Republicans Complain about End of Iraq War

Bush ended the Iraq War. Not Obama. He may try and take credit for that but it just isn't true. SOFA was agreed on some years back when George Bush was President.
WHY is Obama taking credit for something he was opposed to?


Because, when contrasted with John "We'll be there 100 years if we have too" McCain, this is a much better outcome.

He deserves credit for overseeing a rational and safe disengagement of American forces from a complete clusterfuck.
BULLSHIT. He was opposed to it from the start.

YOU may FUCK OFF now.

No shit, knucklehead. Most sensible people were.

That doesn't change the fact that he still got the fucked goat un-fucked.

So go fuck yourself.
Bush ended the Iraq War. Not Obama. Use yer Google Machine people. SOFA was a deal put in place by George Bush and the Iraq Government some years back. Our troops were already scheduled to leave at this time before Obama became President. And i'm still waiting for the links proving Republicans are complaining about the end of the Iraq War. I'll wait a little longer.
Bush ended the Iraq War. Not Obama. Use yer Google Machine people. SOFA was a deal put in place by George Bush and the Iraq Government some years back. Our troops were already scheduled to leave at this time before Obama became President. And i'm still waiting for the links proving Republicans are complaining about the end of the Iraq War. I'll wait a little longer.

Seriously, you're not really that uninformed - are you?
Bush ended the Iraq War. Not Obama. Use yer Google Machine people. SOFA was a deal put in place by George Bush and the Iraq Government some years back. Our troops were already scheduled to leave at this time before Obama became President. And i'm still waiting for the links proving Republicans are complaining about the end of the Iraq War. I'll wait a little longer.

Seriously, you're not really that uninformed - are you?

Obviously much more than you and this OP are. Use yer Google or Wiki Machines. SOFA was a deal put in place before Obama was President. Obama merely adhered to the deal. George Bush ended the Iraq War. That's just fact.
Pubs and thus dupes complain about evrything Obama does, from all possible angles, even at cross purposes. I watched his speech, saw a president welcoming the troops home, not congratulating himself. I'm sick to death of the Pubs', and thus the dupes', ridiculous, unpatriotic, destructive BS.
Still haven't seen those links proving Republicans are complaining about the end of the Iraq War. Which can only mean the OP has lied. Good night and take care.
Bush ended the Iraq War. Not Obama. Use yer Google Machine people. SOFA was a deal put in place by George Bush and the Iraq Government some years back. Our troops were already scheduled to leave at this time before Obama became President. And i'm still waiting for the links proving Republicans are complaining about the end of the Iraq War. I'll wait a little longer.

Seriously, you're not really that uninformed - are you?

Obviously much more than you and this OP are. Use yer Google or Wiki Machines. SOFA was a deal put in place before Obama was President. Obama merely adhered to the deal. George Bush ended the Iraq War. That's just fact.

When originally put in place, the deal was expected to be renegotiated. However, since Iraq insisted that American troops would be subject to Iraqi law was the deal breaker.

As for Republicans complaining about leaving Iraq, McCain and Graham have been all over it.
Seriously, you're not really that uninformed - are you?

Obviously much more than you and this OP are. Use yer Google or Wiki Machines. SOFA was a deal put in place before Obama was President. Obama merely adhered to the deal. George Bush ended the Iraq War. That's just fact.

When originally put in place, the deal was expected to be renegotiated. However, since Iraq insisted that American troops would be subject to Iraqi law was the deal breaker.

As for Republicans complaining about leaving Iraq, McCain and Graham have been all over it.

As i said,use yer Google Machine. You are factually incorrect. SOFA was a negotiated and agreed to deal. It has been in place right up till today. As for your claim about Republicans,please provide the links proving Republicans are complaining about the end of the Iraq War. Thanks.
Obviously much more than you and this OP are. Use yer Google or Wiki Machines. SOFA was a deal put in place before Obama was President. Obama merely adhered to the deal. George Bush ended the Iraq War. That's just fact.

When originally put in place, the deal was expected to be renegotiated. However, since Iraq insisted that American troops would be subject to Iraqi law was the deal breaker.

As for Republicans complaining about leaving Iraq, McCain and Graham have been all over it.

As i said,use yer Google Machine. You are factually incorrect. SOFA was a negotiated and agreed to deal. It has been in place right up till today. As for your claim about Republicans,please provide the links proving Republicans are complaining about the end of the Iraq War. Thanks.
Mayhaps the poster is confused by the fact many of us are questioning why Obama is taking credit for something HE was opposed to and tagging us ALL as Republicans?
Fact is that yes Bush screwed up and set the timetable before he left office.

Obama has for the most part stuck to that timetable.

We have and will continue to have combat forces stationed in Kuwait ready to go right back into Iraq,
We haven't really left, just pulled back...........

Never tell your enemy on which date he will win...........
When originally put in place, the deal was expected to be renegotiated. However, since Iraq insisted that American troops would be subject to Iraqi law was the deal breaker.

As for Republicans complaining about leaving Iraq, McCain and Graham have been all over it.

As i said,use yer Google Machine. You are factually incorrect. SOFA was a negotiated and agreed to deal. It has been in place right up till today. As for your claim about Republicans,please provide the links proving Republicans are complaining about the end of the Iraq War. Thanks.
Mayhaps the poster is confused by the fact many of us are questioning why Obama is taking credit for something HE was opposed to and tagging us ALL as Republicans?

Obama had a choice to make: Abide by the original SOFA or renegotiate it as the Bush Administration expected. Since Iraq insisted that U.S. troops would be subject to Iraqi law - Obama chose to simply abide by the SOFA. Who would want our troops to be subject to Iraqi Muslim law?
War By Other Means: Why it’s safe to ignore Republican criticism of Obama’s policy in Iraq

By Fred Kaplan

This is getting all too predictable. President Obama announced that all American troops will leave Iraq by the end of the year, in compliance not only with his election pledge but also with the terms of a U.S.-Iraq treaty. In response, the Republicans moaned and hollered that Obama is playing politics with national security, or that he could have negotiated a better outcome, or that he’s surrendering to Iranian domination.

It’s a safe bet that, had Obama announced he was keeping 10,000 troops in Iraq for the indefinite future, most of the same Republicans would have moaned and hollered that he was breaking a promise to the American people, draining the Treasury, and boosting the chance of a terrorist attack by Muslims angered at our continued occupation.

More than this, their complaints are unfounded, based on either ignorance or deliberate distortion.

First, it is crucial to note that this withdrawal and its timetable were set in a treaty called the Status of Forces Agreement, signed Nov. 17, 2008, not by Obama (who wasn’t president yet) but rather by George W. Bush. SOFAs, as they’re often abbreviated, are treaties—bearing the force of national and international law—that presidents sign with each country that hosts U.S. armed forces. They set the terms and conditions under which those forces can stay.

The SOFA with Iraq states, in Article 24: “All U.S. forces are to withdraw from all Iraqi territory, waters, and airspace no later than the 31st of December of 2011.” That’s as definitive as these things get.

Article 30 does allow for amendments to the treaty, but only in the event of the “formal written approval of both parties and in accordance with the constitutional procedures in both countries.” For the past few months, U.S. officials (including some former Bush officials called back to join the delegation) have tested the waters to see if Iraqi lawmakers would allow—or, more to the point, wanted—an amendment that would permit some of the current 40,000 American troops to stay on. Their conclusion: The Iraqis had no such desire, and not much need.

Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., and some others have suggested that the sticking point was over a clause giving U.S. troops immunity from Iraqi prosecution for alleged crimes. This is a standard feature of such treaties, including of the earlier arrangement with Iraq. It’s true that the Iraqis refused to grant the immunity. But there was no leeway to negotiate an exemption, because the main sticking point was, and is, that the Iraqis simply do not want American troops in their country anymore. One U.S. official in Iraq said in a phone interview, “Even our erstwhile friends [among Iraqi politicians] want us out by the end of the year. None of them lifted a finger to keep us.”

More: Obama on Iraq: Republican criticism of his policy is ignorant and hypocritical. - Slate Magazine
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Not leaving Iraq so much as the inept way we are doing it.

You must know we can't take you assholes seriously when you start talking about caring about the Iraqi people and "not leave the country with things destabilized like they are" You guys have proven that you don't even give a shit about your own countrymen, let alone foreigners.

And god forbid there be some Americans like us who want our soldiers out of harms way and back home. The notion of bringing soldiers home away from bullets flying at them makes some people so angry.
Nothing in this world could make me happier than knowing that our troops were training for war that never would happen.

Nothing worries me more than knowing that we might have to go right back and start over again.......
So there they are, the bunch of clowns, rattling on about "leaving Iraq" and how they would never do that, how horrible a move this is.


This is the LONG HERALDED end of the Iraq war, the war Americans are tired of, the war we never should have gotten into in the first place. And the President is keeping his promise, bringing the troops home, to their families, out of harm's way, and also keeping the agreement with the new Iraqi government!

How do these Repubs get away with this with the American public? Are Americans just really dumb?

And there was Dick Cheney (oh, no!) saying that he would have started a war with Iran to get that drone back. OMG...
Obama promised to do what Bush set down.


And, who the fuck is complaining today? The voices in your head?

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