Republicans continue their assault on Democracy

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It's not limiting anything, it's putting some effort into voting.

Lazy people will only vote if you just about bring a ballot to their doorstep. You get less knowledgeable voters that way. People who are interested in politics and policies, nothing will stop them from voting. Imagine a country where only knowledgeable voters actually vote. How much better leadership we would have.

In general you will find more Republican voters knowledgeable of politics than Democrats. That's why lib radio was a failure. That's why CNN lose ratings all the time. It's why Fox is and has been the number one cable news network for many years.

So the Democrat party could never survive if we only had people who know what they are voting on. They heavily depend on the politically ignorant to win elections, and that's why they want to make it as easy as possible.
Why would you want voting to be an ordeal?

Is someone who waits six hours to vote superior to someone who waits five minutes?
EVERY American deserves the right to vote
Our country was built on it.

Why do Republicans hate the idea of people voting?
Yet after more than a year, with countless lawsuits, audits, and recounts, no proof has yet surfaced.

Election corruption has become an "act of faith", it has to be believed to be seen.
Election corruption is a Republican Straw Man

Create a fake crisis and then change laws to restrict voting
It is the other things that has occurred. Anything involving help by others for a political party and those who receive the votes with a political agenda. And they do not care.
Allowing people to vote is Democracy
It does not help either party
Drop boxes and massive mail in voting makes it easy to cheat as dies Ballot Harvesting. Get off your asses a go vote.

What difference does it make if people put their ballot in a drop box or US Post Office?

No identifiable fraud has been found in either
Why would you want voting to be an ordeal?

Is someone who waits six hours to vote superior to someone who waits five minutes?
EVERY American deserves the right to vote
Our country was built on it.

Why do Republicans hate the idea of people voting?
It's all about urban vs rural. Compare the rural farmer, who sets his own hours, and can waste hours of time voting. Verses the urban worker who has to squeeze voting in, either before or after work, so everyone is arriving at the polling place at the same time, before or after rush hour.
Drop boxes and massive mail in voting makes it easy to cheat as dies Ballot Harvesting. Get off your asses a go vote.
Massive mail-in is no different than a bank sending out massive mailings of credit card applications. Especially the unsolicited, saying you may be pre-approved.

It doesn't result in massive credit card fraud does it?
You are close

People should be encouraged to register to vote as easy as possible
Once they are registered, their eligibility should be verified by the county registrar. Their signature should be on file.

After that, they should be encouraged to vote. They should have easy access to mail in voting…..just like 2020
There should be numerous opportunities to vote three weeks prior to the election. Those locations should be convenient to the voter and lines should be short.

Once citizens have voted and the election is closed, a well regulated process that is observed by both parties should tabulate the vote

Partisan elected officials should have no part of the process
Why should ignorant dumbasses have it easy to vote?
It's all about urban vs rural. Compare the rural farmer, who sets his own hours, and can waste hours of time voting. Verses the urban worker who has to squeeze voting in, either before or after work, so everyone is arriving at the polling place at the same time, before or after rush hour.
You sure never met a farmer
Yet after more than a year, with countless lawsuits, audits, and recounts, no proof has yet surfaced.

Election corruption has become an "act of faith", it has to be believed to be seen.
It has s s to be really investigated to be convicted. They will not go into most inner city areas due to charges of racism and other fun things. I know it happens. To many votes in to many elections slithering out of those areas.
Allowing people to vote is Democracy
It does not help either party
Actually it helps the party with the widest appeal, and most populist positions.

Restricting voting means you can appeal to a small but dedicated electorate, that will show up in greater numbers. But that means you actually skew the majority view.
A new bill in Arizona allows the partisan legislature to overturn the results of the election, eliminates most mail in voting, requires one day of voting and forbids election centers

Arizona is turning Blue
Republicans are set on stopping that from happening

Voters may elect a Democrat, but the Republican Legislature will just overturn the results.
The country is going down the drain.
“We need to get back to 1958-style voting,” John Fillmore, another Republican state representative who introduced the bill said on Wednesday, according to the Arizona Republic. Arizona had a racist literacy test in place in 1958, the Republic noted. The Voting Rights Act, which wiped out many blatant efforts to keep Black people from the polls, passed in 1965.
Your link has a paywall.
Good. Maybe you folks won't steal another election.

Trump won.

How was it STOLEN? IN WHAT STATES? By how many votes? How do you know? Please provide evidence the citizens of that or those states, voted for Trump in majority, over Biden.
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