Republicans are warring against women

I don't know any other way to explain it. When Republicans say that Campus Rape is "inflated myth" and that women are making "false accusations".

What they are really saying is that women should shut-up and be quiet about being raped. It doesn't matter how the woman feels, it doesn't matter if the courts look into each case and resolve them individually.

The Republicans want YOU, the WOMAN, to shut-up about your rapist.

And that is a war on women, and a war on God.

Bill Clinton COMMITTED rape. And he is definitely not a Republican.
Individuals aside, the idea that Republicans are conducting a war against women, is a crock fabricated by feverish minds desperately seeking political power and wealth. The FACT is, misogyny recognizes no political affiliation.
You miss the point. The fact that FOX FUCKING NEWS is the company making women blow executives to keep their jobs. Well.....don't you find that fucking ironic? That's the perfect example of the Republicans war on woman.

And when I say REPUBLICANS I mean rich old white conservative dudes.
Quit pulling shit out of your ass... Dip shit
Men who objectify women are more likely to become perpetrators of sexual violence, just as one with a long history of overtly racist comments is more likely to commit a hate crime.

Mr. Trump has relished calling women “dogs,” “slobs” and “pigs,” and cyberstalked and derided journalist Megyn Kelly for having the temerity to ask him to defend his own words. He threw out the most misogynist of attacks, attempting to undermine her professionalism by accusing her of menstruating. He’s cruelly ridiculed the appearance of a female opponent (Carly Fiorina) and an opponent’s wife (Heidi Cruz). His campaign even openly acknowledged that it disqualified all women for consideration as his vice-president.

Mr. Trump has a long history of debasing women he’s worked with, crossing the line on a regular basis. He’s taken lifelong joy in objectifying women, including hisproclamation: “Women, you have to treat ‘em like shit.”

This cannot be ignored. Decades of abusive language does not make him a rapist. But it does show us who the man is: a callous, meanspirited misogynist who no sane person would leave alone with her daughter. As Dr. Maya Angelou said, “When someone shows you who they really are, believe them.”
Your political correctness has turned you into a pussy... Lol
I don't know any other way to explain it. When Republicans say that Campus Rape is "inflated myth" and that women are making "false accusations".

What they are really saying is that women should shut-up and be quiet about being raped. It doesn't matter how the woman feels, it doesn't matter if the courts look into each case and resolve them individually.

The Republicans want YOU, the WOMAN, to shut-up about your rapist.

And that is a war on women, and a war on God.

Oh but the Democrats are champions of women's rights, eh?

Fully supporting Islamists who keep their women as slaves with no rights and beaten and raped whenever they want.

Their nominee is a woman who protected her rapist husband by discrediting every woman that tried to get justice for themselves. A woman that defended rapists as a lawyer against little girls.

But hey, Republican men are the bad guys! They preach that boys should be raised to become men, not gelded transgender faggots. Men that should take care of their women and children, not leave them hanging or bully them into having abortions. Wow, what bigotry!
I don't know any other way to explain it. When Republicans say that Campus Rape is "inflated myth" and that women are making "false accusations".

What they are really saying is that women should shut-up and be quiet about being raped. It doesn't matter how the woman feels, it doesn't matter if the courts look into each case and resolve them individually.

The Republicans want YOU, the WOMAN, to shut-up about your rapist.

And that is a war on women, and a war on God.

Bill Clinton COMMITTED rape. And he is definitely not a Republican.
Individuals aside, the idea that Republicans are conducting a war against women, is a crock fabricated by feverish minds desperately seeking political power and wealth. The FACT is, misogyny recognizes no political affiliation.
You miss the point. The fact that FOX FUCKING NEWS is the company making women blow executives to keep their jobs. Well.....don't you find that fucking ironic? That's the perfect example of the Republicans war on woman.

And when I say REPUBLICANS I mean rich old white conservative dudes.
I think I'm starting to pick up on why you're so far out in left field (see what I did there?). Conservative =/= Republican. I thought you knew that.

A business acquaintance accused Mr. Trump of sexual harassment and “attempted rape”.

A second woman accused Donald Trump of sexual assault, in 1997. According toThe Guardian, then thirty-four year old Jill Harth alleged in a federal lawsuit that Trump violated her “physical and mental integrity” when he touched her intimately without consent after her husband went into business with him, leaving her “emotionally devastated [and] distraught.” The lawsuit called the multiple acts “attempted rape.” Shortly thereafter she voluntarily withdrew the case when a parallel suit against Mr. Trump brought by her husband was settled. When The Guardian reached the woman in 2016 to ask whether she stood by her sexual assault allegations, she responded, “yes.”

In a court filing, according to a report, Ms. Harth alleged that while she and her husband were trying to do a business deal with Mr. Trump regarding a beauty pageant, he repeatedly propositioned her for sex and groped her, culminating in this frightening alleged incident:

Trump forcefully removed (Harth) from public areas of Mar-A-Lago in Florida and forced (her) into a bedroom belonging to defendant’s daughter Ivanka, wherein (Trump) forcibly kissed, fondled, and restrained (her) from leaving, against (her) will and despite her protests.” In the court document, she said that Trump bragged that he ”would be the best lover you ever have.”
As we have seen with Bubba, a horndog sexual past doesn't prevent one from being president, even if that past includes credible allegations of sexual harassment and rape. Now, we are enjoying the dance but you haven't made your case that Republicans are engaging in a war on women. Thus far, you've managed to complain about executives at a company and a generic group of old rich white guys, neither of which = Republican. So keep trying, it's entertaining if nothing else.
Under oath, Ivana Trump accused Mr. Trump of a violent rape.

First was Ivana Trump, Donald Trump’s first wife, who said under oath in a 1989 deposition that he had violently attacked her, ripped out her hair and forcibly penetrated her without her consent. According to the Daily Beast, she claims he was wildly angry that she’d referred him to a cosmetic surgeon who had botched a “scalp reduction” job (to cover a bald spot) and caused pain in his scalp - hence the vindictive yanking on her hair. At the time Ms. Trump said she felt “violated” by the alleged “rape.”

A few years later, after their divorce was settled, Ms. Trump claimed that she did not mean the word “rape” in a “literal or criminal” sense.

Note: virtually every settlement of a case involving a high profile person paying money to a former spouse - or anyone - requires the person receiving the money to agree in writing to ironclad nondisparagement and confidentiality. In plain English: you promise to be quiet and not say anything bad about the party paying you money.
Hmmmm. So, Paula Jones isn't credible because she didn't demonstrate harm, but Ivana IS credible, even though she didn't demonstrate harm and in fact retracted her story? And you don't think you're being a little partisan in your analysis?
As a society we have a lot to accomplish when it comes to rape. Rape is hard to prove because it is largely a he said she said thing unless the woman seeks medical attention right after and shows signs of rape.

Allegations in America always pop up for people with celebrity status because of the cash involved. People are innocent until proven guilty in our legal system so unless you can prove it with a rape kit you're shit out of luck. Now you do sometimes get cases like Bill Cosby where so many people come forward that you have to give it serious consideration after the fact but in the case of Trump,he has lots of cash so take it with a grain of salt unless it goes to court with a rape kit. I'm not trying to demean rape victims but just asking for everyone to proceed with caution. Maybe Trump did and maybe he didn't, but there are lots of women looking for their 15 minutes of fame and a book deal and that's also a reality of life in the USA.
Under oath, Ivana Trump accused Mr. Trump of a violent rape.

First was Ivana Trump, Donald Trump’s first wife, who said under oath in a 1989 deposition that he had violently attacked her, ripped out her hair and forcibly penetrated her without her consent. According to the Daily Beast, she claims he was wildly angry that she’d referred him to a cosmetic surgeon who had botched a “scalp reduction” job (to cover a bald spot) and caused pain in his scalp - hence the vindictive yanking on her hair. At the time Ms. Trump said she felt “violated” by the alleged “rape.”

A few years later, after their divorce was settled, Ms. Trump claimed that she did not mean the word “rape” in a “literal or criminal” sense.

Note: virtually every settlement of a case involving a high profile person paying money to a former spouse - or anyone - requires the person receiving the money to agree in writing to ironclad nondisparagement and confidentiality. In plain English: you promise to be quiet and not say anything bad about the party paying you money.
Hmmmm. So, Paula Jones isn't credible because she didn't demonstrate harm, but Ivana IS credible, even though she didn't demonstrate harm and in fact retracted her story? And you don't think you're being a little partisan in your analysis?
Ivana is also his ex who may have an ax to grind.
I don't know any other way to explain it. When Republicans say that Campus Rape is "inflated myth" and that women are making "false accusations".

What they are really saying is that women should shut-up and be quiet about being raped. It doesn't matter how the woman feels, it doesn't matter if the courts look into each case and resolve them individually.

The Republicans want YOU, the WOMAN, to shut-up about your rapist.

And that is a war on women, and a war on God.
This is the kind of shit we are talking about when we say the Republicans war on women.

25 Fox News Employees Come Forward: Forced Dates, Demands for Oral Sex

And it isn’t just the forced blowjobs or the way Trump talked about Megan Kelly. It’s how Republicans trash women like Gretchen & Megan after they speak up.

So Democrats didn't trash Paula Jones, Lucianne Goldberg, Juanita Brodderick, Ann Coulter,
Michelle Malkin or Melania Trump?
Sorry pal but

Eventually, the court dismissed the Paula Jones harassment lawsuit, before trial, on the grounds that Jones failed to demonstrate any damages.

Why The New Child Rape Case Filed Against Donald Trump Should Not Be Ignored

An anonymous “Jane Doe” filed a federal lawsuit against GOP presumptive nominee Donald Trump last week, accusing him of raping her in 1994 when she was thirteen years old. The mainstream media ignored the filing.

If the Bill Cosby case has taught us anything, it is to not disregard rape cases against famous men. Serious journalists have publicly apologized for turning a blind eye to the Cosby accusers for over a decade, notwithstanding the large number of women who had come forward with credible claims. And now history is repeating itself.

In covering a story, a media outlet is not finding guilt. It is simply reporting the news that a lawsuit has been filed against Mr. Trump, and ideally putting the complaint in context. Unproven allegations are just that - unproven, and should be identified that way. (Mr. Trump’s lawyer says the charges are “categorically untrue, completely fabricated and politically motivated.”) Proof comes later, at trial. But the November election will come well before any trial. And while Mr. Trump is presumed innocent, we are permitted - no, we are obligated — to analyze the case’s viability now.

No outsider can say whether Mr. Trump is innocent or guilty of these new rape charges. But we can look at his record, analyze the court filings here, and make a determination as to credibility - whether the allegations are believable enough for us to take them seriously and investigate them, keeping in mind his denial and reporting new facts as they develop.

I have done that. And the answer is a clear “yes.” These allegations are credible. They ought not be ignored. Mainstream media, I’m looking at you.

The truth is the only reason you bring up child rape allegations is because he's a Republican running for President. If it were a democrat you'd shovel sand over that shit so fast your head would swim.
Like you are doing now.
As a society we have a lot to accomplish when it comes to rape. Rape is hard to prove because it is largely a he said she said thing unless the woman seeks medical attention right after and shows signs of rape.

Allegations in America always pop up for people with celebrity status because of the cash involved. People are innocent until proven guilty in our legal system so unless you can prove it with a rape kit you're shit out of luck. Now you do sometimes get cases like Bill Cosby where so many people come forward that you have to give it serious consideration after the fact but in the case of Trump,he has lots of cash so take it with a grain of salt unless it goes to court with a rape kit. I'm not trying to demean rape victims but just asking for everyone to proceed with caution. Maybe Trump did and maybe he didn't, but there are lots of women looking for their 15 minutes of fame and a book deal and that's also a reality of life in the USA.
So tell your buddies to stop talking about Bill Clinton being a rapist or child molester. Melania and Trump are only 4 years closer in age than Bill and Monica. Trump was married when he fucked Melania. That makes Melania the Monica Lewinski in the story. So what she later married him the home wrecker! Bill at least stayed married. Isn't that what you are supposed to do? When you say I do to god, aren't you supposed to keep your promise to god?

Bill cheated on Hillary but Trump cheated on God.
I don't know any other way to explain it. When Republicans say that Campus Rape is "inflated myth" and that women are making "false accusations".

What they are really saying is that women should shut-up and be quiet about being raped. It doesn't matter how the woman feels, it doesn't matter if the courts look into each case and resolve them individually.

The Republicans want YOU, the WOMAN, to shut-up about your rapist.

And that is a war on women, and a war on God.

The Times also said its reporters had interviewed around a dozen women who “said they had experienced some form of sexual harassment or intimidation at Fox News or the Fox Business Network, and half a dozen more who said they had witnessed it.” Wilson told the New York Times.

propositioned her sexually and derailed her career after she complained about treatment of women at the cable-news network. Ailes countered that Carlson was seeking revenge after her contract wasn’t renewed.

Oh yea Mr. Roger Ailes? You lying son of a bitch. But how many white men in power get away with this shit? And how many Republicans defend the letches like Trump and Ailes?

“the victim usually fears that if they make the allegation publicly, they may never work again or they may be blackballed. Whether that is the reality or not, that is the perception. that is the fear.”
As a society we have a lot to accomplish when it comes to rape. Rape is hard to prove because it is largely a he said she said thing unless the woman seeks medical attention right after and shows signs of rape.

Allegations in America always pop up for people with celebrity status because of the cash involved. People are innocent until proven guilty in our legal system so unless you can prove it with a rape kit you're shit out of luck. Now you do sometimes get cases like Bill Cosby where so many people come forward that you have to give it serious consideration after the fact but in the case of Trump,he has lots of cash so take it with a grain of salt unless it goes to court with a rape kit. I'm not trying to demean rape victims but just asking for everyone to proceed with caution. Maybe Trump did and maybe he didn't, but there are lots of women looking for their 15 minutes of fame and a book deal and that's also a reality of life in the USA.
So tell your buddies to stop talking about Bill Clinton being a rapist or child molester. Melania and Trump are only 4 years closer in age than Bill and Monica. Trump was married when he fucked Melania. That makes Melania the Monica Lewinski in the story. So what she later married him the home wrecker! Bill at least stayed married. Isn't that what you are supposed to do? When you say I do to god, aren't you supposed to keep your promise to god?

Bill cheated on Hillary but Trump cheated on God.
Bill Cosby stayed married too WTF does that have to do with anything. Serial killers have wives that stay with them, I don't see the logic or what that has to do with my post.

17 Serial Killers Who Were Married
As a society we have a lot to accomplish when it comes to rape. Rape is hard to prove because it is largely a he said she said thing unless the woman seeks medical attention right after and shows signs of rape.

Allegations in America always pop up for people with celebrity status because of the cash involved. People are innocent until proven guilty in our legal system so unless you can prove it with a rape kit you're shit out of luck. Now you do sometimes get cases like Bill Cosby where so many people come forward that you have to give it serious consideration after the fact but in the case of Trump,he has lots of cash so take it with a grain of salt unless it goes to court with a rape kit. I'm not trying to demean rape victims but just asking for everyone to proceed with caution. Maybe Trump did and maybe he didn't, but there are lots of women looking for their 15 minutes of fame and a book deal and that's also a reality of life in the USA.
So tell your buddies to stop talking about Bill Clinton being a rapist or child molester. Melania and Trump are only 4 years closer in age than Bill and Monica. Trump was married when he fucked Melania. That makes Melania the Monica Lewinski in the story. So what she later married him the home wrecker! Bill at least stayed married. Isn't that what you are supposed to do? When you say I do to god, aren't you supposed to keep your promise to god?

Bill cheated on Hillary but Trump cheated on God.

"Keeping your promise to God" doesn't include chasing everything with a skirt. The idea that Slick was a faithful husband is too absurd for words.

There's a big difference between Melania and Monica because Trump didn't lie under oath to a grand jury about having sex with Melania Trump didn't even meet Melania until a year after he split with Marla Maples..
As a society we have a lot to accomplish when it comes to rape. Rape is hard to prove because it is largely a he said she said thing unless the woman seeks medical attention right after and shows signs of rape.

Allegations in America always pop up for people with celebrity status because of the cash involved. People are innocent until proven guilty in our legal system so unless you can prove it with a rape kit you're shit out of luck. Now you do sometimes get cases like Bill Cosby where so many people come forward that you have to give it serious consideration after the fact but in the case of Trump,he has lots of cash so take it with a grain of salt unless it goes to court with a rape kit. I'm not trying to demean rape victims but just asking for everyone to proceed with caution. Maybe Trump did and maybe he didn't, but there are lots of women looking for their 15 minutes of fame and a book deal and that's also a reality of life in the USA.

Only in the Leftisphere is "innocent until proven guilty" a problem that needs to be rectified.
As a society we have a lot to accomplish when it comes to rape. Rape is hard to prove because it is largely a he said she said thing unless the woman seeks medical attention right after and shows signs of rape.

Allegations in America always pop up for people with celebrity status because of the cash involved. People are innocent until proven guilty in our legal system so unless you can prove it with a rape kit you're shit out of luck. Now you do sometimes get cases like Bill Cosby where so many people come forward that you have to give it serious consideration after the fact but in the case of Trump,he has lots of cash so take it with a grain of salt unless it goes to court with a rape kit. I'm not trying to demean rape victims but just asking for everyone to proceed with caution. Maybe Trump did and maybe he didn't, but there are lots of women looking for their 15 minutes of fame and a book deal and that's also a reality of life in the USA.

Only in the Leftisphere is "innocent until proven guilty" a problem that needs to be rectified.

I recall when they whined because, as the claimed, Ollie North and John Poindexter "got off on a technicality. Only leftwing douche bags view the 5th Amendment as a "technicality."
As a society we have a lot to accomplish when it comes to rape. Rape is hard to prove because it is largely a he said she said thing unless the woman seeks medical attention right after and shows signs of rape.

Allegations in America always pop up for people with celebrity status because of the cash involved. People are innocent until proven guilty in our legal system so unless you can prove it with a rape kit you're shit out of luck. Now you do sometimes get cases like Bill Cosby where so many people come forward that you have to give it serious consideration after the fact but in the case of Trump,he has lots of cash so take it with a grain of salt unless it goes to court with a rape kit. I'm not trying to demean rape victims but just asking for everyone to proceed with caution. Maybe Trump did and maybe he didn't, but there are lots of women looking for their 15 minutes of fame and a book deal and that's also a reality of life in the USA.
So tell your buddies to stop talking about Bill Clinton being a rapist or child molester. Melania and Trump are only 4 years closer in age than Bill and Monica. Trump was married when he fucked Melania. That makes Melania the Monica Lewinski in the story. So what she later married him the home wrecker! Bill at least stayed married. Isn't that what you are supposed to do? When you say I do to god, aren't you supposed to keep your promise to god?

Bill cheated on Hillary but Trump cheated on God.

"Keeping your promise to God" doesn't include chasing everything with a skirt. The idea that Slick was a faithful husband is too absurd for words.

There's a big difference between Melania and Monica because Trump didn't lie under oath to a grand jury about having sex with Melania Trump didn't even meet Melania until a year after he split with Marla Maples..
He was still married. Melania's a whore
As a society we have a lot to accomplish when it comes to rape. Rape is hard to prove because it is largely a he said she said thing unless the woman seeks medical attention right after and shows signs of rape.

Allegations in America always pop up for people with celebrity status because of the cash involved. People are innocent until proven guilty in our legal system so unless you can prove it with a rape kit you're shit out of luck. Now you do sometimes get cases like Bill Cosby where so many people come forward that you have to give it serious consideration after the fact but in the case of Trump,he has lots of cash so take it with a grain of salt unless it goes to court with a rape kit. I'm not trying to demean rape victims but just asking for everyone to proceed with caution. Maybe Trump did and maybe he didn't, but there are lots of women looking for their 15 minutes of fame and a book deal and that's also a reality of life in the USA.
So tell your buddies to stop talking about Bill Clinton being a rapist or child molester. Melania and Trump are only 4 years closer in age than Bill and Monica. Trump was married when he fucked Melania. That makes Melania the Monica Lewinski in the story. So what she later married him the home wrecker! Bill at least stayed married. Isn't that what you are supposed to do? When you say I do to god, aren't you supposed to keep your promise to god?

Bill cheated on Hillary but Trump cheated on God.

"Keeping your promise to God" doesn't include chasing everything with a skirt. The idea that Slick was a faithful husband is too absurd for words.

There's a big difference between Melania and Monica because Trump didn't lie under oath to a grand jury about having sex with Melania Trump didn't even meet Melania until a year after he split with Marla Maples..
He was still married. Melania's a whore

I believe they were legally separated.

It's charming to watch the way you guys are trying so hard to make Hillary look better than Trump.
As a society we have a lot to accomplish when it comes to rape. Rape is hard to prove because it is largely a he said she said thing unless the woman seeks medical attention right after and shows signs of rape.

Allegations in America always pop up for people with celebrity status because of the cash involved. People are innocent until proven guilty in our legal system so unless you can prove it with a rape kit you're shit out of luck. Now you do sometimes get cases like Bill Cosby where so many people come forward that you have to give it serious consideration after the fact but in the case of Trump,he has lots of cash so take it with a grain of salt unless it goes to court with a rape kit. I'm not trying to demean rape victims but just asking for everyone to proceed with caution. Maybe Trump did and maybe he didn't, but there are lots of women looking for their 15 minutes of fame and a book deal and that's also a reality of life in the USA.
So tell your buddies to stop talking about Bill Clinton being a rapist or child molester. Melania and Trump are only 4 years closer in age than Bill and Monica. Trump was married when he fucked Melania. That makes Melania the Monica Lewinski in the story. So what she later married him the home wrecker! Bill at least stayed married. Isn't that what you are supposed to do? When you say I do to god, aren't you supposed to keep your promise to god?

Bill cheated on Hillary but Trump cheated on God.

"Keeping your promise to God" doesn't include chasing everything with a skirt. The idea that Slick was a faithful husband is too absurd for words.

There's a big difference between Melania and Monica because Trump didn't lie under oath to a grand jury about having sex with Melania Trump didn't even meet Melania until a year after he split with Marla Maples..
He was still married. Melania's a whore

I believe they were legally separated.

It's charming to watch the way you guys are trying so hard to make Hillary look better than Trump.
Traitor trump?
As a fox news exec says to women who want to work there. Suck my dick
I don't know any other way to explain it. When Republicans say that Campus Rape is "inflated myth" and that women are making "false accusations".

What they are really saying is that women should shut-up and be quiet about being raped. It doesn't matter how the woman feels, it doesn't matter if the courts look into each case and resolve them individually.

The Republicans want YOU, the WOMAN, to shut-up about your rapist.

And that is a war on women, and a war on God.

I'm not a Republican and I call bullshit.

Who are raping these women on Campus's?

What republican said that? Got a link?
It is the refuge of liars to claim ignorance. How dare you use the Cross and the Satanic American flag in the same picture. You false Christian.

The United States is the murderer of women and children for the Devil's Blood, the oil in the ground of other nations.

The United States created terrorist states out of their war mongering for profit...and you DARE to associate Christ with this Satan?
^^^ don't do drugs ^^^
I don't know any other way to explain it. When Republicans say that Campus Rape is "inflated myth" and that women are making "false accusations".

What they are really saying is that women should shut-up and be quiet about being raped. It doesn't matter how the woman feels, it doesn't matter if the courts look into each case and resolve them individually.

The Republicans want YOU, the WOMAN, to shut-up about your rapist.

And that is a war on women, and a war on God.

I'm not a Republican and I call bullshit.

Who are raping these women on Campus's?

Well, when fox news execs force women to have sex, who is it that attacks Megan and Gretchen?

Typically you cons defend the rapist or you attack the victims

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