Republicans are making the mistake of comparing a Trump impeachment with a Clinton impeachment.

So lying about Russian collusion and wasting millions of tax dollars on a phony investigation is OK? Alrighty then...

Even Mewler has moved on from the collusion bullshit.....

You have no clue what Mueller moved on or not from.

Bevan: Democrats Moved From 'Collusion' To 'Obstruction' To 'Emoluments' Accusations; Only Want Trump Out

Dummy, Mueller is a Republican

Dummy....Mewler is part of the deep state.
Deep State?


Here we go again.
Phony investigation?

Ask Flynn, Gates, Papadopolous, Alex van der Zwaan and Jeffrey Yohai if they think their guilty pleas are "phoney".

You can also check with Manafort, Cohen and 13 Russians who got indicted for illegal electioneering how "phoney" this investigation is.
Process crimes intended to flip witnesses.

Taking the 13 Russian indictments aside, any guilty pleas were simply an attempt to prevent financial ruin. Nothing more.

You are an idiot if you believe that. Straight up idiot.
That's your opinion.....but anyone who pays attention knows what I said is usually the case.

No dumbass, to anyone who pays attention it is obvious that GUILTY people plead guilty.

Even fucking Trump admited that Flynn is guilty of lying to FBI. And yet here you are still clinging on to an idea that he did nothing wrong. How stupid can you get?

The innocent sometimes take a plea for obvious reasons.

Oh, that's how it works.

Innocent people take guilty pleas. So they can go to jail. Heard it's not so bad. Kinda fun actually.
Remember, Clinton was impeached because he got a BJ
No, it was perjury and obstruction of justice, you moron!
Over a BJ dum dum.

If it wasn't a big deal why did he lie about it?
Same reason millions of men lie about. They don't want to confess to their wife.

Do you actually believe hillary didnt know about bill and his philandering ways?

Dummy, Mueller is a Republican.

Seriously though, Congressional Democrats have as much idea of what he is up to as you.
Who told you he was a Republican, the corrupt media???

lol, Mueller is a registered Republican.

Mewler is part of the entrenched political elite that dont want the apple cart overturned because it will expose all their crooked dealings.

How would you know that?

Up until a post ago you still were claiming that Flynn is innocent even though he pled guilty to lying to FBI and even Trump admitted that.

I got news for you snowflake, you don't know shit from ice cream and the sad part is that clueless dupes like you are dime a dozen in this country, getting taken for a ride by Trump&friends propaganda machine.
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Remember, Clinton was impeached because he got a BJ
No, it was perjury and obstruction of justice, you moron!
Over a BJ dum dum.

If it wasn't a big deal why did he lie about it?
Same reason millions of men lie about. They don't want to confess to their wife.

Do you actually believe hillary didnt know about bill and his philandering ways?
Do you think Melania didn't know Trump had unprotected sex with a porn star?
No, it was perjury and obstruction of justice, you moron!
Over a BJ dum dum.

If it wasn't a big deal why did he lie about it?
Same reason millions of men lie about. They don't want to confess to their wife.

Do you actually believe hillary didnt know about bill and his philandering ways?
Do you think Melania didn't know Trump had unprotected sex with a porn star?

I'm sure she did.
Whats your point?
he's not firing mueller, rosenstein and sessions. He's not getting rid of the illegals. he's not pushing the legalization of silencers. He's not jailing obama, the clintons, (all 3) holder, lerner, lynch, comey, clapper. half of DOJ, all of state dept.
Stop talking about impeaching Trump. Not only is it NOT gonna happen, it's just downright pathetic at this point.

Trump could go on a shooting rampage and he probably still wouldn't get impeached.

Nixon couldn't get impeached either. Untill one day, when the facts were established, he could.

There are plenty of Republicans that would want to see Pence as the president instead of Trump.

Problem is that there is no evidence and no facts to support the accusations against Trump.

There is CERTAINLY evidence and certainly there are supporting facts, especially on obstruction of justice.

Mueller's investigation will tell us if they are SUFFICIENT evidence and facts for a criminal case.

No, that only exists in your "mind". In the real world, there is no evidence and certainly no facts for anything.
Remember, Clinton was impeached because he got a BJ after Ken Star's endless, year after year, investigation. Republicans would like to say he lied. Yea, he lied about a BJ. Without the BJ, you would have no lie.
Republicans lost 40 seats after that midterm. It ended Newt's career.

But Trump? OMG! This guy works for Putin, he's using his position to make lots and lots of money, his kids are all under investigation, the emoluments clause in the Constitution, his kids work in the White House, he gives classified info to Russians. Is there anything he hasn't done or isn't doing?

Then you have coming up in October, millions of Trump voters finding out who will be losing their healthcare at the first of the year. How many jobs AREN'T coming back. The effects of Trump trashing trade agreements. How much the deficit will grow under this president. And oh so much more and all before November.

See the difference?

Even millions of Republican men were angry that Clinton was being attacked for something many of them did, lie about getting a BJ.

But Trump? OMG! This guy is damaging the country and I'm not even bringing up all the racism.

So for Trump, running on possible impeachment, may not be such a bad strategy for Democrats. It's certainly something to think about.

The difference is that there was evidence of Bill's crimes, there's no evidence at all of the accusation from the left.
You mean besides the two dozen indictments and the half dozen guilty pleas.

The Trademarks given to Ivanka from the Chinese.

The half billion given to Trump from the Chinese.

The Chinese jobs saved after the payoff.

The criminal investigation into the Trump Foundation now linked to Russia.


and on

and on

and on.

No evidence. Just hearsay.

Lol, you just aren't a bright guy are you? It's going to be fun watching reality bitch slap your stupid ass again and again.
Stop talking about impeaching Trump. Not only is it NOT gonna happen, it's just downright pathetic at this point.

Trump could go on a shooting rampage and he probably still wouldn't get impeached.

Nixon couldn't get impeached either. Untill one day, when the facts were established, he could.

There are plenty of Republicans that would want to see Pence as the president instead of Trump.

Problem is that there is no evidence and no facts to support the accusations against Trump.

There is CERTAINLY evidence and certainly there are supporting facts, especially on obstruction of justice.

Mueller's investigation will tell us if they are SUFFICIENT evidence and facts for a criminal case.

No, that only exists in your "mind". In the real world, there is no evidence and certainly no facts for anything.

:rolleyes: Is that so? Then what is this? A figment of my imagination maybe?

Fact: FBI director testified before congress that Trump has asked him to drop a criminal investigation into Flynn, a man who later pled guilty. Trump also publicly admitted to KNOWING that Flynn was guilty. Testimony is supported by contemporaneous notes Comey kept and testimony of people in FBI he shared this with when it happened.

Fact: Trump FIRED this FBI director under FALSE PRETEXT, as Trump himself publicly admitted when he said that the real reason was "Russia thing". Privately he told Russians that a great amount of pressure from Russian investigation was lifted off of him when he fired Comey.

No evidence of obstruction of justice??? You are an ignorant fool.
Stop talking about impeaching Trump. Not only is it NOT gonna happen, it's just downright pathetic at this point.

Trump could go on a shooting rampage and he probably still wouldn't get impeached.

Nixon couldn't get impeached either. Untill one day, when the facts were established, he could.

There are plenty of Republicans that would want to see Pence as the president instead of Trump.

Problem is that there is no evidence and no facts to support the accusations against Trump.

There is CERTAINLY evidence and certainly there are supporting facts, especially on obstruction of justice.

Mueller's investigation will tell us if they are SUFFICIENT evidence and facts for a criminal case.

No, that only exists in your "mind". In the real world, there is no evidence and certainly no facts for anything.

:rolleyes: Is that so? Then what is this? A figment of my imagination maybe?

Fact: FBI director testified before congress that Trump has asked him to drop a criminal investigation into Flynn, a man who later pled guilty. Trump also publicly admitted to KNOWING that Flynn was guilty. Testimony is supported by contemporaneous notes Comey kept and testimony of people in FBI he shared this with when it happened.

Fact: Trump FIRED this FBI director under FALSE PRETEXT, as Trump himself publicly admitted when he said that the real reason was "Russia thing". Privately he told Russians that a great amount of pressure from Russian investigation was lifted off of him when he fired Comey.

No evidence of obstruction of justice??? You are an ignorant fool.

Watch and learn retard. Reality will bitch slap your ass again.
Nixon couldn't get impeached either. Untill one day, when the facts were established, he could.

There are plenty of Republicans that would want to see Pence as the president instead of Trump.

Problem is that there is no evidence and no facts to support the accusations against Trump.

There is CERTAINLY evidence and certainly there are supporting facts, especially on obstruction of justice.

Mueller's investigation will tell us if they are SUFFICIENT evidence and facts for a criminal case.

No, that only exists in your "mind". In the real world, there is no evidence and certainly no facts for anything.

:rolleyes: Is that so? Then what is this? A figment of my imagination maybe?

Fact: FBI director testified before congress that Trump has asked him to drop a criminal investigation into Flynn, a man who later pled guilty. Trump also publicly admitted to KNOWING that Flynn was guilty. Testimony is supported by contemporaneous notes Comey kept and testimony of people in FBI he shared this with when it happened.

Fact: Trump FIRED this FBI director under FALSE PRETEXT, as Trump himself publicly admitted when he said that the real reason was "Russia thing". Privately he told Russians that a great amount of pressure from Russian investigation was lifted off of him when he fired Comey.

No evidence of obstruction of justice??? You are an ignorant fool.

Watch and learn retard. Reality will bitch slap your ass again.

I see you can't actually respond to the plain reality that YES there is evidence and yes there are supporting facts.

And what is it that we are watching for exactly? Just so I know when that egg meets your face.
Stop talking about impeaching Trump. Not only is it NOT gonna happen, it's just downright pathetic at this point.

Trump could go on a shooting rampage and he probably still wouldn't get impeached.

Nixon couldn't get impeached either. Untill one day, when the facts were established, he could.

There are plenty of Republicans that would want to see Pence as the president instead of Trump.

Problem is that there is no evidence and no facts to support the accusations against Trump.

There is CERTAINLY evidence and certainly there are supporting facts, especially on obstruction of justice.

Mueller's investigation will tell us if they are SUFFICIENT evidence and facts for a criminal case.

In other words, you have no evidence and no facts to support the accusations against Trump.
Problem is that there is no evidence and no facts to support the accusations against Trump.

There is CERTAINLY evidence and certainly there are supporting facts, especially on obstruction of justice.

Mueller's investigation will tell us if they are SUFFICIENT evidence and facts for a criminal case.

No, that only exists in your "mind". In the real world, there is no evidence and certainly no facts for anything.

:rolleyes: Is that so? Then what is this? A figment of my imagination maybe?

Fact: FBI director testified before congress that Trump has asked him to drop a criminal investigation into Flynn, a man who later pled guilty. Trump also publicly admitted to KNOWING that Flynn was guilty. Testimony is supported by contemporaneous notes Comey kept and testimony of people in FBI he shared this with when it happened.

Fact: Trump FIRED this FBI director under FALSE PRETEXT, as Trump himself publicly admitted when he said that the real reason was "Russia thing". Privately he told Russians that a great amount of pressure from Russian investigation was lifted off of him when he fired Comey.

No evidence of obstruction of justice??? You are an ignorant fool.

Watch and learn retard. Reality will bitch slap your ass again.

I see you can't actually respond to the plain reality that YES there is evidence and yes there are supporting facts.

And what is it that we are watching for exactly? Just so I know when that egg meets your face.
The where are they, douchebag? Oh . . . . yeah, we know. Herr Mewler will reveal them when the witch hunt is over.

That dog don't hunt anymore.
Remember, Clinton was impeached because he got a BJ after Ken Star's endless, year after year, investigation. Republicans would like to say he lied. Yea, he lied about a BJ. Without the BJ, you would have no lie.
Republicans lost 40 seats after that midterm. It ended Newt's career.

But Trump? OMG! This guy works for Putin, he's using his position to make lots and lots of money, his kids are all under investigation, the emoluments clause in the Constitution, his kids work in the White House, he gives classified info to Russians. Is there anything he hasn't done or isn't doing?

Then you have coming up in October, millions of Trump voters finding out who will be losing their healthcare at the first of the year. How many jobs AREN'T coming back. The effects of Trump trashing trade agreements. How much the deficit will grow under this president. And oh so much more and all before November.

See the difference?

Even millions of Republican men were angry that Clinton was being attacked for something many of them did, lie about getting a BJ.

But Trump? OMG! This guy is damaging the country and I'm not even bringing up all the racism.

So for Trump, running on possible impeachment, may not be such a bad strategy for Democrats. It's certainly something to think about.

So lying about Russian collusion and wasting millions of tax dollars on a phony investigation is OK? Alrighty then...

Phony investigation?

Ask Flynn, Gates, Papadopolous, Alex van der Zwaan and Jeffrey Yohai if they think their guilty pleas are "phoney".

You can also check with Manafort, Cohen and 13 Russians who got indicted for illegal electioneering how "phoney" this investigation is.

You want to see what real "phoney" looks like? Here you go:


The charges against them are phoney. Any plea made when you are the target of extortion is phony.
Remember, Clinton was impeached because he got a BJ after Ken Star's endless, year after year, investigation. Republicans would like to say he lied. Yea, he lied about a BJ. Without the BJ, you would have no lie.
Republicans lost 40 seats after that midterm. It ended Newt's career.

But Trump? OMG! This guy works for Putin, he's using his position to make lots and lots of money, his kids are all under investigation, the emoluments clause in the Constitution, his kids work in the White House, he gives classified info to Russians. Is there anything he hasn't done or isn't doing?

Then you have coming up in October, millions of Trump voters finding out who will be losing their healthcare at the first of the year. How many jobs AREN'T coming back. The effects of Trump trashing trade agreements. How much the deficit will grow under this president. And oh so much more and all before November.

See the difference?

Even millions of Republican men were angry that Clinton was being attacked for something many of them did, lie about getting a BJ.

But Trump? OMG! This guy is damaging the country and I'm not even bringing up all the racism.

So for Trump, running on possible impeachment, may not be such a bad strategy for Democrats. It's certainly something to think about.
An rdean thread, I haven't read it yet, but usually he gets shit on by the end of the first page.....these are always so fun to read.

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