Republicans Could Hold House, Senate, Presidency by '16

What will the Republican message be in 2016?

1. The economy sucks?
The stock market is reaching new highs. Unemployment is dropping. They can scream about debt but Reagan showed that debt does not matter

2. Democrats want to take your guns?
Polling show that the public is not in tune with the NRA

3. Democrats are weak on foreign policy?
Obama is still strong on anti-terrorism. We will have to see what becomes of N Korea and Iran

4. We are the party opposed to gay marriage?
Loser argument

5. We need to round up and deport all illegal aliens
Even most Republicans are abandoning this one

6. Trickle down?

7. Hillary Clinton is an ugly skanky whore?
Looks like it is all they have left
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After the last election I dont see how any logical thinking person can think that the public is going to "wake up"

I would have thought that as we have been regressing that most would stumble out of their slumber. Man, was I wrong.

What have Republicans done to convince Americans that they understand how much they are struggling and will do things to make it better?

Its easy....they do that and they win
how many issues is the right now holding that gain very little American voter support?

dudes your party is doomed
What will the Republican message be in 2016?

1. The economy sucks?
The stock market is reaching new highs. Unemployment is dropping. They can scream about debt but Reagan showed that debt does not matter

2. Democrats want to take your guns?
Polling show that the public is not in tune with the NRA

3. Democrats are weak on foreign policy?
Obama is still strong on anti-terrorism. We will have to see what becomes of N Korea and Iran

4. We are the party opposed to gay marriage?
Loser argument

5. We need to round up and deport all illegal aliens
Even most Republicans are abandoning this one

6. Hillary Clinton is an ugly skanky whore?
Looks like it is all they have left

Stock market is due to the fed bubble. Unemployment still near 8 percent. That's completely unacceptable. Both parties are weak on foreign policy and that's not speaking militarily. Gay marriage is simply a state issue, full faith and credit clause but your party will continue to beat those social drums simply to divert attention away from the high unemployment numbers, stagnant growth, massive debt, records on welfare. No one was ever going to round up illegal aliens. But, I guess it is imperative for the dems to create these boogeymen since they simply can't do anything about the dire needs of this country and it ain't social either.
What will the Republican message be in 2016?

1. The economy sucks?
The stock market is reaching new highs. Unemployment is dropping. They can scream about debt but Reagan showed that debt does not matter

2. Democrats want to take your guns?
Polling show that the public is not in tune with the NRA

3. Democrats are weak on foreign policy?
Obama is still strong on anti-terrorism. We will have to see what becomes of N Korea and Iran

4. We are the party opposed to gay marriage?
Loser argument

5. We need to round up and deport all illegal aliens
Even most Republicans are abandoning this one

6. Hillary Clinton is an ugly skanky whore?
Looks like it is all they have left

Stock market is due to the fed bubble. Unemployment still near 8 percent. That's completely unacceptable. Both parties are weak on foreign policy and that's not speaking militarily. Gay marriage is simply a state issue, full faith and credit clause but your party will continue to beat those social drums simply to divert attention away from the high unemployment numbers, stagnant growth, massive debt, records on welfare. No one was ever going to round up illegal aliens. But, I guess it is imperative for the dems to create these boogeymen since they simply can't do anything about the dire needs of this country and it ain't social either.

You tell me...

What are republicans going to run on in 2016?

I'll tell you what Democrats are going to run on....."Republicans are batshit crazy"
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What will the Republican message be in 2016?

1. The economy sucks?
The stock market is reaching new highs. Unemployment is dropping. They can scream about debt but Reagan showed that debt does not matter

2. Democrats want to take your guns?
Polling show that the public is not in tune with the NRA

3. Democrats are weak on foreign policy?
Obama is still strong on anti-terrorism. We will have to see what becomes of N Korea and Iran

4. We are the party opposed to gay marriage?
Loser argument

5. We need to round up and deport all illegal aliens
Even most Republicans are abandoning this one

6. Hillary Clinton is an ugly skanky whore?
Looks like it is all they have left

Stock market is due to the fed bubble. Unemployment still near 8 percent. That's completely unacceptable. Both parties are weak on foreign policy and that's not speaking militarily. Gay marriage is simply a state issue, full faith and credit clause but your party will continue to beat those social drums simply to divert attention away from the high unemployment numbers, stagnant growth, massive debt, records on welfare. No one was ever going to round up illegal aliens. But, I guess it is imperative for the dems to create these boogeymen since they simply can't do anything about the dire needs of this country and it ain't social either.

You tell me...

What are republicans going to run on in 2016?

I'll tell you what Democrats are going to run on....."Republicans are batshit crazy"

They should focus entirely on the economy, debt, unemployment. You're correct. That will be the dem platform in 2016.
The Democrats will run on their record. Just like they did last time. They will run on having stopped the freefall in the economy, restoring American confidence, improvements in the stock market, lowering unemployment, raising wages, and getting housing prices back on track. And the ACA.

Republicans can't run on their record because what they've done recently is screw up the economy, get involved in unnecessary wars, and block anything the Democrats try to do. They lost last time because they have no new ideas.

They need to go back to the drawing board and come up with a platform that reflects American values. 80% of Americans want abortion to be legal in some or most cases. The Republican platform is that abortion should be banned.
By Matt Lewis, The Daily Caller - March 28, 2013


As bleak as things look for the GOP in the short-term (and they do look bleak), it’s stunning to consider the entirely possible scenario whereby Republicans could control the presidency and both houses of Congress in the very near future.

Consider this: As Romney learned, history says it’s difficult to defeat a sitting president in the modern era. But it is arguably even harder for a political party to win three consecutive presidential elections.

Only George H.W. Bush (who was essentially awarded Reagan’s third term) has pulled it off in the last fifty, or so, years. And that’s just what Democrats will attempt to do. What is more, in all likelihood, they will nominate Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden. Having passed the torch to a new generation of leaders, what are the odds Americans will choose to go backwards generationally?

Read Full Article » Republicans Could Hold House, Senate, Presidency by '16

Those of us who love this country can only hope! :clap2:

Yes educated people will suddenly vote for some cracker inbred from jesusland . The train has left the station the demographic shift has already occurred.

Sen Ms Lindsey Graham:... "We're not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business":eek:
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The Democrats will run on their record. Just like they did last time. They will run on having stopped the freefall in the economy, restoring American confidence, improvements in the stock market, lowering unemployment, raising wages, and getting housing prices back on track. And the ACA.

Republicans can't run on their record because what they've done recently is screw up the economy, get involved in unnecessary wars, and block anything the Democrats try to do. They lost last time because they have no new ideas.

They need to go back to the drawing board and come up with a platform that reflects American values. 80% of Americans want abortion to be legal in some or most cases. The Republican platform is that abortion should be banned.

Except, none of what the dems campaigned on in 2008 happened. Economy is still horrid, 80 percent of americans think we're headed the wrong way, the fed is keeping the market bubble floating, unemployment is still at the same level as when O took office, wages are the same and the healthcare law is projected to add more that 7 trillion in new debt along with hundreds of new tax increases and penalties that will have devastating effects on millions of americans.
How well the economy and employment growth continue to recover will be the big markers.

The next two markers involve the GOP sincerely reaching out to minorities and women. A bi-partisan immigration reform bill will go a long, long way on that road.

ACA will be important only if the health costs soar, which does not seem to be the case so far. But that can change.

If all the above are equal, then the women's vote will be the decider in chief. Should the GOP once again pass a female unfriendly platform and planks in 2016, the national candidate will have a very uphill struggle.
Except, none of what the dems campaigned on in 2008 happened. Economy is still horrid, 80 percent of americans think we're headed the wrong way, the fed is keeping the market bubble floating, unemployment is still at the same level as when O took office, wages are the same and the healthcare law is projected to add more that 7 trillion in new debt along with hundreds of new tax increases and penalties that will have devastating effects on millions of americans.

People really expected far too much given the state the economy was in when Bush left office. It was a bottomless freefall. That has been completely halted.

It's interesting that Americans now think they're headed in the wrong direction. They thought they were headed in the right direction under Bush. The numbers were much better for W, and yet look how that turned out. Given the complexities of the economy, do you think the average person has the skills or knowledge to know what constitutes a good or bad decision on the economy?

The healthcare law is REDUCING costs, so far. If it turns out well, the Republicans really are toast.
Stock market is due to the fed bubble. Unemployment still near 8 percent. That's completely unacceptable. Both parties are weak on foreign policy and that's not speaking militarily. Gay marriage is simply a state issue, full faith and credit clause but your party will continue to beat those social drums simply to divert attention away from the high unemployment numbers, stagnant growth, massive debt, records on welfare. No one was ever going to round up illegal aliens. But, I guess it is imperative for the dems to create these boogeymen since they simply can't do anything about the dire needs of this country and it ain't social either.

You tell me...

What are republicans going to run on in 2016?

I'll tell you what Democrats are going to run on....."Republicans are batshit crazy"

They should focus entirely on the economy, debt, unemployment. You're correct. That will be the dem platform in 2016.

If that is all the Republicans have to run on, they will lose

They tried the gloom and doom about unemployment and debt in 2012 and got their head handed to them. Another thing Republicans can't run on is "This is what we have done for you the last four years".

The Democrats have been getting quite adept at playing the "Republicans are batshit crazy" card. The GOP fringe and GOP media spout their hate and Dems just play back what they said
obama is making a grand gamble. He intends to increase the pain on the people gambling that they will blame republicans instead of him. By the time 2014 and certainly by 2016, Americans will be whipped and tormented into a fury. Against whom? We'll see, starting next year.

We'll see where the economy is, what the unemployment rate is, how Obamacare is working out in terms of both costs and access. No one can claim to know any of those right now.

We'll also see if the GOP has been able to prevent their crazies from shooting the party in the foot. Again.

What will the Republican message be in 2016?

1. The economy sucks?
The stock market is reaching new highs. Unemployment is dropping. They can scream about debt but Reagan showed that debt does not matter

2. Democrats want to take your guns?
Polling show that the public is not in tune with the NRA

3. Democrats are weak on foreign policy?
Obama is still strong on anti-terrorism. We will have to see what becomes of N Korea and Iran

4. We are the party opposed to gay marriage?
Loser argument

5. We need to round up and deport all illegal aliens
Even most Republicans are abandoning this one

6. Trickle down?

7. Hillary Clinton is an ugly skanky whore?
Looks like it is all they have left

And that's why they need to disassociate themselves from zealots on the far right. This country was NOT meant to be ran by partisans, much less far left and right zealots. That's what we've been increasingly getting, and look where we are.

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