Republicans can’t have it both ways

How about personal responsibility? You know, where if you can't afford kids, you don't go around getting pregnant?
Perfect. And so easy for men to say!

Nothing moral or good is always easy to do. And yet... I am 41 years old, and have no bastard children out of wedlock. Nor my friends, nor nearly all my relatives.

One of my favorite Star Wars characters.
Yes, we Conservatives (and Republicans) most definitely CAN and SHOULD continue to reduce assistance for families. ESPECIALLY those that are forced into existence by reducing the opportunity for an abortion.

These people need to face the consequences for their actions. Just thst simple.

That's a strange response.

Here's the problem with people like you. If you personally, were required to write out check, to pay for the mistakes of others, you would completely change your tune here.

And we know this, because we see the same thing when people talk about gov-health care. Everyone is for government health care, until they are told how much more in taxes they'll have to pay.
How about personal responsibility? You know, where if you can't afford kids, you don't go around getting pregnant?
Perfect. And so easy for men to say!

Nothing moral or good is always easy to do. And yet... I am 41 years old, and have no bastard children out of wedlock. Nor my friends, nor nearly all my relatives.
"Nearly all" lol!! Bet all those that did were women too. Funny how that works, hmmm.. Yeah, same here, sport. Only, I'm much older and understand that shit happens to everyone. None of my kids were really "planned" but we managed.. with a lot of hard work and LUCK!
if you can't afford kids, don't do what it takes to get them. pretty simple.
Also, don't like abortion being legal? Don't have one.. really simple!
Ah, so much wishful thinking.. Kids these days.. Why can't they be like we were..?
pretty sure people have been having sex long before "we" were much of anything.

just sick and tired of the whining around it. don't want kids, don't fuck. using abortion as birth control to me is wrong.

all there is to it.
So do as you say, not as we've done. Brilliant!
I don't think I'm going to miss you
Republican policy usually just applies to the wealthy. Any other policy that applies to everyone else is just complete non sense.

Republicans can’t expect to outlaw abortion and continue to not do jack shit for kids born to poor single mothers. Basic social services isn’t some radical leftwing idea. They can whine and shame on the mothers for having kids they can’t afford all they want - it still doesn’t change the fact that the kid, you know, exists. What is supposed to happen to this kid born to a home he or she can’t thrive in? Also, if you are actually dumb enough to think women profit off of welfare by having kids then you should just relinquish your right to vote because you’re too stupid to have it. Do republicans not realize how expensive it is to raise a kid? Any government assistance the mom and kid get is a fraction of the overall cost of raising a kid for 18 years.

That makes no sense. By that logic, we should just shoot and kill every poor person, according to your world view.

If we don't have enough public housing for homeless, we should legalize killing them......

Are you as much an idiot as this post indicates?

How about personal responsibility? You know, where if you can't afford kids, you don't go around getting pregnant?
God the stupidity of this board knows no bounds. Yeah no shit personal responsibility matters when having a kid, but the fucking kid is what matters you doofus. The kid exists either way. If you’re stupid enough to think mothers are “rewarded” by welfare, then you’re an idiot because that is economically impossible. And you know sometimes, shit just happens and it isn’t even due to irresponsibility. Maybe the mom gets sick. Maybe she got laid off from her job. Maybe the dad ditched them. You know, shit happens. Either way, forcing women to not have abortions will only make this problem worse. I feel like I’m talking to children sometimes.
No, no, no, I get it!
How about personal responsibility? You know, where if you can't afford kids, you don't go around getting pregnant?

When you have kids you can't afford just don't get pregnant. Problem solved, see? Let the damn kids (and parents) suffer. That can only help our society as a whole. It's analogous to their health care plan. Don't get sick. If you get sick, die quickly. Responsibility. The fetus is all that really matters. What about it?
If the two people who made the baby can't or won't then you have now brought a helpless innocent life into this world all because abortion was outlawed.
Ever heard of adoption? It's a beautiful, selfless thing, There are between 1 to 2 million couples waiting for a baby. And nearly 1 million abortions per year in the US. It's amazing to me how you completely left that out of the equation.
You're right, life isn't fair. So, fuck the kid then, right? Nice pro life stance.

Again, shouldn't you be directing that comment to the people making the child? The onus isn't on me or anyone else to determine what happens to the kid or how he gets supported. It's on the parents and their families. Yes, maybe the kid will have a hard childhood. Boo fucking hoo. As I said, life ain't fair. There are millions of children all over the world in far worse conditions than a kid being poor here in America.

And again, when did I say I supported banning abortion?
THANK YOU for clearly exposing the problem with people like him. It's their entire outlook on life that is the problem. It's such a warped, immature, misguided entitlement mentality, the mentality that everything is owed to them, that they can live in a horribly irresponsible way and OTHER people must pay for their messed up ways.

It just occurred to me that people like him don't even realize how effed up their worldview is. Why, because they've been so deeply brainwashed to think that way, to think that everything they want is a "right", and they truly think the government's role is to take care of them, and that dependence mindset is so deeply engrained that - as you said - it never occurred to him that the people who brought the child into the world should take responsibility for their own actions. It's like that thought wasn't even on his radar.
No, my argument is that your position is intellectually vapid. The idea that because someone opposes the termination of a life (which is exactly what an abortion regardless of what side of the issue you're on) they are now somehow responsible for the child once it's born, while waving any responsibility on that of the people who created it is ridiculous. Actions have consequences. There was a time before 1973 where abortion was illegal in places and you know what? People dealt with it. They got by with help from their family or their friends or they gave the baby up for adoption. It's called personal responsibility, which as I noted before, seems to be a difficult concept for you to understand.

You're right, life isn't fair. So, fuck the kid then, right? Nice pro life stance.

Again, shouldn't you be directing that comment to the people making the child? The onus isn't on me or anyone else to determine what happens to the kid or how he gets supported. It's on the parents and their families. Yes, maybe the kid will have a hard childhood. Boo fucking hoo. As I said, life ain't fair. There are millions of children all over the world in far worse conditions than a kid being poor here in America.

And again, when did I say I supported banning abortion?
THANK YOU for clearly exposing the problem with people like him. It's their entire outlook on life that is the problem. It's such a warped, immature, misguided entitlement mentality, the mentality that everything is owed to them, that they can live in a horribly irresponsible way and OTHER people must pay for their messed up ways.

It just occurred to me that people like him don't even realize how effed up their worldview is. Why, because they've been so deeply brainwashed to think that way, to think that everything they want is a "right", and they truly think the government's role is to take care of them, and that dependence mindset is so deeply engrained that - as you said - it never occurred to him that the people who brought the child into the world should take responsibility for their own actions. It's like that thought wasn't even on his radar.

Let's pretend your wettest of dreams came true and abortion was outlawed everywhere and welfare programs have been cut to the core. You now have 500,000 births each year where the parents wouldn't or couldn't afford them. Do you care what happens to those children or did your responsibility end with the forced births and now their lives don't mean much to you?
If the two people who made the baby can't or won't then you have now brought a helpless innocent life into this world all because abortion was outlawed.
Ever heard of adoption? It's a beautiful, selfless thing, There are between 1 to 2 million couples waiting for a baby. And nearly 1 million abortions per year in the US. It's amazing to me how you completely left that out of the equation.

There are over 400,000 children in foster care, how many of them have you adopted?

You don't mind paying for those 400,000 by way of taxation do you?
Republican policy usually just applies to the wealthy. Any other policy that applies to everyone else is just complete non sense.

Republicans can’t expect to outlaw abortion and continue to not do jack shit for kids born to poor single mothers. Basic social services isn’t some radical leftwing idea. They can whine and shame on the mothers for having kids they can’t afford all they want - it still doesn’t change the fact that the kid, you know, exists. What is supposed to happen to this kid born to a home he or she can’t thrive in? Also, if you are actually dumb enough to think women profit off of welfare by having kids then you should just relinquish your right to vote because you’re too stupid to have it. Do republicans not realize how expensive it is to raise a kid? Any government assistance the mom and kid get is a fraction of the overall cost of raising a kid for 18 years.
At least republicans don't want to murder children.
I am in full support of tax dollars supporting kids given up for adoption.....a good use of money.
Foster parents should receive more money to perform the service they do. It's a very difficult undertaking.
Whereas direct parenting is cake and deserves no support from those in it for themselves..
Direct parents want their kids....I speak for the ones given up waiting for a home. How are they supposed to live and function without help? Not to mention the psychological help many need. I do not expect them to pay for it.

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