Republicans determined to start a war.

What’s international law done for Ukraine? Tibet?
What's international law done for Irak? Bosnia? Afghanistan? Libya? Syria? Vietnam? Cambodia? Laos? Cuba? Grenada? Haiti? Panama? Iran? Ukraine? All of those nations (and more) have been illegally invaded by the United Snakes with impunity. The UN has its lips stuck to Washington's ass and has its thumbs up its own ass.
What's international law done for Irak? Bosnia? Afghanistan? Libya? Syria? Vietnam? Cambodia? Laos? Cuba? Grenada? Haiti? Panama? Iran? Ukraine? All of those nations (and more) have been illegally invaded by the United Snakes with impunity. The UN has its lips stuck to Washington's ass and has its thumbs up its own ass.
Good point!!!
Your UN is helpless and international law is bullshit!!!
Yes, stupid. Worse than stupid. Vietnam has always been one country.
Now your showing your true stupidity (always been one country). Typical Republican logic that just because one is call NV and the other SV that it always been one country. Vietnam war happened not because there was one country. It similar to North and South Korea. One was communist orientated and the other did not want to be communist.

Yes they had a short history of about 20 years when they were separated. Republic of Vietnam was a country during that time until reunification.

You really see what you want to see and base your knowledge on that.
Every Republican Candidate for President is promising Military action in Mexico. Unilaterally, and even on Day One.

Now. All of these folks are College Graduates. All of them have had some History Classes. And presumably they had at least one class on American History. So how is it that none of them seem to know Military Action in Mexico doesn’t seem to go well?

The second question is this. Do they really think the Mexicans will stand aside and welcome the Americans? Really?

If you thought Afghanistan was a quagmire that swallowed lives and treasure like nobodies business, just wait until we invade Mexico to get the cartels. That will consume money and men like you won’t believe.
How can you be so obtuse and hypocritical?.... Americans are dying because of Mexican drug cartels... no American has died by Russian hands in Ukraine.... yet you wan a war with Putin don't ya?.... insane is what you are....
How can you be so obtuse and hypocritical?.... Americans are dying because of Mexican drug cartels... no American has died by Russian hands in Ukraine.... yet you wan a war with Putin don't ya?.... insane is what you are....

Mexican Drug Cartels are a law enforcement issue. One the Mexican Army and Police are battling every day. I believe in supporting the Mexican Government in their efforts.

Want to end the drug war tomorrow? You can easily. Hell you can destroy the cartels in a month. Bombs and troops haven’t done it. How many Cartel leaders have we gotten in jail? And another just crops up. The cops round up the dealers and before they are done processing the arrests the corners are full of dealers again.

There is too much money involved to stop everyone from getting involved.

We have been fighting the drug war since I was a child. We’ve sunk Billions into it. We keep getting tougher and we keep losing.

Want to end it like we did the Criminal Gangs running bootleg Whiskey? Get tough law enforcement didn’t do it.
Mexican Drug Cartels are a law enforcement issue. One the Mexican Army and Police are battling every day. I believe in supporting the Mexican Government in their efforts.

Want to end the drug war tomorrow? You can easily. Hell you can destroy the cartels in a month. Bombs and troops haven’t done it. How many Cartel leaders have we gotten in jail? And another just crops up. The cops round up the dealers and before they are done processing the arrests the corners are full of dealers again.

There is too much money involved to stop everyone from getting involved.

We have been fighting the drug war since I was a child. We’ve sunk Billions into it. We keep getting tougher and we keep losing.

Want to end it like we did the Criminal Gangs running bootleg Whiskey? Get tough law enforcement didn’t do it.
This is a joke, right? How about, as a first step, take control of our borders back. Make the penalty for smuggling fentanyl summary execution. If you are found driving a car or big rig across the border loaded with fentanyl, BANG. I think the instances of these large smuggling events would be greatly reduced as the drivers discover they are DOA.
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Now your showing your true stupidity
No, I show my true stupidity on other subjects.
(always been one country). Typical Republican logic ...
Don't give me that "Republican" crap. Political bias has nothing to do with anything. I am a Vietnam Veteran.

that just because one is call NV and the other SV that it always been one country. Vietnam war happened not because there was one country. It similar to North and South Korea. One was communist orientated and the other did not want to be communist.
Pure bull shit. The US tried to turn Vietnam into 2 countries by sabotaging Vietnam's Democratic elections. In the end, it didn't matter because Vietnam remained one country.
You really see what you want to see and base your knowledge on that.
I saw what I saw, period. My knowledge is based on my experience while my boots were on the ground.

Now go to bed before you get a spanking.
This is a joke, right? How about, as a first step, take control of our borders back. Make the penalty for smuggling fentanyl summary execution. If you are found driving a car or big rig across the border, BANG. I think the instances of these large smuggling events would be greatly reduced as the drivers discover they are DOA.
Do you have any idea how many big rigs come bringing products American Companies make in Mexico? You would cut the American Economy in half in a week. You really are ignorant aren’t you?

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