Republicans continue their assault on Democracy

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What happened back then has nothing to do with today. Technology can be easily hacked as we read about all the time in the news. If it were up to me all technology would be removed from our election system and everything hand counted. The only way to truly guarantee there are no fraudulent votes is for everybody to vote in person and present a valid ID, and even that's no guarantee of a 100% fraud free system. This Arizona bill even calls for electronic fingerprinting as means to positively identifying voters which I'm all for.

I have no objection to people who can't vote in person, but states like Arizona, the people that use mail in are mostly physically capable people that can.
How would things be handled for people who CANNOT be printed electronically? That's not nearly as small a number as you might think.
The fact that you progressives are so upset that mail in voting us being rejected throughout the nation shows me they are over the target of your cheating ability....

Once again you assume facts not in evidence.

Republicans were the party which was pushing for more and more mail in balloting because it enabled all of the senior FOX News viewers to vote from the comfort of their living rooms. Florida lead in the nation in mail-in voting which helped the state stay Republican.

But now that black people have discovered mail-in balloting which eliminates that pesky problem of standing in hours in line to vote since Republicans have closed most of the polling stations in poor and minority areas, and all of the things they did in 2018 to stop minorities from voting, well now mail-in balloting is essence of evil to steal elections.

Every time black people receive a right or a privilege previously used primarily by white people, Republicans take it away from EVERYONE. Legacy admissions to Ivy League Universities are now coming into question because black people are now qualifying for "legacy admission". As soon as blacks starting using it in large numbers, it's suddenly "unfair", or "cheating".

Why wasn't mail-in balloting subject to abuse and cheating when white people were doing it?
Nowhere in the legislation does it ask the court to rule on the completed election. The legislature has already rejected it.

The only function allowed for the court is to order a do over


Correct and that's what I've been saying all along. If they believe something is wrong with the ballots they take it to court to see if they can redo the election. It's not likely to get very far though as courts hate getting involved in elections.
Correct and that's what I've been saying all along. If they believe something is wrong with the ballots they take it to court to see if they can redo the election. It's not likely to get very far though as courts hate getting involved in elections.
Wrong again Skippy
If they think something is wrong, even if not, they refuse to approve the election

It is only after they have invalidated the results that the court will approve a do over
Then if they don’t like the new results….
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Once again you assume facts not in evidence.

Republicans were the party which was pushing for more and more mail in balloting because it enabled all of the senior FOX News viewers to vote from the comfort of their living rooms. Florida lead in the nation in mail-in voting which helped the state stay Republican.

But now that black people have discovered mail-in balloting which eliminates that pesky problem of standing in hours in line to vote since Republicans have closed most of the polling stations in poor and minority areas, and all of the things they did in 2018 to stop minorities from voting, well now mail-in balloting is essence of evil to steal elections.

Every time black people receive a right or a privilege previously used primarily by white people, Republicans take it away from EVERYONE. Legacy admissions to Ivy League Universities are now coming into question because black people are now qualifying for "legacy admission". As soon as blacks starting using it in large numbers, it's suddenly "unfair", or "cheating".

Why wasn't mail-in balloting subject to abuse and cheating when white people were doing it?
I don't care what your questions are, or what your opinions are. You have NO stake in our elections, so bug off.
Wrong again Skippy
If they think something is wrong, even if it not, they refuse to approve the election

It is only after they have invalidated the results that the court will approve a do over
Then if they don’t like the new results….

It doesn't say that. It says if they find suspicious ballots they are rejected and somebody can petition the court to look at the evidence and decide if another election is warranted. If not, the ballots are not discarded. The original count is final.
That's what I've said. That's a far cry from legislatures overturning the election.
Apparently you missed the scheme.
If they reject the results of the election, that means there no election results, no electors picked, and as if the election never happened.
Their saying that an elector can petition the court for a new election is patently ridiculous, because no court at any level, can order a new presidential election. Bush v Gore 2000 made hat clear. And in the absence of an election, the choice of electors devolves to the state legislature, under Article 2, section 1 of the constitution.

So in slow motion:
Step 1: Reject he election under page 32 of the proposed law.
Step 2: Appoint electors under Constitution Article 2 Section 1

Just to play devils advocate. Say a judge ordered a new election to be held ASAP.
It takes 2 weeks for the results, At least 2 weeks to print up all new ballots, A week to mail out absentee ballot applications / absentee ballots. Three weeks to get absentee ballots back. That's t least two months after election day, which means they missed the December 12th deadline for the electors to meet, and even the January 6th deadline to count the EC ballots. At best they would get election results in time for the inauguration.
It doesn't say that. It says if they find suspicious ballots they are rejected and somebody can petition the court to look at the evidence and decide if another election is warranted. If not, the ballots are not discarded. The original count is final.
It says nothing of the kind

It merely says they approve the results or not
Nothing about suspicions, actual evidence or fraud
Just vote the way they want the results to go

Is that what you approve of?
Just goes to show Republicans are scared of a real election and willing to do do anything possible to retain power and disenfranchise voters and if that fails, to simply overturn an election.

Arizona has had no excuse mail in voting for 20 years. Approximately 80% of Arizona‘s residents use it. Other than urban centers, Arizona has a population sparsely spread over huge unpopulated areas, this particularly true of reservations where distances and poverty make voting in person very difficult.

First I’ve said this…but today’s Republicans, as represented and other areas are just evil.
Democracy is a threat to the Republican agenda and a threat to the establishment of the tyranny of Republican minority rule.

And that agenda is one of authoritarianism, reactionaryism, fear, bigotry, racism, and hate – contrary to the will of the American people.
Talk about not understanding English, WTF does it say the election is invalid if they reject ballots?? A legislature can't do that. That's why the bill calls for a court to make that decision. if they could reject ballots and make an election invalid, WTF would they need the courts for?
Reading is your problem. The laws plain text says:

What would be the state of the election if they REJECTED the results?
We know the votes get certified and electors chosen if they ACCEPT the results.
So obviously the results can't be the same if they REJECT the results. (simple english)
Reading is your problem. The laws plain text says:

What would be the state of the election if they REJECTED the results?
We know the votes get certified and electors chosen if they ACCEPT the results.
So obviously the results can't be the same if they REJECT the results. (simple english)
Like a true conservative

If Ray doesn’t like the facts, he just creates his own
A new bill in Arizona allows the partisan legislature to overturn the results of the election, eliminates most mail in voting, requires one day of voting and forbids election centers

Arizona is turning Blue
Republicans are set on stopping that from happening

Voters may elect a Democrat, but the Republican Legislature will just overturn the results.
I'm with ya. I think voting should be easy and effortless. I think they should mass mail out ballots to every household, whether or not they request one. There should be no requirement to prove your citizenship, nor even who you are. There should be no signature requirements, and no chain of custody requirements.

There should be drop boxes every 5 city blocks, and if you can't get to the drop box, a complete stranger should be able to come by your house and be kind enough to pick up your unsigned ballot and take it to the drop box for you.

I think this should happen nation wide. I want to see hundreds of millions of ballots floating around out there with no way to track them and no way to know who they are going to, or who is filling them out.

Voting period should also be 8 weeks long.

Again, I see your point and agree, this should happen.
It doesn't say that. It says if they find suspicious ballots they are rejected and somebody can petition the court to look at the evidence and decide if another election is warranted. If not, the ballots are not discarded. The original count is final.
Are you being intentionally stupid?

The legislature has two choices, ACCEPT the election results, or REJECT the election results.

The courts can then be petitioned for a NEW ELECTION.

That's straight from the text of the bill.
Once again you assume facts not in evidence.

Republicans were the party which was pushing for more and more mail in balloting because it enabled all of the senior FOX News viewers to vote from the comfort of their living rooms. Florida lead in the nation in mail-in voting which helped the state stay Republican.

But now that black people have discovered mail-in balloting which eliminates that pesky problem of standing in hours in line to vote since Republicans have closed most of the polling stations in poor and minority areas, and all of the things they did in 2018 to stop minorities from voting, well now mail-in balloting is essence of evil to steal elections.

Every time black people receive a right or a privilege previously used primarily by white people, Republicans take it away from EVERYONE. Legacy admissions to Ivy League Universities are now coming into question because black people are now qualifying for "legacy admission". As soon as blacks starting using it in large numbers, it's suddenly "unfair", or "cheating".

Why wasn't mail-in balloting subject to abuse and cheating when white people were doing it?
It is not the mail in balloting. It is the people who abuse it. Some solution must be found. We do not trust Progs. We have an administration that has people in important positions based on their group and most are not any good because of it.
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