Republicans.... DeSantis or Trump?

DeSantis or Trump... as of right now.

  • Total voters
Like Hillary, Trump now has too much baggage to run.

Trump did the job we needed done, he took a wrecking ball to the RIGGED corrupt Washington establishment and let the whole world see how corrupt that town is. Trump wrecked the so called News media exposing them for the liars that they are, while proving their threats of retaliation are laughable. Trump called out these clowns in both the Rep and Dem leadership. Trump, your job is done. Now that you have caved in the fortress wall it's time for someone like Desantis.
Ditto to that.
Trump's future as the candidate for president is in this coming election being a big win for the R's.

And that will lock up his victory in 24, on account of the democratic process will be eliminated enough to ensure him winning the presidency.

All providing that Trump is alive in 24?
I am closer to being on "your" side with respect to much of this than you can possibly imagine (or believe, I'll wager).

That aside...

The Republican Party consists primarily of White Folk of all walks of life, with some recent on-boarding by modest numbers of Hispanics.

The Democratic Party consists primarily of White Folk and just about all the Black Folk and a continuing majority of Hispanics and other races.

Translation: the White Vote in this country is split, whereas the Black Vote and the Hispanic Vote and the Other Vote are still largely owned by the Dems.

With the White Vote split the way it is, you cannot win without substantial support from Independents and substantial cross-over from Reagan Democrats.

And you're not going to get the support of Independents and Reagan Democrats after January 6, 2021... non-GOP folk realize that Rump is not to be trusted.

It's really that simple.

Keep the Rumpian Agenda... most of it is just what is needed... especially after the Idiot Dems have screwed things up so badly.

But if you run Rump again those Independents and Reagan Democrats are either going to pull the (D) lever in the voting booth or stay at home in 2024.

Act... while there is still time TO act.
What do we as voters do? McCain and Liebermann going to the waling wall holding hands saying maybe we will run together but who will be President and who will be Vice President was an eye opener if people paid attention. Oz is better than Fetterman but he may be nearer a Rino. However since Progs now vote pure Socialism/Commnism we are in trouble.Fetterman is a rubber stamp.
I'll vote for Trump in the primary election if he runs. Then Trump or DeSantis in the 2024 election, depending on whomever wins. After two more years of those Democrats, an inanimate carbon rod would beat the next Democrat presidential candidate.
From what you know now, and what you believe is the right person for 2024.
I am making the poll visible to keep people who are not going to vote for either one from skewing the percentages.
Trump either got played by or was working with the WEF. No, thanks.
If Trump is immature, self-absorbed, that doesn't mean he's a moron. He didnt become POTUS to be a popularity contest winner. He was there to do a JOB, and he accomplished more than most other US presidents.
Accomplishing positive results for the economy is always at the expense of the working people in America. There is a tabboo on Trump spending money that is earmarked for the pockets of the very wealthy.

Economics isn't rocket science. An equilibrium must be attained between pure capitalism and that which includes social spending. Hence Biden's attempts to spend for the working class.

Biden can't do what it takes leading up to an election. He needed to be consistent throughout his entire term.
I disagree.
All TDS-ing Libs in cyberspace do. They all think they are smarter than billionaires.
Come the relevant primary, if Trump is running and DeSantis is running against him, at this moment, my vote would be to Trump.

However, if Trump isn’t then in the primary race, I can and would happily vote for DeSantis.

In the General election. I’d happily support either one (or Cruz).
We still have two years and democrats don't have a viable candidate. Does it make lefties feel good about a post with the word "Trump" in it do keep them from dwelling on the possibility of a republican landslide in two days?
Trump had his turn. He did well in spite of the opposition, but it's time to move on.

DeSantis it is.
Hahaha….how much did he inherit and how did a dumbass turn millions to billions?
Why can’t all millionaires become billionaires?
How hard is it to put millions of dollars into an investment that earns more money over time?

You think it’s a coincidence that rich families tend to have rich children? Man, those spoiled rich kids must be geniuses.
I think you may be surprised to see the results of the Hispanic vote this time around.
There will doubtless be a shift towards Red within the Hispanic community... we are seeing it happening already.

But I would not "bet the farm" on them - alone - being enough to pull you through 2024... not enough will have switched sides by then to even come close to that.

Maybe in 20228 or 2032, but not 2024.
BTW - there is a new unofficial simple poll like this on Twitter today.

Out of 86,197 votes it is currently 62% for DeSantis and 38% Trump.

Just another example, here and there of the liberal lie - that Trump owns the GOP.
Never been true.

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