Republicans find CBO numbers unfavorable


Platinum Member
May 19, 2014
The C.B.O. produces a variety of budget and economic analyses, including deficit projections, legislative options for lawmakers confronting the nation’s most vexing problems, and cost estimates for legislation.

Its director, Keith Hall, was appointed in 2015 by congressional Republicans, and it has maintained respect for its objective analysis.

But with an unfavorable analysis expected, Republicans from the White House to Capitol Hill began to undermine the credibility of the budget office’s numbers last week and kept it up through the weekend.

G.O.P. Health Law Insures Fewer People, Nonpartisan Review Shows


Republicans forgot appoint a man that would kiss their ass, and lie for them.
The deficit will be cut by $375 Billion dollars.

So yah, Lefty Fake News again.

And In Real News!

This just in:

Barak Benedict Arnold Jefferson Davis NO SURPRISE HERE.. circumvented our laws and did the Wire Tapping through a 3rd party with connection to British Intelligence and that is how he got the transcripts of the wire tap.

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