Republicans continue their assault on Democracy

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That's a job for the January 6th committee, the FBI and DOJ. I presume that also means you agree that we should never let another insurrection occur?

No that's not what they are doing. Who is asking Piglosi what she knew and when she knew it? Who is asking why Trump's offer to have the national guard there all day was rejected? Who is asking that the hundreds of hours of video be released to Congress and the public? Who is asking why the officer that shot an unarmed military vet was not investigated? Why did Piglosi remove the defense legislatures (Jordan and Banks) and pick her own people on the Republican side for their defense?

We won't have a real investigation to find out what happened until the Republicans get in and do a real investigation as to what happened. What we have here is a witch hunt to try and tarnish Trump since they are so scared to death of him.
“The measure would require the state legislature to convene after primary and general elections to review the ballot counting process and “shall accept or reject the election results”.

The proposal does not require lawmakers to find evidence of fraud or lay out any factors they would have to consider in order to overturn an election. If the lawmakers were to reject the results, any voter in Arizona would be allowed to petition a local judge to hold a new election.” ibid

This is an attack on democracy by the right – where Republicans would ignore the will of the people and overturn a lawful election for no other reason than a Democrat won the state in a presidential election.

This is yet another example of the tyranny of Republican minority rule.



So if it's rejected, there is nothing more than an audit and recount.

The superior court to which the facts requiring a recount are
certified shall PROMPTLY make and enter an order requiring a
recount of the votes cast for such office, measure or proposal. The
recount shall be conducted in accordance with the laws pertaining to
contests of elections

So as Paul Harvey said so often, now you have the rest of the story.
Item Nine:
General Incompetence

Year One: Biden Already The Worst President Ever | Ep. 1415

Joe Biden is one year into his presidency, and it’s a full-fledged disaster on every single level. Can he pull out of the tailspin?

00:00 - Biden’s presidency hits the one year mark
14:16 - The White House looks to pivot
21:43 - Biden continues to fumble on foreign policy
37:57 - The economy is another massive fail for Biden
42:13 - The internal Democratic war progresses
You are close

People should be encouraged to register to vote as easy as possible
Once they are registered, their eligibility should be verified by the county registrar. Their signature should be on file.

After that, they should be encouraged to vote. They should have easy access to mail in voting…..just like 2020
There should be numerous opportunities to vote three weeks prior to the election. Those locations should be convenient to the voter and lines should be short.

Once citizens have voted and the election is closed, a well regulated process that is observed by both parties should tabulate the vote

Partisan elected officials should have no part of the process
So, only verify identity and citizenship at the point of registration, right? Not required when you actually show up to vote? Correct?

Again, I'm agreeing with you, you should not have to prove who you are to vote. You should be able to show up, vote, and then leave, without ever having to have proven you are who you say you are.

For mail in voting, you should have ample access to ballots. Your house should be mailed all the ballots required, for everyone registered living at your address, there should be a ballot sent for each one of them. You should be able to fill out the ballot, and put it in a drop box, unsigned, or at least with no signature verification. Those drop boxes should not have any chain of custody and no tracking once they are picked up and brought to the counting facility.

This is how it should be!
I'm with ya. I think voting should be easy and effortless. I think they should mass mail out ballots to every household, whether or not they request one. There should be no requirement to prove your citizenship, nor even who you are. There should be no signature requirements, and no chain of custody requirements.

There should be drop boxes every 5 city blocks, and if you can't get to the drop box, a complete stranger should be able to come by your house and be kind enough to pick up your unsigned ballot and take it to the drop box for you.

I think this should happen nation wide. I want to see hundreds of millions of ballots floating around out there with no way to track them and no way to know who they are going to, or who is filling them out.

Voting period should also be 8 weeks long.

Again, I see your point and agree, this should happen.
Utah does that. Has for years. They come out Republican every time.

Item Ten​

Courtesy of P@triot

The left has embraced fascism in its purest form​

QUOTE= P@triot

The left has embraced fascism in its purest form. Their entire mindset is: either bow to our ideology, or we will do everything in our power to destroy you. No tolerance for any thoughts or views other than the progressive thoughts and views.

“The Culture War is over, and the culture lost. The Left’s assault on liberty, virtue, decency, the Republic of the Founders, and Western civilization has succeeded. You can no longer keep your social media account—or your job—and acknowledge truths such as: Washington, Jefferson, and Columbus were great men. Schools and libraries should not coach children in sexual deviance. Men don’t have uteruses".


You are close

People should be encouraged to register to vote as easy as possible
Once they are registered, their eligibility should be verified by the county registrar. Their signature should be on file.

After that, they should be encouraged to vote. They should have easy access to mail in voting…..just like 2020
There should be numerous opportunities to vote three weeks prior to the election. Those locations should be convenient to the voter and lines should be short.

Once citizens have voted and the election is closed, a well regulated process that is observed by both parties should tabulate the vote

Partisan elected officials should have no part of the process
This is where partisanship rears its ugly head. It's been long established that the harder it is to vote, and the fewer people that vote, favors the republicans. While making it easier to vote, and the more people that vote, favors the democrats.

Whether or not it rains can reverse the expected election results.

Item Eleven:

Biden's War On The Middle Class​

The sharpest tax President Biden is levying upon Americans is one that was never passed by Congress, promised from the White House, or voted on by citizens at the ballot box. The invisible tax of rising inflation will do far more to harm working and middle-class Americans than Biden’s proposed tax hikes. The trillions of dollars in congressional spending and money printing from the Federal Reserve is already having a dramatic effect on the price of ordinary goods. Inflation has reached its highest point in years, and will likely reach the highest in two generations.

Over the past year, food prices are up 3.5 percent, with eggs and meat up by over 5 percent; gas is up 22 percent and is expected to get even higher by this summer; lumber is up 250 percent; new home prices are up $36,000, with overall housing up 11 percent; and new cars are up 9 percent, the highest in 68 years. In April, 13 percent of new car buyers paid more than the sticker price. Other goods — from household items, baby care and general merchandise — are already up between 5.2 and 7.2 percent from this time last year. The cost of eating out shot up by 3.7 percent over the past year, and some takeout specials such as chicken wings have nearly doubled. Coffee futures are up 24 percent since October. Even growing your own food has surged in price, with the cost of seeds and potted plants jumping by 10.5 percent.

Feeding the problem is the sharp price increase in commodities vital to our basic needs. Microchip prices are up by 25 percent over the last year, hiking the price of items from phones to televisions to car parts. Meanwhile, increased corn prices will further impact a variety of food products. Corn prices have nearly doubled since the start of the pandemic and reached a 13-year high. Along with corn, food prices are buoyed by a 59 percent increase in pork, 23 percent spike in soybean costs, and 21 percent increase in wheat prices. Whatever increase we’ve seen in grocery and restaurant bills will only accelerate as the trend continues.

Put it all together, and consumer prices are the highest they’ve been in eight and a half years. Economists now not only see the risk of inflation “higher than in the last two decades,” but the distinct risk of the Federal Reserve having to increase interest rates by the end of 2022.
Item Six:
Unconstitutional Mandates

“Get Vaccinated or Lose Your Job,” CDC Loses All Credibility Over Mandates and Lockdowns


92 studies show superiority of natural immunity to COVID vaccines:

Harvard Epidemiologist Martin Kulldorff: Hospitals Should Hire Nurses with Natural Immunity, Not Fire Them

Bidens mass murdering of citizens along with Gates and Fauchi would make Hitler and stalin proud if they were alive today. stalin and hitler have nothing on those three as far as mass genocide goes.theres is ona much greater scale than they ever accomplished.add obama to it sense he is the puppet master pulling bidens strings.
This is where partisanship rears its ugly head. It's been long established that the harder it is to vote, and the fewer people that vote, favors the republicans. While making it easier to vote, and the more people that vote, favors the democrats.

Whether or not it rains can reverse the expected election results.

Hell you didn't need a link to that. We've known that for many years. That's why the commies are trying to make voting as easy as going to the bathroom. Is it a bad thing? No, I think it's a very good thing.
This is where partisanship rears its ugly head. It's been long established that the harder it is to vote, and the fewer people that vote, favors the republicans. While making it easier to vote, and the more people that vote, favors the democrats.

Whether or not it rains can reverse the expected election results.

Republicans want to make voting an ordeal

Limit voting days to one
Restrict mail in voting to the military
Long lines
Inconvenient voting locations
Harass voters about insufficient ID
Hell you didn't need a link to that. We've known that for many years. That's why the commies are trying to make voting as easy as going to the bathroom. Is it a bad thing? No, I think it's a very good thing.
How can limiting the number of voters be a good thing?
Republicans want to make voting an ordeal

Limit voting days to one
Restrict mail in voting to the military
Long lines
Inconvenient voting locations
Harass voters about insufficient ID
A mail in voting form sent to a citizen and he/she sends it back is fine. But there is much more going on. To the point of massive corruption.
A mail in voting form sent to a citizen and he/she sends it back is fine. But there is much more going on. To the point of massive corruption.
Actually, mail in voting in 2020 was very popular, efficient and safe
Almost no corruption was found
That which was found was mostly Republicans voting for Trump
How can limiting the number of voters be a good thing?

It's not limiting anything, it's putting some effort into voting.

Lazy people will only vote if you just about bring a ballot to their doorstep. You get less knowledgeable voters that way. People who are interested in politics and policies, nothing will stop them from voting. Imagine a country where only knowledgeable voters actually vote. How much better leadership we would have.

In general you will find more Republican voters knowledgeable of politics than Democrats. That's why lib radio was a failure. That's why CNN lose ratings all the time. It's why Fox is and has been the number one cable news network for many years.

So the Democrat party could never survive if we only had people who know what they are voting on. They heavily depend on the politically ignorant to win elections, and that's why they want to make it as easy as possible.
Actually, mail in voting in 2020 was very popular, efficient and safe
Almost no corruption was found
That which was found was mostly Republicans voting for Trump
It is the other things that has occurred. Anything involving help by others for a political party and those who receive the votes with a political agenda. And they do not care.
A mail in voting form sent to a citizen and he/she sends it back is fine. But there is much more going on. To the point of massive corruption.
Yet after more than a year, with countless lawsuits, audits, and recounts, no proof has yet surfaced.

Election corruption has become an "act of faith", it has to be believed to be seen.
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