after the racist ran over all those people? Looks like I was mocking something, but you don't really include all the context.

Exactly, I show you two quotes you said didn't exist and you just made excuses. You aren't a man
I believe the people I was referencing were admitted racists like the guy who ran over all those people at the rally. Is it a problem calling racists what they are?

Now it's even more wild excuses. Are your balls on someone's mantle in a jar somewhere?
Excuses for calling racists what they are? Ok. What do you call KKK members? White supremasists?

You're just making up your shit as you go
Ah, that must have been after the racist ran over all those people? Looks like I was mocking something, but you don't really include all the context.

Exactly, I show you two quotes you said didn't exist and you just made excuses. You aren't a man
I believe the people I was referencing were admitted racists like the guy who ran over all those people at the rally. Is it a problem calling racists what they are?

Now it's even more wild excuses. Are your balls on someone's mantle in a jar somewhere?
Excuses for calling racists what they are? Ok. What do you call KKK members? White supremasists?

You're just making up your shit as you go
And you are just babbling stupidly.
Exactly, I show you two quotes you said didn't exist and you just made excuses. You aren't a man
I believe the people I was referencing were admitted racists like the guy who ran over all those people at the rally. Is it a problem calling racists what they are?

Now it's even more wild excuses. Are your balls on someone's mantle in a jar somewhere?
Excuses for calling racists what they are? Ok. What do you call KKK members? White supremasists?

You're just making up your shit as you go
And you are just babbling stupidly.

You're just doing what you said you don't do, keep calling people racists. I showed you the quote, your lies stand on their own
I believe the people I was referencing were admitted racists like the guy who ran over all those people at the rally. Is it a problem calling racists what they are?

Now it's even more wild excuses. Are your balls on someone's mantle in a jar somewhere?
Excuses for calling racists what they are? Ok. What do you call KKK members? White supremasists?

You're just making up your shit as you go
And you are just babbling stupidly.

You're just doing what you said you don't do, keep calling people racists. I showed you the quote, your lies stand on their own
Sure cupcake, whatever you say. haha
Now it's even more wild excuses. Are your balls on someone's mantle in a jar somewhere?
Excuses for calling racists what they are? Ok. What do you call KKK members? White supremasists?

You're just making up your shit as you go
And you are just babbling stupidly.

You're just doing what you said you don't do, keep calling people racists. I showed you the quote, your lies stand on their own
Sure cupcake, whatever you say. haha

You've proven repeatedly in this discussion you don't have a dick. You aren't man enough to admit when you are wrong
Excuses for calling racists what they are? Ok. What do you call KKK members? White supremasists?

You're just making up your shit as you go
And you are just babbling stupidly.

You're just doing what you said you don't do, keep calling people racists. I showed you the quote, your lies stand on their own
Sure cupcake, whatever you say. haha

You've proven repeatedly in this discussion you don't have a dick. You aren't man enough to admit when you are wrong
Yeah, I called a few racists what they were. I've already admitted to that moron. But nice try!
The Liberals should run on punishing Bush as a War Criminal. Go ahead. I defy you.
You're just making up your shit as you go
And you are just babbling stupidly.

You're just doing what you said you don't do, keep calling people racists. I showed you the quote, your lies stand on their own
Sure cupcake, whatever you say. haha

You've proven repeatedly in this discussion you don't have a dick. You aren't man enough to admit when you are wrong
Yeah, I called a few racists what they were. I've already admitted to that moron. But nice try!

Poor guy, growing up in NAZI Germany II.

And you are just babbling stupidly.

You're just doing what you said you don't do, keep calling people racists. I showed you the quote, your lies stand on their own
Sure cupcake, whatever you say. haha

You've proven repeatedly in this discussion you don't have a dick. You aren't man enough to admit when you are wrong
Yeah, I called a few racists what they were. I've already admitted to that moron. But nice try!

Poor guy, growing up in NAZI Germany II.


can you two please settle your grudge match from another thread you had somewhere else like in the flame zone and please get back to the topic of the thread? would appreciate it,.thanks.
The Liberals should run on punishing Bush as a War Criminal. Go ahead. I defy you.

every president since reagan has been a war criminal.cant do anything about reagan obviously and Bush sr wont be around much longer either so the only justice that could ever be done is Bush and Obama serve lifetime sentences but that will never happen since presidents can get away with anything.always have the fact there is one different law for politicians than there is for us.
ah aint that cute,they dont look like an opposite party to me .quite a lot loving going on there.again,aint that cute?:abgg2q.jpg::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:


Bushwacker gave him a hug since he KNEW Obomination would lie to americans on ending the war in the mideast and make him proud by not only contiuning his policys in the middle east but EXPANDING them as well.

still MORE loving going on below in this ALLEGED two party system. reality check sheep.It is a ONE PARTY SYSTEM designed to look like two so you sheep thiink you have a choice in who gets elected when they are equally as corrupt.

as promised,still MORE loving going on with ex presidents.:abgg2q.jpg:



We are all Americans. Don't make everything about party. The parties aren't doing us any favors.

what you got to understand is we have been brainwashed our whole lives by our corrupt school system and our government that we elect our presidents and that this is a free country and our government is looking out for us,thats why at sporting and theatre invents we are CONSTANTLY bombarded with that propaganda national anthem with that complete lie-the land of the free when the reality is it is the LAND OF THE OPPRESSED.

we will never be a free country and our constitution will keep getting trashed and burned and spit on by these criminals in washington and the POTUS as long as we have this corrupt one party system of demopublicans and reprocrats.

that is WHY an independent president like Gary Johnson for example,who DOES believe in the constitution, will NEVER get elected because he is not controlled by special interest groups that both parties are.

You are correct,both parties are not doing us any favors.yes that is true.Till we can get a third party that represents the PEOPLE instead of special interest groups,then I am afraid the future of America will never get out of this facist dictatership it has been ever since the fateful year of 1913.

for gary johnson, being a pothead (not my big issue with him) and not knowing a single foreign leader (my bigger issue by far) was a slight concern.

if you want to be president, you really need to be able to name other world leaders at the drop of a hat.
The United States has victimized a large part of the world since WW II. It itself has become a victim of it's own actions at that time.

The U.S. became an 'accidental' empire after WW II. Unfortunately, while touting the glories of Democracy and freedom, actually undermined democracy and freedom throughout the world. We became a huge economic colonist nation. We traded our principals for wealth. To be American no longer meant being for democracy, freedom, equality or individual rights. To be American meant to be a capitalist and nothing else.

America changed from a agricultural & pioneering nation to a super-industrial nation. A financial superpower. A super sophisticated (in it's way) soceity.

It seems to me that for the first 30 years, liberal were rtying to stop U.S. being and acting like a global empire. They were unsuccessful.

Now, liberals seem to accept the facts, the reality of the state of the U.S. and the world, and try to make it a better place.

Conservatives are trying to reverse history. They want isolationism, they want strict constitutonalism, they want the 1950s back - a time before America's metamorphasis was not yet so apparent.

It may appear that the 2 partys were really a single oarty, but they had thier differences - big ones. At least both the RINOS and the Dems accepted the realities of the world and the responsibilties inherent.

The current day conservatives seem to be living in a fantasy world - they don't care how much destruction and suffering they cause. They don't care if they destroy the U.S. - they just want to force their fantasy on everyone.
ah aint that cute,they dont look like an opposite party to me .quite a lot loving going on there.again,aint that cute?:abgg2q.jpg::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:


Bushwacker gave him a hug since he KNEW Obomination would lie to americans on ending the war in the mideast and make him proud by not only contiuning his policys in the middle east but EXPANDING them as well.

still MORE loving going on below in this ALLEGED two party system. reality check sheep.It is a ONE PARTY SYSTEM designed to look like two so you sheep thiink you have a choice in who gets elected when they are equally as corrupt.

as promised,still MORE loving going on with ex presidents.:abgg2q.jpg:



We are all Americans. Don't make everything about party. The parties aren't doing us any favors.

what you got to understand is we have been brainwashed our whole lives by our corrupt school system and our government that we elect our presidents and that this is a free country and our government is looking out for us,thats why at sporting and theatre invents we are CONSTANTLY bombarded with that propaganda national anthem with that complete lie-the land of the free when the reality is it is the LAND OF THE OPPRESSED.

we will never be a free country and our constitution will keep getting trashed and burned and spit on by these criminals in washington and the POTUS as long as we have this corrupt one party system of demopublicans and reprocrats.

that is WHY an independent president like Gary Johnson for example,who DOES believe in the constitution, will NEVER get elected because he is not controlled by special interest groups that both parties are.

You are correct,both parties are not doing us any favors.yes that is true.Till we can get a third party that represents the PEOPLE instead of special interest groups,then I am afraid the future of America will never get out of this facist dictatership it has been ever since the fateful year of 1913.

for gary johnson, being a pothead (not my big issue with him) and not knowing a single foreign leader (my bigger issue by far) was a slight concern.

if you want to be president, you really need to be able to name other world leaders at the drop of a hat.

Give me an alleged pothead anyday over these clown war monger presidents we have had spanning the last five administrations ANYDAY of the year.
ah aint that cute,they dont look like an opposite party to me .quite a lot loving going on there.again,aint that cute?:abgg2q.jpg::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:


Bushwacker gave him a hug since he KNEW Obomination would lie to americans on ending the war in the mideast and make him proud by not only contiuning his policys in the middle east but EXPANDING them as well.

still MORE loving going on below in this ALLEGED two party system. reality check sheep.It is a ONE PARTY SYSTEM designed to look like two so you sheep thiink you have a choice in who gets elected when they are equally as corrupt.

as promised,still MORE loving going on with ex presidents.:abgg2q.jpg:



We are all Americans. Don't make everything about party. The parties aren't doing us any favors.

what you got to understand is we have been brainwashed our whole lives by our corrupt school system and our government that we elect our presidents and that this is a free country and our government is looking out for us,thats why at sporting and theatre invents we are CONSTANTLY bombarded with that propaganda national anthem with that complete lie-the land of the free when the reality is it is the LAND OF THE OPPRESSED.

we will never be a free country and our constitution will keep getting trashed and burned and spit on by these criminals in washington and the POTUS as long as we have this corrupt one party system of demopublicans and reprocrats.

that is WHY an independent president like Gary Johnson for example,who DOES believe in the constitution, will NEVER get elected because he is not controlled by special interest groups that both parties are.

You are correct,both parties are not doing us any favors.yes that is true.Till we can get a third party that represents the PEOPLE instead of special interest groups,then I am afraid the future of America will never get out of this facist dictatership it has been ever since the fateful year of 1913.

for gary johnson, being a pothead (not my big issue with him) and not knowing a single foreign leader (my bigger issue by far) was a slight concern.

if you want to be president, you really need to be able to name other world leaders at the drop of a hat.

Give me an alleged pothead anyday over these clown war monger presidents we have had spanning the last five administrations ANYDAY of the year.

LIKE I SAID i dont care about pothead...

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