Republicans continue their assault on Democracy

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So, the dems decided to have a massive "get out the vote" campaign, and decided that they could win more elections if they could just reach those that don't feel like getting out and voting.
Democracy in action!
If a bank gets ripped off because they didn't go the extra mile to assure they are sending the card to whom they intended, the bank takes the loss. If the election board sends the ballot and it gets stolen or used for voter fraud, every other voter takes the loss.
And how does the wrong person vote, if his signature has to match what the election board has on record? Now you're imagining there are forgers out there, duplicating peoples signatures in order to vote. When they could just as easily forge peoples signatures on wills, or checks, or contracts, or credit cards and make a ton of money.
We don't. We hate the idea of the country bringing you a ballot like some sort of servant, and I told you why it's a bad idea. We don't want these kinds of people ultimately deciding our representatives.

You finally admitted the quiet part out loud. You don't want poor minorities voting.

Considering you keep voting for Republicans to crash the economy, she's probably a whole lot smarter than you are.
They can't believe that Trump got more votes than in 2016, when Trump got 3 1/2 million FEWER votes than the democrat, yet lost by twice that in 2020, or 7 million FEWER votes.

And more importantly, losing 306 to 232 in the electoral college.
No we can't believe the hated Trump got more popular votes then the beloved Obama
Voting was already convenient. In 2020 the integrity of the vote was questionable. One example: Un monitored ballot drop boxes ...
Is this like the unmonitored "drop boxes" at banks and pharmacies. Not to mention the hundreds of thousands of mail boxes on street corners that are unmonitored, and anybody at all, can drop ballots into them.
You finally admitted the quiet part out loud. You don't want poor minorities voting.

Considering you keep voting for Republicans to crash the economy, she's probably a whole lot smarter than you are.
So, the dems decided to have a massive "get out the vote" campaign, and decided that they could win more elections if they could just reach those that don't feel like getting out and voting.

Don’t feel like voting because they are elderly, work long hours, have to care for young children, don’t have transportation, don’t want to stand in two hour lines in the rain

Dems make it easier to vote, Repubs do everything they can to keep you from voting

Who ya going to vote for?
429 replies, but still most Americans do not buy into the OP's false narrative!!

Maybe the OP should beat this dead horse for another 429 reply's. :spinner::spinner::spinner:
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