Republicans are warring against women

I don't know any other way to explain it. When Republicans say that Campus Rape is "inflated myth" and that women are making "false accusations".

What they are really saying is that women should shut-up and be quiet about being raped. It doesn't matter how the woman feels, it doesn't matter if the courts look into each case and resolve them individually.

The Republicans want YOU, the WOMAN, to shut-up about your rapist.

And that is a war on women, and a war on God.

Here's how you explain it: It's the simple truth.
I don't know any other way to explain it. When Republicans say that Campus Rape is "inflated myth" and that women are making "false accusations".

More accurately, the study cited in the 'epidemic of campus rape' was wildly vague in its definitions. With most of what it described not actually being rape. Actual false accusations of rape are relatively rare. Making up about 1 in 20 accusations of rape.
Well, maybe because everything is being rigged against men these days and men are getting angry.
Then sort it out in court.

Then seek to stay Universities from punishing men before a fair trial.

Do not discredit the claims of women.
Even Hillary says that every alleged survivor of sexual assault deserves to be believed, (what do you mean, her husband was accused of sexual harassment and rape?....Well, obviously she took their side and demanded that we believe them, right?...What?!? She didn't?...What did she do?...Oh, "nuts and sluts", yeah I remember that. Guess she doesn't really mean it then). Uh, never mind.
I don't know any other way to explain it. When Republicans say that Campus Rape is "inflated myth" and that women are making "false accusations".

What they are really saying is that women should shut-up and be quiet about being raped. It doesn't matter how the woman feels, it doesn't matter if the courts look into each case and resolve them individually.

The Republicans want YOU, the WOMAN, to shut-up about your rapist.

And that is a war on women, and a war on God.

This is what an actual War on Women looks like and many misguided Leftists and bizarrely Feminists are supporting the monsters who are the perpetrators of this evil....I loathe posting this, I find the pictures so intensely upsetting.

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Irrelevant to the discussion. You'd be held in contempt of a law court.

It's not irrelevant, you oddly claimed the Republicans were having a war on women, so I thought I'd illustrate to you what a real war on women looks like.

Your comments are very strange, I'm having difficulty understanding them, I'm not sure if they're real or some perverted attempt at....pulling the arm....or is it pulling the leg, well anyhow, it's pulling one of them.
No, saying that ISIS's small war in the Levant is not a real war because a real war looks like World War 2 makes you look stupid.

Now take your irrelevant statement elsewhere. It is irrelevant to the conversation of improving the lives of people in the United States, not in Saudi Arabia.
The real war on women emanates from Islam, and you dhimmies adore Islam.

It's either they're in denial of this or they actually support it.
Democrats are supporting a woman who spent her entire adult life defending her husband's sexual abuse of women and and threatening his victims they want to play games with semantics? Yes, the campus "rape" figures are inflated because they aren't "rape figures". The offences are lumped in with the liberal definition of sexual abuse such as "inappropriate touching" and words which are deemed offensive. In other words if a woman is offended by "hey babe" it goes on record as sexual abuse.
I don't know any other way to explain it. When Republicans say that Campus Rape is "inflated myth" and that women are making "false accusations".

What they are really saying is that women should shut-up and be quiet about being raped. It doesn't matter how the woman feels, it doesn't matter if the courts look into each case and resolve them individually.

The Republicans want YOU, the WOMAN, to shut-up about your rapist.

And that is a war on women, and a war on God.
All Republicans are saying is that if you libtards are so certain that women never lie about rape, when the hell are you going to get charges on Bill Clinton and ask Hillary to explain how she did 'Bimbo Eruption Control' when she was in the White House as co-President.
I don't know any other way to explain it. When Republicans say that Campus Rape is "inflated myth" and that women are making "false accusations".

What they are really saying is that women should shut-up and be quiet about being raped. It doesn't matter how the woman feels, it doesn't matter if the courts look into each case and resolve them individually.

The Republicans want YOU, the WOMAN, to shut-up about your rapist.

And that is a war on women, and a war on God.
This is the kind of shit we are talking about when we say the Republicans war on women.

25 Fox News Employees Come Forward: Forced Dates, Demands for Oral Sex

And it isn’t just the forced blowjobs or the way Trump talked about Megan Kelly. It’s how Republicans trash women like Gretchen & Megan after they speak up.
I don't know any other way to explain it. When Republicans say that Campus Rape is "inflated myth" and that women are making "false accusations".

What they are really saying is that women should shut-up and be quiet about being raped. It doesn't matter how the woman feels, it doesn't matter if the courts look into each case and resolve them individually.

The Republicans want YOU, the WOMAN, to shut-up about your rapist.

And that is a war on women, and a war on God.
This is the kind of shit we are talking about when we say the Republicans war on women.

25 Fox News Employees Come Forward: Forced Dates, Demands for Oral Sex

And it isn’t just the forced blowjobs or the way Trump talked about Megan Kelly. It’s how Republicans trash women like Gretchen & Megan after they speak up.
Pot, meet Kettle.
Come on, the War on Women is sooooo yesterday !
Is it?

More than two dozen women currently or formerly employed by Fox News have come forward to tell sordid tales of the depraved atmosphere Roger Ailes cultivated at the network.

The pervy infestation of Fox has brewed for two decades. The man at the top, who once said he liked "having women on their knees", created a culture where you get stories like this:

In order to advance at work, the [female victims] were told they must perform sexual favors. Other women say they were subject to constant harassment, crude remarks and denigration of their gender by male staff at all levels.

Managers attempted to coerce junior employees into going on dates with men higher up in the company. One woman said that in 2009 she walked into an office she thought was empty only to find a male senior manager receiving oral sex from a young female staffer.

This is way beyond just one man. It’s happening at all levels. Looking back, it shouldn't have been all that surprising. Anyone who watches Fox for more than a few minutes can see how they objectify women. The female anchors all have a certain, shall we say, "look". As Brian Kilmeade once half-joked, "we go into the Victoria’s Secret catalog and we said, ‘Can any of these people talk?’
Democrats are supporting a woman who spent her entire adult life defending her husband's sexual abuse of women and and threatening his victims they want to play games with semantics? Yes, the campus "rape" figures are inflated because they aren't "rape figures". The offences are lumped in with the liberal definition of sexual abuse such as "inappropriate touching" and words which are deemed offensive. In other words if a woman is offended by "hey babe" it goes on record as sexual abuse.
Oh fuck off.

But it was only recently that we learned how sick the Fox network really is. Most of us just laughed at how backwards they were in promoting their special brand of sexism. Only now do we realize it hid something far more sinister. Many of the women there have endured a personal hell I wouldn't wish on anyone, I don't care what your ideology is.

In 2007, Wilson dangled the possibility of a promotion in front of Bakhtiar and when she said she’d be excited to take the job, he reportedly told her, “I’d like to see the inside of your hotel room.” He said that he wanted them to have a “friends with benefits” relationship.

Bakhtiar declined and says that immediately her career at the company went into free-fall. Her appearances were canceled and when she attempted to address the issue with other executives, they told her to go to Human Resources. Within weeks she was fired. Ailes told her that it was for performance-related reasons.
Come on, the War on Women is sooooo yesterday !
Is it?

More than two dozen women currently or formerly employed by Fox News have come forward to tell sordid tales of the depraved atmosphere Roger Ailes cultivated at the network.

The pervy infestation of Fox has brewed for two decades. The man at the top, who once said he liked "having women on their knees", created a culture where you get stories like this:

In order to advance at work, the [female victims] were told they must perform sexual favors. Other women say they were subject to constant harassment, crude remarks and denigration of their gender by male staff at all levels.

Managers attempted to coerce junior employees into going on dates with men higher up in the company. One woman said that in 2009 she walked into an office she thought was empty only to find a male senior manager receiving oral sex from a young female staffer.

This is way beyond just one man. It’s happening at all levels. Looking back, it shouldn't have been all that surprising. Anyone who watches Fox for more than a few minutes can see how they objectify women. The female anchors all have a certain, shall we say, "look". As Brian Kilmeade once half-joked, "we go into the Victoria’s Secret catalog and we said, ‘Can any of these people talk?’
Where is it stated that those are elected members of the Republican party? I mean, if the strongest case you can make against Republicans is some neanderthals at Fox News, it's pretty weak.
I don't know any other way to explain it. When Republicans say that Campus Rape is "inflated myth" and that women are making "false accusations".

What they are really saying is that women should shut-up and be quiet about being raped. It doesn't matter how the woman feels, it doesn't matter if the courts look into each case and resolve them individually.

The Republicans want YOU, the WOMAN, to shut-up about your rapist.

And that is a war on women, and a war on God.
This is the kind of shit we are talking about when we say the Republicans war on women.

25 Fox News Employees Come Forward: Forced Dates, Demands for Oral Sex

And it isn’t just the forced blowjobs or the way Trump talked about Megan Kelly. It’s how Republicans trash women like Gretchen & Megan after they speak up.
Pot, meet Kettle.
So you admit Republicans are scumbags. Typical for Republicans, as long as you can say both sides are equally at fault, you'll gladly admit you are a pot, or a kettle.

All I'm saying is this Fox news story is the PERFECT example of the war on women.

I heard Trump has more women executives than men. Do they have to blow him too?
I don't know any other way to explain it. When Republicans say that Campus Rape is "inflated myth" and that women are making "false accusations".

What they are really saying is that women should shut-up and be quiet about being raped. It doesn't matter how the woman feels, it doesn't matter if the courts look into each case and resolve them individually.

The Republicans want YOU, the WOMAN, to shut-up about your rapist.

And that is a war on women, and a war on God.
This is the kind of shit we are talking about when we say the Republicans war on women.

25 Fox News Employees Come Forward: Forced Dates, Demands for Oral Sex

And it isn’t just the forced blowjobs or the way Trump talked about Megan Kelly. It’s how Republicans trash women like Gretchen & Megan after they speak up.
Pot, meet Kettle.
So you admit Republicans are scumbags. Typical for Republicans, as long as you can say both sides are equally at fault, you'll gladly admit you are a pot, or a kettle.

All I'm saying is this Fox news story is the PERFECT example of the war on women.

I heard Trump has more women executives than men. Do they have to blow him too?
Interesting. You're attempting to make the case that Republicans hate women, then state that the Republican standard bearer employs more female executives than male executives. Do you see the cognitive dissonance in those statements?
Come on, the War on Women is sooooo yesterday !
Is it?

More than two dozen women currently or formerly employed by Fox News have come forward to tell sordid tales of the depraved atmosphere Roger Ailes cultivated at the network.

The pervy infestation of Fox has brewed for two decades. The man at the top, who once said he liked "having women on their knees", created a culture where you get stories like this:

In order to advance at work, the [female victims] were told they must perform sexual favors. Other women say they were subject to constant harassment, crude remarks and denigration of their gender by male staff at all levels.

Managers attempted to coerce junior employees into going on dates with men higher up in the company. One woman said that in 2009 she walked into an office she thought was empty only to find a male senior manager receiving oral sex from a young female staffer.

This is way beyond just one man. It’s happening at all levels. Looking back, it shouldn't have been all that surprising. Anyone who watches Fox for more than a few minutes can see how they objectify women. The female anchors all have a certain, shall we say, "look". As Brian Kilmeade once half-joked, "we go into the Victoria’s Secret catalog and we said, ‘Can any of these people talk?’
Roger Ailes is the Republicans? This is what we mean when we say libtards.
Come on, the War on Women is sooooo yesterday !
Is it?

More than two dozen women currently or formerly employed by Fox News have come forward to tell sordid tales of the depraved atmosphere Roger Ailes cultivated at the network.

The pervy infestation of Fox has brewed for two decades. The man at the top, who once said he liked "having women on their knees", created a culture where you get stories like this:

In order to advance at work, the [female victims] were told they must perform sexual favors. Other women say they were subject to constant harassment, crude remarks and denigration of their gender by male staff at all levels.

Managers attempted to coerce junior employees into going on dates with men higher up in the company. One woman said that in 2009 she walked into an office she thought was empty only to find a male senior manager receiving oral sex from a young female staffer.

This is way beyond just one man. It’s happening at all levels. Looking back, it shouldn't have been all that surprising. Anyone who watches Fox for more than a few minutes can see how they objectify women. The female anchors all have a certain, shall we say, "look". As Brian Kilmeade once half-joked, "we go into the Victoria’s Secret catalog and we said, ‘Can any of these people talk?’
Roger Ailes is the Republicans? This is what we mean when we say libtards.
There does seem to be a link missing in the logic chain.
I don't know any other way to explain it. When Republicans say that Campus Rape is "inflated myth" and that women are making "false accusations".

What they are really saying is that women should shut-up and be quiet about being raped. It doesn't matter how the woman feels, it doesn't matter if the courts look into each case and resolve them individually.

The Republicans want YOU, the WOMAN, to shut-up about your rapist.

And that is a war on women, and a war on God.

Bill Clinton COMMITTED rape. And he is definitely not a Republican.
I don't know any other way to explain it. When Republicans say that Campus Rape is "inflated myth" and that women are making "false accusations".

What they are really saying is that women should shut-up and be quiet about being raped. It doesn't matter how the woman feels, it doesn't matter if the courts look into each case and resolve them individually.

The Republicans want YOU, the WOMAN, to shut-up about your rapist.

And that is a war on women, and a war on God.

Bill Clinton COMMITTED rape. And he is definitely not a Republican.
Individuals aside, the idea that Republicans are conducting a war against women, is a crock fabricated by feverish minds desperately seeking political power and wealth. The FACT is, misogyny recognizes no political affiliation.
What republican said that? Got a link?
It is the refuge of liars to claim ignorance. How dare you use the Cross and the Satanic American flag in the same picture. You false Christian.

The United States is the murderer of women and children for the Devil's Blood, the oil in the ground of other nations.

The United States created terrorist states out of their war mongering for profit...and you DARE to associate Christ with this Satan?
so the answer is you don't have any link or source. you should perhaps wake up from your dream. You're spazzing out.

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