Republicans don't care about issues that actually matter

Anthropogenic Global Warming, aka: Climate Change, aka: Climate is far from settled. It will never be settled as long as the AGW proponents keep altering data to support their theory, or as long as their computer models will not work in reverse or as long as their predictions fail laughably, etc., atc.

Yes, we have always have tornadoes throughout the midwest on March 1st.

More from the high priests of the man made global warming should pay attention to what your priests wouldn't want to be declared a heretic by disputing their claims....would you?

U.S. Tornado Climatology | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) formerly known as National Climatic Data Center (NCDC)

It's the frequency, scope,severity and duration that is alarming. Not that it happens at all.
Primarily because they generally aren't smart enough to understand them. Here's a list:

1) The settled science on climate change

2) The harm of the income disparity on the poor and middle class

3) The high cost of healthcare services in comparison to other nations

4) Our crumbling infrastructure system (our electrical grid will one day fail and it will be catastrophic)

5) The drain on the economy from corporate welfare

6) Republicans in office not giving a shit about their voters.
What a remarkably stupid thing to say.
You know I'm right.
No, I checked. It's a stupid thing to say.
What did Obama contribute? A failing healthcare plan. Gay marriage and men in girls locker rooms. Liberals should be proud.
Primarily because they generally aren't smart enough to understand them. Here's a list:

You mean the low IQ democrapts and their hypocrisies/lies?

1) The settled science on climate change

The science shows the earth is warming - not the cause.

Funny how the science of GM crops is ten times more definitive than that of the climate - but the liberal/leftist trash won't accept that.

2) The harm of the income disparity on the poor and middle class

Almost entirely driven by the illegal alien hordes - yet the liberal/leftist trash keeps pushing for endless open borders. Yeah, that's rational...

3) The high cost of healthcare services in comparison to other nations

No doubt a problem, but will not see a single-payer system until the illegals deported and the border closed.

4) Our crumbling infrastructure system (our electrical grid will one day fail and it will be catastrophic)

The US spent over $100 BILLION on illegals last year; think of how many roads and bridges that would have fixed.

5) The drain on the economy from corporate welfare

Such as?

6) Republicans in office not giving a shit about their voters.

You defend the democraps claiming they give a shit about their constituents, whom they are economically destroying by importing half of central/south america? Are you tHAT stupid?
Primarily because they generally aren't smart enough to understand them. Here's a list:

Nice list of talking points. To bad you're a partisan hack and don't care about the truth. Here let me help you.

1) The settled science on climate change

Settled in you mind. But it's nice to see Liberal elites traveling in SUVs and private jets leaving their footprint while they tell the rest of us to buy electric cars.

2) The harm of the income disparity on the poor and middle class

This is exactly why Hillary lost the rust belt. The poor to middle class said no thank you to Democrats. Trump already has coal miners back to work.

Coal mining begins seeing revival as Trump gives industry hope

Coal mining begins seeing revival as Trump gives industry hope

3) The high cost of healthcare services in comparison to other nations

Obamacare is crumbling under it's own weight. That's a fact. Costs have gone up for many Americans. Hence Trumps repeal and replace plan. And by the way, you admitted Obamacare is a failure in you data point.

4) Our crumbling infrastructure system (our electrical grid will one day fail and it will be catastrophic)

President Trump wants to introduce a trillion dollar infrastructure bill.

5) The drain on the economy from corporate welfare

Trump is penalizing companies for taking jobs out of the US. He already saved hundreds if not thousands of jobs in the air conditioning and car industry.

6) Republicans in office not giving a shit about their voters.

Right. Which is why Trump addressed the nation Tuesday and reiterated all his promises to the voters. He already picked a conservative judge which was a huge campaign promise.

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