Republicans Could Hold House, Senate, Presidency by '16

By Matt Lewis, The Daily Caller - March 28, 2013


As bleak as things look for the GOP in the short-term (and they do look bleak), it’s stunning to consider the entirely possible scenario whereby Republicans could control the presidency and both houses of Congress in the very near future.

Consider this: As Romney learned, history says it’s difficult to defeat a sitting president in the modern era. But it is arguably even harder for a political party to win three consecutive presidential elections.

Only George H.W. Bush (who was essentially awarded Reagan’s third term) has pulled it off in the last fifty, or so, years. And that’s just what Democrats will attempt to do. What is more, in all likelihood, they will nominate Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden. Having passed the torch to a new generation of leaders, what are the odds Americans will choose to go backwards generationally?

Read Full Article » Republicans Could Hold House, Senate, Presidency by '16

Those of us who love this country can only hope! :clap2:

Actually I agree with this. But the chances are only as good as the chances that the GOP expels the Neo-Cons and Tea Party members from their ranks. Those fringe groups have nothing in common with true conservatism.
I think the Republicans are going to regain the Senate, keep the House, and win the White House in 2016 because I'm thinking that in about another 18 months or so, everybody is going to be fed up with the shit the Democrats are pulling. Sooner or later, people are going to wise up and see the Democrats for what they really are: liars, cheats, con-artists and dumb asses pulling a big scam on the American public.

It's really a shame that there isn't a viable alternative to either party. I mean, the American people already found out the same thing about Republican BS after they controlled the entire government for 6 years of Bush. It's like comparing 2 piles of shit and trying to pick the one that's less stinky. Republicans have always been for and about the rich. Democrats once were about the working class, but now there isn't much to differentiate them from Republicans. Two sides of the same coin.
Those of us who love this country can only hope! :clap2:

Yes, because the last time the Republicans controlled all three they did such wonders for the country... :eusa_whistle:

I don't recall this. Reagan never had the House. When did this occur?

Bush 43. Republicans had House, Senate, Presidency, and majority on SC for 6 years. We got 2 wars, an unfunded Medicare drug benefit, the Patriot Act, DHS, and TSA. Don't know why anybody would want to go back to that model of governance.
the collapse of Obama-Care alone will give the GOP the edge in 2014. just wait and see what happens when the Dumb-Informed either can't find a doctor in a near death situation, and if they do find a doctor, they will see a 500.00 bill for a standard 10 minute doctor visit.
LOL. I think that you were one of the fools that predicted a landslide for the GOP in 2012?

You know what folks like you are really afraid of? That the Affordable Health Care Act will succeed. The thought that President Obama might be remembered as the President that started us toward a reasonable health care system just gives people like you nightmares.
Even if the Republicans do win the election in 2016, the Affordable Health Care Act is a done deal. Even the Republicans have said that if they didn't win the election in 2012, by 2016 all of the infrastructure changes to implement the ACA will be in place and then "we'll be stuck with it", were the words he used.

If the economy continues to improve and wages start to rise, there is no way that the Republicans will win. They simply don't have the numbers. Without the Tea Party and the Religious Right, they don't have the numbers.

There are simply not enough poor white people left to vote who can be convinced that the Republicans can do anything other than run the country into the ground, and get involved in a lot of stupid and poorly thought out wars.
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and keep in mind, blacks and the dumb-informed don't vote in mid-terms, they are too busy using shopping with their welfare checks and food-stamps. they don't even know what mid-terms are. so there goes over 20% of the votes.
the collapse of Obama-Care alone will give the GOP the edge in 2014. just wait and see what happens when the Dumb-Informed either can't find a doctor in a near death situation, and if they do find a doctor, they will see a 500.00 bill for a standard 10 minute doctor visit.

Good luck with that, the ACA is widely supported and is currently helping out countless people. Once it fully kicks in next year, the GOP won't have a change in hell.

The GOP needs to get their heads out of their asses and purge themselves of the teabagger radicals if they ever want a chance in hell of getting any power back.
By Matt Lewis, The Daily Caller - March 28, 2013


As bleak as things look for the GOP in the short-term (and they do look bleak), it’s stunning to consider the entirely possible scenario whereby Republicans could control the presidency and both houses of Congress in the very near future.

Consider this: As Romney learned, history says it’s difficult to defeat a sitting president in the modern era. But it is arguably even harder for a political party to win three consecutive presidential elections.

Only George H.W. Bush (who was essentially awarded Reagan’s third term) has pulled it off in the last fifty, or so, years. And that’s just what Democrats will attempt to do. What is more, in all likelihood, they will nominate Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden. Having passed the torch to a new generation of leaders, what are the odds Americans will choose to go backwards generationally?

Read Full Article » Republicans Could Hold House, Senate, Presidency by '16

Those of us who love this country can only hope! :clap2:

And Robmoney is going to win by 5 points
and keep in mind, blacks and the dumb-informed don't vote in mid-terms, they are too busy using shopping with their welfare checks and food-stamps. they don't even know what mid-terms are. so there goes over 20% of the votes.

ah what a cute little racist.

Bty Im just kidding about the cute part
A lot of things can change in the next 4 years

But the basic obnoxiousness of the GOP will not be one of them
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By Matt Lewis, The Daily Caller - March 28, 2013


As bleak as things look for the GOP in the short-term (and they do look bleak), it’s stunning to consider the entirely possible scenario whereby Republicans could control the presidency and both houses of Congress in the very near future.

Consider this: As Romney learned, history says it’s difficult to defeat a sitting president in the modern era. But it is arguably even harder for a political party to win three consecutive presidential elections.

Only George H.W. Bush (who was essentially awarded Reagan’s third term) has pulled it off in the last fifty, or so, years. And that’s just what Democrats will attempt to do. What is more, in all likelihood, they will nominate Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden. Having passed the torch to a new generation of leaders, what are the odds Americans will choose to go backwards generationally?

Read Full Article » Republicans Could Hold House, Senate, Presidency by '16

Those of us who love this country can only hope! :clap2:

Tax cuts for the wealthy, massive debt, unpaid for wars, cutting education? This is what those who "love" the country hope for? The tards shall rise again.
By Matt Lewis, The Daily Caller - March 28, 2013


As bleak as things look for the GOP in the short-term (and they do look bleak), it’s stunning to consider the entirely possible scenario whereby Republicans could control the presidency and both houses of Congress in the very near future.

Consider this: As Romney learned, history says it’s difficult to defeat a sitting president in the modern era. But it is arguably even harder for a political party to win three consecutive presidential elections.

Only George H.W. Bush (who was essentially awarded Reagan’s third term) has pulled it off in the last fifty, or so, years. And that’s just what Democrats will attempt to do. What is more, in all likelihood, they will nominate Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden. Having passed the torch to a new generation of leaders, what are the odds Americans will choose to go backwards generationally?

Read Full Article » Republicans Could Hold House, Senate, Presidency by '16

Those of us who love this country can only hope! :clap2:

It's doable but until they disassociate themselves with False News, the Tea Party, and those clowns like Palin who make that party a dog and pony show, they can forget it. It's almost like they dont WANT to win. Moderates! THAT'S the key - sensible people. They've got them, why won't they feature them instead of these crazy zealots?
People have learned that Republican economic policies cause havoc - volatile markets, lower wages, and a transfer of wealth to the wealthy. It's hard for anyone but the wealthy to benefit from such policies and NO ONE with a lick of sense would vote for them, except the wealthy.

So the Republiicans stuck a deal with the religious right and the dissaffected Southern Democrats which helped Reagan get elected and turned the country to the right. But after 30 years of fiscal mismanagement by the Republicans, we had a near collapse of the US economy. Enough already. Smart people will not vote for a party which wants to dismantle social programs in the US.

The fact that 80% of the people who vote Republican are white and older seems lost on those who insist that the Republicans can rise again without changing, or at least, without disavowing their lunatic fringe. They can't disavow their lunatic fringe, because without their votes, they have no hope at all.
By Matt Lewis, The Daily Caller - March 28, 2013


As bleak as things look for the GOP in the short-term (and they do look bleak), it’s stunning to consider the entirely possible scenario whereby Republicans could control the presidency and both houses of Congress in the very near future.

Consider this: As Romney learned, history says it’s difficult to defeat a sitting president in the modern era. But it is arguably even harder for a political party to win three consecutive presidential elections.

Only George H.W. Bush (who was essentially awarded Reagan’s third term) has pulled it off in the last fifty, or so, years. And that’s just what Democrats will attempt to do. What is more, in all likelihood, they will nominate Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden. Having passed the torch to a new generation of leaders, what are the odds Americans will choose to go backwards generationally?

Read Full Article » Republicans Could Hold House, Senate, Presidency by '16

Those of us who love this country can only hope! :clap2:

It's doable but until they disassociate themselves with False News, the Tea Party, and those clowns like Palin who make that party a dog and pony show, they can forget it. It's almost like they dont WANT to win. Moderates! THAT'S the key - sensible people. They've got them, why won't they feature them instead of these crazy zealots?

Its the shortest path back to viability.

The moderates dont have enough power to make it happen.

The party will drag its ass in the gutter for a decade to come I fear

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