Republicans force women to have babies? Looks like they force themselves


Platinum Member
Apr 22, 2024
A woman who gets pregnant when she doesn't want to be pregnant is a very confused, lost person

But should her child die because of that? Is that right and just?

Why should an innocent person die because of the social missteps of the "parent (s)"?

What we should do is teach young girls AND boys while they are still teachable (in high school at the latest) that having a child is a BIG deal. One should not help create a child one cannot care for. That seems basic.

Why are we not teaching young people these important facts? Instead we are teaching them to hate their own gender and consider mutilating themselves as a result. .. teaching them that all Whites are evil and selfish and all Blacks are victims and saintly..

some educational system we have.

Republicans (they also are taught) are evil for wanting to respect ALL human life, cradle to grave.. which means not allowing people to murder their children!

Those evil so and sos!
A woman who gets pregnant when she doesn't want to be pregnant is a very confused, lost person

But should her child die because of that? Is that right and just?

Why should an innocent person die because of the social missteps of the "parent (s)"?

What we should do is teach young girls AND boys while they are still teachable (in high school at the latest) that having a child is a BIG deal. One should not help create a child one cannot care for. That seems basic.

Why are we not teaching young people these important facts? Instead we are teaching them to hate their own gender and consider mutilating themselves as a result. .. teaching them that all Whites are evil and selfish and all Blacks are victims and saintly..

some educational system we have.

Republicans (they also are taught) are evil for wanting to respect ALL human life, cradle to grave.. which means not allowing people to murder their children!

Those evil so and sos!
The Left does not value human life period.

From a Leftist point of view, there is no God, therefore, man is just a glorified animal.

What do we do with animals? We lock them in zoos for our amusement, use them as beasts of burden, and kill and eat them. Men are then looked at in the same fashion by the Left.

Moreover, man is viewed by the Left as destroying the planet via global warming. The solution the Left has is to reduce human population and their subsequent carbon footprints.

So, the combination of not valuing life and wanting to depopulate the world drives them to push abortion in their own country and around the world.

From a religious point of view, however, man was made above the animal kingdom, and as such, has special rights. Those of faith would therefore save a human being over the life of an animal if having to make the choice. And no matter how mentally damaged a human being may be, they have intrinsic value to be cared for and saved because they are made in the image of God.

This is why Marxist despots that engage in genocide have no fear of treating human beings like cattle, with no fear of ever having to answer for it to a higher power.
The Left does not value human life period.

From a Leftist point of view, there is no God, therefore, man is just a glorified animal.

What do we do with animals? We lock them in zoos for our amusement, use them as beasts of burden, and kill and eat them. Men are then looked at in the same fashion by the Left.

Moreover, man is viewed by the Left as destroying the planet via global warming. The solution the Left has is to reduce human population and their subsequent carbon footprints.

So, the combination of not valuing life and wanting to depopulate the world drives them to push abortion in their own country and around the world.

From a religious point of view, however, man was made above the animal kingdom, and as such, has special rights. Those of faith would therefore save a human being over the life of an animal if having to make the choice. And no matter how mentally damaged a human being may be, they have intrinsic value to be cared for and saved because they are made in the image of God.

This is why Marxist despots that engage in genocide have no fear of treating human beings like cattle, with no fear of ever having to answer for it to a higher power.

That is a well written summation of a leftist.

But you can't say they have no god. Their god is Politics and Power.

No, that doesn't seem like a very good god, but... it's all they have. Frankly, I had thought that they were leftists simply because.. well, not so much bc they think humans are nothing more than glorified animals (if that), but more because

they're just retarded
fork is no judge of morality or maternal science.

And a fetus is not a child.
well, it is difficult to argue, we conservatives have to admit, that maybe, just maybe SOME fetuses are not

a child... you know, the fetus YOU used to be

dunno... could be an exception... ?

You guys don't or won't or can't understand science, so we just have to laugh at you.
well, it is difficult to argue, we conservatives have to admit, that maybe, just maybe SOME fetuses are not

a child... you know, the fetus YOU used to be

dunno... could be an exception... ?

Ladies, if ya don't want babies, stop letting stray men fuck you. Men, don't put your naked penis in a stray vagina and ejaculate in it. Duh.
If you don't want to have a baby then don't have one. It really is that easy.

A lot of women act like are being forced to have babies. But they are not. They chose to engage in risky behavior that can result in pregnancy. if you gamble you better be prepared to lose. If you don't want to lose then don't gamble. No one makes them rawdog every dick, no one tells them you can't use birth control, no one tells them that you can simply not have random sex and so on.

I'm 48 and I never wanted to have kids, so I was always careful when I had sex and sometimes I just simply didn't have sex despite the opportunity. So I never had a child because deep down I don't think I would be a good parent.

Self control, personal responsibility, morals, values and standards would eliminate a shit ton of unwanted pregnancies. But a lot of women want the ability to be irresponsible sluts that use abortion as their way out of being responsible.
A woman who gets pregnant when she doesn't want to be pregnant is a very confused, lost person

But should her child die because of that? Is that right and just?

Why should an innocent person die because of the social missteps of the "parent (s)"?

What we should do is teach young girls AND boys while they are still teachable (in high school at the latest) that having a child is a BIG deal. One should not help create a child one cannot care for. That seems basic.

Why are we not teaching young people these important facts? Instead we are teaching them to hate their own gender and consider mutilating themselves as a result. .. teaching them that all Whites are evil and selfish and all Blacks are victims and saintly..

some educational system we have.

Republicans (they also are taught) are evil for wanting to respect ALL human life, cradle to grave.. which means not allowing people to murder their children!

Those evil so and sos!
nature forces a women to give birth not a person let alone a republican,,,,
fork is no judge of morality or maternal science.

And a fetus is not a child.
Tell that to a mother who endures a late term abortion where a full term baby is reversed in the birth canal and she looks down while the life inside her is stabbed in the back of the head and it's brain sucked out with a frankenstein machine. Some democrats tried to outlaw partial birth abortion bur the baby killing establishment won't even concede that much.
Tell that to a mother who endures a late term abortion where a full term baby is reversed in the birth canal and she looks down while the life inside her is stabbed in the back of the head and it's brain sucked out with a frankenstein machine. Some democrats tried to outlaw partial birth abortion bur the baby killing establishment won't even concede that much.
Tell that to a doctor scientist.

You guys have no authority on terms and definition on reproductive science.

No one kills a full term fetus unless it is not viable outside the host body or if it is a threat to mother's health and life.

You do not have one example of elective full term abortion for "just because."

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