Republicans can’t have it both ways

Republican policy usually just applies to the wealthy. Any other policy that applies to everyone else is just complete non sense.

Republicans can’t expect to outlaw abortion and continue to not do jack shit for kids born to poor single mothers. Basic social services isn’t some radical leftwing idea. They can whine and shame on the mothers for having kids they can’t afford all they want - it still doesn’t change the fact that the kid, you know, exists. What is supposed to happen to this kid born to a home he or she can’t thrive in? Also, if you are actually dumb enough to think women profit off of welfare by having kids then you should just relinquish your right to vote because you’re too stupid to have it. Do republicans not realize how expensive it is to raise a kid? Any government assistance the mom and kid get is a fraction of the overall cost of raising a kid for 18 years.
if you can't afford kids stop fucking.

good god people.
Republican policy usually just applies to the wealthy. Any other policy that applies to everyone else is just complete non sense.

Republicans can’t expect to outlaw abortion and continue to not do jack shit for kids born to poor single mothers. Basic social services isn’t some radical leftwing idea. They can whine and shame on the mothers for having kids they can’t afford all they want - it still doesn’t change the fact that the kid, you know, exists. What is supposed to happen to this kid born to a home he or she can’t thrive in? Also, if you are actually dumb enough to think women profit off of welfare by having kids then you should just relinquish your right to vote because you’re too stupid to have it. Do republicans not realize how expensive it is to raise a kid? Any government assistance the mom and kid get is a fraction of the overall cost of raising a kid for 18 years.
if you can't afford kids stop fucking.

good god people.
fk no!! gotta kill them some babies. they must truly enjoy the kill for the hunt to be so frequent.
That is very simplistic and not reality.

The reality is that here in America thousands if not millions of children have never met their father. Have never heard his voice. Have never had a father in their lives.


Because the man walked away from his own flesh and blood. Millions of men make women pregnant then turn their backs and walk away from their own flesh and blood. And it's just fine with our society. While people scream about abortion no one has any problem with men making new life then walking away from it without even looking back to see what they've done.

Thousands of them even deny their own children saying they aren't theirs. So DNA tests have to be done.

My sister's ex husband claimed that my sister had a miscarriage and there was no child. Even though there was no miscarriage and my sister had to take that child with her to court to prove that her ex was lying.

When I worked in the accounting field one of my jobs was garnishing people for debts and child support. Most of it was for child support. I had 2 tall file cabinets filled with files on all he deadbeat dads I received court orders on to garnish for child support. In all those files, ONE was a woman. Only because she set it up as a deduction on her paycheck at the time of the divorce so she wouldn't get behind in child support. I received countless phone calls from men threatening me for garnishing their wages even though it would have been illegal for me not to and a violation of a court order. I can't count how many I had to tell the money was for food, clothes and health care for their own flesh and blood and most didn't care. Most fought all they could to not support their own flesh and blood. Much less take any time to have a relationship with their own flesh and blood.

What are those children supposed to do? Starve? Have no clothes or a roof over their heads? Have no way to see a doctor if they need too?

When men stop walking away from their own flesh and blood we as a society will be able to stop supporting their children.

Until then talking about personal responsibility is nothing but a very lame excuse.

Yeah, but the kid is the parents responsibility.

I can't imagine you will get another response from Taz, clearly he's no interested in nuance, not matter how glaringly obvious it is.
no innocent life is worthy of death.

Neat, it's almost like you value an embryo the same as a child. We both know that didn't go so well for you today.
they are the same thing, it's like a tadpole becomes a frog. you need some schooling. and a freezer in a fire doesn't melt.

Melt? Dude, keep up the excuses. :21:

Tadpole? They live outside the frog, right? You might as well have used a calf/cow comparison. :21:

Going back to this a better comparison would be a chicken egg than a tadpole.
Republican policy usually just applies to the wealthy. Any other policy that applies to everyone else is just complete non sense.

Republicans can’t expect to outlaw abortion and continue to not do jack shit for kids born to poor single mothers. Basic social services isn’t some radical leftwing idea. They can whine and shame on the mothers for having kids they can’t afford all they want - it still doesn’t change the fact that the kid, you know, exists. What is supposed to happen to this kid born to a home he or she can’t thrive in? Also, if you are actually dumb enough to think women profit off of welfare by having kids then you should just relinquish your right to vote because you’re too stupid to have it. Do republicans not realize how expensive it is to raise a kid? Any government assistance the mom and kid get is a fraction of the overall cost of raising a kid for 18 years.
if you can't afford kids stop fucking.

good god people.
fk no!! gotta kill them some babies. they must truly enjoy the kill for the hunt to be so frequent.
tired of all the extremes citing the rare case as if the actual daily occurrence.

if you can't afford kids, don't do what it takes to get them. pretty simple.
Republican policy usually just applies to the wealthy. Any other policy that applies to everyone else is just complete non sense.

Republicans can’t expect to outlaw abortion and continue to not do jack shit for kids born to poor single mothers. Basic social services isn’t some radical leftwing idea. They can whine and shame on the mothers for having kids they can’t afford all they want - it still doesn’t change the fact that the kid, you know, exists. What is supposed to happen to this kid born to a home he or she can’t thrive in? Also, if you are actually dumb enough to think women profit off of welfare by having kids then you should just relinquish your right to vote because you’re too stupid to have it. Do republicans not realize how expensive it is to raise a kid? Any government assistance the mom and kid get is a fraction of the overall cost of raising a kid for 18 years.
if you can't afford kids stop fucking.

good god people.
fk no!! gotta kill them some babies. they must truly enjoy the kill for the hunt to be so frequent.
tired of all the extremes citing the rare case as if the actual daily occurrence.

if you can't afford kids, don't do what it takes to get them. pretty simple.
but that is not the message from the left. their message is to fornicate until you're blue in the face, we've got your back if you do produce a baby. It's truly sad.
Yeah, but the kid is the parents responsibility.

I can't imagine you will get another response from Taz, clearly he's no interested in nuance, not matter how glaringly obvious it is.
no innocent life is worthy of death.

Neat, it's almost like you value an embryo the same as a child. We both know that didn't go so well for you today.
they are the same thing, it's like a tadpole becomes a frog. you need some schooling. and a freezer in a fire doesn't melt.

Melt? Dude, keep up the excuses. :21:

Tadpole? They live outside the frog, right? You might as well have used a calf/cow comparison. :21:

Going back to this a better comparison would be a chicken egg than a tadpole.
tadpole works, it needs water, without water it dies.
So, uh, who is going to pay for all them poor babies that are going to pop out ff you make abortion illegal?

How about the two people who made it?

The problem no doubt would be squarely in your court to fix.

Really? I would think it is squarely on the shoulders of the two people who made the baby to fix it, but then again, I’m somebody who actually believes in taking responsibility for their actions, which I realize is a concept most of you have never heard of.
The problem is many don’t take that responsibility and the children suffer as a result and cycle of poverty and all the ugliness around it is perpetuated. We can’t control what other people decide to do

Exactly, so those people need to bear the consequences of their actions. Life isn't fair, plain and simple. You subsidize irresponsible behavior you simply encourage more of it.

That is very simplistic and not reality.

The reality is that here in America thousands if not millions of children have never met their father. Have never heard his voice. Have never had a father in their lives.


Because the man walked away from his own flesh and blood. Millions of men make women pregnant then turn their backs and walk away from their own flesh and blood. And it's just fine with our society. While people scream about abortion no one has any problem with men making new life then walking away from it without even looking back to see what they've done.

Thousands of them even deny their own children saying they aren't theirs. So DNA tests have to be done.

My sister's ex husband claimed that my sister had a miscarriage and there was no child. Even though there was no miscarriage and my sister had to take that child with her to court to prove that her ex was lying.

When I worked in the accounting field one of my jobs was garnishing people for debts and child support. Most of it was for child support. I had 2 tall file cabinets filled with files on all he deadbeat dads I received court orders on to garnish for child support. In all those files, ONE was a woman. Only because she set it up as a deduction on her paycheck at the time of the divorce so she wouldn't get behind in child support. I received countless phone calls from men threatening me for garnishing their wages even though it would have been illegal for me not to and a violation of a court order. I can't count how many I had to tell the money was for food, clothes and health care for their own flesh and blood and most didn't care. Most fought all they could to not support their own flesh and blood. Much less take any time to have a relationship with their own flesh and blood.

What are those children supposed to do? Starve? Have no clothes or a roof over their heads? Have no way to see a doctor if they need too?

When men stop walking away from their own flesh and blood we as a society will be able to stop supporting their children.

Until then talking about personal responsibility is nothing but a very lame excuse.

Yeah, but the kid is the parents responsibility.

I can't imagine you will get another response from Taz, clearly he's no interested in nuance, not matter how glaringly obvious it is.

If they believe that it's the parents responsibility then make BOTH responsible.

Just saying that people are responsible for the children they are forced to create, won't solve the problem. It's just a very lame excuse to not do anything about the problem. Which makes it even worse.

I had a friend who was one of those children. He was born in the 50s. His dad married his mom even though neither of them wanted too. As a result my friend was treated like total garbage by both of his parents all his life. His dad's last words were hate towards his own son and his wife because he blamed his wife for ruining his life by becoming pregnant.

We don't need to return to that.

These far right wing extremists don't realize what they're forcing on this nation.
The dependence upon straw man diversion here has been truly epic. Let's try to nip some in the bud, shall we?

1. Anyone in favor of parental irresponsibility? .. Really? No one? Jeez louise, there goes the basis for at least half the posts already!
2. All those in favor of having more people on welfare? .. Ah, c'mon? OMG, not a single living-on-the-dole promoter here? No one for spending more tax dollars on layabouts, really?.. So much for all those treatises from emilynghiem!
Okay, let's make it perhaps a wee bit tougher:
3. How about unwanted children? Anyone for more of them?... Would anyone like more taxpayer dollars spent on them? ...
4. Any in favor of men not paying child support or alimony? ..
5. Show of hands from all who want 24/7 video monitoring of poor people's bedrooms?..
So, uh, who is going to pay for all them poor babies that are going to pop out ff you make abortion illegal?

How about the two people who made it?

The problem no doubt would be squarely in your court to fix.

Really? I would think it is squarely on the shoulders of the two people who made the baby to fix it, but then again, I’m somebody who actually believes in taking responsibility for their actions, which I realize is a concept most of you have never heard of.
The problem is many don’t take that responsibility and the children suffer as a result and cycle of poverty and all the ugliness around it is perpetuated. We can’t control what other people decide to do

Exactly, so those people need to bear the consequences of their actions. Life isn't fair, plain and simple. You subsidize irresponsible behavior you simply encourage more of it.
So let’s go with that... ban abortions, cut welfare and gov assistance and let them deal with the effects of their actions... so what practical effects do you see occurring in our society?

Does poverty go up or down? What about crime? Quality of life? Medical needs? Etc

A stronger society by thinning the herd.

Survival of the fittest.
if you can't afford kids, don't do what it takes to get them. pretty simple.
Also, don't like abortion being legal? Don't have one.. really simple!
Ah, so much wishful thinking.. Kids these days.. Why can't they be like we were..?
Republican policy usually just applies to the wealthy. Any other policy that applies to everyone else is just complete non sense.

Republicans can’t expect to outlaw abortion and continue to not do jack shit for kids born to poor single mothers. Basic social services isn’t some radical leftwing idea. They can whine and shame on the mothers for having kids they can’t afford all they want - it still doesn’t change the fact that the kid, you know, exists. What is supposed to happen to this kid born to a home he or she can’t thrive in? Also, if you are actually dumb enough to think women profit off of welfare by having kids then you should just relinquish your right to vote because you’re too stupid to have it. Do republicans not realize how expensive it is to raise a kid? Any government assistance the mom and kid get is a fraction of the overall cost of raising a kid for 18 years.

That makes no sense. By that logic, we should just shoot and kill every poor person, according to your world view.

If we don't have enough public housing for homeless, we should legalize killing them......

Are you as much an idiot as this post indicates?

How about personal responsibility? You know, where if you can't afford kids, you don't go around getting pregnant?
if you can't afford kids, don't do what it takes to get them. pretty simple.
Also, don't like abortion being legal? Don't have one.. really simple!
Ah, so much wishful thinking.. Kids these days.. Why can't they be like we were..?
pretty sure people have been having sex long before "we" were much of anything.

just sick and tired of the whining around it. don't want kids, don't fuck. using abortion as birth control to me is wrong.

all there is to it.
Republicans can’t expect to outlaw abortion and continue to not do jack shit for kids born to poor single mothers. Basic social services isn’t some radical leftwing idea. They can whine and shame on the mothers for having kids they can’t afford all they want - it still doesn’t change the fact that the kid, you know, exists. What is supposed to happen to this kid born to a home he or she can’t thrive in? Also, if you are actually dumb enough to think women profit off of welfare by having kids then you should just relinquish your right to vote because you’re too stupid to have it. Do republicans not realize how expensive it is to raise a kid? Any government assistance the mom and kid get is a fraction of the overall cost of raising a kid for 18 years.

Yes, we Conservatives (and Republicans) most definitely CAN and SHOULD continue to reduce assistance for families. ESPECIALLY those that are forced into existence by reducing the opportunity for an abortion.

These people need to face the consequences for their actions. Just thst simple.
if you can't afford kids, don't do what it takes to get them. pretty simple.
Also, don't like abortion being legal? Don't have one.. really simple!
Ah, so much wishful thinking.. Kids these days.. Why can't they be like we were..?
pretty sure people have been having sex long before "we" were much of anything.

just sick and tired of the whining around it. don't want kids, don't fuck. using abortion as birth control to me is wrong.

all there is to it.
So do as you say, not as we've done. Brilliant!
that all i keep hearing ...its the same stupid fucking talking point

who is gonna pay for the poor kids ? they repeat it over and over and over and over

DO lefttards ever form thier own opinion ?

they should abort themselves mass
brainless moronic totalitarian bourgeois consumerist establishment humorless culture-less homogenized democratic socailst zombies

you're idiots
YOU'RE A spoon feed idiot
bet yer mamas real proud
thank you God for Obamacare and free birth control that cuts abortions by 40% immediately-in blue States. Meanwhile you are a racist bigot.
Yes, we Conservatives (and Republicans) most definitely CAN and SHOULD continue to reduce assistance for families. ESPECIALLY those that are forced into existence by reducing the opportunity for an abortion.

These people need to face the consequences for their actions. Just thst simple.
So, uh, who is going to pay for all them poor babies that are going to pop out ff you make abortion illegal?

How about the two people who made it?

The problem no doubt would be squarely in your court to fix.

Really? I would think it is squarely on the shoulders of the two people who made the baby to fix it, but then again, I’m somebody who actually believes in taking responsibility for their actions, which I realize is a concept most of you have never heard of.
The problem is many don’t take that responsibility and the children suffer as a result and cycle of poverty and all the ugliness around it is perpetuated. We can’t control what other people decide to do

Exactly, so those people need to bear the consequences of their actions. Life isn't fair, plain and simple. You subsidize irresponsible behavior you simply encourage more of it.
So let’s go with that... ban abortions, cut welfare and gov assistance and let them deal with the effects of their actions... so what practical effects do you see occurring in our society?

Does poverty go up or down? What about crime? Quality of life? Medical needs? Etc

A stronger society by thinning the herd.

Survival of the fittest.
But you’re not thinning the herd, you’re growing the bottom.

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