Republicans Could Hold House, Senate, Presidency by '16

What will the Republican message be in 2016?

1. The economy sucks?
The stock market is reaching new highs. Unemployment is dropping. They can scream about debt but Reagan showed that debt does not matter

2. Democrats want to take your guns?
Polling show that the public is not in tune with the NRA

3. Democrats are weak on foreign policy?
Obama is still strong on anti-terrorism. We will have to see what becomes of N Korea and Iran

4. We are the party opposed to gay marriage?
Loser argument

5. We need to round up and deport all illegal aliens
Even most Republicans are abandoning this one

6. Hillary Clinton is an ugly skanky whore?
Looks like it is all they have left

Stock market is due to the fed bubble. Unemployment still near 8 percent. That's completely unacceptable. Both parties are weak on foreign policy and that's not speaking militarily. Gay marriage is simply a state issue, full faith and credit clause but your party will continue to beat those social drums simply to divert attention away from the high unemployment numbers, stagnant growth, massive debt, records on welfare. No one was ever going to round up illegal aliens. But, I guess it is imperative for the dems to create these boogeymen since they simply can't do anything about the dire needs of this country and it ain't social either.

You tell me...

What are republicans going to run on in 2016?

I'll tell you what Democrats are going to run on....."Republicans are batshit crazy"

That's been the D platform for years... and unfortunately, it resonates with the low information voter... who BTW, appear to be, well, bat-shit crazy.

Oh, the irony.

We'll see where the economy is, what the unemployment rate is, how Obamacare is working out in terms of both costs and access. No one can claim to know any of those right now.

We'll also see if the GOP has been able to prevent their crazies from shooting the party in the foot. Again.


I'm telling you, if they distance themselves, indeed, DENOUNCE, False News and right-wing radio and TV zealots, their lot would improve. That, and quit being obstructionists and haters. Damn, how many times do they have to say Obama is a socialist, Kenyan, Muslim, etc, until it starts having the reverse effect?
Stock market is due to the fed bubble. Unemployment still near 8 percent. That's completely unacceptable. Both parties are weak on foreign policy and that's not speaking militarily. Gay marriage is simply a state issue, full faith and credit clause but your party will continue to beat those social drums simply to divert attention away from the high unemployment numbers, stagnant growth, massive debt, records on welfare. No one was ever going to round up illegal aliens. But, I guess it is imperative for the dems to create these boogeymen since they simply can't do anything about the dire needs of this country and it ain't social either.

You tell me...

What are republicans going to run on in 2016?

I'll tell you what Democrats are going to run on....."Republicans are batshit crazy"

That's been the D platform for years... and unfortunately, it resonates with the low information voter... who BTW, appear to be, well, bat-shit crazy.

Oh, the irony.

The new buzz-phrase, "Low Information Voter." Already stale. Explain why the GOP is losing members in droves, soggy. Did you too not read the Michael Reagan article?
Stock market is due to the fed bubble. Unemployment still near 8 percent. That's completely unacceptable. Both parties are weak on foreign policy and that's not speaking militarily. Gay marriage is simply a state issue, full faith and credit clause but your party will continue to beat those social drums simply to divert attention away from the high unemployment numbers, stagnant growth, massive debt, records on welfare. No one was ever going to round up illegal aliens. But, I guess it is imperative for the dems to create these boogeymen since they simply can't do anything about the dire needs of this country and it ain't social either.

You tell me...

What are republicans going to run on in 2016?

I'll tell you what Democrats are going to run on....."Republicans are batshit crazy"

That's been the D platform for years... and unfortunately, it resonates with the low information voter... who BTW, appear to be, well, bat-shit crazy.

Oh, the irony.

Democrats play clips of what Republicans are saying

Voters make their decisions on relative bat shit crazyness
By Matt Lewis, The Daily Caller - March 28, 2013


As bleak as things look for the GOP in the short-term (and they do look bleak), it’s stunning to consider the entirely possible scenario whereby Republicans could control the presidency and both houses of Congress in the very near future.

Consider this: As Romney learned, history says it’s difficult to defeat a sitting president in the modern era. But it is arguably even harder for a political party to win three consecutive presidential elections.

Only George H.W. Bush (who was essentially awarded Reagan’s third term) has pulled it off in the last fifty, or so, years. And that’s just what Democrats will attempt to do. What is more, in all likelihood, they will nominate Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden. Having passed the torch to a new generation of leaders, what are the odds Americans will choose to go backwards generationally?

Read Full Article » Republicans Could Hold House, Senate, Presidency by '16

Those of us who love this country can only hope! :clap2:
I hold no faith in the American voters as long as the low information voter votes. They will vote because the person is likeable doesn't matter what he supports don't matter what his voting record is doesn't matter how many lies he has spoken. As long as the media supports them and the low information voter goes and votes we are doomed.
Republicans Could Hold House, Senate, Presidency by '16

Anything COULD happen. What a stupid statement.

Aliens COULD land, attack, and defeat the U.S. so aliens COULD hold the House, the Senate, and the Presidency.

Given the latest trends, neither is very likely though
Low information voter: A voter who disagrees with me and won't change his/her mind no matter how many lies I tell in order to persuade them.

Too bad everyone can't be as "high information" as those folks in Kentucky and West Virginia
I'm telling you, if they distance themselves, indeed, DENOUNCE, False News and right-wing radio and TV zealots, their lot would improve. That, and quit being obstructionists and haters. Damn, how many times do they have to say Obama is a socialist, Kenyan, Muslim, etc, until it starts having the reverse effect?

They can ill afford to offend any more Republican voters. If the batshit crazies leave or are driven off, who does that leave to vote Republican? The Democrats have moved so far to the right, they're more centre-right than left now, despite what right-wingers on this board say.

The Democrats have appropriated the middle right that the Republicans used to own. That's how Clinton beat Bush, by moving to the right. As a liberal, I would be hard pressed to vote for any of the Presidential candidates since Carter, Democrat or Republican.
LOL. I think that you were one of the fools that predicted a landslide for the GOP in 2012?

You know what folks like you are really afraid of? That the Affordable Health Care Act will succeed. The thought that President Obama might be remembered as the President that started us toward a reasonable health care system just gives people like you nightmares.

People's premiums are going up and people's hours are being cut so they are squeezed out of employee health plans..... Whose nightmare are you referring to?
Low information voter: A voter who disagrees with me and won't change his/her mind no matter how many lies I tell in order to persuade them.

Too bad everyone can't be as "high information" as those folks in Kentucky and West Virginia

Low information voter: A voter who disagrees with me and won't change his/her mind no matter how many lies I tell in order to persuade them.

Too bad everyone can't be as "high information" as those folks in Kentucky and West Virginia


They say it's good to laugh at yourself when you realize you fucked up
let it all out you'll feel better.
Low information voter: A voter who disagrees with me and won't change his/her mind no matter how many lies I tell in order to persuade them.

Too bad everyone can't be as "high information" as those folks in Kentucky and West Virginia


How about CA. Highest taxfest in america and 13 billion in the red. We could really have a laugh fest at their expense. Talk about unenlightened.
The House, probably.

The Senate, maybe.

The Presidency, not a chance...the liberal wing of the party will give us another McCain, or Romney, and that will be that.
The House, probably.

The Senate, maybe.

The Presidency, not a chance...the liberal wing of the party will give us another McCain, or Romney, and that will be that.

Who did you think was electable in 2012?
By Matt Lewis, The Daily Caller - March 28, 2013

As bleak as things look for the GOP in the short-term (and they do look bleak), it’s stunning to consider the entirely possible scenario whereby Republicans could control the presidency and both houses of Congress in the very near future.

Consider this: As Romney learned, history says it’s difficult to defeat a sitting president in the modern era. But it is arguably even harder for a political party to win three consecutive presidential elections.

Only George H.W. Bush (who was essentially awarded Reagan’s third term) has pulled it off in the last fifty, or so, years. And that’s just what Democrats will attempt to do. What is more, in all likelihood, they will nominate Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden. Having passed the torch to a new generation of leaders, what are the odds Americans will choose to go backwards generationally?

Read Full Article » Republicans Could Hold House, Senate, Presidency by '16

Those of us who love this country can only hope! :clap2:
I hold no faith in the American voters as long as the low information voter votes. They will vote because the person is likeable doesn't matter what he supports don't matter what his voting record is doesn't matter how many lies he has spoken. As long as the media supports them and the low information voter goes and votes we are doomed.

How much information does it take to figure out Republicans are only for the rich?
By Matt Lewis, The Daily Caller - March 28, 2013

Read Full Article » Republicans Could Hold House, Senate, Presidency by '16

Those of us who love this country can only hope! :clap2:
I hold no faith in the American voters as long as the low information voter votes. They will vote because the person is likeable doesn't matter what he supports don't matter what his voting record is doesn't matter how many lies he has spoken. As long as the media supports them and the low information voter goes and votes we are doomed.

How much information does it take to figure out Republicans are only for the rich?

Dude you think the rich are republican? :cuckoo:

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