Republicans determined to start a war.

You do go off the reservation, this is stupid.

1) No one wants to "invade" Mexico, fucking moron. We want to attack the drug cartels, not Mexico, idiot

2) They are attacking the US from Mexico. It's called self defense. We have the right to defend ourselves

This is massively stupid, but I guess you got your anarchy purity points in for the day. But if you want to go around arguing drug cartels should be able to continually attack us from a foreign country and we can't defend ourselves, you will just remind people that you are a joke.

And the Gipper would never have advocated empowering Mexican drug cartels, that's just you and Democrats.
Lol. You must now admit you’re uninformed AND A MORON. LOL.
So, you were in the military, doesn’t make you less a communist today.
Let me tell you something sonny boy, I fought in the Central Highlands 1966-67 and the only enemy I saw (in that part of the country were men and women from the non-existent "South Vietnam". So, if we were fighting against the North and we also fighting against the South who was it we were supposed to be "helping"? Oh yeah, that's right - The fake enclave created by the CIA in order to maintain the flow of expendable Military-Industrial Complex weaponry, ammunition, and body bags ... paid for by the American taxpayer.

You really should read something that will improve your knowledge instead of floundering in the sludge of ignorance. Try this instead:

And this:

That's right.

Nobody did. It never existed.

We'll see what the Mexicans say about your mental issues when you try to invade their country, Bunky. I've already contacted my comrades to tell them you're on the way. They laughed. They're still laughing. :auiqs.jpg:

Yes, the people of South Vietnam were fighting to be poor and enslaved like the people in your beloved North Vietnam, Comrade. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we were all enslaved like them? We could all cheer for our wealthy communist leaders as they starve us so they can be fabulously wealthy. They aren't taking you with them when you win, you'll be as poor and unfree as we are. But you can cheer them on! Nancy, Joe, keep stealing more wealth, we love you!!!!

Lol. You must now admit you’re uninformed AND A MORON. LOL.

Self defense is a basic human right. You failed anarchy 101. So now the truth comes out, you don't stand for no government, you stand for no rights. Democrat you are!

I had no idea what you're talking about, so I didn't answer your contrived inane question
Self defense is a basic human right. You failed anarchy 101. So now the truth comes out, you don't stand for no government, you stand for no rights. Democrat you are!

I had no idea what you're talking about, so I didn't answer your contrived inane question
Moron. Lol.
Moron. Lol.

You are gifted with words. That's what I'd have said if you were gifted with words. Turns out you're a loser anarchist who failed basic anarchy, the right to self defense
Yes, the people of South Vietnam were fighting to be poor and enslaved
You obviously never were in Vietnam to see the poor and enslaved in the South.
like the people in your beloved North Vietnam
Don't be obsured, Bunky.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if we were all enslaved like them? We could all cheer for our wealthy communist leaders as they starve us so they can be fabulously wealthy. They aren't taking you with them when you win, you'll be as poor and unfree as we are. But you can cheer them on! Nancy, Joe, keep stealing more wealth, we love you!!!!

Typical notes from the CIA-sponsored clapper board and repeated by the line of dufuses like yourself.
Bush and Cheney had to cherry pick intelligence to justify the US invasion of Iraq. Read Clean Break Strategy. See Operation Mass Appeal.

It's not like Democrats all pointed to the same intelligence. Oh wait, it is ...

W sucked, but your pathetic attempt to let Democrats off the hook for doing the same thing is just more of your Democrat pathetic immorality. Man up and own what you did, racist
You are gifted with words. That's what I'd have said if you were gifted with words. Turns out you're a loser anarchist who failed basic anarchy, the right to self defense
Just admit you’re uninformed. Your boy Desantis just told you he’d invade Mexico, and most of the other dumb Rs agreed with him.

I told you they’d invade Mexico, but you took offense and called me a moron. Alas you are the moron. Lol.
Just admit you’re uninformed. Your boy Desantis just told you he’d invade Mexico, and most of the other dumb Rs agreed with him.

I told you they’d invade Mexico, but you took offense and called me a moron. Alas you are the moron. Lol.

I'm uninformed? You're an anarchist who doesn't believe in the most basic human right, the right to self defense, and you're calling ME uninformed?

Let me tell you something sonny boy, I fought in the Central Highlands 1966-67 and the only enemy I saw (in that part of the country were men and women from the non-existent "South Vietnam". So, if we were fighting against the North and we also fighting against the South who was it we were supposed to be "helping"? Oh yeah, that's right - The fake enclave created by the CIA in order to maintain the flow of expendable Military-Industrial Complex weaponry, ammunition, and body bags ... paid for by the American taxpayer.

You really should read something that will improve your knowledge instead of floundering in the sludge of ignorance. Try this instead:

And this:

So, I’m supposed to be swayed by a columnist for anti war pubs?

were you a draftee?
Yeah, they weren't rich and free like they were in North Vietnam, tool
Don't foul words such as freedom in your mouth. Vietnam was preparing for their national Democratic election but the US invaded Vietnam and created a war instead ... and so Vietnam was denied freedom by the US.
Actually I'm kaz, not absurd
You are, nonetheless, absurd by your insinuations.
Yeah, Pravda is the real truth, Marx
Neither of these two videos is supported by Russia or by Communism. They are made by an American Marine. You should watch them and finally learn something.

I'm uninformed? You're an anarchist who doesn't believe in the most basic human right, the right to self defense, and you're calling ME uninformed?

Lol. Its not about me. It’s about you being uninformed. Just apologize for calling me a moron and we can be friends.
Last edited:
Don't foul words such as freedom in your mouth. Vietnam was preparing for their national Democratic election but the US invaded Vietnam and created a war instead ... and so Vietnam was denied freedom by the US.

You are, nonetheless, absurd by your insinuations.

Neither of these two videos is supported by Russia or by Communism. They are made by an American Marine. You should watch them and finally learn something.

My beloved uniform is not something your subversive ass can, or should be able to hide behind….
There are a lot of facts in those two video. It's the facts that ought to sway you, even if you don't like the Marine who presents them.

None of your business.
I’ll take that as a “yes”….Still bitter eh? Maybe you should have fled to Canada like your subversive pals…dummy.
Every Republican Candidate for President is promising Military action in Mexico. Unilaterally, and even on Day One.

Now. All of these folks are College Graduates. All of them have had some History Classes. And presumably they had at least one class on American History. So how is it that none of them seem to know Military Action in Mexico doesn’t seem to go well?

The second question is this. Do they really think the Mexicans will stand aside and welcome the Americans? Really?

If you thought Afghanistan was a quagmire that swallowed lives and treasure like nobodies business, just wait until we invade Mexico to get the cartels. That will consume money and men like you won’t believe.
/——/ We invade Mexico on Cinco de Mayo and hand out tequila and Coronas. We could take over the whole country before they realize it.

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