Republicans continue their assault on Democracy

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It's reasonable to wonder if this was the plan all along: Convince the rubes the election was stolen so that anything done in "response" is justified.

It's all right out in the open, too. Amazing. And once again, we can look to history for parallels.
All good real core Americans are fed up,
we have taken a “by any means necessary” position to stop Democrats from turning the nation into Mexifornia, Loon York or any of your other disgusting foreign shitholes.
Out of area for work, illness, or other circumstance as defined by state legislatures.
So...OTR trucker? Oil-field worker? Airline pilot? My wife's best friend votes absentee...she's a nurse who can be required to work a double shift with no notice.
We as a country voted in person for many, many years and had much less of a problem than we have today. It's a cop out that people won't be able to get to the polls. You can take any one of those people, tell them there's a $1,000 check waiting for them at the other end of the state, and all they have to do is get there and present an acceptable form of ID to claim it, they would be there the next day.

We as a country used to clip ballots out of newspapers. We as a country did not allow women, blacks, and Native Americans to vote. Arizona, as a state has hade mail in voting for twenty years now. So I don’t see how any any of what you are saying is relevant to today.

What is more…there is some relevant history to what Arizona is attempting, and what the Arizona Republican legislator meant when he said he wanted to go back to 1958 style voting.

Navajo people have long battled for the fundamental right to vote. In Arizona, Native Americans could not fully participate in the voting process until 1970 when the United States Supreme Court upheld the Voting Rights Act prohibition on Arizona’s literacy tests as a voter qualification.
I vote EVERY chance I get and I don't need to show ID.
We show id and the signature is verified on an ipad. Paper ballot and we put into machine for scan..

No one else is allowed to touch the ballot OR HARVEST
Typical of the radical left. With the cooperation of the liberal media they get to re-define the democratic process and then they accuse everyone else of violating the new standards.
We as a country used to clip ballots out of newspapers. We as a country did not allow women, blacks, and Native Americans to vote. Arizona, as a state has hade mail in voting for twenty years now. So I don’t see how any any of what you are saying is relevant to today.

What is more…there is some relevant history to what Arizona is attempting, and what the Arizona Republican legislator meant when he said he wanted to go back to 1958 style voting.

Navajo people have long battled for the fundamental right to vote. In Arizona, Native Americans could not fully participate in the voting process until 1970 when the United States Supreme Court upheld the Voting Rights Act prohibition on Arizona’s literacy tests as a voter qualification.
Abusing the voting system and progressing to the destruction of your nation is not to be proud of. It is to the point that Progs have voted for people who promote their little girls raped in schools by law. That father will never forget it. And he won't forget the real police state tactics used on him. The people responsible have learned nothing from it. Every Dad who has sense and children and who loves them, sees this as a nightmare.
So...OTR trucker? Oil-field worker? Airline pilot? My wife's best friend votes absentee...she's a nurse who can be required to work a double shift with no notice.
If that's what the state's legislature decides, I'm fine with it...It's up to them really....Not the SoS, Not the Governor, and Not some judge, or the SC of the state....
Yeah thats true the RINO republicans like Bush,Romney and Mcconel do contiune their assault on democracy being in bed with the Demonrats.
We as a country used to clip ballots out of newspapers. We as a country did not allow women, blacks, and Native Americans to vote. Arizona, as a state has hade mail in voting for twenty years now. So I don’t see how any any of what you are saying is relevant to today.

What is more…there is some relevant history to what Arizona is attempting, and what the Arizona Republican legislator meant when he said he wanted to go back to 1958 style voting.

Navajo people have long battled for the fundamental right to vote. In Arizona, Native Americans could not fully participate in the voting process until 1970 when the United States Supreme Court upheld the Voting Rights Act prohibition on Arizona’s literacy tests as a voter qualification.

What happened back then has nothing to do with today. Technology can be easily hacked as we read about all the time in the news. If it were up to me all technology would be removed from our election system and everything hand counted. The only way to truly guarantee there are no fraudulent votes is for everybody to vote in person and present a valid ID, and even that's no guarantee of a 100% fraud free system. This Arizona bill even calls for electronic fingerprinting as means to positively identifying voters which I'm all for.

I have no objection to people who can't vote in person, but states like Arizona, the people that use mail in are mostly physically capable people that can.
No, you're wrong. Federal courts can, will, and have overruled state courts.

Federal courts usually don't get involved in state procedures...Especially when the state constitution spells out said procedure...

Elections are local for a reason....I know you don't like that, but that is what is proper.
Good. Maybe you folks won't steal another election.

Trump won.


The simpleton only has these ^^^^^^^ elementary words.
No evidence, just lies.
That's ALL you got.
Federal courts usually don't get involved in state procedures...Especially when the state constitution spells out said procedure...

Elections are local for a reason....I know you don't like that, but that is what is proper.
No, you're wrong. Courts (state or Federal) override ballot restrictions all the time.
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