Republicans don't care about issues that actually matter

Look at yourselves lefties. In the last eight years we have been engaged in a a series of military conflicts that the president either didn't care about or didn't want to win and the left's priority is global warming.. A thousand citizens were murdered in Chicago last year and the left worries about income disparity. Female democrat members of congress decided to dress up like the KKK last night to listen to the President's speech and the low information angry left wonders what the hell happened last November.
Anthropogenic Global Warming, aka: Climate Change, aka: Climate is far from settled. It will never be settled as long as the AGW proponents keep altering data to support their theory, or as long as their computer models will not work in reverse or as long as their predictions fail laughably, etc., atc.

Yes, we have always have tornadoes throughout the midwest on March 1st.
Anthropogenic Global Warming, aka: Climate Change, aka: Climate is far from settled. It will never be settled as long as the AGW proponents keep altering data to support their theory, or as long as their computer models will not work in reverse or as long as their predictions fail laughably, etc., atc.

Yes, we have always have tornadoes throughout the midwest on March 1st. should google this before you post you don't look fucking stupid...

From NOAA.....on the average number of Tornados by month going back to 1989..........and yes...there are tornadoes in the midwest in February and March.....and January genius...

There are were an average of 3 tornados in March in Illinois going back to 1989 genius...

SPC Average Number of Tornadoes per State by Month
Anthropogenic Global Warming, aka: Climate Change, aka: Climate is far from settled. It will never be settled as long as the AGW proponents keep altering data to support their theory, or as long as their computer models will not work in reverse or as long as their predictions fail laughably, etc., atc.

Yes, we have always have tornadoes throughout the midwest on March 1st.
Weather worries you why?
1) The settled science on climate change
''We are in an interglacial cycle. Our present temperature is well below the peak temperatures of previous interglacial cycles. We are within the norm, dumbass.


Global Warming : Feature Articles
Lol you dumb shit. How about you read the last sentence of that article? The climate has changed through out the millennia. The difference now is the extraordinary rate. A rate starting in the early 20th century.
Bull fucking shit. The resolution does not exist to make that comparison. Do you know how many data points they have for previous interglacial cycles? Two for each one at most. The comparison you are trying to make cannot be done.

View attachment 114922
lol again your dumbass ignored that last sentence. No one ever said the climate didn't go through cycles through out history. The difference now is the extreme rate. Get a fucking clue.
Primarily because they generally aren't smart enough to understand them. Here's a list:

1) The settled science on climate change

2) The harm of the income disparity on the poor and middle class

3) The high cost of healthcare services in comparison to other nations

4) Our crumbling infrastructure system (our electrical grid will one day fail and it will be catastrophic)

5) The drain on the economy from corporate welfare

6) Republicans in office not giving a shit about their voters.

Point # 2 is retarded. If everyone made the same amount of money it would only be because of some massive government manipulation. That's just not how things work. Typically when people are young they are poorer because they have not been working that long. As they get older they will gather new skills, learn to save etc.

People who make better educational choices will probably make a whole lot more money than someone who goes through life not quite sure what they want to do, but there is a natural progression to all these things just like the disparity you see in nature that makes the eco-system work properly.

If there was equality in nature it would not function. The only perfect equality you will ever find is in Communist or socialist theory.
Primarily because they generally aren't smart enough to understand them. Here's a list:

1) The settled science on climate change

2) The harm of the income disparity on the poor and middle class

3) The high cost of healthcare services in comparison to other nations

4) Our crumbling infrastructure system (our electrical grid will one day fail and it will be catastrophic)

5) The drain on the economy from corporate welfare

6) Republicans in office not giving a shit about their voters.

Point 3 was increased greatly by Obama Care, so yeah most people who have to pay for their healthcare are concerned about that one. Well, maybe not federal employees so much
Anthropogenic Global Warming, aka: Climate Change, aka: Climate is far from settled. It will never be settled as long as the AGW proponents keep altering data to support their theory, or as long as their computer models will not work in reverse or as long as their predictions fail laughably, etc., atc.

Yes, we have always have tornadoes throughout the midwest on March 1st.

More from the high priests of the man made global warming should pay attention to what your priests wouldn't want to be declared a heretic by disputing their claims....would you?

U.S. Tornado Climatology | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) formerly known as National Climatic Data Center (NCDC)
Primarily because they generally aren't smart enough to understand them. Here's a list:

1) The settled science on climate change

2) The harm of the income disparity on the poor and middle class

3) The high cost of healthcare services in comparison to other nations

4) Our crumbling infrastructure system (our electrical grid will one day fail and it will be catastrophic)

5) The drain on the economy from corporate welfare

6) Republicans in office not giving a shit about their voters.

Science is never settled. Anyone who believes that is a moron.

Income disparity is not harmful per se, but elitist philosophies are.

High cost but far better outcomes. How much is your life worth?

Infrastructure has been ignored for decades. Typical government attitude is "wait till it breaks, till then here are some bucks to you poor people, vote for me!"

Corporate welfare is indeed a huge problem. The dems added to it.

The dems didn't give a shit about their constituents which is why they LOST...dumbass!
1) The settled science on climate change
''We are in an interglacial cycle. Our present temperature is well below the peak temperatures of previous interglacial cycles. We are within the norm, dumbass.


Global Warming : Feature Articles
Lol you dumb shit. How about you read the last sentence of that article? The climate has changed through out the millennia. The difference now is the extraordinary rate. A rate starting in the early 20th century.
Bull fucking shit. The resolution does not exist to make that comparison. Do you know how many data points they have for previous interglacial cycles? Two for each one at most. The comparison you are trying to make cannot be done.

View attachment 114922
lol again your dumbass ignored that last sentence. No one ever said the climate didn't go through cycles through out history. The difference now is the extreme rate. Get a fucking clue.
Were you to ignorant to understand that the resolution of past interglacial's was 2000 years? And that the same rates of change were shown prior to industrialization? Yes, I believe you are too ignorant to understand this science. What exactly do you do for a living?
1) The settled science on climate change
''We are in an interglacial cycle. Our present temperature is well below the peak temperatures of previous interglacial cycles. We are within the norm, dumbass.


Global Warming : Feature Articles
Lol you dumb shit. How about you read the last sentence of that article? The climate has changed through out the millennia. The difference now is the extraordinary rate. A rate starting in the early 20th century.
Bull fucking shit. The resolution does not exist to make that comparison. Do you know how many data points they have for previous interglacial cycles? Two for each one at most. The comparison you are trying to make cannot be done.

View attachment 114922
lol again your dumbass ignored that last sentence. No one ever said the climate didn't go through cycles through out history. The difference now is the extreme rate. Get a fucking clue.
Were you to ignorant to understand that the resolution of past interglacial's was 2000 years? And that the same rates of change were shown prior to industrialization? Yes, I believe you are too ignorant to understand this science. What exactly do you do for a living?
lol oh you mean the same rates of change were the same PRIOR to industrialization? Yeah that's believable. Then came industrialization you dumbass.
''We are in an interglacial cycle. Our present temperature is well below the peak temperatures of previous interglacial cycles. We are within the norm, dumbass.


Global Warming : Feature Articles
Lol you dumb shit. How about you read the last sentence of that article? The climate has changed through out the millennia. The difference now is the extraordinary rate. A rate starting in the early 20th century.
Bull fucking shit. The resolution does not exist to make that comparison. Do you know how many data points they have for previous interglacial cycles? Two for each one at most. The comparison you are trying to make cannot be done.

View attachment 114922
lol again your dumbass ignored that last sentence. No one ever said the climate didn't go through cycles through out history. The difference now is the extreme rate. Get a fucking clue.
Were you to ignorant to understand that the resolution of past interglacial's was 2000 years? And that the same rates of change were shown prior to industrialization? Yes, I believe you are too ignorant to understand this science. What exactly do you do for a living?
lol oh you mean the same rates of change were the same PRIOR to industrialization? Yeah that's believable. Then came industrialization you dumbass.
No, dumbass, the rate before industrialization (i.e. without man made CO2) were the same as after industrialization. Do you see these slopes? Do you see how they are the same? There has always been variability in temperature. There will always be variability in temperature. Why wouldn't the same thing occur during the other interglacial cycles? It has but it cannot be seen because they only have two data points every 2000 years. Now do you understand?

Primarily because they generally aren't smart enough to understand them. Here's a list:

1) The settled science on climate change

2) The harm of the income disparity on the poor and middle class

3) The high cost of healthcare services in comparison to other nations

4) Our crumbling infrastructure system (our electrical grid will one day fail and it will be catastrophic)

5) The drain on the economy from corporate welfare

6) Republicans in office not giving a shit about their voters.

- Republicans recognize that the Climate does change.
- Income disparity occurs Globally...yet Capitalism provides the best medium to close the Gap. Hence, why every immigrant wants to come Here.
- Obamacare was supposed to reduce healthcare costs. How is that Repulican
''We are in an interglacial cycle. Our present temperature is well below the peak temperatures of previous interglacial cycles. We are within the norm, dumbass.


Global Warming : Feature Articles
Lol you dumb shit. How about you read the last sentence of that article? The climate has changed through out the millennia. The difference now is the extraordinary rate. A rate starting in the early 20th century.
Bull fucking shit. The resolution does not exist to make that comparison. Do you know how many data points they have for previous interglacial cycles? Two for each one at most. The comparison you are trying to make cannot be done.

View attachment 114922
lol again your dumbass ignored that last sentence. No one ever said the climate didn't go through cycles through out history. The difference now is the extreme rate. Get a fucking clue.
Were you to ignorant to understand that the resolution of past interglacial's was 2000 years? And that the same rates of change were shown prior to industrialization? Yes, I believe you are too ignorant to understand this science. What exactly do you do for a living?
lol oh you mean the same rates of change were the same PRIOR to industrialization? Yeah that's believable. Then came industrialization you dumbass.
Do you see the reversals during the other interglacial cycles? Yes, temps do rise and fall in interglacials but the overall trend is increasing. Which brings me to the main point.... our present temperature is still within the normal range of the previous interglacial cycles. What we are experiencing is within the norm of an interglacial cycle. No amount of your arm waving will change this fact.


1) The settled science on climate change
''We are in an interglacial cycle. Our present temperature is well below the peak temperatures of previous interglacial cycles. We are within the norm, dumbass.


Global Warming : Feature Articles
Lol you dumb shit. How about you read the last sentence of that article? The climate has changed through out the millennia. The difference now is the extraordinary rate. A rate starting in the early 20th century.
Bull fucking shit. The resolution does not exist to make that comparison. Do you know how many data points they have for previous interglacial cycles? Two for each one at most. The comparison you are trying to make cannot be done.

View attachment 114922
lol again your dumbass ignored that last sentence. No one ever said the climate didn't go through cycles through out history. The difference now is the extreme rate. Get a fucking clue.
I can't think of a more dishonest argument than the one you are making. If you took the starting temperature from 2000 years ago and drew a line to today's temperature that would be a more representative slope comparison to the previous interglacial cycle's slopes which only had resolution of 2000 years.

I see from your avatar that you proudly proclaim to be a Democratic Socialist which makes perfect sense as they are not only dishonest but incompetent as well.

Tell me if this characterization hits home. Socialism intentionally denies examination because it is irrational. There is no formal defined dogma of socialism. Instead there is only a vague, rosy notion of something good, noble and just: the advent of these things will bring instant euphoria and a social order beyond reproach. Socialism seeks equality through uniformity and communal ownership Socialism has an extraordinary ability to incite and inflame its adherents and inspire social movements. Socialists dismiss their defeats and ignore their incongruities. They desire big government and use big government to implement their morally relativistic social policies. Socialism is a religion. The religious nature of socialism explains their hostility towards traditional religions which is that of one rival religion over another. Their dogma is based on materialism, primitive instincts, atheism and the deification of man. They see no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. They practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural Marxism and normalization of deviance. They worship science but are the first to reject it when it suits their purposes. They can be identified by an external locus of control. Their religious doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and equality via uniformity and communal ownership. They practice critical theory which is the Cultural Marxist theory to criticize what they do not believe to arrive at what they do believe without ever having to examine what they believe. They confuse critical theory for critical thinking.
Primarily because they generally aren't smart enough to understand them. Here's a list:

1) The settled science on climate change

2) The harm of the income disparity on the poor and middle class

3) The high cost of healthcare services in comparison to other nations

4) Our crumbling infrastructure system (our electrical grid will one day fail and it will be catastrophic)

5) The drain on the economy from corporate welfare

6) Republicans in office not giving a shit about their voters.

- Republicans recognize that the Climate does change.
- Income disparity occurs Globally...yet Capitalism provides the best medium to close the Gap. Hence, why every immigrant wants to come Here.
- Obamacare was supposed to reduce healthcare costs. How is that Repulican
okay here is the basic point you aren't getting. The rate of change within the last 100 years or so is unlike any stretch of 100 years prior. Overall, temperatures around the globe are the highest on record. An example of this is Antartica which is recording record high temperatures.
2) The harm of the income disparity on the poor and middle class

When the cost of money is low - like it has been since 2000 - the price of tangible items inflates. Everything but wages - which are not tangible items - has inflated such that the cost of everything has outstripped wages. This is the reason for the so-called income inequality. If you want to blame anyone, blame your federal government as it is their policy to inflate their way out of debt.
lol except that wages among top earners have gone up while wages in the middle class and poor have mostly remained stagnant. That means there is conscious design of where income gains are being made.
Primarily because they generally aren't smart enough to understand them. Here's a list:

1) The settled science on climate change

2) The harm of the income disparity on the poor and middle class

3) The high cost of healthcare services in comparison to other nations

4) Our crumbling infrastructure system (our electrical grid will one day fail and it will be catastrophic)

5) The drain on the economy from corporate welfare

6) Republicans in office not giving a shit about their voters.

Everything is going to be GREAT about America, now that Trump has instructed the EPA to allow coal mines to dump tailings into clean streams....
2) The harm of the income disparity on the poor and middle class

When the cost of money is low - like it has been since 2000 - the price of tangible items inflates. Everything but wages - which are not tangible items - has inflated such that the cost of everything has outstripped wages. This is the reason for the so-called income inequality. If you want to blame anyone, blame your federal government as it is their policy to inflate their way out of debt.
lol except that wages among top earners have gone up while wages in the middle class and poor have mostly remained stagnant. That means there is conscious design of where income gains are being made.
Yes, Einstein. Those people make money off of owning things and when the cost of money is low (i.e. interest rate) the price of tangible items (you may need to look up that word) rises. There is no conscious design. There is no grand conspiracy.

Would you like to regulate prices, profits and wages? Do you even have an inkling of what that means?
Anthropogenic Global Warming, aka: Climate Change, aka: Climate is far from settled. It will never be settled as long as the AGW proponents keep altering data to support their theory, or as long as their computer models will not work in reverse or as long as their predictions fail laughably, etc., atc.

Yes, we have always have tornadoes throughout the midwest on March 1st.
Anthropogenic Global Warming, aka: Climate Change, aka: Climate is far from settled. It will never be settled as long as the AGW proponents keep altering data to support their theory, or as long as their computer models will not work in reverse or as long as their predictions fail laughably, etc., atc.

Yes, we have always have tornadoes throughout the midwest on March 1st. should google this before you post you don't look fucking stupid...

From NOAA.....on the average number of Tornados by month going back to 1989..........and yes...there are tornadoes in the midwest in February and March.....and January genius...

There are were an average of 3 tornados in March in Illinois going back to 1989 genius...

SPC Average Number of Tornadoes per State by Month

There were more than twenty in one night.

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