Republicans Could Hold House, Senate, Presidency by '16

Tax and spend neo-socialists...redistributing others wealth while insulating their own.

Better tax and spend than the cut and spend Republicans. They spend like drunken sailors and they don't tax, which is why deficits grow when Republicans are in power. At least the Democrats fund their programs, instead of relying on voodoo economics which don't work.

The Republicans are responsible for the biggest redistribtion of wealth in US history - all of it upward. Since Reagan was elected, nearly half of the wealth of the USA that they didn't already own, has been transferred to the top 20% of the wealthiest corporations and individuals in the US.

But you keep on believing that the Democrats are the problem.

WTF are you talking about? We have the richest "poor" people in the world, and they have every convenience of a modern standard of living they've ever had. Even the actual poor people who just 30 years ago didn't have cable, if even a TV at all, let alone enough food to get grossly obese on.

You're right about republicrat spending, but that pisses us off too, During the Bush Admin Kennedy still seemed to get every program he wanted passed, so it all wasn't just Bush. That's the results of "compromising" with the left.

Which I advocate the GOP NEVER DOES AGAIN.
WTF are you talking about? We have the richest "poor" people in the world, and they have every convenience of a modern standard of living they've ever had. Even the actual poor people who just 30 years ago didn't have cable, if even a TV at all, let alone enough food to get grossly obese on.

You're right about republicrat spending, but that pisses us off too, During the Bush Admin Kennedy still seemed to get every program he wanted passed, so it all wasn't just Bush. That's the results of "compromising" with the left.

Which I advocate the GOP NEVER DOES AGAIN.

That line about how well off the poor are, just won't fly. If you don't make enough money to cover food, housing, transportation, medical and clothing for your family, and if every paycheck means making decisions about who to pay and who to put off, how are you rich?

Being poor isn't about not having THINGS, it's about not having security. It's being afraid of eviction notices, disconnection notices, wondering how you will put food on the table for your children, hoping you still have electricity or heat when you go home at night. It's never having enough money to get caught up, much less ahead.
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The Democrats will run on their record.

Really?? Truth is, the will run on the Democrat platform which is lies, distortions, character assassination and fear mongering. They will also run on voter fraud, having poll watchers who have voted 6 times, using ACORN under new names to register people to vote up to 72 times and disperse the black panthers to commit voter intimidation at voting places.

Just like they did last time. They will run on having stopped the freefall in the economy

I was not aware that stopping the "freefall" meant raising the debt to nearly $17 trillion and growing.

restoring American confidence


lowering unemployment

By having people whose unemployment benefits that have run out go to disability and of course not including those who have given up looking for work....meanwhile...record high numbers for people out of work.

Republicans can't run on their record because what they've done recently is screw up the economy

Earth to ostrich, time to take your head out of the sand! Uhhhhhhh...Democrats control the Senate and the Presidency! And, uhhhh like when has the cowardly lion John Boehner ever stood up to the Democrat party...Never!

Oh...and while I think very little of George W. Bush, in 6 years with Republican control of the house and senate, they added $3.4 trillion in debt. In just one year, Obama and the Democrat controlled house and senate added $3 trillion in debt. The mere fact you are unaware of this shows your complete and total hactivist reply

and block anything the Democrats try to do.

Oh....and Democrats have never once done this to Republicans have they?

They lost last time because they have no new ideas.

Mitch McConnell said it best, the last time the Democrats had a new idea was when the Studebaker came out.

They need to go back to the drawing board and come up with a platform that reflects American values. 80% of Americans want abortion to be legal in some or most cases. The Republican platform is that abortion should be banned.

So, what you want is a leftist agenda with no resistance what-so-ever. Well, you have that with the cowardly lion leading the Republican house, and that Marxist mole Karl Rove imploding the GOP.

Sadly, you are a very linear minded person who only perceives things as Democrat good Republican evil. Don't feel bad, both the Democrat party and Republican Party rely on low information voters like you, you are the majority.

rightwinger bloviated

How much information does it take to figure out Republicans are only for the rich?

How much information does it takes to figure out from the 2012 roll call that 7 of the 10 richest members of congress are Democrats. And that billionaires like Soros, Buffett, Gates, and many rich lefties in Hollywood and Wall Street are major supporters of the Democrat party. Goldman Sachs and Wall Street lllllloooooooovvvvvveeeesssss Obama and the Democrat party.
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As a man working on the factory floor, I see nothing at all to gain by voting for a Republican on any level at present. The ones that are not batshit crazy are in the pockets of the very wealthy. The K Street strategy has created a party that is nothing but a tool of the very wealthy. And this is the result.

Wealth Distribution in the USA - SHOCKING! - YouTube

Yes, you are damned right. I want to see some real redistribution.

Keep voting Democrat and you will keep seeing more of your money being "redistributed" to corporations and politicians.

Although I must be honest, I don't think it would have been very different had Romney been elected. We need a serious tax reform.
"Obama is a socialist, Kenyan, Muslim, etc"

Those who use those terms are low information voters.

Those who knowingly exploit low information voters with those terms should be sent to Kenya for a year.
The Republican Party is slowly sinking in the South.

Ignorant white Southerners are all they have left.
GOP has most of the white class from bottom dwellers to upper middle class city dwellers.

BUT . . . if it continues to ignore the rise of the Hispanic vote, the GOP will become a minority party.
they are a minority party already.

The only reason they still have the house is gerrymandering and those districts will change to.

By 2023 the republican party will be dead as a door nail if they dont change COMPLETELY.

The Republican party has nothing but historically failed Ideas to offer the people.

They refuse to even say the name of of the democratic party correctly.

They cant even show the grace to call the opposition by the correct name.

The repudican party is still hanging onto its own pud yet again and denying sceince, history, court documents, federal blance sheets, the definitions of words and any exsistance of their well observed racism.

You have left the American people very little to find appealing about your party.

Your standing against issues that have a 91% approval rating from the American people for christ sake guys.

Your stabbing yourselves to death again.

Remember when I begged you NOT to cheat voters of color in this Last election?

I told you it was like stabbing your party to death?

Here you people are yet again doing exactly the oppposite of what any sane party would do.
the vast majority of Americans believe in gay marriage.

what do you knife weilding fools do?

Instead of cutting away the ropes tying your hands you are stabbing at your own hearts
So, who do you think will be the GOP Presidential nominee in 2016? They will face an even greater challenge from the changing demographics.
By Matt Lewis, The Daily Caller - March 28, 2013


As bleak as things look for the GOP in the short-term (and they do look bleak), it’s stunning to consider the entirely possible scenario whereby Republicans could control the presidency and both houses of Congress in the very near future.

Consider this: As Romney learned, history says it’s difficult to defeat a sitting president in the modern era. But it is arguably even harder for a political party to win three consecutive presidential elections.

Only George H.W. Bush (who was essentially awarded Reagan’s third term) has pulled it off in the last fifty, or so, years. And that’s just what Democrats will attempt to do. What is more, in all likelihood, they will nominate Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden. Having passed the torch to a new generation of leaders, what are the odds Americans will choose to go backwards generationally?

Read Full Article » Republicans Could Hold House, Senate, Presidency by '16

Those of us who love this country can only hope! :clap2:

It's doable but until they disassociate themselves with False News, the Tea Party, and those clowns like Palin who make that party a dog and pony show, they can forget it. It's almost like they dont WANT to win. Moderates! THAT'S the key - sensible people. They've got them, why won't they feature them instead of these crazy zealots?

Fox News, Palin, and the Tea Party are all bogey men created by the dem propaganda machine. The dems are smart enough to mess with public perception, but not smart enough to make the country work.

This idiotic bragging and concern trollery among the dems is wearing thin. They won an election against a weak candidate. That doesn't mean the sky is falling.

I see some hope in the libertarian wing of the Republican Party, none in the corrrupt mandarins of the Democratic Party.
China will allow North Korea to bristle a bit then give it a polite smack up the side of its empty head.
How much information does it take to figure out Republicans are only for the rich?

Dude you think the rich are republican? :cuckoo:

Here is your problem reb

Most Americans think Republicans don't give a shit about them. Show them that you do and you can start winning national elections

Hardly a week goes by without a Repub saying something really crass and offending about one group or another. The problem, as I see it, is these offending statements are giving voters a glimpse into the true Republican agenda. It will take generations for the GOP to change the perceptions that they have given, as they continue to offend numerous groups of people.
Dude you think the rich are republican? :cuckoo:

Here is your problem reb

Most Americans think Republicans don't give a shit about them. Show them that you do and you can start winning national elections

Hardly a week goes by without a Repub saying something really crass and offending about one group or another. The problem, as I see it, is these offending statements are giving voters a glimpse into the true Republican agenda. It will take generations for the GOP to change the perceptions that they have given, as they continue to offend numerous groups of people.

The most telling flub was Romneys 47% taunt to high end contributors. I showed what Republicans really think about struggling Americans
Dude you think the rich are republican? :cuckoo:

Here is your problem reb

Most Americans think Republicans don't give a shit about them. Show them that you do and you can start winning national elections

Hardly a week goes by without a Repub saying something really crass and offending about one group or another. The problem, as I see it, is these offending statements are giving voters a glimpse into the true Republican agenda. It will take generations for the GOP to change the perceptions that they have given, as they continue to offend numerous groups of people.

The key is to communicate with individuals. The sheep who identify with the flock will wise up.

What we really need is an expose of the crass manipulation of demographic groups by the media mandarins of the Democratic Party -- something like Wag the Dog exposing the manipulative little propagandists for what they are.

Conservatives do not need to lie and make empty promises to get votes -- they only need to tell the truth about liberals.
They have to stop cheating to win elections.

They have been found out and FAR more many Americans of all color now know the court documented history of their traitorous attack on our Democracy.

They will have to stop telling their brain dead masses things like "America is not a Democracy" while lying us into wars and crashing the world economy and using the excuse that they are "spreading Democracy"
They have to stop cheating to win elections.

They have been found out and FAR more many Americans of all color now know the court documented history of their traitorous attack on our Democracy.

They will have to stop telling their brain dead masses things like "America is not a Democracy" while lying us into wars and crashing the world economy and using the excuse that they are "spreading Democracy"

I will never feer you.
Here is your problem reb

Most Americans think Republicans don't give a shit about them. Show them that you do and you can start winning national elections

Hardly a week goes by without a Repub saying something really crass and offending about one group or another. The problem, as I see it, is these offending statements are giving voters a glimpse into the true Republican agenda. It will take generations for the GOP to change the perceptions that they have given, as they continue to offend numerous groups of people.

The key is to communicate with individuals. The sheep who identify with the flock will wise up.

What we really need is an expose of the crass manipulation of demographic groups by the media mandarins of the Democratic Party -- something like Wag the Dog exposing the manipulative little propagandists for what they are.

Conservatives do not need to lie and make empty promises to get votes -- they only need to tell the truth about liberals.

All of the commie, Marxist, socialist, un-American rhetoric that conservatives tell about liberals is not getting them anywhere. It only serves to validate the batshit crazy image that most Americans have about conservatives
Dude you think the rich are republican? :cuckoo:

Here is your problem reb

Most Americans think Republicans don't give a shit about them. Show them that you do and you can start winning national elections

Hardly a week goes by without a Repub saying something really crass and offending about one group or another. The problem, as I see it, is these offending statements are giving voters a glimpse into the true Republican agenda. It will take generations for the GOP to change the perceptions that they have given, as they continue to offend numerous groups of people.

Wow Democrats must be kicking Republican ass all over the country. The Democrats probably have a healthy majority of public office seats around the country........WAIT.

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