Republicans getting the BIG donations from billionaires, Democrats getting the small donations

Obamacare was just a step in the direction of UHC, and the GOP is going along with it. All their cries of moral outrage are just theater for you rubes
Obamacare is over after the midterms....Trump already has a market based replacement in the works that will be better for all.....
When the FUCK will you catch on you were sold down the river to universal health care by the Republicans a long, long time ago?
Do I need to find the link of Obama promising single payer...?
That's the ultimate goal. Obama had the guts to say it out loud. The Republicans are pussies. They sold you down the river to UHC decades ago, and you STILL haven't caught on.

The GOP counted on you rubes being so fucking submissive, you don't even dare raise your voices to ask where the Obamacare replacement is they've been promising you for eight years.


"It musta fallen out of our pocket!"
Obamacare was just a step in the direction of UHC, and the GOP is going along with it. All their cries of moral outrage are just theater for you rubes
Obamacare is over after the midterms....Trump already has a market based replacement in the works that will be better for all.....

My god, you really are one stupid rube.
Republicans getting the BIG donations from billionaires, Democrats getting the small donations


And yet, you manage to make that sound like a bad thing.

Obamacare is a disaster. A yuge bag of dicks. As I said many years ago:
Obama will go down in history as creating one of the most expensive entitlement programs in history. Long after he has left office and is laughing his ass off on the golf course in his retirement, the states will be going bankrupt, thanks to ObamaCare.

All Trump has succeeded in doing is sabotaging it to the point it has become an even bigger disaster.

And the result is record high medical costs. Welcome to TrumpCare.

Thanks a fucking lot, Trump!
"You're going to have such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost, and it's going to be so easy."

And all the rubes cheered. To this day, they have not caught on they were hoaxed.

They are so submissive to their master, they don't have the balls to ask where that cheap health care plan is.
Democrats Outperforming Republicans in Small Donations

The GOP is buying the House. Literally.

If Republicans succeed in keeping the House in November, it will have been bought for them by corporations and the rich — quite literally.

Records show House Republican incumbents in seats targeted by Democrats are getting almost all their campaign funds from large contributors (often those who donate $2,700 or $5,400) and political action committees. Only a tiny fraction comes from those who give $200 or less.


So Republicans are raking in the money. Democrats are getting their funding from millions of Americans giving $10 and $20.
I read that one large corporation was giving hundreds of thousands of dollars from management, but more than 90% of the workers were giving to Democrats in small donations.

It sounds dire. How can Democrats fight all that money?

It's all a matter of perspective. Every donor who gives the Democrats $10 will vote Democrat. Every CEO who gives a hundred thousand dollars to Republicans is still only one vote.

We can only save this country if we get out and vote. We have to save the country from greedy billionaires, racists and sexual predators.

33 days and counting.


Thank goodness for uncle vlad.
I've said it before, I'll say it again. If the Democrats take control of Congress, I believe Trump will make UHC his number one domestic agenda item.

He's too lazy and too stupid to come up with a market solution. And he has always been a big proponent of UHC.

You know how he will handle the Republicans who get in his way on the road to UHC?

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Fake Trump Tweet - Make Your Own Instantly
I've said it before, I'll say it again. If the Democrats take control of Congress, I believe Trump will make UHC his number one domestic agenda item.

He's too lazy and too stupid to come up with a market solution. And he has always been a big proponent of UHC.

You know how he will handle the Republicans who get in his way on the road to UHC?

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Fake Trump Tweet - Make Your Own Instantly
If Trump decides to get on the bandwagon and make universal healthcare available for all Americans then I’m all for it. The bottom line is it’s all about the American people. For Republicans it’s all about corporations and billionaires, for Democrats it’s about everyone else.

That’s one thing that Republicans just can’t deny.
Neither party is concerned about the middle class. It's only dupes who buy the proven empty rhetoric.
Democrats Outperforming Republicans in Small Donations

The GOP is buying the House. Literally.

If Republicans succeed in keeping the House in November, it will have been bought for them by corporations and the rich — quite literally.

Records show House Republican incumbents in seats targeted by Democrats are getting almost all their campaign funds from large contributors (often those who donate $2,700 or $5,400) and political action committees. Only a tiny fraction comes from those who give $200 or less.


So Republicans are raking in the money. Democrats are getting their funding from millions of Americans giving $10 and $20.
I read that one large corporation was giving hundreds of thousands of dollars from management, but more than 90% of the workers were giving to Democrats in small donations.

It sounds dire. How can Democrats fight all that money?

It's all a matter of perspective. Every donor who gives the Democrats $10 will vote Democrat. Every CEO who gives a hundred thousand dollars to Republicans is still only one vote.

We can only save this country if we get out and vote. We have to save the country from greedy billionaires, racists and sexual predators.

33 days and counting.


Look atvtgeee litykenprople working overtime.

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