Republicans determined to start a war.

Tell the map dude

How about the Encyclopedia?

Or Nations Online.

Bah. What do any of them know. We have a Racist dolt to set them straight.
How about the Encyclopedia?

Or Nations Online.

Bah. What do any of them know. We have a Racist dolt to set them straight.
Or the map I posted huh? Israel’s not in the Middle East?
Look let’s be serious. What happens when we bomb? Do you think Mexico is gonna just take it? At a minimum they’ll walk away from the border. You think you have an invasion now? Imagine it without the Army and the Federal Police there. Hundreds of uparmored pick up trucks blowing through the gates. Machine guns and even RPG’s fired at ICE agents.

Right now the Mexicans are taking the brunt of the fighting against the Cartels. If they stand aside you’ll see what an invasion looks like.

And if you think Cities and Towns will be spared away from the border? You do realize that there are more drug dealers and cartel members than there are cops right? If they go on offense in America like they do in Mexico, Baby look out.

There is only one solution that has a prayer of working. And this isn’t it.
In that case, the fix would be fairly simple: simply announce that any attempt to cross illegally would be fired on. Declare a no-mans land and enforce it with armed aircraft, machine guns, land mines, and Predators.
So why is the Mexican President opposed? That’s in the news story in the OP isn’t it?

At a guess? He's corrupt, or he's worried about getting killed. (Or both.)

Yes, all the Republican candidates are well-educated, but they know that the MAGA base are idiots.

I believe that the only one that seriously wants to invade Mexico is Ramaswamy. The others are just blowing wind.

BTW - The only time the U.S. invaded Mexico it was absolutely successful - though not justified at all.

Hypothetically, if the U.S. invaded Mexico, we would quickly take over the country and eliminate the cartels. However it would piss off the Mexican people and them we'd have to deal with an endless insurgency like we had in Iraq. When we finally withdrew Mexican/American relations would be permanently ruined and Mexico would become a client state of China or Russia (if Russia exists at that point).

Invading Mexico is a really, really bad idea. It doesn't surprise me that Idiot MAGA Republicans support it.

Just a small piece is needed. A mile or two, on the border, to fortify and keep the illegal aliens out.
They object. In fact the President of Mexico has ruled out any such action. Period.

It is interesting. You and your Ilk refer to individual Illegal Aliens as an Invasion and can’t imagine why another nation would object to actual Military Invasion.

I don't care.

And when Mexico objects then what?

Did you read the article posted with the OP?

They simply need proper incentives...a total ban on sending money to Mexico would probably do it in a week.

And how did that big military work out in the sparsely populated Afghanistan? I seem to remember we ran for the exit a couple years ago. After twenty years and 2,400 dead and another 20,000 wounded, and of course nearly a Trillion Dollars.

I know the Popular RW view is that Biden bungled it. Other than remaining and continuing to prop up the Government there, I’m not sure how it could have played out any other way.
It wasn't done properly. Done correctly, it would have been done in six months.
Yeah. The resentment on that continues today. How did the search for Ponco Villa go? How about Veracruz? In both of those cases we left after giving up. We accomplished nothing. We lost troops and money for zero gain.

Because of the Mexican American War, the following factions would oppose us in Mexico if we went.

The Cartels. The Army. The Police, oh and let’s not forget the Citizens. Everybody would oppose us there. Are you ready for an insurgency that lasted twenty years before we scrambled to leave like Saigon or Kabul?
The US gained 500,000 acres with the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo as a result of the Mexican American War. I wouldn't call that coming away with nothing. Now, Somalia and Kosovo, Syria and Ukraine WERE a waste of time, lives and money. Oh, I forgot, you're blind to them because they show that the democrats couldn't manage a war -- or a withdrawal from one, as Afghanistan proved.
The US has no intention of a war with Mexico. This is more democrat panic porn. The conservatives in this country simply want secure borders--no fentanyl, human trafficking, or murder. All anti democrat stances.
The end result was essentially a given.

It was like a Dam breaking. Best case scenario you can delay the breaking of the Dam, or perhaps slow the process, but it is going to fail. And the smartest course of action is to run.

The Afghan army wasn’t going to fight. They surrendered as soon as the Taliban showed up. They were not going to oppose the Religious Leaders.

So what could be done? A slowly shrinking circle for our departure? The collapse takes weeks instead of days? How long our trips would be able to hold out if or when the Afghan Army joined the Taliban in attacking us?

Potentially with a full Alamo situation. Troops cut off from escape and surrounded. Making their heroic last stand.

Better to run. Better all the way around. The principle is Escape and Evade.
Go in, wipe out everything, and leave. No nation building, no occupation, just a swift, brutal, and compkete annihilation.
I don't care.

They simply need proper incentives...a total ban on sending money to Mexico would probably do it in a week.

It wasn't done properly. Done correctly, it would have been done in six months.
Cross the water and start saying stop turn and retreat or die
No demofk has stated when Ukraine became a state.

The demofks say fk Texas, Arizona and Hawaii but love them Ukraine

Guess who has ties to Ukraine?

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