Republicans Eject One Of Their Own From AZ Legislature


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
Sometimes even the Republicans think this election denial crap has gone too far.

This is what it took for Arizona Republicans to expel an election denier

A Republican whackjob who was narrowly elected invited another whackjob to testify before the Arizona legislature. Much hilarity ensued:

For 40 minutes, the witness before a joint committee of the Arizona legislature unfurled her theory: A Mexican drug cartel was secretly paying off state and local government officials as part of an election-fraud scheme. Everyone from the governor on down was implicated. Even senior-ranking Republicans.

When a GOP state senator balked at the outlandish claims and asked the witness, a local insurance agent, who had invited her to the February session, she identified a first-term Republican, state Rep. Liz Harris.

From the dais, Harris motioned her hand across her neck in a gesture commonly used to cue silence.


As we all know, insurance agents are authorities on the subject of the Sinaloa cartel fixing elections. But even the Republicans felt a little spark of doubt.

Actually, Republicans are okay with conspiracy theories, but when you start naming THEM as part of the plot, why, that is just going too far, dammit!

But the case of the Arizona legislator who helped perpetuate the groundless belief that the Sinaloa drug cartel was orchestrating election fraud ended this month with an unusual twist: She was expelled from office by her colleagues, Republicans included.

Here is the best part:

Without offering reliable evidence and largely unchallenged, Breger accused Toma, Gov. Katie Hobbs (D), U.S. Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (I), the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, city judges and other leaders of money laundering, drug trafficking, public corruption and election fraud.

The Mormons and the Sinaloa drug cartel conspired to cheat Trump out of the election, kids! I swear!

Despite the insanity of these claims, the tard herd demanded someone look into the whackjob's allegations.

Without fanfare, the sheriff assigned two detectives to review the allegations to determine if they merited a full investigation, according to records obtained by The Washington Post and interviews with those familiar with the review.

Detectives soon concluded there was no evidence of corruption.

ZOMG! Now the entire fricking Sheriff's department is in on the conspiracy!

It now falls to the Republican-led governing board of Maricopa County, which helps administer elections and defied efforts by Trump’s allies to overturn the vote in 2020, to fill the vacant seat. But the board will have a limited set of options: State law requires it to pick a replacement for Harris from among a pool chosen by the local Republican Party.

Guess who the county has placed in the pool to replace Liz Harris.

After two rounds of voting by precinct committee members that stretched late into the night, Republicans settled on three candidates. One was Harris, the top vote-getter. :spinner:

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