Republicans fall quiet in face of Obama deficit success

First of all, if Rachel Maddow reported it, it's probably not true. But even if it is, the deficit is STILL in record territory. When you overspend by $1.2 trillion, and cut it by $800 billion, That still leaves $400 billion being added to the record debt he created. So, even if the numbers are accurate (which I highly doubt), he is still the biggest spender in history.
Obama deficit problems are on the back burner now. The IRS and Benghazi clusterfucks are on the radar now.

And both are being quickly denounced.

Sorry...................but Benghazi was pretty much a failure of the GOP to provide adequate funds to protect our ambassadors.

The IRS clusterfuck is because of someone who was appointed by Jr., and kept onboard by the Obama administration. Obama knew nothing of it, it was generated by lower level bureaucrats.

Wanna talk about the AP as well?
Sorry, that's just stupid. If you're trying to deflect criticism you're going to have to do a lot better than that.
Reminds me of the store owner who raises the price of milk by 20 cents a gallon, then cuts it by 5 cents and claims he cut prices.
First of all, if Rachel Maddow reported it, it's probably not true. But even if it is, the deficit is STILL in record territory. When you overspend by $1.2 trillion, and cut it by $800 billion, That still leaves $400 billion being added to the record debt he created. So, even if the numbers are accurate (which I highly doubt), he is still the biggest spender in history.

. No, President Obama is not the biggest spender in history. That discussion was short lived in another forum when a credible and verifiable source showed just the opposite.
Who Is The Smallest Government Spender Since Eisenhower? Would You Believe It's Barack Obama? - Forbes
First of all, if Rachel Maddow reported it, it's probably not true. But even if it is, the deficit is STILL in record territory. When you overspend by $1.2 trillion, and cut it by $800 billion, That still leaves $400 billion being added to the record debt he created. So, even if the numbers are accurate (which I highly doubt), he is still the biggest spender in history.

. No, President Obama is not the biggest spender in history. That discussion was short lived in another forum when a credible and verifiable source showed just the opposite.
Who Is The Smallest Government Spender Since Eisenhower? Would You Believe It's Barack Obama? - Forbes
Here's a little better source. I don't see anything frugal about these projections, and speaking of projections, Obama's numbers are notorious for being revised upwards once the spending starts.

Get back to me when Barry leaves office.

Lets see what his figures look like then. Don't forget we have the ACA coming down the road in 2014. How much did the CBO say that little gem was gonna cost??
Current national debt 16,823,301,525,180 and counting rapidly Democrats strangely quiet on that.

Well no.

And what's happening here is that is being addressed.

The first part of that is shrinking the deficit.

Something conservative clowns have no fucking clue how to do.

Every single conservative administration since Eisenhower has exploded the debt and deficit.
Get back to me when Barry leaves office.

Lets see what his figures look like then. Don't forget we have the ACA coming down the road in 2014. How much did the CBO say that little gem was gonna cost??

Here's a clue.

Part of the reason for the fall of the deficit.

Is the ACA!
Obama deficit problems are on the back burner now. The IRS and Benghazi clusterfucks are on the radar now.

And both are being quickly denounced.

Sorry...................but Benghazi was pretty much a failure of the GOP to provide adequate funds to protect our ambassadors.

The IRS clusterfuck is because of someone who was appointed by Jr., and kept onboard by the Obama administration. Obama knew nothing of it, it was generated by lower level bureaucrats.

Wanna talk about the AP as well?

Wait I thought Steven turned down additional security?

Which is it?
Obama deficit problems are on the back burner now. The IRS and Benghazi clusterfucks are on the radar now.

And both are being quickly denounced.

Sorry...................but Benghazi was pretty much a failure of the GOP to provide adequate funds to protect our ambassadors.

The IRS clusterfuck is because of someone who was appointed by Jr., and kept onboard by the Obama administration. Obama knew nothing of it, it was generated by lower level bureaucrats.

Wanna talk about the AP as well?

Wait I thought Steven turned down additional security?

Which is it?

Why are they mutually exclusive?
First of all, if Rachel Maddow reported it, it's probably not true. But even if it is, the deficit is STILL in record territory. When you overspend by $1.2 trillion, and cut it by $800 billion, That still leaves $400 billion being added to the record debt he created. So, even if the numbers are accurate (which I highly doubt), he is still the biggest spender in history.

How about 3 trillion for a war based on lies? That is the Bush legacy.
How was running 4 straight $1 trillion deficits "success"? You can't claim success for this... The debt is still over 16 trillion, Obama has still spent more than Bush, and Liberals still have nothing to brag about. But this is another liberal deflection from scandalous behavior of the Obama administration.
First of all, if Rachel Maddow reported it, it's probably not true. But even if it is, the deficit is STILL in record territory. When you overspend by $1.2 trillion, and cut it by $800 billion, That still leaves $400 billion being added to the record debt he created. So, even if the numbers are accurate (which I highly doubt), he is still the biggest spender in history.

How about 3 trillion for a war based on lies? That is the Bush legacy.

How about continuing that war 5 years after you promised to end it? (Iraq last year perhaps, but still, that wasn't the deal)
How was running 4 straight $1 trillion deficits "success"? You can't claim success for this... The debt is still over 16 trillion, Obama has still spent more than Bush, and Liberals still have nothing to brag about. But this is another liberal deflection from scandalous behavior of the Obama administration.

How about successfully preventing the Second Great Republican Depression? For that is where we were headed when President Obama took office. You people completely screwed up. Two failed wars, let the fellow that murdered 3000 Americans on American soil go, and totally tanked the economy.

And now you are trying to shift the blame for your total incompetance to the person that pulled all of our chestnuts out of the fire.

Your so-called scandals are unraveling, and you are going to experiance some major blowback on that nonsense. In the meantime, people see that the economy is slowly improving in spite of your efforts to destroy it.
How was running 4 straight $1 trillion deficits "success"? You can't claim success for this... The debt is still over 16 trillion, Obama has still spent more than Bush, and Liberals still have nothing to brag about. But this is another liberal deflection from scandalous behavior of the Obama administration.

How about successfully preventing the Second Great Republican Depression? For that is where we were headed when President Obama took office. You people completely screwed up. Two failed wars, let the fellow that murdered 3000 Americans on American soil go, and totally tanked the economy.

And now you are trying to shift the blame for your total incompetance to the person that pulled all of our chestnuts out of the fire.

Your so-called scandals are unraveling, and you are going to experiance some major blowback on that nonsense. In the meantime, people see that the economy is slowly improving in spite of your efforts to destroy it.

How can Republicans cause a depression? They haven't been in control of both houses since 2006! So how are you blaming Republicans? You have a majority in the Senate. You have a Senate who took almost 4 1/2 years to pass a budget and has to date rejected any measure to reduce spending and the deficit.

So how exactly are you claiming any success on this? Oh wait, you'll just blame Bush for it like you always have.
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First of all, if Rachel Maddow reported it, it's probably not true. But even if it is, the deficit is STILL in record territory. When you overspend by $1.2 trillion, and cut it by $800 billion, That still leaves $400 billion being added to the record debt he created. So, even if the numbers are accurate (which I highly doubt), he is still the biggest spender in history.

. No, President Obama is not the biggest spender in history. That discussion was short lived in another forum when a credible and verifiable source showed just the opposite.
Who Is The Smallest Government Spender Since Eisenhower? Would You Believe It's Barack Obama? - Forbes
Here's a little better source. I don't see anything frugal about these projections, and; speaking of projections, Obama's numbers are notorious for being revised upwards once the spending starts.

I see that your a source has been filtered through the Heritage Foundation; a . notorious right right wing think tank to which I wouldn't give any more Credence than the Storm Front.
No thanks, I'll stick with Forbe's matrix which has been verified and comes directly from the CBO and the OMB.

Pay particularly close attention to that last line in my graph that indicates the 2009 budget belongs to Bush but the stimulus of 2009 was reassigned to. Obama. Your graph conspicuously omits that fact. Still, federal spending under Obama has been less than any other administration sine Ike.
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