Republicans determined to start a war.

The notion of "South Vietnam"
The de facto split was the 17th parallel.
What do you mean by "defeat"
Vietnam was a French colony. I don't know what you are so defensive about. I agree with your assertion that the US entered the Vietnam conflict in 1954 using the domino theory -- however you are a bit short sighted as to what led up to the US involvement. I offered a source.
The de facto split was the 17th parallel.
You said Ho Chi Mihn initiated the split. I say no, he initiated no split. Now you claim it was initiated on the 17th parallel. By whom? Ho Chi Mihn? No. By the CIA. Let us get that straight, please.
I don't know what you are so defensive about.
How do you interpret setting you straight on facts as being "defensive"?
..... you are a bit short sighted as to what led up to the US involvement. I offered a source.
I know perfectly well the facts of that illegal invasion. If offering you the truth against American propaganda seems defensive to you then I guess it is you who feels personally offended by the lies my attached source has revealed. How does that work? Are you employed by the CIA?
The Tremendous Nation of Mexico has some severe problems. They need to address them for their own people, many Americans are too frightened just to cross the border and attend Ciudad Juarez's famed Donkey Shows.

Military action is one idea to help out the hombres south of the border.

I like the way the nation of El Salvador is handling their problems with gangs, maybe that can be a blueprint for Mexico.

Or maybe the US is the reason for their problems. Going in with the military will not solve the problem, did it solve the problem in Afghanistan? Nope.
Every Republican Candidate for President is promising Military action in Mexico. Unilaterally, and even on Day One.

Now. All of these folks are College Graduates. All of them have had some History Classes. And presumably they had at least one class on American History. So how is it that none of them seem to know Military Action in Mexico doesn’t seem to go well?

The second question is this. Do they really think the Mexicans will stand aside and welcome the Americans? Really?

If you thought Afghanistan was a quagmire that swallowed lives and treasure like nobodies business, just wait until we invade Mexico to get the cartels. That will consume money and men like you won’t believe.
Funny thing…the R pols talk about invading Mexico while simultaneously saying Putin’s a war criminal for invading Ukraine. :uhoh3: :uhoh3: :uhoh3: :wtf::wtf:
Yes, you could read an American propaganda history spin. Or you could visit or telephone your nearest Vietnam Embassy and they'll put you straighter than an arrow, Bonzo. They might even give you a history book.

Thank the lord you have Pravda to tell you the truth, comrade. And you just admitted what I said, you don't like South Vietnam. Not liking facts doesn't make them not facts, racist
Funny thing…the R pols talk about invading Mexico while simultaneously saying Putin’s a war criminal for invading Ukraine. :uhoh3: :uhoh3: :uhoh3: :wtf::wtf:

You do go off the reservation, this is stupid.

1) No one wants to "invade" Mexico, fucking moron. We want to attack the drug cartels, not Mexico, idiot

2) They are attacking the US from Mexico. It's called self defense. We have the right to defend ourselves

This is massively stupid, but I guess you got your anarchy purity points in for the day. But if you want to go around arguing drug cartels should be able to continually attack us from a foreign country and we can't defend ourselves, you will just remind people that you are a joke.

And the Gipper would never have advocated empowering Mexican drug cartels, that's just you and Democrats
Or maybe the US is the reason for their problems. Going in with the military will not solve the problem, did it solve the problem in Afghanistan? Nope.

The USA is NOT the reason for the problems of Mexico.

Mexico's problem is an out of control gang situation, where criminals are ruling the roost and terrorizing the people.

The idea of any military actions would be to smash the cartels to both bring a more peaceful situation in the Land of Tacos, as well as stop these banditos from peddling their poison here in America.

Any military action would be on the side of Mexico, not against them. If the Mexican Army wants to fight on the side of cartels, the US military shouldn't move in.
The USA is NOT the reason for the problems of Mexico.

Mexico's problem is an out of control gang situation

Don't agree with that, our laws are funding them at incredible levels. They are importing drugs, slavery and child sex because Biden and the Democrats are fine with that, Democrats are always fine with slavery, always have been. That is destabilizing Mexico and all the more why we should fix our mess and destroy them.

Thanks, Democrats!
Thank the lord you have Pravda to tell you the truth, comrade. And you just admitted what I said, you don't like South Vietnam. Not liking facts doesn't make them not facts, racist
There's no such country as South Vietnam. Take the pencil out of your ear, read the true events of history, go feed your dog, and stop dreaming about your plan to invade Mexico, Bunky.

Dick and Jane.jpg
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There's no such country as South Vietnam. Take the pencil out of your ear, read the true events of history, go feed your dog, and stop dreaming about your plan to invade Mexico, Bunky.

.View attachment 824522:

Yes, Comrade, and heil Hitler!

I'm not arguing with you whether water is wet or the sky is blue either Facts are facts, not ideology. Ideology is why you deny facts
No, Bunky, and "with us or against us"!

I'm not arguing against facts. I am arguing against you.
Well, since I am a freedom loving individual, reading your propaganda, I am certainly against your communist ass...."there is no south vietnam" fucking loser...
Well, since I am a freedom loving individual, reading your propaganda, I am certainly against your communist ass....
Only my communist ass? What about my communist dick, ears, eyes, and nose? They are all as communist as my DD-214.

"there is no south vietnam" fucking loser...
Well, you'd have to be a loser to believe there were two Vietnams.
Every Republican Candidate for President is promising Military action in Mexico. Unilaterally, and even on Day One.

Now. All of these folks are College Graduates. All of them have had some History Classes. And presumably they had at least one class on American History. So how is it that none of them seem to know Military Action in Mexico doesn’t seem to go well?

The second question is this. Do they really think the Mexicans will stand aside and welcome the Americans? Really?

If you thought Afghanistan was a quagmire that swallowed lives and treasure like nobodies business, just wait until we invade Mexico to get the cartels. That will consume money and men like you won’t believe.
Plus they are close enough to retaliate effectively and domestically on a regular basis.
Only my communist ass? What about my communist dick, ears, eyes, and nose? They are all as communist as my DD-214.

Well, you'd have to be a loser to believe there were two Vietnams.
So, you were in the military, doesn’t make you less a communist today.

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