Republicans continue their assault on Democracy

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What we can't believe is that any rational person would have voted for this trainwreck of a POTUS.
Oh, so the election was NOT STOLEN, not a FRAUD as claimed by Trump and Trumpers for near two years now, .... it was just a BIG fat, gosh awful, traitorous, manufactured, LIE by the former president and his minions to STEAL the election from the actual winner?

Oh, okee dokee..... thanks for being honest.
Ballots by law are not allowed to be forwarded. Credit cards can be sent anywhere.
In both cases the "checks" are in approving the application, verifying WHO sent it. With credit cards not caring where it was sent, since they have a "if your address is different" box to indicate a different mailing address.

If a bank gets ripped off because they didn't go the extra mile to assure they are sending the card to whom they intended, the bank takes the loss. If the election board sends the ballot and it gets stolen or used for voter fraud, every other voter takes the loss.
I don't know what you repubs are going on about! Dems do not cheat, hell, they don't ever do any wrong. They are pure as the driven snow. Its YOU repubs who are the cheaters, and YOU who do everything wrong! That's how it is!
You should be able to vote on your phone.

I can do banking over the phone, why can't I vote over the phone.
A new bill in Arizona allows the partisan legislature to overturn the results of the election, eliminates most mail in voting, requires one day of voting and forbids election centers

Arizona is turning Blue
Republicans are set on stopping that from happening

Voters may elect a Democrat, but the Republican Legislature will just overturn the results.
Nobody actually elects a Democrat
What is so scary about making voting convenient?
Afraid 150 million will vote like 2020?

Should I wait in line for 2 hours because Republicans have cut down on polling locations or should I just mail in my vote?

If Republicans cut down voting locations it mostly hurts Republican voters. Republicans don't control what goes on in Democrat districts--Democrat leaders do.
What is so scary about making voting convenient?

Afraid 150 million will vote like 2020?
Voting was already convenient. In 2020 the integrity of the vote was questionable. One example: Un monitored ballot drop boxes and sending out unsolicited ballots. Like I said, if you can't get off your ass and go to the polls or if you can't somehow REQUEST an absentee ballot, then you have given up your right to vote all by yourself.
I actually had an idea to make voting even easier. Why should the government have to mail you a ballot. There should be stacks of them at places like walgreens and target. You should be able to walk up and grab as many as you need for your family and friends, and fill them out right there and put them in the drop box that will be just a fee feet away.

That would make voting even more accessible!
Oh, so the election was NOT STOLEN, not a FRAUD as claimed by Trump and Trumpers for near two years now, .... it was just a BIG fat, gosh awful, traitorous, manufactured, LIE by the former president and his minions to STEAL the election from the actual winner?

Oh, okee dokee..... thanks for being honest.
What? How did you get that from my post? Making up stories again huh? I said basically, it's hard to believe anyone would vote for this trainwreck of a POTUS. I never said the election wasn't stolen or a fraud...YOU said that and it's a lie.
So what they should do is make national elections a holiday where everybody gets off of work, or have elections on a Saturday.
Actually they should have a "vote guaranteed" law. That anybody who arrives at the polls an hour or more before the polls are scheduled to close, are guaranteed an opportunity to vote. And provisional ballots given 14 days to cure any defects that prevented them from casting a regular ballot.
Oh, so the election was NOT STOLEN, not a FRAUD as claimed by Trump and Trumpers for near two years now, .... it was just a BIG fat, gosh awful, traitorous, manufactured, LIE by the former president and his minions to STEAL the election from the actual winner?

Oh, okee dokee..... thanks for being honest.
It was definitely stolen. Trump won big league.. so much fraud. Joe Biden is the first illegitimate president
Actually they should have a "vote guaranteed" law. That anybody who arrives at the polls an hour or more before the polls are scheduled to close, are guaranteed an opportunity to vote. And provisional ballots given 14 days to cure any defects that prevented them from casting a regular ballot.

Or don't go before the polls are ready to close. Go earlier.
Voting was already convenient. In 2020 the integrity of the vote was questionable. One example: Un monitored ballot drop boxes and sending out unsolicited ballots. Like I said, if you can't get off your ass and go to the polls or if you can't somehow REQUEST an absentee ballot, then you have given up your right to vote all by yourself.
No, if you don't have the desire to go vote, the government will make you vote by sending a ballot right to you!

Dems know that there are generally more dems than repubs in America, but apparently, they don't get out to vote as much as Republicans do. So, the dems decided to have a massive "get out the vote" campaign, and decided that they could win more elections if they could just reach those that don't feel like getting out and voting.

Illegal? No, but shady? Sure. You see, they are using your tax dollars to create more reach for their gain. If they knew that this kind of outreach would benefit Republicans, you would not see this push for mail in voting. Kinda like dc statehood, you'd never see them wanting it if it benefitted the repubs.
What's communist about trying to get the most informed voters? It doesn't deny anybody the right or ability to vote. If I can do it in person, so can just about anybody else. For those that can't due to military service, age or disability, we can continue to allow those people to vote by mail.
What about allowing people to vote by mail, who don't want to stand in line for hours, next to somebody who because of the governor, doesn't require them to wear masks or get vaccinated for COVID-19.
If Republicans cut down voting locations it mostly hurts Republican voters. Republicans don't control what goes on in Democrat districts--Democrat leaders do.

Why would you want to make it harder for legal voters to vote?

Is that part of your assault on democracy?
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