Republicans fall quiet in face of Obama deficit success

Get back to me when Barry leaves office.

Lets see what his figures look like then. Don't forget we have the ACA coming down the road in 2014. How much did the CBO say that little gem was gonna cost??

Here's a clue.

Part of the reason for the fall of the deficit.

Is the ACA!

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

That little Gem is gonna cost how many billiion??

You think its cost is gonna lower the cost anything??

Its got 21 tax hikes built into it.
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Obama is not the biggest spender in history

puuulllease spare me the lies that the left keep spewing, no U.S. president in history has ever blew away over $5,000,000,000,000.00 in 4 years !!!!!!!

WHY.., do liarberals continue to spread this "not the biggest spender" LIE ?
. No, President Obama is not the biggest spender in history. That discussion was short lived in another forum when a credible and verifiable source showed just the opposite.
Who Is The Smallest Government Spender Since Eisenhower? Would You Believe It's Barack Obama? - Forbes
Here's a little better source. I don't see anything frugal about these projections, and; speaking of projections, Obama's numbers are notorious for being revised upwards once the spending starts.

I see that your a source has been filtered through the Heritage Foundation; a . notorious right right wing think tank to which I wouldn't give any more Credence than the Storm Front.
No thanks, I'll stick with Forbe's matrix which has been verified and comes directly from the CBO and the OMB.

Pay particularly close attention to that last line in my graph that indicates the 2009 budget belongs to Bush.but was reassigned to. Obama. Your graph conspicuously omits that fact. Still, federal spending under Obama has been less than any other administration sine Ike.

this is so fucking funny, i am ROFLMFAOH interp. Rolling On Floor Laughing My Fucking Ass Off Hysterically :laugh2:
This is the lastest falsehood coming from this evil and corrupt regime. They will use it to increase spending and that's the whole point of them making up the story.
. No, President Obama is not the biggest spender in history. That discussion was short lived in another forum when a credible and verifiable source showed just the opposite.
Who Is The Smallest Government Spender Since Eisenhower? Would You Believe It's Barack Obama? - Forbes
Here's a little better source. I don't see anything frugal about these projections, and; speaking of projections, Obama's numbers are notorious for being revised upwards once the spending starts.

I see that your a source has been filtered through the Heritage Foundation; a . notorious right right wing think tank to which I wouldn't give any more Credence than the Storm Front.
No thanks, I'll stick with Forbe's matrix which has been verified and comes directly from the CBO and the OMB.

Pay particularly close attention to that last line in my graph that indicates the 2009 budget belongs to Bush but the stimulus of 2009 was reassigned to. Obama. Your graph conspicuously omits that fact. Still, federal spending under Obama has been less than any other administration sine Ike.

Yet another lolberal who cannot read a chart.
Do you really need me to explain to you why the chart you just posted does not support what you are trying to say?

We have had an uptick in revenue, probably from people changing their income behavior ahead of the enormous tax increases scheduled. That wont last. And when spending from Obamacare kicks in next year the deficits will get truly ugly. Remember that the taxes to pay for this monstrosity are already being collected. BUt not expenditures are going out.
Oh my, the deficit reduced $800 Billion under Obama ... more than predicted.
My comment ^^
Rachel Maddow Show

YOU don't show the article because LIKE MADOW you aren't telling the whole f...king truth!
You and your ilk are so ignorant about the concept of "DEFICIT"!!!

"The CBO projects a $642 billion budget deficit for fiscal year 2013,
down more than $200 billion from its February estimate and the smallest annual shortfall since 2008.
It is the lowest level of deficit spending to date under President Obama, who faced $1 trillion or more in annual deficits during his first term.

Historical Tables | The White House
Federal receipts 2000
$2.025 trillion
$1.788 trillion outlays
$0.236 trillion deficit

Federal receipts 2001
$1.991 trillion
$1.862 trillion outlays
$0.128 trillion deficit

Federal receipts 2002
$1.853 trillion
$2.010 trillion outlays
$0.157 trillion deficit

Federal receipts 2003
$1.782 trillion
$2.159 trillion outlays
$0.377 trillion deficit

Federal receipts 2004
$1.880 trillion
$2.292 trillion outlays
$0.412 trillion deficit

Federal receipts 2005
$2.153 trillion
$2.471 trillion outlays
$0.318 trillion deficit

Federal receipts 2006
$2.406 trillion
$2.655 trillion outlays
$0.248 trillion deficit

Federal receipts 2007
$2.567 trillion
$2.728 trillion outlays
$0.160 trillion deficit

Federal receipts 2008
$2.523 trillion
$2.982 trillion outlays
$0.458 trillion deficit

Federal receipts 2009
$2.104 trillion
$3.517 trillion outlays
$1.412 trillion deficit

Federal receipts 2010
$2.162 trillion
$3.457 trillion outlays
$1.294 trillion deficit

Federal receipts 2011
$2.303 trillion
$3.603 trillion outlays
$1.299 trillion deficit

Federal receipts 2012
$2.450 trillion
$3.537 trillion outlays
$1.086 trillion deficit

WHERE UNDER BUSH was there EVER a Trillion deficit!!!!!
Libs are bad at hard things like math and economics. They do better with that empathy stuff. That makes them easily duped by an ugly dyke like Rachel Maddow.
How was running 4 straight $1 trillion deficits "success"? You can't claim success for this... The debt is still over 16 trillion, Obama has still spent more than Bush, and Liberals still have nothing to brag about. But this is another liberal deflection from scandalous behavior of the Obama administration.

You are either incredibly obtuse or grossly misinformed. Obviously you don't know who controls the purse strings of the federal government. Care to take a guess? You probably would not know so I guess I better tell you: Presently, tis the House of Representatives which is controlled by Republicans.
You ought a know that the Republicans have been very Scrooge-like when it comes to giving Obama any leeway with spending. But they couldn't very well ignore two unfunded wars started by Bush and passed on to Obama now could they? Are you still too dense to see the illusion Republicans have created for political gain? Obama is getting the blame for many of the charges Bush put on the Government's credit card.
Liberal "logic":

Conservatives are wrong, lowering taxes doesn't increase revenue!

Conservatives are wrong, Obama lowered taxes, not raised them!

Conservatives are wrong, the defecit is increasing at a slower rate!
How was running 4 straight $1 trillion deficits "success"? You can't claim success for this... The debt is still over 16 trillion, Obama has still spent more than Bush, and Liberals still have nothing to brag about. But this is another liberal deflection from scandalous behavior of the Obama administration.

You are either incredibly obtuse or grossly misinformed. Obviously you don't know who controls the purse strings of the federal government. Care to take a guess? You probably would not know so I guess I better tell you: Presently, tis the House of Representatives which is controlled by Republicans.
You ought a know that the Republicans have been very Scrooge-like when it comes to giving Obama any leeway with spending. But they couldn't very well ignore two unfunded wars started by Bush and passed on to Obama now could they? Are you still too dense to see the illusion Republicans have created for political gain? Obama is getting the blame for many of the charges Bush put on the Government's credit card.

Um, the Democrats controlled the House from 2006 to 2010. WHich is when most of the increased spending was passed. That it is less now is testament to the GOP House, which won't rubber stamp whatever crap Obama pushes their way.
Another lib post who accidentally points out how great the GOP is!

Libs are bad at math, economics, and history!
I wonder if we really remember the status of the nation when Obama took over? It was the first time I was really worried that another depression was going to hit, even GM was getting ready to go under. What had those Republicans done to this economy, never mind the wars? Give to the rich and it will trickle down, and some people bought it, how stupid could we have been? No longer do Republicans do the trickle-down thing but replaced it with the Benghazi thing.
How was running 4 straight $1 trillion deficits "success"? You can't claim success for this... The debt is still over 16 trillion, Obama has still spent more than Bush, and Liberals still have nothing to brag about. But this is another liberal deflection from scandalous behavior of the Obama administration.

You are either incredibly obtuse or grossly misinformed. Obviously you don't know who controls the purse strings of the federal government. Care to take a guess? You probably would not know so I guess I better tell you: Presently, tis the House of Representatives which is controlled by Republicans.
You ought a know that the Republicans have been very Scrooge-like when it comes to giving Obama any leeway with spending. But they couldn't very well ignore two unfunded wars started by Bush and passed on to Obama now could they? Are you still too dense to see the illusion Republicans have created for political gain? Obama is getting the blame for many of the charges Bush put on the Government's credit card.

So when Dems ran Congress we had the biggest deficits in human history but now that Republicans control Congress the deficits are coming down
Here's a little better source. I don't see anything frugal about these projections, and; speaking of projections, Obama's numbers are notorious for being revised upwards once the spending starts.

I see that your a source has been filtered through the Heritage Foundation; a . notorious right right wing think tank to which I wouldn't give any more Credence than the Storm Front.
No thanks, I'll stick with Forbe's matrix which has been verified and comes directly from the CBO and the OMB.

Pay particularly close attention to that last line in my graph that indicates the 2009 budget belongs to Bush but the stimulus of 2009 was reassigned to. Obama. Your graph conspicuously omits that fact. Still, federal spending under Obama has been less than any other administration sine Ike.

Yet another lolberal who cannot read a chart.
Do you really need me to explain to you why the chart you just posted does not support what you are trying to say?

We have had an uptick in revenue, probably from people changing their income behavior ahead of the enormous tax increases scheduled. That wont last. And when spending from Obamacare kicks in next year the deficits will get truly ugly. Remember that the taxes to pay for this monstrosity are already being collected. But not expenditures are going out.

Oh I insist ]that you point out how my "edited" narrative you just quoted doesn't support the data on my chart. While I was revising it the old one was being simultaneously copied. The version you quoted is the one I meant to use.

Btw...what the hell does an "uptick" in revenue have to do with anything if the Repub House won't. allow it to be spent for anything except to pay committed debt responsibilities that largely originated on Bush's watch? Very little new spending occurred on Obama's watch. Another thing, before you start criticizing me about my math and chart reading abilities you better check your buddy's . . At least I know the difference between 1 trillion and one quadrillion.
I wonder if we really remember the status of the nation when Obama took over? It was the first time I was really worried that another depression was going to hit, even GM was getting ready to go under. What had those Republicans done to this economy, never mind the wars? Give to the rich and it will trickle down, and some people bought it, how stupid could we have been? No longer do Republicans do the trickle-down thing but replaced it with the Benghazi thing.

GM was bankrupt and could have worked out their cost structure
How was running 4 straight $1 trillion deficits "success"? You can't claim success for this... The debt is still over 16 trillion, Obama has still spent more than Bush, and Liberals still have nothing to brag about. But this is another liberal deflection from scandalous behavior of the Obama administration.

You are either incredibly obtuse or grossly misinformed. Obviously you don't know who controls the purse strings of the federal government. Care to take a guess? You probably would not know so I guess I better tell you: Presently, tis the House of Representatives which is controlled by Republicans.
You ought a know that the Republicans have been very Scrooge-like when it comes to giving Obama any leeway with spending. But they couldn't very well ignore two unfunded wars started by Bush and passed on to Obama now could they? Are you still too dense to see the illusion Republicans have created for political gain? Obama is getting the blame for many of the charges Bush put on the Government's credit card.

So whe the house when Reagan and some big spenders word officen Dems ran Congress we had the biggest deficits in human history but now that Republicans control Congress the deficits are coming down
Not necessarily, I guess an interested person would do the meticulous research necessary to find out who controlled the house when Reagan and some of the other big spenders were in office.
How was running 4 straight $1 trillion deficits "success"? You can't claim success for this... The debt is still over 16 trillion, Obama has still spent more than Bush, and Liberals still have nothing to brag about. But this is another liberal deflection from scandalous behavior of the Obama administration.
You are either incredibly obtuse or grossly misinformed. Obviously you don't know who controls the purse strings of the federal government. Care to take a guess? You probably would not know so I guess I better tell you: Presently, tis the House of Representatives which is controlled by Republicans.
You ought a know that the Republicans have been very Scrooge-like when it comes to giving Obama any leeway with spending. But they couldn't very well ignore two unfunded wars started by Bush and passed on to Obama now could they? Are you still too dense to see the illusion Republicans have created for political gain? Obama is getting the blame for many of the charges Bush put on the Government's credit card.

Um, the Democrats controlled the House from 2006 to 2010. WHich is when most of the increased spending was passed. That it is less now is testament to the GOP House, which won't rubber stamp whatever crap Obama pushes their way.
Another lib post who accidentally points out how great the GOP is!

Libs are bad at math, economics, and history!

Have you utterly for gotten that there were two unfunded wars going on at that time?
With the bombing of the World Trade Centers fresh in everybody's mind it was no surprise Democrats followed Bush's lead and Virtually gave him a blank check. Personally, I disagreed with it then and I disagree with that decision today

BTW... so called Libs are not only good at math , economics and history, they teach it in most of the Universities of this country.
There is a big difference in a House of Representatives with a Tip O'Neil and a John Boehner. Reagan worked closely with the speaker, Democratic Tip O'Neil to save Social Security, Reagan's trickle-down, however, was a disaster. Reagan compensated for the trickle-down disaster by tripling the national debt. The American economy might have recovered from that debt but along comes Bush to double that debt again and we were on our way. But Iran-Contra was Reagan's disaster or Reagan might have been rated higher than 18th out of 43 presidents.

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