Republicans.... DeSantis or Trump?

DeSantis or Trump... as of right now.

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Running Trump in 2024 would be a mistake.

It's not what you (or I) want.

It's a matter of who can win.

Trump can no longer win.

Not after January 6, 2021.

You need...

1. every Republican vote you can muster

2. every independent vote you can muster

3. every Reagan Democrat vote you can muster

You will get very little of (2) or (3) if you run Trump again.

And you cannot win without the lion's share of (2) and (3).

Simple mathematics.

Snap out of it.

The Trump agenda is fine and he can be a cheerleader and king-maker if you like but he can no longer be your standard bearer after January 6, 2021.

Right Message... Wrong Messenger.

It's time for you to move on... preserving the best ideas from the Trump Era and playing those forward... but leaving him in the rear view mirror... it's time.

DeSantis CAN win... and he has considerable experience in governing already... it's his time... if you (collectively) are smart enough to recognize it.

And... bottom line... it's all about who CAN win... not whom you WANT to win...

Will you (collectively) be coldly calculating and pragmatic and practical, and face Reality, or will you wallow in emotionalism, like you accuse the Democrats of doing?
I beg to differ. All other Repub candidates have to be Trump like in responses. No more games getting rid of candidates by running some of the same on purpose in primaries so we can get a RINO. This is not about making massive cuts in government. It is about stopping the hemorrhaging that is destroying us. Not one of the Progs on television could exist for long in a much poorer nation by their own wits. But their prior evilly accrued wealth may give them a surviving time. So where does that put us peasants at? Prog women are like the women of WW 2 in NAZI controlled nations. After the War they had their hair cut off and were shunned. This is much worse. We are not used to the Grapes of Wrath ways. Slice their faces. These shrews have helped to destroy the West. When poverty is the norm, this will be easy peasy.
What specific domestic policies did you want Trump to implement that he did not?

Tax increases to pay down the debt. That is what you do in a "great economy". It would have also removed money from the system lessening the issues of inflation.
Tax increases to pay down the debt. That is what you do in a "great economy". It would have also removed money from the system lessening the issues of inflation.
Negative. You cut taxes and spending.

You like peace and anarchy and high taxes and high spending?

Negative. You cut taxes and spending.

You like peace and anarchy and high taxes and high spending?


You are never going to address $31 trillion in debt that way. Never. What you do there at best is a wash and let's remember, despite none of Trump's supporters willing to own up to it, Trump cut taxes and added 7.8 trillion in debt.
Trump calling DeSantis "DeSanctimonious" yesterday literally changed my vote. If you have that little self control and are going to shit on one of the few rock stars in the GOP - then FUCK YOU ORANGE BLOB.

I hope Gruesome runs... beating the marxist ken doll into a puddle of piss and shit would be delicious. His own state hates him and Dominion would say "Fuck you, we steal elections, we're not miracle workers."
I beg to differ. All other Repub candidates have to be Trump like in responses. No more games getting rid of candidates by running some of the same on purpose in primaries so we can get a RINO. This is not about making massive cuts in government. It is about stopping the hemorrhaging that is destroying us. Not one of the Progs on television could exist for long in a much poorer nation by their own wits. But their prior evilly accrued wealth may give them a surviving time. So where does that put us peasants at? Prog women are like the women of WW 2 in NAZI controlled nations. After the War they had their hair cut off and were shunned. This is much worse. We are not used to the Grapes of Wrath ways. Slice their faces. These shrews have helped to destroy the West. When poverty is the norm, this will be easy peasy.
I am closer to being on "your" side with respect to much of this than you can possibly imagine (or believe, I'll wager).

That aside...

The Republican Party consists primarily of White Folk of all walks of life, with some recent on-boarding by modest numbers of Hispanics.

The Democratic Party consists primarily of White Folk and just about all the Black Folk and a continuing majority of Hispanics and other races.

Translation: the White Vote in this country is split, whereas the Black Vote and the Hispanic Vote and the Other Vote are still largely owned by the Dems.

With the White Vote split the way it is, you cannot win without substantial support from Independents and substantial cross-over from Reagan Democrats.

And you're not going to get the support of Independents and Reagan Democrats after January 6, 2021... non-GOP folk realize that Rump is not to be trusted.

It's really that simple.

Keep the Rumpian Agenda... most of it is just what is needed... especially after the Idiot Dems have screwed things up so badly.

But if you run Rump again those Independents and Reagan Democrats are either going to pull the (D) lever in the voting booth or stay at home in 2024.

Act... while there is still time TO act.
I will be voting on Tuesday, and I will vote for Desantis for governor. However, I might hold my nose while I do that, because even though DeSantis has done some good things, on the most important issue (rental housing inflation (100-250%), he has done nothing, and hasn't even SAID anything about it, when thousands of Floridians are being kicked out of their living quarters, where they've lived for 25 years.

The only thing saving DeSantis to get my vote (as the lesser of 2 evils) is the sickening TV ad of Charlie Crist and Joe Biden hugging each other like a couple of sicko gayboys.
That, and Crist calling defunding the police "reallocation"

If a choice between Desantis and Trump comes about, I will vote for Trump without blinking an eye.
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Running Trump in 2024 would be a mistake.

It's not what you (or I) want.

It's a matter of who can win.

Trump can no longer win.

Not after January 6, 2021.

Trump couldn't win in 2016, supposedly.

Now, if we had a SANE political system where one person, one vote, you are right, Trump couldn't possibly win.

Instead, we have this nutty system where he can. Just 80,000 votes nullified 3 million votes he lost by in 2016.

Just 250K votes would have nullified 8 million votes in 2020.
Trump calling DeSantis "DeSanctimonious" yesterday literally changed my vote. If you have that little self control and are going to shit on one of the few rock stars in the GOP - then FUCK YOU ORANGE BLOB.

I hope Gruesome runs... beating the marxist ken doll into a puddle of piss and shit would be delicious. His own state hates him and Dominion would say "Fuck you, we steal elections, we're not miracle workers."
If you were a renter in Florida, you wouldn't think DeSantis is such a "rock star". Your choice, like mine, would be for Trump.
Trump couldn't win in 2016, supposedly.

Now, if we had a SANE political system where one person, one vote, you are right, Trump couldn't possibly win.

Instead, we have this nutty system where he can. Just 80,000 votes nullified 3 million votes he lost by in 2016.

Just 250K votes would have nullified 8 million votes in 2020.

4 million of those votes were in California. Take one state out of the equation and Trump even won the popular vote.

Saying one state should be able to nullify the rest is not a better argument.
Trump should have vetoed every Dem spending bill and budget.

Fuck him for adding trillions to the debt.
I am closer to being on "your" side with respect to much of this than you can possibly imagine (or believe, I'll wager).

That aside...

The Republican Party consists primarily of White Folk of all walks of life, with some recent on-boarding by modest numbers of Hispanics.

The Democratic Party consists primarily of White Folk and just about all the Black Folk and a continuing majority of Hispanics and other races.

Translation: the White Vote in this country is split, whereas the Black Vote and the Hispanic Vote and the Other Vote are still largely owned by the Dems.

With the White Vote split the way it is, you cannot win without substantial support from Independents and substantial cross-over from Reagan Democrats.

And you're not going to get the support of Independents and Reagan Democrats after January 6, 2021... non-GOP folk realize that Rump is not to be trusted.

It's really that simple.

Keep the Rumpian Agenda... most of it is just what is needed... especially after the Idiot Dems have screwed things up so badly.

But if you run Rump again those Independents and Reagan Democrats are either going to pull the (D) lever in the voting booth or stay at home in 2024.

Act... while there is still time TO act.
I think you may be surprised to see the results of the Hispanic vote this time around.
Trump calling DeSantis "DeSanctimonious" yesterday literally changed my vote. If you have that little self control and are going to shit on one of the few rock stars in the GOP - then FUCK YOU ORANGE BLOB.
You just now realized that Trump is an immature, self-absorbed moron? 🤦‍♂️
4 million of those votes were in California. Take one state out of the equation and Trump even won the popular vote.

Saying one state should be able to nullify the rest is not a better argument.
California needs to be its own country, and take Oregon and Washington with them. Good riddance.
But that's what happens when you spend money and don't tax the rich to pay for it, dummy.

Personally, I think we need a combination of budget cuts and tax increases to be economically solvent...

Come on man, you predicted a blue wave.

Just stop.
DeSantis is clearly the sane one here. I’m not a Republican but he’s easily the better one.

I don’t think Trump and DeSantis like each other. DeSantis doesn’t kiss Trump‘s ass. For most other Republicans, that alone would make him a RINO by today’s standards.

DeSantis is playing this well. He’s going to lay-low, and play nice with Trump, even though he’s probably a Never Trumper.

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