Republicans continue their assault on Democracy

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There is no possible way this happens without the stupid voting, and you draw more stupid people to vote via mail in ballots. You open the door to fraud with drop off boxes and mysterious votes coming in at the wee hours of the next morning.

What specific tests do you propose to determine if voters are qualified to vote?

Lets start here……any voter who believes the 2020 election was stolen without any proof supporting their opinion should not be qualified to vote
I'm an American citizen, that's who I am. And I'll support any candidate that tries to do away with mail-in voting with the exceptions of those who can't vote in person. I know the left wants retards to ultimately pick our leader because all retards vote Democrat, but I'd rather see people who actually care about this country and know enough about what's going on cast a vote.
You still haven't answered my question, retard. What gives you the right to pick who can vote by mail or who can't?

But, I know why you can't answer. That's because you and your orange douche-bag are the real enemies of our Republic.

You and your lot are nothing but traitors. Fuck off.
That's only if you believe that 84 million people were that stupid to elect a man with dementia who's son was under FBI investigation for matters he too was involved in; a man who spent nearly his entire adult life in federal politics and didn't accomplish anything; a man that campaigned from his basement, and couldn't draw more than 50 people at a live event while Trump packed professional sports arenas with standing room only and people waiting outside just to hear him speak.

There is no possible way this happens without the stupid voting, and you draw more stupid people to vote via mail in ballots. You open the door to fraud with drop off boxes and mysterious votes coming in at the wee hours of the next morning.
The "people who don't agree with me are stupid" isn't really a convincing argument.
Sorry for you jabbers. You did it to yourself. Go pray to your God Fauchi and he will give you more jabs.

Don‘t be too upset about your oncoming Dementia.
They have homes where you can fit right in
They have things like Arts and Crafts and sing alongs

You will fit right in
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