Republicans, do you support Texas' Republican governor's decision to shut down bars?

Do you agree with Greg Abbot's decision to close bars?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 50.0%
  • No. Liberation is imperative

    Votes: 5 50.0%

  • Total voters
Conservatives are in a dilemma here because they support the "liberation" of states and on the other hand this member of their party is shutting down bars after reopening them.
I will post a phone so you can state your opinion.

He's reacting to the situation, based on the data he is getting.

He isn't going back to full lockdown, just pumping the brakes.
And in the process destroying peoples lives.

Governors have the power to do this, regardless of if we like it our not. Quarantine precautions including limits on areas of assembly are known government powers.

Better to pump the brakes then have to stop and turn off the car.
Ok but he should not have done it. He is destroying lives.

This whole situation is destroying lives, the goal is to find the balance between economic recovery and slowing the spread of this thing to the health care system can handle it.
Conservatives are in a dilemma here because they support the "liberation" of states and on the other hand this member of their party is shutting down bars after reopening them.
I will post a phone so you can state your opinion.

We're in a dilemma because you say so? WTF is wrong with you?
Actually, I told you why you're in a dilemma, and now you're playing dumb, pretending that I didn't tell you why you right wing nuts are in a dilemma.
read the thread and stop playing dumb about your love for "liberation" and your love for right wing governors

Fuck off PROG, you didn't tell anyone dick. Conservatives don't stink I mean think like you assholes, most of us have spines. I could give flying fuck what political party introduces bad legislation. On the flip side, your party cannot be defended, let me know when you drop your balls and call em who they are.
Your English is so bad. Are you a Russian?
And now he starts to derail his own topic.
Just go vote in my poll against the Republican guy and shut up.
I did vote in it liar.
Thanks. The fringiness of the kooks in here is in display. Just what I wanted my poll to show. Even Republican governors are Marx compared to you loons.
Us loons believe in peoples rights you lying scum.
Getting drunk at a bar during a pandemic isn't a right.
Conservatives are in a dilemma here because they support the "liberation" of states and on the other hand this member of their party is shutting down bars after reopening them.
I will post a phone so you can state your opinion.

He's reacting to the situation, based on the data he is getting.

He isn't going back to full lockdown, just pumping the brakes.
And in the process destroying peoples lives.

Governors have the power to do this, regardless of if we like it our not. Quarantine precautions including limits on areas of assembly are known government powers.

Better to pump the brakes then have to stop and turn off the car.
Ok but he should not have done it. He is destroying lives.

This whole situation is destroying lives, the goal is to find the balance between economic recovery and slowing the spread of this thing to the health care system can handle it.
It's no secret I guess that I think it's a hoax. At the very best it's no worse than the flu and we don't destroy people over that.
We are in the "End Days," because Abbott said closing back up was the "Final Solution!"
Conservatives are in a dilemma here because they support the "liberation" of states and on the other hand this member of their party is shutting down bars after reopening them.
I will post a phone so you can state your opinion.

He's reacting to the situation, based on the data he is getting.

He isn't going back to full lockdown, just pumping the brakes.
And in the process destroying peoples lives.

Governors have the power to do this, regardless of if we like it our not. Quarantine precautions including limits on areas of assembly are known government powers.

Better to pump the brakes then have to stop and turn off the car.
Ok but he should not have done it. He is destroying lives.

This whole situation is destroying lives, the goal is to find the balance between economic recovery and slowing the spread of this thing to the health care system can handle it.
It's no secret I guess that I think it's a hoax. At the very best it's no worse than the flu and we don't destroy people over that.

Even if it's a bad flu, in the beginning you were seeing a 3%-4% mortality estimate, and if they were wrong about it in the wrong direction we could have had a serious problem.

My issue is that the re-opening has been to slow, but I also have to give leeway to them to be flexible in pausing any restarts. The issue here is that by imposing the shutdowns, these governors have effectively "bought" the consequences of all their upcoming actions. It's how people perceive things.
Why would conservatives be in a dilemma? The governor has exceeded his authority. Texans should take him to task for it. That does not mean that they'll support the loony left in anything.
Can't wait for a loony right wing guy to lose yet another lawsuit pretending that the governor could not do legally this.
That is the gop's dilemma. IF the state doesn't have the power to order bars (and salons and restaurants) closed, what about mega churches that want to hold "super spreader" services?

We can't mandate vaccination either, btw.

Are we simply helpless to protect ourselves? Wearing a mask doesn't protect me. The only way we have to prevent a million deaths is to wear masks, socially distance and wash. I don't think the Founders intended that result.
Why would conservatives be in a dilemma? The governor has exceeded his authority. Texans should take him to task for it. That does not mean that they'll support the loony left in anything.
The OP sees things in black and white. While there is a spike, measures have to be taken. Democrat governors haven't done very well at all.
Conservatives are in a dilemma here because they support the "liberation" of states and on the other hand this member of their party is shutting down bars after reopening them.
I will post a phone so you can state your opinion.

We're in a dilemma because you say so? WTF is wrong with you?
Actually, I told you why you're in a dilemma, and now you're playing dumb, pretending that I didn't tell you why you right wing nuts are in a dilemma.
read the thread and stop playing dumb about your love for "liberation" and your love for right wing governors

Fuck off PROG, you didn't tell anyone dick. Conservatives don't stink I mean think like you assholes, most of us have spines. I could give flying fuck what political party introduces bad legislation. On the flip side, your party cannot be defended, let me know when you drop your balls and call em who they are.
Your English is so bad. Are you a Russian?
And now he starts to derail his own topic.
Just go vote in my poll against the Republican guy and shut up.
I did vote in it liar.
Thanks. The fringiness of the kooks in here is in display. Just what I wanted my poll to show. Even Republican governors are Marx compared to you loons.
Us loons believe in peoples rights you lying scum.
Getting drunk at a bar during a pandemic isn't a right.
Never said it was liar.
Why would conservatives be in a dilemma? The governor has exceeded his authority. Texans should take him to task for it. That does not mean that they'll support the loony left in anything.
Can't wait for a loony right wing guy to lose yet another lawsuit pretending that the governor could not do legally this.
That is the gop's dilemma. IF the state doesn't have the power to order bars (and salons and restaurants) closed, what about mega churches that want to hold "super spreader" services?

We can't mandate vaccination either, btw.

Are we simply helpless to protect ourselves? Wearing a mask doesn't protect me. The only way we have to prevent a million deaths is to wear masks, socially distance and wash. I don't think the Founders intended that result.

Wow, I've seen some dumb posts, but this one is for the ages.

What about Mega churches? They cannot make any law that interferes with the right of the citizen to peaceably organize and worship. The government does not get a say in HOW a person worships.

Correct, you cannot mandate vaccinations unless you want to open that door. Roe v Wade anyone?

How do you protect yourself?

You stay home, wrap your windows with cellophane and spray bleach on anything delivered to your house; if you are that fucking scared.
Why do liberal cucks think that all Republicans represent all conservatives in everything they do?

Liberals, you are the mindless sheep. Not conservatives.

Although I would have left out the "cucks" portion of your post, I absolutely agree with this. Lately, I have frequently found my self at odds with the state of the Republican party and today's conservatism. Granted, I have been a moderate most of my life, but still...

The interesting thing is, on the occasions I have voiced my differences I find that I am attacked as a Liberal...

Is it any wonder that I have registered as undeclared...
Why would conservatives be in a dilemma? The governor has exceeded his authority. Texans should take him to task for it. That does not mean that they'll support the loony left in anything.
Can't wait for a loony right wing guy to lose yet another lawsuit pretending that the governor could not do legally this.
That is the gop's dilemma. IF the state doesn't have the power to order bars (and salons and restaurants) closed, what about mega churches that want to hold "super spreader" services?

We can't mandate vaccination either, btw.

Are we simply helpless to protect ourselves? Wearing a mask doesn't protect me. The only way we have to prevent a million deaths is to wear masks, socially distance and wash. I don't think the Founders intended that result.

Wow, I've seen some dumb posts, but this one is for the ages.

What about Mega churches? They cannot make any law that interferes with the right of the citizen to peaceably organize and worship. The government does not get a say in HOW a person worships.

Correct, you cannot mandate vaccinations unless you want to open that door. Roe v Wade anyone?

How do you protect yourself?

You stay home, wrap your windows with cellophane and spray bleach on anything delivered to your house; if you are that fucking scared.
What does Roe v. Wade have to do with this. That case was just about people making personal decisions for themselves, without government interference, and people making their own decisions about what religion, if any, that they will follow, again, without government interference.
Why would conservatives be in a dilemma? The governor has exceeded his authority. Texans should take him to task for it. That does not mean that they'll support the loony left in anything.
Can't wait for a loony right wing guy to lose yet another lawsuit pretending that the governor could not do legally this.
That is the gop's dilemma. IF the state doesn't have the power to order bars (and salons and restaurants) closed, what about mega churches that want to hold "super spreader" services?

We can't mandate vaccination either, btw.

Are we simply helpless to protect ourselves? Wearing a mask doesn't protect me. The only way we have to prevent a million deaths is to wear masks, socially distance and wash. I don't think the Founders intended that result.

Wow, I've seen some dumb posts, but this one is for the ages.

What about Mega churches? They cannot make any law that interferes with the right of the citizen to peaceably organize and worship. The government does not get a say in HOW a person worships.

Correct, you cannot mandate vaccinations unless you want to open that door. Roe v Wade anyone?

How do you protect yourself?

You stay home, wrap your windows with cellophane and spray bleach on anything delivered to your house; if you are that fucking scared.
What does Roe v. Wade have to do with this. That case was just about people making personal decisions for themselves, without government interference, and people making their own decisions about what religion, if any, that they will follow, again, without government interference.
They are deciding they want to live without government interference.
Conservatives are in a dilemma here because they support the "liberation" of states and on the other hand this member of their party is shutting down bars after reopening them.
I will post a phone so you can state your opinion.

He's reacting to the situation, based on the data he is getting.

He isn't going back to full lockdown, just pumping the brakes.
Not yet, anyway.....

But if the data shows it is needed, then he will shut down again.... his duty is to keep his citizens as safe as possible in his state.... not to kill as many as possible.... without some security of the market place being safe, it won't come back to full life anyway....
Conservatives are in a dilemma here because they support the "liberation" of states and on the other hand this member of their party is shutting down bars after reopening them.
I will post a phone so you can state your opinion.

He's reacting to the situation, based on the data he is getting.

He isn't going back to full lockdown, just pumping the brakes.
Not yet, anyway.....

But if the data shows it is needed, then he will shut down again.... his duty is to keep his citizens as safe as possible in his state.... not to kill as many as possible.... without some security of the market place being safe, it won't come back to full life anyway....

the problem is you may kill some people by keeping lockdowns in full effect, or at least ruin them. Nothing exists in a vacuum, and right now no one is reporting massive increases in death, but just infections.

maybe its because the people getting infected are the younger ones, i.e. the ones we need to get infected, get over it, and start forming herd immunity.
Shutting down the border crossing seems like a good idea but who gave the governor the authority to shut down bars at a certain time? Doesn't that call for a vote?

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