Republicans fall quiet in face of Obama deficit success

well, whooop dee doo !!

what about the DEBT ?

still over $16,000,000,000,000,000


and the libs/democrats just keep :dig: the debt hole deeper and deeper.
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Actually, since the end of March the US Deficit has already hit $600 Billion...
Where do they get the numbers? From the fired IRS agents? Unemployment is staggering and inner cities are ghost towns.
gee.....What have conservatives been saying for the past 5 years?

Create more jobs and the government will get more tax receipts!?!

Or do you think that the deficit went down because Obama cut spending?

well, whooop dee doo !!

what about the DEBT ?

still over $16,000,000,000,000,000[/IMG

and the libs/democrats just keep :dig: the debt hole deeper and deeper.[/quote]

What about it?

[url=]It Is Impossible For The US To Default - Forbes[/url]
well, whooop dee doo !!

what about the DEBT ?

still over $16,000,000,000,000,000[/IMG

and the libs/democrats just keep :dig: the debt hole deeper and deeper.[/quote]
The national debt is over 16 trillion dollars but the number that you wrote above is far more.
But that's what I would expect from a low ranking Republican like you. You don't even know what 1 trillion dollars looks like, you just regurgitate what you hear on FAUX NOISE. Here, I will help you. Take three of those zeros off your calculation and you will have 16 trillion.
Obama deficit problems are on the back burner now. The IRS and Benghazi clusterfucks are on the radar now.
Oh my, the deficit reduced $800 Billion under Obama ... more than predicted.
My comment ^^
Rachel Maddow Show

American politics being as partisan as they are, there are only two sides, which are black and white; very few see any shades of gray. The economy is improving; I think anyone who is honest can see that, and as those with some perspective predicted, it did not happen immediately and won't be 'cured' in a short period of time, but it is improving. As well, the so called scandals directed toward the Administration show some failings, some mistakes, some errors of judgment, but qualitatively, they are not at all any different than in any other administration, though some scandals in previous administrations have been much worse. If the current Administration were Republican, with the same problems, successes and failures, both the Right and the Left would be singing the opposite tunes they are today. The worst thing and the most damaging aspect for the US government and effective leadership (the Congress, House, Administration, and all other arms of the government) of the country is partisanship.
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Obama deficit problems are on the back burner now. The IRS and Benghazi clusterfucks are on the radar now.

And both are being quickly denounced.

Sorry...................but Benghazi was pretty much a failure of the GOP to provide adequate funds to protect our ambassadors.

The IRS clusterfuck is because of someone who was appointed by Jr., and kept onboard by the Obama administration. Obama knew nothing of it, it was generated by lower level bureaucrats.

Wanna talk about the AP as well?

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