Republicans continue their assault on Democracy

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The fact that you progressives are so upset that mail in voting us being rejected throughout the nation shows me they are over the target of your cheating ability....
30 million more Americans voted in 2020 because of mail in voting. Americans obviously love it.

But Republicans are threatened by a huge turnout and do whatever they can to stop it.
Down in Georgia they have curtailed the number of days for early voting.

What “problem” does that solve?
Topic has gotten pretty derailed, let’s get back to Arizona’s proposed bill.
30 million more Americans voted in 2020 because of mail in voting. Americans obviously love it.

But Republicans are threatened by a huge turnout and do whatever they can to stop it.

Not true, but then again, I take the poster into account...

30 million more voted? or ballots filled out and counted....There's a difference...
Just goes to show Republicans are scared of a real election and willing to do do anything possible to retain power and disenfranchise voters and if that fails, to simply overturn an election.

Arizona has had no excuse mail in voting for 20 years. Approximately 80% of Arizona‘s residents use it. Other than urban centers, Arizona has a population sparsely spread over huge unpopulated areas, this particularly true of reservations where distances and poverty make voting in person very difficult.

First I’ve said this…but today’s Republicans, as represented and other areas are just evil.

We as a country voted in person for many, many years and had much less of a problem than we have today. It's a cop out that people won't be able to get to the polls. You can take any one of those people, tell them there's a $1,000 check waiting for them at the other end of the state, and all they have to do is get there and present an acceptable form of ID to claim it, they would be there the next day.

All this talk about how Democrats are so much more educated than Republicans but at least we can figure out a way to get to the polls and vote in person.
It says that it may reject the ballots which then they file for a court hearing. It doesn't say they can throw the ballots out.
BEFORE it goes to court, they have already rejected the results
The only function they serve is to authorize a new election
A new bill in Arizona allows the partisan legislature to overturn the results of the election, eliminates most mail in voting, requires one day of voting and forbids election centers

Arizona is turning Blue
Republicans are set on stopping that from happening

Voters may elect a Democrat, but the Republican Legislature will just overturn the results.
Arizona is turning Blue as their borders are overrun by illegals and inflation is killing the Middle Class. Tell us another you fucking liar.
BEFORE it goes to court, they have already rejected the results
The only function they serve is to authorize a new election

WTF does it say that? It says they can reject the ballots, not discard them. By rejecting the ballots a petition can be filed in court for a new election if a judge agrees there is something amiss about the ballots. There have been plenty of instances in this country where a district may have 10,000 registered voters and 10,500 ballots cast.
Americans have risked death to earn the right to govern themselves and today's lefties complain about having to get off their dead asses and go to the polls on election day. Racist democrats double down and claim that the color of a person's skin determines their ability to obtain a photo I.D. in the 21st century. How do they get away with this stuff?
Americans have risked death to earn the right to govern themselves and today's lefties complain about having to get off their dead asses and go to the polls on election day. Racist democrats double down and claim that the color of a person's skin determines their ability to obtain a photo I.D. in the 21st century. How do they get away with this stuff?

Most of the time they don't get away with it but they've been conditioned to use the race card every time they want something they can't get.
WTF does it say that? It says they can reject the ballots, not discard them. By rejecting the ballots a petition can be filed in court for a new election if a judge agrees there is something amiss about the ballots. There have been plenty of instances in this country where a district may have 10,000 registered voters and 10,500 ballots cast.
Have you always struggled with English?

Once they have rejected the results, that election is invalid. That is overturning an election.

Do you support a legislature overturning an election without cause?
It appears you do
Americans have risked death to earn the right to govern themselves and today's lefties complain about having to get off their dead asses and go to the polls on election day. Racist democrats double down and claim that the color of a person's skin determines their ability to obtain a photo I.D. in the 21st century. How do they get away with this stuff?
They get away with it because the MSM lies for them.
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