Republicans, do you know what "empirical" means?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
last stop for sanity before reaching the south
EDIT - Because apparently empiricism also means something fucking crazy... in fact just go away from this thread. Let it die. Despite my passionate argument :(

Empiricism: The objective observation of the phenomena of interest; objective observations are "independent of the individual prejudices, tastes, and private opinions of the scientist. Results of empirical methods are objective in that they are open to anyone's observation and do not depend on the subjective belief of the individual scientist."

This is how real science works:

Empiricism involves creating a hypothesis, observing the impact of the independent variable, and determining a conclusion based upon the data and your observations.

From that you can establish a theory. For that theory to be considered sound it must include prediction (the implementation of the independent variable has an effect), replication (upon removal of the independent variable it's effect is lost), and verification (reintroduction of the independent variable results in the same previous effect).

Now for the crux of the issue:

Climate change, accelerated global warming, whatever the hell you want to call it.

Levels of carbon in the atmosphere are the independent variable in the case of this empirical experiment. We have extensive evidence from ice cores, fossil records, and geologic records about the cycle of change in the earth's climate dating back to millions of years. What has been observed is that the cycles of climate change happen to coincide with levels of carbon in the atmosphere. The independent variable has been inserted, removed, and reinserted many times. And observations are that climate has changed along the same schedule.

Do not think you're super smart because you read an article that the climate changes naturally! Everyone knows that!

What has yet to be explained is whether or not levels of carbon in the atmosphere are a causation for that change.

The right would have us halt all research on the matter because who knows; they don't care, they want more oil, I don't know.

I have no problem with people being against regulation because, frankly, other countries are not regulating themselves and at this point any regulation won't have much of an impact anyways.

But STOP denying the science behind it. No on is making this up. Yes some people have an agenda. Guess what, everyone has an agenda.

But the only way to determine whether carbon levels really are fucking things up will be if things get fucked up. And then it's too late. So open your ears and minds and try to think for a second that there is an actual reason why people are working on this.

And to all the flaming assholes who are going to call me a libtard and other wonderfully creative things I'll give a pre-emptive FUCK YOU because I'm off to the bars. I'll be back later to drunkenly yell at you.
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Tell us then, Mr. Smart Guy, why Obama didn't sign the DOHA Agreement?

Oh you didn't know about that?
This is how real science works:

Empiricism involves creating a hypothesis, observing the impact of the independent variable, and determining a conclusion based upon the data and your observations.

From that you can establish a theory. For that theory to be considered sound it must include prediction (the implementation of the independent variable has an effect), replication (upon removal of the independent variable it's effect is lost), and verification (reintroduction of the independent variable results in the same previous effect).

Now for the crux of the issue:

Climate change, accelerated global warming, whatever the hell you want to call it.

Levels of carbon in the atmosphere are the independent variable in the case of this empirical experiment. We have extensive evidence from ice cores, fossil records, and geologic records about the cycle of change in the earth's climate dating back to millions of years. What has been observed is that the cycles of climate change happen to coincide with levels of carbon in the atmosphere. The independent variable has been inserted, removed, and reinserted many times. And observations are that climate has changed along the same schedule.

Do not think you're super smart because you read an article that the climate changes naturally! Everyone knows that!

What has yet to be explained is whether or not levels of carbon in the atmosphere are a causation for that change.

The right would have us halt all research on the matter because who knows; they don't care, they want more oil, I don't know.

I have no problem with people being against regulation because, frankly, other countries are not regulating themselves and at this point any regulation won't have much of an impact anyways.

But STOP denying the science behind it. No on is making this up. Yes some people have an agenda. Guess what, everyone has an agenda.

But the only way to determine whether carbon levels really are fucking things up will be if things get fucked up. And then it's too late. So open your ears and minds and try to think for a second that there is an actual reason why people are working on this.

And to all the flaming assholes who are going to call me a libtard and other wonderfully creative things I'll give a pre-emptive FUCK YOU because I'm off to the bars. I'll be back later to drunkenly yell at you.

This is the dumbest thing that has ever been posted on this forum. Science rejects empiricism because empirical evidence is based solely on what your senses tell you. Aristotle was famous for using empirical evidence, and he concluded that the Earth is the motionless center of the universe. It wasn't until Copernicus came along and clearly demonstrated that empirical evidence is wrong, and that the Earth has to revolve around the sun, that science even began to function as a discipline.

This makes your entire argument about the science behind climate change not worth the time it took you to type it.

Want to tell me again that the right wing is stupid?
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The right wing is stupit because.
Ohh it is just too late and my finnners are tired to type the 20 pages of reasons.
George Bush
Sarah Palin
and on and on.
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Are you people fucking kidding me.

Science rejects empiricism

^ Sorry Quantum DUMBASS. I guess I overestimated members of this forum


uscitizen? I wish you were elsewherecitizen.

Empirical evidence is rejected by science? Okay I guess my original question is answered. Republicans don't know anything about empiricism. The senses? Really? What the fuck are you talking about? I guess you went to instead of actually having ever had contact with empirical anything. You give the most simplistic possible response to completely denigrate the root of all science. Scientific method? Is that stupid too?

Fuck you a thousand times Quantam idiot.
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Here this is from wikipedia. A bad source I know but eh.

Empiricism in the philosophy of science emphasizes evidence, especially as discovered in experiments. It is a fundamental part of the scientific method that all hypotheses and theories must be tested against observations of the natural world rather than resting solely on a priori reasoning, intuition, or revelation.
Are you people fucking kidding me.

Science rejects empiricism
^ Sorry Quantum DUMBASS. I guess I overestimated members of this forum


uscitizen? I wish you were elsewherecitizen.

Empirical evidence is rejected by science? Okay I guess my original question is answered. Republicans don't know anything about empiricism. The senses? Really? What the fuck are you talking about? I guess you went to instead of actually having ever had contact with empirical anything. You give the most simplistic possible response to completely denigrate the root of all science. Scientific method? Is that stupid too?

Fuck you a thousand times Quantam idiot.

I thought that pointing out the obvious might get you to admit you made a mistake, instead you doubled down on stupid.

former school of medical practice founded on experience without the aid of science or theory
b : quackery, charlatanry

Empiricism - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Are you people fucking kidding me.

Science rejects empiricism
^ Sorry Quantum DUMBASS. I guess I overestimated members of this forum


uscitizen? I wish you were elsewherecitizen.

Empirical evidence is rejected by science? Okay I guess my original question is answered. Republicans don't know anything about empiricism. The senses? Really? What the fuck are you talking about? I guess you went to instead of actually having ever had contact with empirical anything. You give the most simplistic possible response to completely denigrate the root of all science. Scientific method? Is that stupid too?

Fuck you a thousand times Quantam idiot.

I thought that pointing out the obvious might get you to admit you made a mistake, instead you doubled down on stupid.

former school of medical practice founded on experience without the aid of science or theory
b : quackery, charlatanry

Empiricism - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Well fuck. This thread failed. QW you know of a different version of empiricism than I do. Empiricism as I know it is the method by which theories are established. I still think you should look at the definition I edited into the OP. That's what I go off of.
You are speaking of the scientific method, TheOldSchool. The scientific method relies on testing and measuring and running experiments rather than what the preacher said.

Fossils are measured for the amount of decay of the.carbon-14 isotope found in all organic material. The amount left behind tells scientists how old the fossil is.

Conversely, fossils can't be over 6,000 years old because creation occurred for everything at the same time. This means cavemen could ride dinosaurs. Why? Because the Bible and the preacher say so.

Science uses empirical evidence based on experimentation and scientific measurements with the use of replication of the results to supply reliability of the conclusions.

And the Bible uses writings of some men of a nomadic Semetic tribe. An old story.

Regards from Rosie
You are speaking of the scientific method, TheOldSchool. The scientific method relies on testing and measuring and running experiments rather than what the preacher said.

Fossils are measured for the amount of decay of the.carbon-14 isotope found in all organic material. The amount left behind tells scientists how old the fossil is.

Conversely, fossils can't be over 6,000 years old because creation occurred for everything at the same time. This means cavemen could ride dinosaurs. Why? Because the Bible and the preacher say so.

Science uses empirical evidence based on experimentation and scientific measurements with the use of replication of the results to supply reliability of the conclusions.

And the Bible uses writings of some men of a nomadic Semetic tribe. An old story.

Regards from Rosie

Well the people on this thread are just looking up the word for the first time. They don't know about it's connection to the scientific method. Is this worth bringing up again in a different thread and format?
Here this is from wikipedia. A bad source I know but eh.

Empiricism in the philosophy of science emphasizes evidence, especially as discovered in experiments. It is a fundamental part of the scientific method that all hypotheses and theories must be tested against observations of the natural world rather than resting solely on a priori reasoning, intuition, or revelation.

You are speaking of the scientific method, TheOldSchool. The scientific method relies on testing and measuring and running experiments rather than what the preacher said.

Fossils are measured for the amount of decay of the.carbon-14 isotope found in all organic material. The amount left behind tells scientists how old the fossil is.

Conversely, fossils can't be over 6,000 years old because creation occurred for everything at the same time. This means cavemen could ride dinosaurs. Why? Because the Bible and the preacher say so.

Science uses empirical evidence based on experimentation and scientific measurements with the use of replication of the results to supply reliability of the conclusions.

And the Bible uses writings of some men of a nomadic Semetic tribe. An old story.

Regards from Rosie

Well the people on this thread are just looking up the word for the first time. They don't know about it's connection to the scientific method. Is this worth bringing up again in a different thread and format?

Perhaps, sir. I am unsure if the getting science wrong is due more to scientific illiteracy or by wrong concepts about science by religionists. Or equal parts of both.

A thread on what the scientific method is for and how it can be used as to AGW might be worth your while. If you have the stomach for it. :)

Regards from Rosie
This is how real science works:

Empiricism involves creating a hypothesis, observing the impact of the independent variable, and determining a conclusion based upon the data and your observations.

From that you can establish a theory. For that theory to be considered sound it must include prediction (the implementation of the independent variable has an effect), replication (upon removal of the independent variable it's effect is lost), and verification (reintroduction of the independent variable results in the same previous effect).

Now for the crux of the issue:

Climate change, accelerated global warming, whatever the hell you want to call it.

Levels of carbon in the atmosphere are the independent variable in the case of this empirical experiment. We have extensive evidence from ice cores, fossil records, and geologic records about the cycle of change in the earth's climate dating back to millions of years. What has been observed is that the cycles of climate change happen to coincide with levels of carbon in the atmosphere. The independent variable has been inserted, removed, and reinserted many times. And observations are that climate has changed along the same schedule.

Do not think you're super smart because you read an article that the climate changes naturally! Everyone knows that!

What has yet to be explained is whether or not levels of carbon in the atmosphere are a causation for that change.

The right would have us halt all research on the matter because who knows; they don't care, they want more oil, I don't know.

I have no problem with people being against regulation because, frankly, other countries are not regulating themselves and at this point any regulation won't have much of an impact anyways.

But STOP denying the science behind it. No on is making this up. Yes some people have an agenda. Guess what, everyone has an agenda.

But the only way to determine whether carbon levels really are fucking things up will be if things get fucked up. And then it's too late. So open your ears and minds and try to think for a second that there is an actual reason why people are working on this.

And to all the flaming assholes who are going to call me a libtard and other wonderfully creative things I'll give a pre-emptive FUCK YOU because I'm off to the bars. I'll be back later to drunkenly yell at you.

This is the dumbest thing that has ever been posted on this forum. Science rejects empiricism because empirical evidence is based solely on what your senses tell you. Aristotle was famous for using empirical evidence, and he concluded that the Earth is the motionless center of the universe. It wasn't until Copernicus came along and clearly demonstrated that empirical evidence is wrong, and that the Earth has to revolve around the sun, that science even began to function as a discipline.

This makes your entire argument about the science behind climate change not worth the time it took you to type it.

Want to tell me again that the right wing is stupid?

Wrongo, amigo.

Using Empirical evidence is an approach to understanding that demands evidence found in the physical universe.

As opposed to RATIONALISM which is an approach to understanding based ENTIRELY of mind experiments.
Hey this is as empirical as it gets..............

A pic shot out in front of my house this am........very weird snow formation after the blizzard here in New York 10 days ago...........


Might appear trivial but really, what more proof do you need abuot global warming at this point??? Fucked up never seen before snow formations......giant snowmen being made.........shit like this make it a slam dunk.........
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EDIT - Because apparently empiricism also means something fucking crazy... in fact just go away from this thread. Let it die. Despite my passionate argument :(

Empiricism: The objective observation of the phenomena of interest; objective observations are "independent of the individual prejudices, tastes, and private opinions of the scientist. Results of empirical methods are objective in that they are open to anyone's observation and do not depend on the subjective belief of the individual scientist."

This is how real science works:

Empiricism involves creating a hypothesis, observing the impact of the independent variable, and determining a conclusion based upon the data and your observations.

From that you can establish a theory. For that theory to be considered sound it must include prediction (the implementation of the independent variable has an effect), replication (upon removal of the independent variable it's effect is lost), and verification (reintroduction of the independent variable results in the same previous effect).

Now for the crux of the issue:

Climate change, accelerated global warming, whatever the hell you want to call it.

Levels of carbon in the atmosphere are the independent variable in the case of this empirical experiment. We have extensive evidence from ice cores, fossil records, and geologic records about the cycle of change in the earth's climate dating back to millions of years. What has been observed is that the cycles of climate change happen to coincide with levels of carbon in the atmosphere. The independent variable has been inserted, removed, and reinserted many times. And observations are that climate has changed along the same schedule.

Do not think you're super smart because you read an article that the climate changes naturally! Everyone knows that!

What has yet to be explained is whether or not levels of carbon in the atmosphere are a causation for that change.

The right would have us halt all research on the matter because who knows; they don't care, they want more oil, I don't know.

I have no problem with people being against regulation because, frankly, other countries are not regulating themselves and at this point any regulation won't have much of an impact anyways.

But STOP denying the science behind it. No on is making this up. Yes some people have an agenda. Guess what, everyone has an agenda.

But the only way to determine whether carbon levels really are fucking things up will be if things get fucked up. And then it's too late. So open your ears and minds and try to think for a second that there is an actual reason why people are working on this.

And to all the flaming assholes who are going to call me a libtard and other wonderfully creative things I'll give a pre-emptive FUCK YOU because I'm off to the bars. I'll be back later to drunkenly yell at you.

you have the question mixed up. the CO2 is not increased because of natural causes but because of mankind's burning of fossil fuels. previous natural responses may be very different because this is a disturbance that may be relatively unknown in the past.

it is very likely that nature will respond to this disturbance in the same manner as it typically handles most other disturbances; natural homeostatic mechanisms will kick in to ameliorate the variances. of course we cannot be sure what the result is, but wild swings by positive feedbacks is highly unlikely to be caused by a minor change in a trace gas.

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