Republicans are warring against women

I believe he is a troll.
If you agree with him them go to the Middle East and preach the Gospel.

Christ does not tell anyone to go to war to defend anyone ever.

The little I have read about you is quite disturbing.

You are the most judgmental “Christian” I have encountered recently.

You are calling everyone hell bound or devils or evil because they belong to a political party. Or because they do not interpret the gospel the way you demand or put forth their Christian duty in the priorities you set forth.

Quite honestly, you are the one who sounds like a misguided Pharisee who puts on a big show to impress us sinners. Almost like a Jack Chick devotee.
If you agree with him them go to the Middle East and preach the Gospel.

Christ does not tell anyone to go to war to defend anyone ever.

The little I have read about you is quite disturbing.

You are the most judgmental “Christian” I have encountered recently.

You are calling everyone hell bound or devils or evil because they belong to a political party. Or because they do not interpret the gospel the way you demand or put forth their Christian duty in the priorities you set forth.

Quite honestly, you are the one who sounds like a misguided Pharisee who puts on a big show to impress us sinners. Almost like a Jack Chick devotee.

They seem a bit intolerant yes, actually this sort of attitude is what gives us real Christian's a bad name, because a lot of people think that we're all like this, when we're not.

Gosh, 4.24am WTF?! I have to go to Trondheim, Norway later today....The Crusader should be ashamed for keeping me up until this time!

From Norway. Interesting. I hope to resurrect that fact in a subsequent thread. We can surely learn something.

And a Christian in Norway no less!! I thought they were pretty docile and only mildly interested in organized religion?

This crusader fellow is merely experiencing his 15 minutes of fame at our expense.

No I'm Austrian, Mr. Lucy is from Norway, the Trondheim region is actually 77% Christian, it was Norway's original capital also. We have a 3 day Christmas in Salzburg and New Years Eve until January 2nd always in Trondheim.

Yes, we can discuss Norway in a subsequent thread if you like.

The Crusader has begun about, what seems like 20 threads already lol.
Well, maybe because everything is being rigged against men these days and men are getting angry.

No freaking guff!

I have two daughters. One son. My girls warned their brother don't touch anyone or anything way back when he was dating without written permission in advance or take them along on the date :lol:

It wasn't altruistic. They made sure they were going to still have the farm after a war chest if I bought the dust early in life.

The law suits that I have seen brought are crazy.

Now don't get me wrong. I'm a hard core feminist but the real deal. Not a pansy ass who didn't have an orgasm like Cosmopolitan told me I should and wander around with a fucking mattress strapped to my back to display my angst on a college campus.

Good grief. It's nuts out there these days.
I don't know any other way to explain it. When Republicans say that Campus Rape is "inflated myth" and that women are making "false accusations".

What they are really saying is that women should shut-up and be quiet about being raped. It doesn't matter how the woman feels, it doesn't matter if the courts look into each case and resolve them individually.

The Republicans want YOU, the WOMAN, to shut-up about your rapist.

And that is a war on women, and a war on God.

This is what an actual War on Women looks like and many misguided Leftists and bizarrely Feminists are supporting the monsters who are the perpetrators of this evil....I loathe posting this, I find the pictures so intensely upsetting.

View attachment 58298

View attachment 58299

Irrelevant to the discussion. You'd be held in contempt of a law court.

It's not irrelevant, you oddly claimed the Republicans were having a war on women, so I thought I'd illustrate to you what a real war on women looks like.

Your comments are very strange, I'm having difficulty understanding them, I'm not sure if they're real or some perverted attempt at....pulling the arm....or is it pulling the leg, well anyhow, it's pulling one of them.
No, saying that ISIS's small war in the Levant is not a real war because a real war looks like World War 2 makes you look stupid.

Now take your irrelevant statement elsewhere. It is irrelevant to the conversation of improving the lives of people in the United States, not in Saudi Arabia.
The real war on women emanates from Islam, and you dhimmies adore Islam.
I see, so you don't have a link. You're dismissed
You are destined for Hell, I weep for you.

Oh boy, you're a nut
Take the cross from off your avatar. You who seeks to destroy welfare, hospital care for the poor, and social security. You who hides behind the claim of tyranny that taxes go to evil, but there are no lines of the needy at your church.

Your church does not provide bread to the poor, houses to the homeless, or medicine to the sick.

You hypocrite, you come here to spew your evil and claim the righteousness of God.

Catholic Charities USA

Covenant House
You forgot to add we torture puppies and kittens for fun.

Don't forget the ritualistic sacrifice of and then the eating of the newborns :rolleyes-41:

I think it's a pretty good bet that TheCrusader supports murdered babies and baby part sales for Democratic Socialist Party political contributions.
I'm a Christian, I do not support SIN.

But Christ did not come to enforce the law, but to give Grace to all who seek it.

So what is Sin, according to you?

Abortion as a form of contraception, that's sin, yes/no?

Abortion is a sin for murder, it is little more than state sanctioned murder.

Lucky for you that Christ isn't a warmongering Judge like Samson enforcing the laws of God, maybe too bad for me, because then I can see Christ bludgeon you to death with the jawbone of an ass for your sins, which would make great entertainment (a guilty pleasure I know. But just making a point).
You'd like to see people bludgeoned to death? Have you told your psych?
I don't know any other way to explain it. When Republicans say that Campus Rape is "inflated myth" and that women are making "false accusations".

What they are really saying is that women should shut-up and be quiet about being raped. It doesn't matter how the woman feels, it doesn't matter if the courts look into each case and resolve them individually.

The Republicans want YOU, the WOMAN, to shut-up about your rapist.

And that is a war on women, and a war on God.
WHAT THE FUCK are you blabbering about? Try taking the pacifier out of your mouth before speaking next time
I don't know any other way to explain it. When Republicans say that Campus Rape is "inflated myth" and that women are making "false accusations".

What they are really saying is that women should shut-up and be quiet about being raped. It doesn't matter how the woman feels, it doesn't matter if the courts look into each case and resolve them individually.

The Republicans want YOU, the WOMAN, to shut-up about your rapist.

And that is a war on women, and a war on God.
Tell this to Bill Clinton's victims, libtards. Hillary engaged in a war on women on her husband's accusers. Libs have zero credibility.
I see, so you don't have a link. You're dismissed
You are destined for Hell, I weep for you.

Oh boy, you're a nut
Take the cross from off your avatar. You who seeks to destroy welfare, hospital care for the poor, and social security. You who hides behind the claim of tyranny that taxes go to evil, but there are no lines of the needy at your church.

Your church does not provide bread to the poor, houses to the homeless, or medicine to the sick.

You hypocrite, you come here to spew your evil and claim the righteousness of God.

I'm the head of our Church outreach program, this past Tuesday evening we fed 132 people. Now sit down and shush before you look the bigger fool

Skanky is a liar. She was sitting on her ass all day Tuesday, posting from sun up to way past sundown. lol
I see, so you don't have a link. You're dismissed
You are destined for Hell, I weep for you.

Oh boy, you're a nut
Take the cross from off your avatar. You who seeks to destroy welfare, hospital care for the poor, and social security. You who hides behind the claim of tyranny that taxes go to evil, but there are no lines of the needy at your church.

Your church does not provide bread to the poor, houses to the homeless, or medicine to the sick.

You hypocrite, you come here to spew your evil and claim the righteousness of God.

go get a job. stop living on the taxpayers. your welfare is safe for the time being. Until WE THE PEOPLE decide to take it from you

Did you just tell someone to get a job? ROFL!

Did you just tell someone to stop living off the taxpayers? ROFL!
What republican said that? Got a link?
It is the refuge of liars to claim ignorance. How dare you use the Cross and the Satanic American flag in the same picture. You false Christian.

The United States is the murderer of women and children for the Devil's Blood, the oil in the ground of other nations.

The United States created terrorist states out of their war mongering for profit...and you DARE to associate Christ with this Satan?
Tell the nurse to ease up on the morphine drips.
AMEN to that sister. :boobies:
Republicans Speak Out On Campus Rape But Chairman Kline Remains Silent Ignoring Their Bill | MN Political Roundtable

I guess you look like an idiot, a brief quotations list of Republicans speaking about Campus rape.

The Rape 'Epidemic' Doesn't Actually Exist

I guess conservative columnist Caroline Kitchens who writes Republican talking points does not exist.

Uhm...your link is full of Republicans wanting to do something about campus sexual assaults. Good grief.

No it's not, it's full of BOTH sides of the story, and please go to the next one exemplifying the Tea Partier side.

Learn to read instead of glance.

You're an embarrassment to yourself.
learn to shut up and listen to the other side. WE ARE IT. We conservatives don't need a bunch of people from some party to blow smoke up our asses. we can take care of ourselves
So let's get this straight...

You failed once it was painfully obvious that Republicans/Tea Partiers are claiming there is no Campus Rape epidemic, but that is just over-reactions and false accusation by women themselves, so now you're having a mental break down because of cognitive dissonance.
I've seen a few highly publicized cases, some false. If there's an epidemic of rape provide a link with some content.
I don't know any other way to explain it. When Republicans say that Campus Rape is "inflated myth" and that women are making "false accusations".

What they are really saying is that women should shut-up and be quiet about being raped. It doesn't matter how the woman feels, it doesn't matter if the courts look into each case and resolve them individually.

The Republicans want YOU, the WOMAN, to shut-up about your rapist.

And that is a war on women, and a war on God.
Not really.

It's just you lying and sucking your own cock.

Over and over and over and over again.
I see, so you don't have a link. You're dismissed
You are destined for Hell, I weep for you.

Oh boy, you're a nut

First clue after I poured myself a shot.

The Almond Joy song popped into my head.


After this thread, you really need to put down the shots.

We can't see the plate. I know he killed her on the spot. My husband too but we can't see the plate. | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
What republican said that? Got a link?

I don't have a link to those exact words but I do have a link to the exact words from republicans like " rape is kinda like the weather. If it's inevitable sit back and enjoy it."

Or like "legitimate rape" or " the body has a way of shutting those things down" or " rape kits clean out a woman in the hospital."

Republicans on Rape :

When all these men were confronted with their statements, most say they were joking.

Rape isn't a joke.
What republican said that? Got a link?

I don't have a link to those exact words but I do have a link to the exact words from republicans like " rape is kinda like the weather. If it's inevitable sit back and enjoy it."

Or like "legitimate rape" or " the body has a way of shutting those things down" or " rape kits clean out a woman in the hospital."

Republicans on Rape :

When all these men were confronted with their statements, most say they were joking.

Rape isn't a joke.

Never said it was.....with that said will you be condemning Bill Clinton? Gotcha!!!!!
What republican said that? Got a link?

I don't have a link to those exact words but I do have a link to the exact words from republicans like " rape is kinda like the weather. If it's inevitable sit back and enjoy it."

Or like "legitimate rape" or " the body has a way of shutting those things down" or " rape kits clean out a woman in the hospital."

Republicans on Rape :

When all these men were confronted with their statements, most say they were joking.

Rape isn't a joke.

Never said it was.....with that said will you be condemning Bill Clinton? Gotcha!!!!!

When Bill Clinton rapes someone I'll condemn him.
What republican said that? Got a link?

I don't have a link to those exact words but I do have a link to the exact words from republicans like " rape is kinda like the weather. If it's inevitable sit back and enjoy it."

Or like "legitimate rape" or " the body has a way of shutting those things down" or " rape kits clean out a woman in the hospital."

Republicans on Rape :

When all these men were confronted with their statements, most say they were joking.

Rape isn't a joke.

Never said it was.....with that said will you be condemning Bill Clinton? Gotcha!!!!!

When Bill Clinton rapes someone I'll condemn him.

You're dismissed.

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